Chapter 110 Dumbledore Returns

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Hogwarts main castle

Ravenclaw is represented by the raven.

Therefore, the college's lounge is located on the tallest tower in the school.

It was a large round room.

There are arched windows carved with artistic patterns in the room, and silk ribbons in blue and bronze colors are hung on the walls.

There are stars painted on the dome ceiling, and the dark blue carpet below is also covered with stars.

With the blessing of magic, they flicker as if they are real.

Tables, chairs and bookshelves full of books were neatly arranged on the floor.

It can be seen that the little wizard Ravenclaw is not only fond of learning, but also good at hygiene and tidying up.

A white marble statue of Rowena Ravenclaw stands in the alcove opposite the door.

Even after she left, she silently watched her descendants and offered them silent blessings, hoping that they would travel in the magical world.

How long has it been since you took a walk in the lounge?

The surrounding environment is familiar yet unfamiliar.

As Xifa walked on the soft carpet, a feeling that things were different and people were different came to his heart.

Just now, I questioned Professor Slughorn about why Tom knew his information.

Apparently, Professor Slughorn nervously defended himself from telling anyone about this.

Xifa believed it, and he did not tell others about it personally.

But, it can be seen from his constant wiping of sweat and his nervousness that his fingers are trembling.

He knew that he might have revealed the matter unintentionally in his answer.

After confirming the source of the information, Xifa no longer planned to bully this "honest person".

He changed the topic and directly asked Tom to tell him to pay attention to Bloody Barrow.

"At last year's freshman banquet, the ghosts didn't appear. What did they do?"

After raising this question, Xifa thought that Professor Slughorn would be the same as himself, wondering why he ignored this question.

However, he answered with a relaxed attitude.

"The seal under the castle is loose. They went to repair the seal. It will probably appear at the end of this semester!"

Something is wrong, very wrong.

Slughorn's face and body language did nothing to hide anything.

But Xifa didn't see anything inappropriate in him.

It seems that this is what ghosts are doing.

However, ghosts have no ability to interfere with reality. They need to use the body of a wizard to...

That's not right, since what they say can be heard...

Off track!

What I want to know now is! Where did the ghost go?

Instead of thinking about these messy things under the intervention of unknown means!

What a terrible method!

It is human nature to feel fear when facing the unknown.

In the quiet lounge, Xifa frowned and felt carefully, and even took the initiative to release the soul detection magic.

Naturally, the result was nothing... It can't be said that nothing was found. At least, I found traces of Helena Ravenclaw's appearance here a year ago.

With the traces, Xifa peeled off the cocoon, trying to find the end of the traces.

Hard work pays off!

After walking around in the tower several times, he finally made sure of it at the last moment.

Helena Ravenclaw disappears into the statue of Rowena Ravenclaw, her mother.


Standing in front of the statue, staring at the soft, mature face full of intellectual beauty of the founder of Ravenclaw.

Xifa slowly raised his hand and gently pressed it against the statue.

Take a deep breath.

Xifa's magic and spiritual power were poured into the statue from his hands.

"don't want…"


Xifa opened his eyes suddenly and backed away quickly.

Who?! Who is talking to me?!

However, the voice just now seemed like an auditory hallucination. After waiting for a long time, I did not hear the second voice, nor did I see the owner of the voice.

In this way, Xifa concentrated on it for who knows how long.

Only then was he in the mood to think about other things.

The voice just now sounded familiar.

It seemed to be Helena's voice, but it was too young...

But if you stop learning the truth without letting me intervene, wouldn't you be looking down on me?

It’s not that I’m worried about being affected by the unknown!

However, just when Xifa was about to step forward for a second test.

The sword that he had put in his Wuhen Extension pocket flew out on its own.

It stands in front of you, stopping you from moving forward.

Xifa: "..."


Reasonably tell yourself to find the source of the problem.

But my instinct actually told me not to do anything!

Should you follow your instinct or trust your own reason?

