Chapter 86 Bombing

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The loss of the sky means that the enemy can invade British territory unscrupulously.

Although the war did not break out on the mainland.

But the smoke of war has deeply affected every resident of Great Britain.

Their quality of life was forced to undergo some changes.

In the past, they could taste some snacks and baked pastries that were much better than mashed potatoes in the streets, indulge themselves in pedestrian streets and fashion squares, and talk about trivial matters in life and their vision for the future.

Now, all living supplies and other resources are given priority to the army.

Many people can't even collect all the ingredients to make potato soup, and finally have to choose boiled potatoes and brown bread with a little salt to barely satisfy their hunger.

Although life is difficult, people are still relatively optimistic.

Radio stations and newspapers are overwhelmingly publicizing the enemy's atrocities and the suffering suffered by the people of France and other countries that have fallen. This can be regarded as building one's own happiness on the pain of others!

Of course, there is another point, that is, the official did not recruit troops on a large scale, which greatly reduced the panic among the people.

Under such circumstances, the pace of life of most people has not fluctuated much.

In daily life, they still need to work for the government in exchange for meal tickets...

As for the capitalists who exploited them... they didn't dare to show off at this time. For example, luxury stores in major shopping malls have long been closed down, and big capitalists with connections have also immigrated to the United States.

The people are really pitiful...they are exploited by capitalists in normal times, and become 'slaves' of the government during war.

But they are lucky enough. At least they are still alive...

When you are alive, there is hope!

as usual.

The workers have finished their day's work.

Hard-working people can still eat a few mouthfuls of mashed potatoes, and men who work at night can eat a few more pieces of brown bread.

Those who are lazy have no choice but to starve themselves and force themselves to sleep.

After all, the food on hand now is called breakfast. If you are full tonight, you will be hungry tomorrow morning!

As night falls, the street lights on the main road light up from time to time.

The city gradually fell into tranquility...

At this moment, the piercing air defense sirens suddenly sounded, one louder than the last.

Hearing the sound, no matter where they were, the residents of London couldn't help but tremble all over.

Someone who recognized the warning signal shouted loudly that it was an air raid siren!

Only then did people remember the air raid response strategy that had been publicized many times.

In the panic, people couldn't even remember where the nearest air-raid shelter was.

Especially the women who were holding their children tightly. They saw where the flow of people was going and followed it...

To tell the truth, people in London.

As long as you are not a wizard, you can get out of here as soon as possible...

There is no way you can survive the next full-coverage bombing!

The Saints and the soldiers of the Shadow Empire have a clear goal, which is to destroy all the buildings in London!

Putting aside the appearance and looking at the essence, you will find that the architecture of London City is actually a large-scale magic circle.

This magic circle can hide the Ministry of Magic in the shadows of the city.

This is a different kind of loyalty spell.

Without special means of entry, it is impossible to invade it!

This specialized method, in addition to obtaining permission step by step, is to directly destroy the door!

The alarm sounded for less than a minute.

Dozens of golden-red streams of light burst out from various locations in the city.

Jets from the ground to the sky at high speed.

This is an alchemical anti-aircraft cannon modeled after Gatling.

It can use the magic power of the London City Magic Circle to emit thousands of powerful and destructive spells every minute.

However, a machine is a machine after all, and the magic spell does not have the function of automatic tracking.

Even if these dozens of firepower points form a dense and powerful defensive barrier.

But eventually, a dragon-blooded monster slipped into the city.

"Torn into pieces!" "Everything turned to stone!"

As soon as the dragon-blooded monsters landed, they were greeted by cordial greetings from Aurors.

Under the gaze of Aurors, they responded with the most brilliant art of Aurors!


When you see a wizard, just blow yourself up!

This is one of the commands engraved in their minds when they attack!

As a monster successfully destroyed a small node.

The air defense net, which was already full of holes, had a small hole ripped open.

High in the sky, Grindelwald's saints who presided over the attack and the wizards of the Shadow Empire discovered this loophole without any effort.

Give an order.

More monsters watching joined the pouring torrent.

They quickly entered the city through the gap.

At first it was just one or two sounds.

In an instant, there was a continuous bombing.

From the sky, it looks like a spark falling into black oil.

The flame is centered on the spark and quickly spreads around.

In less than an hour, the entire city of London was covered in fire.

Even the air raid shelters were not spared.

Because what caused the explosion was not today's straight-shooting bombs, but transformed monsters that could carry out some orders.

They can follow the curved tunnel straight into the abdomen!

During the process, it was naturally hindered by soldiers and Aurors.

However, without the existence of dragon knights, there would be no superior dragon clan to suppress them.

Their ferocity and the power in their blood can be fully unleashed.

Exactly one hour passed from the time the air raid siren sounded to the end of the apparent war in London!

There is no building taller than a street lamp in the entire city of London...

But the saints did not disperse after the attack.

They risked being strangled by the Allied Aurors... No, they didn't want to go back alive!

Such a long time is enough for the American Ministry of Magic to provide support to the British Ministry of Magic!

And their way back will be blocked by border guards!

Their mission is not completely over yet.

They need to find the British Ministry of Magic!

The Head of State is looking for something in the Ministry of Magic!

"found it!"

In the future, the entrance to the Ministry of Magic will be moved underground in Whitehall, London, but for now, its location is a mystery!

But as long as all obstacles are removed, there will be nowhere to hide at the entrance!

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! At this time, the Minister of Magic Leonard Spencer-Moon no longer insisted. This was already the most critical moment in Dumbledore's message!

He tapped his wand on the token, Fox's feather.

Dumbledore and Nico, who had adapted to their powers at Hogwarts, had to fight hastily.

That battle...

Half of the night sky was dyed fiery red.

The fighting lasted most of the night.

In the end, both sides suffered losses.

In the Ministry of Magic.

The strong Nico supported the pale Dumbledore, and they came to a secret room to isolate the survivors of the Ministry of Magic.

Nico held the wand and with a solemn expression he healed Dumbledore's wounds and lifted some of the remaining curse magic. After the serious problems were resolved, he asked Dumbledore about the details of the battle.

Dumbledore pulled out the memory thread, explained and guessed at the displayed pictures, and only by knowing himself and his enemy could he find a way to defeat the Führer and find his weaknesses.

"Albus! Why didn't I see Grindelwald?"

At the end, Nico raised his biggest confusion at the moment.

"Thankfully he didn't come! Don't say he participated in the war, even if he stood aside and showed some thoughts, I would pay a heavy price this time!"

Dumbledore's bloodless lips moved slightly and said softly.

"Indeed! He didn't show up, and I successfully used the counter-enchantment to drive the influence of the dark cloud away from the UK!"

"But here's the problem! He didn't appear here, so where did he go?"

Nico stood in the middle of the field, pacing back and forth.

At first, he lamented that their plan went relatively smoothly, but then he expressed his confusion with some uneasiness.

Grindelwald's prophecy ability now exceeds his own, and he can only predict others to capture Grindelwald's figure.

"I'm worried about this problem too! I hope it's the best outcome in my heart!"

Dumbledore rubbed his eyebrows and sighed.

"What result?"


"Albus! You're crazy!"

This chapter has been completed!
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