Chapter 2 Forbidden Things

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Currently, there is a special team in the Auror team that is secret and only serves the Minister of Magic.

Each of them has a tattoo of a phoenix on the back of their hand.

This team was born when Spencer Moon came to power and Dumbledore gave him the power to control the Ministry of Magic.

There may be elements of surveillance, but Spencer Moon doesn't care because he is a staunch follower of Dumbledore.

Just after Spencer Moon issued a summons order, he fell into deep thought on the sofa.

The office door opened silently without a knock.

The Twelve People, male and female wizards wearing black wizard robes and dark red masks, filed in.

"Leonard! What made you directly inform us that we must abandon all actions and come to your office first?"

The leader of the special team asked in a depressed and hoarse voice. If it weren't for the uneven figure, it would be difficult to imagine that it was the voice of a witch.

Of course, maybe he is not a witch, and no one can say for sure about magic.

"We have no chance of winning in conventional warfare."

Spencer Moon took a deep breath of smoke, blew out a smoke ring, and said in a heavy tone.

The leading wizard frowned slightly under the mask and nodded slightly. Not only did he agree with Spencer Moon's statement, but there were also smoke rings filled with Spencer Moon's smoke. Anyway, after nodding, the smoke shrank silently.

A small ball.

The leading wizard fell into silence. He knew the cause of the large number of casualties. These days, their team had been constantly disguising themselves as ordinary troops. Although they helped some people survive the life-and-death crisis, they were still confused with the islands one after another in the vast sea.

Compare positions.

It is undoubtedly a drop in the bucket.

This time Spencer Moon summoned them and mentioned this matter. Could it be that Spencer Moon had formulated a plan to solve this problem?


"Are you crazy? Leonard Spencer Moon! Does Albus know your plan?!"

What Spencer Moon said was astonishing.

So much so that Spencer Moon finished his thoughts in one breath before the leading wizard came back to his senses and asked.

"No, I didn't! Albus said that I will do whatever I think is right for the greater good!"

Spencer Moon shook his head slightly and replied in a firm tone.

"No, I still think this plan is too crazy. I want to ask Albus for permission!"

After saying that, the questioning leader walked out the door.

"Do you think I wouldn't ask Albus for advice on this kind of thing?"

Spencer Moon's faint words made the leading wizard stop at the door.

He turned around, the only eye exposed on the mask clearly showing his confusion.

"Albus has returned to Hogwarts since the army evacuated. He only left me one sentence, to hold his position at all costs until he comes out of Hogwarts."

"After leaving these words, Hogwarts' contact with the outside world was cut off."

After saying that, Spencer Moon raised his hand and rubbed his temples, as if to relieve the pressure he was under.

The leader looked at him silently for a few breaths, although he turned around and returned to his previous position.

But one of the wizards who followed him turned around and left the room without hesitation.

He wanted to verify whether what Spencer Moon said was true.

After tea time.

Along with the sound of hurried footsteps, the wizard who left came back.

He and his leader just looked at each other, and their years of tacit understanding let the other party know that he was sure the news was true.

The whole process happened in front of Spencer Moon's eyes, but he just watched it all silently.

After a long silence.

After careful consideration, the leading wizard finally chose to support Spencer Moon's decision.

Clearly, he has no idea what a time-turner really means.

He just knows that the time turner cannot be used frequently and cannot easily change the past. It is best not to let his past self recognize his identity.

Spencer Moon saw the leading wizard slowly coming to his desk, and he understood that the man in front of him decided to lead his team to complete this great and unknown plan.

He quickly stood up and said solemnly.

"Since you agree... Come, first make an unbreakable vow, and then each of you will get a time turner."


This mysterious team of wizards disappeared in the days that followed.

It was as if they had witnessed with their own eyes what would happen in the future.

Whenever the Shadow Empire organizes a secret attack.

They always send messages to the general headquarters, describing in detail the enemy's next course of action.

With the support of intelligence, the casualties of tens of thousands of soldiers every day instantly dropped to just a few hundred.

Low morale among the coalition forces was boosted.

They were all discussing in private that secret agents had joined the top brass of the Shadow Empire and were constantly delivering news to them.

The Shadow Empire naturally took this situation into consideration, but after checking batch after batch of senior officials, they found that there was no insider.

This is true even if the command is changed, and even temporary switching of tactics cannot prevent it.

In desperation, the Shadow Empire had no choice but to confront the coalition head-on.

The two sides launched a fierce tug-of-war across the strait...


However, the use of time converters comes at a cost.

At the top of a towering mountain, there is a secret cave.

From the cave entrance to the depths of the cave, you need to pass through layers of restrictions.

In the cave, there is a pool filled with blue liquid.

There is a girl in a red coat sitting on her knees by the pool.

The girl has red hair and red eyes, and her skin is fair and crystal clear. She is sitting here on her knees with her big eyes staring at something intently.

When his eyes came to her, he saw her spreading her hands flat, and a constantly beating golden line appeared between her hands.

The blue smoke that is constantly spreading above the pool slowly blends into the girl's eyebrows under the pull of some mysterious force.

This was originally a nearly static and beautiful picture, but at a certain moment.

The girl stared at the lines in her hand with a horrified expression.

"Why?! My bright future has turned into an illusion!"

In the girl's observation, it turned out that she had completed her transformation and became a new generation of Dragon King, and together with Dumbledore and others, defeated Grindelwald who destroyed his home.

However, now, before she transforms, she will face the situation where the sealed existence under Dragon Island will eventually break out.

In other words, she will die before her complete transformation no matter what.

"I must have overlooked something..."

The girl who forced herself to calm down suddenly felt that there was a time anchor outside Dragon Island.

With the help of external time anchors, she added these external variables to calculate what will happen on the future timeline.

After countless calculations, the girl let out a long sigh.

After getting up, he glanced at the entrance of the cave with a reluctant look.

Then he turned around and plunged into the pool in front of him...

This chapter has been completed!
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