Western France has been unable to choose a direction...

Just before his brows were about to twist into knots.

A silvery white light came to him from outside the window.

It’s Elise’s patron saint!

"Professor Dumbledore is back!"

With just one sentence, Xifa immediately relaxed a lot.

It's strange that even though I have lived two lives, I still feel like Professor Dumbledore is like my elder.

As long as he is here, he can shelter himself from the wind and rain.


It seems that even if I live two lives, my combined age is still one generation younger than Professor Dumbledore, so that's okay.

He rushed to Nick Flamel's refining workshop in a hurry.

Push open the hall door.

What hit him was a hot breath.

It feels like standing naked in the desert at noon!

Xifa instinctively wanted to burst out his magic power to resist this pressure.

But not yet waiting for him to do anything.

All stress disappears without a trace.

"Not bad! It seems that this journey has made you make a lot of progress!"

Following the sound, you will see a strong and sturdy man.

If he hadn't been holding Dumbledore's head, I would never have dared to recognize him just by looking at his back.

"I succeeded!"

He seemed to notice the surprise in Xifa's eyes.

With a smile in his eyes, Dumbledore rolled up his sleeves and waved them in front of Xifa.

That’s a phoenix tattoo…

With just one glance, Xifa understood that Professor Dumbledore had also found a path to his second awakening that suited him.

"I just tested you and found that your magic power is a little restless."

"Have you encountered anything bad recently?"

Xifa did not answer directly, but turned his attention to Elise and the others.

"We haven't had time to talk about what happened recently."

"The professor just pointed out the direction of our practice."

"Besides, you know best what has happened recently, so we are too lazy to worry about these things!"

The three women spoke for a while, and finally Xifa concluded that the professor didn't know anything!


Xifa signaled them to prepare some tea and desserts. He wanted to have a good chat with Professor Dumbledore. Even in the middle of the conversation, Xifa showed his memory screen to let the professor watch because he was worried that the language description would not be accurate.

From finding Senior Newt to entering the Kingdom of Dragons with him.

"Your memory has been tampered's not right either...I'm a little unsure, but there is definitely something wrong! Continue!"

Obviously, without the memory of Alice's existence, there are too many experiences that seem unreasonable.

However, Dumbledore and Xifa worked together to determine that no memory-modifying magic was acting on Xifa's brain.

So I had to put it on hold.

Later, Newt went to Dragon Island, and Xifa and him discovered the magic crystal on the way back.

"A very magical little crystal..."

Putting down Xifa's sword, which he had been looking at for a long time, Dumbledore took a black magic crystal.

It was found that it contained very pure magic power, which was an excellent source of energy to light up the magic patterns and trigger the magic circle.

Then, Xifa talked about his encounter with Grindelwald.

"What did you learn from Gellert?"

"Don't use super-scale magic easily!"

"It's not right to say that, Xifa..."

"Don't use magic that has too great an impact on the world! This world...forget it, it's too early to tell you this. I'll tell you when you become an adult again."

Seeing Dumbledore's firm attitude, Xifa also understood the situation and didn't press any further.

Then, he told how he forged the sword.

"I'll help you make a scabbard later!"

Dumbledore smiled and gave in. After all, he was also a top alchemist, and the scabbard he made was obviously different.

Then, Xifa mentioned the current work of recruiting new students at Hogwarts, and also talked about the experiences of Glinton Black and others.

"Miss Prince has now passed the most difficult stage, and the two of them will become powerful wizards comparable to the director of the Auror Office!"

"As for the new students...I will keep an eye on them."

It seems that the professor doesn't have any good ideas.

Finally, Xifa reported the ghost's abnormality to the professor.

"Xifa! Including you! Remember!"

The professor went out of his way and told everyone in an extremely serious tone.

"No matter what, never use a time turner! And don't tell anyone else about it!"

"So, why did the ghost disappear?"

"Since dear Horace told you to wait a year, the answer will naturally be revealed then!"

This chapter has been completed!
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