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Chapter 7 Discussion

Ivern is so powerful!

Xifa, who was slumped on the bed and groaning, stared with dead eyes and raised his head.

The girl's busy figure was reflected in his eyes.

In front of the girl, Li Huo was like an obedient little kitten. Even if it turned over, it would never open its mouth to breathe!

The black and purple flames wrapped the barrel and made a sizzling sound. After a while, the barrel and the smelly vomit inside were burned away.

After getting rid of other residues, Ivern cleaned up the cauldron, silver knife and other utensils, and then put them away elegantly in his chest.

After using magic to put the desk back into place, she gracefully walked to Xifa's side, gently lifted up her clothes, and sat down beside Xifa's head.

"Are you okay?" The girl's cute greeting came to his ears. For Xifa, it was like rain after a long drought.

Although my energy level was not replenished, the burning sensation in my internal organs was finally extinguished a lot.

"not so good..."

The potion was very effective, but just because it was so good, Xifa felt like he had vomited out all his food for three days.

Even more than that, now I am lying on the bed, my internal organs are all burning, and there is a strange feeling of being washed by the water and being pulled by my little hands.

With the improved vomiting potion, anyone who eats it will definitely vomit it out. Even if it is digested, it will be pulled out of the body under the influence of magic!

"But your complexion has turned rosy!" Ivern raised a finger and put it on his lower lip, and placed the elbow of his arm horizontally under his chest with his other hand. It's so cute!

"Ivern!" Xifa reluctantly closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. Don't you, a girl, know how to be ashamed? Sitting so close to me, my ears can feel the warmth of your body!

"Legilimency!" His response was the girl whispering softly in his ear.

No time to react!

The tip of Ivern's cold staff pressed hard against the center of Xifa's forehead. Xifa, with an expression of disbelief, opened his eyes. Immediately, the light in his eyes disappeared and gradually became empty and dull.

In Xifa's perception, a warm air flow penetrated into his mind, and then, his carefree childhood life appeared in his mind one by one like a revolving lantern.

Ivern's method was very clever. Although it was Legilimency, in her hands, it turned out to be the best way to help her sort out her memories.

There was no pain in the whole process, it was like having a sweet dream.

With her help, I quickly browsed through the memories of this life. Similarly, Ivern also went through all the memories.

"Do you believe me?"

"I always believe in you!" Ivern smiled, turned over, and then possessed himself in front of Xifa. The girl's dark blue pupils looked directly into Xifa's black and white eyes.

"Are you hungry?"

The tips of their noses were touching, and their breathing was clearly audible.

Ivern suddenly spoke, and Xifa wanted to open his mouth to respond, but the two of them were too close, so he nodded slightly instead.

"Eat! Remember, in Hogwarts, you can only eat things that almost no one eats!"

After saying that, Ivern stood up and took out a fist-sized baked potato from his chest!

When Xifa saw the roasted black potatoes, he didn't dislike them at all. He quickly sat up and took them, rubbed off the skin, and swallowed them in a few mouthfuls.

With the food as a base, Xifa felt a lot more energetic. Seeing this, Ivern took out two more bottles of milk.

He handed one bottle to Xifa, took a sip from the other bottle, and then spoke first with a white liquid hanging from the corner of his mouth.

"Now that we've eaten and drank enough, it's time for us to talk about business. Have you noticed that there's something wrong with your memory?"

"Oh? What's wrong?"

To be honest, Xifa's memory is very Muggle, and it is completely like the growing up life of a Muggle boy.

But in the eyes of Xifa and the mysterious Ivern, who have some memories of past lives, this is not too outrageous.

In Xifa's eyes, this memory is to verify his identity against others - specifically professors.

From Ivern's perspective, this memory was like copying the memory of another Muggle boy into Xifa's mind.

After all, how could a little wizard who was truly born in the Muggle world know about the head soaking spell and the vomiting potion? This was not what surprised Ivern the most. What surprised her most was that she did not find any memory of magic.

All she could see was Xifa's life journey from childhood to adulthood.

"Do you remember who you are?"

Although his memory was wrong, Xifa's identity was still solved by himself. Ivern hesitated for a moment and decided to have a showdown with Xifa.

"I? Xifa Corwin! An ordinary little wizard!" Xifa put on an innocent expression.

"Xifa, it seems that you are deeply influenced by Him! Otherwise, when you hear my name, you should know who I am!"

Ivern stared deeply at Xifa. Seeing that Xifa didn't seem to be joking with her, she sighed helplessly.

"Sorry, although I have no impression of you in my memory, I have a very strange feeling of closeness to you."

"Really...then do you still remember Luna and Elise?"

"I have no impression! But I believe that they are very important people to me! Okay, I believe you!"

"Ha! You are still testing me verbally, but your body is quite honest. After all, you let me explore without reservation! Professor Dumbledore should have warned you not to trust anyone!"

"Yes! I believe you, aren't you a human?"

"Isn't it? You are not human? Oops!"

Unable to wait for Ivern's answer, Xifa casually said something half-jokingly, and then got a hard blow from the girl.

"Do you think I'm human?"

"Yes!" Smooth, soft, soft, and most importantly, warm, the feeling of the flesh!

"Hmph! Anyway, I know who you are, and I also know most of the things that happened before your memory was erased. If you help me, you will have a chance to recover your memory. By then, you will also know what all this is about.


"It seems that I have no other choice! There is a big problem with this magic school!"

It was time to talk about business. Xifa was no longer lying on the bed, but came to sit with Ivern in front of the desk.

"How much memory do you have of the Book of Admission and the Pen of Acceptance?"

"Huh? What is that?"

"on purpose?"

"No, I really have no impression at all! I only retain some common magic and potion configurations in my mind!"

"Okay, you still have reservations... But after all, Elise and Luna have had a soul blend with you, so you fully trust them... But remember! In the current Hogwart

Ci! You can only use the wand to recite magic spells to release magic!"

"if not?"

"Otherwise? You will be noticed! The enemy will also be lurking. The most important thing is that you can't leave here without dealing with him!"

This chapter has been completed!
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