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Chapter 27 Calculation

 On Thursday afternoon, I spent the morning's Transfiguration class and Charms class.

Freshmen ushered in a course that is unique to first-year students - flying lessons!

Flying lessons are not in the classroom or on the Quidditch pitch.

But on the big lawn in front of the castle.

The flying lesson professor is a witch who looks younger.

According to Elise, she is also the referee for the Quidditch match at Hogwarts.

"My name is Alice Creek. I hope you will strictly remember every word I say in this class, because if an accident occurs in the sky, you must first learn to save yourself! Don't expect me on the ground to help you in the air.

You are flying at high speed!"

Professor Clark smiled and said in the sternest tone.

Fortunately, everyone present was a young wizard beaten by Ravenclaw.

Although the professor's words were convoluted, they all understood.

In the first week of class, too many people will make the professor overwhelmed.

Professor Karak deliberately spread out the classes in the first week and took the lead in selecting the most obedient and calm Ravenclaw students as the experimental subjects for the first lesson of the semester.

In order to protect the little wizard.

In addition to the tutorials and basic techniques in the textbook, Professor Karak also imparted some of her unique experiences and techniques.

Reciting the Code is not a problem for the little wizards of Ravenclaw.

Soon, everyone said they remembered it.

Professor Karak was still uneasy, so he randomly checked a few people and asked a few rules.

See the latter answer fluently.

Professor Clark was very satisfied that he let the Ravenclaw students take the first lesson.

"Each person picks a broom and uses your faith to summon them into your hands. Only in this way can you prove that they can communicate with your true thoughts when you fly in the air."

"Get up!" "Fly here!" "Come here!"...

Lively slogans resounded throughout the lawn.

Xifa was wondering why Professor Clark suddenly looked satisfied.

When he looked at the eaglets who were shouting slogans enthusiastically, he realized that this class was Gryffindor.

Most students get stuck memorizing the rules.

It is not impossible to spend an entire class in question and answer session.

After figuring this out, Xifa's thoughts became clear and he got rid of the bad mood of having to attend extra classes after a tiring day.

He came to the pile of brooms and prepared to have a big fight.

Flying is one of mankind’s dreams!

On the other side, just when Xifa was filled with emotion.

Elise and Luna have already summoned the broom in their hands.

Professor Clark nodded to them with approval, indicating that they could fly at low altitude on the grass.

So, the two of them rode brooms and came to Xifa, looking down at Xifa slightly.

You know, girls are taller than boys in pre-puberty, but Xifa, who has been exercising since childhood, is half a head taller than the second girl.

At this time, the two of them were eye-level with Xifa, so naturally they were sitting astride the broom.

The two girls could swing their legs on the broom, hug each other, and look at Xifa who was making no progress.

"No way, Xifa, you can't even summon a broom?"

Elise said pretending to be surprised.

"Are you kidding us? To give us confidence?"

Luna also rarely started to joke.

"I don't know why, but I can feel the broom constantly resisting me."

"I tried to appease them, but to no avail."

Xifa frowned and told the trouble he encountered.

"Appease? Xifa, they are tools! You have to order them."

Elise stretched out her hand and pointed at Xifa, shaking her legs and her hair.

"That's right!"

Xifa nodded to express understanding.

Due to the education and three views I received in my previous life, I will subconsciously treat all thinking things equally.

"Come here!"

Xifa didn’t say anything out loud, it was just in his mind.

The broom jumped from the ground to his hand, looking cute and sensible.

Witch Professor Clark was lucky enough to witness this scene.

She was a little surprised that school teaching aids were different from personal brooms.

In order to highlight the teaching effect, they are often extraordinarily unruly.

Little wizards who can silently command teaching aids will become excellent Quidditch players.

Seeing Xifa turn his attention to himself.

Professor Clerk smiled and nodded at him, approving that he could practice flying on a broomstick.

Another class passed like this.

As the get out of class ended, all the little wizards had completed the lesson and achieved the goal of flying close to the ground.

Because the little wizards performed well.

Professor Clark added five points to Ravenclaw House with satisfaction.

Announce that get out of class is over.

The little wizard, who was already hungry, rushed to the castle gate for the first time.

Xifa felt the fierce competition for meals in the school cafeteria in his previous life for a long time.


Xifa’s dormitory.

Xifa looked at the two limp girls lying on their backs on the bed, and had no choice but to walk to the sofa aside and sit down.

"In the wizarding world, is there nothing else besides a broom that can assist flying?"

Xifa feels that riding a broom is unsafe.

Flying too fast, it’s like a free-falling human being.

If a battle breaks out, how can we do it without protection?

"Yes, but the flying speed and magic power consumption ratio of those tools are far inferior to those of brooms."

When Elise heard this, she lazily turned over on Xifa's bed and turned her head to answer Xifa.

"Like magic carpets and magic wings, the reason why they are not popular is that they are too large and difficult to carry. They are too precisely made and are more easily damaged. The most important thing is that the cost and selling price are far higher than those of top-notch brooms. At that price

Everyone can afford a Pegasus."

Luna didn't even bother to look at Xifa. She turned over and hugged Elise, squinting her eyes and speaking vaguely.

"Tomorrow morning's Potions class is the last class this week."

"Potions class?"

Xifa was a little confused as to why Elise used a questioning tone.

He recalled the get out of class schedule and confirmed the news.

Unexpectedly, Elise stood up suddenly and pushed Luna excitedly.

"What's wrong?"

Luna was a little impatient.

"Potions class! Luna! Professor Slughorn!"


"Approval note for restricted book area! You know, he likes to show off."

As she finished speaking, Luna seemed to have thought of something.

She opened her eyes suddenly, with a sly smile on her face.

"In class tomorrow, you can watch my performance. As expected, we will get the approval slip from the restricted book area!"

Seeing how confident she was, Xifa smiled and said she would wait and see.

Now that she has something to do, Luna no longer lies on the bed.

She sat on the edge of the bed, clasping her slender white fingers, silently thinking about Professor Horace Slughorn's tricks for starting classes in previous years.

You don't want to threaten the professor, do you?

Xifa is a little afraid of Luna like this...

He suddenly sympathized with Professor Slughorn.

At the same time, Professor Slughorn, who was drinking in Hogsmeade outside the school, sneezed hard.

An ominous premonition filled his heart.

***The author has something to say***

Get off the plane, get off the plane ~ my waist is weak


This chapter has been completed!
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