Chapter 49 The ‘ghost’ among ghosts

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 "Ogg and the Unicorn..."

It’s another new week.

During your free time on a given day.

Cifer raised his concerns with Dumbledore.

Dumbledore thought for a moment and then answered: "Ogg is no problem. Like Newt, he is a very pure person about magical animals, and he is also a rare adult man recognized by unicorns."

Xifa was startled. So, unicorn groups also exist?

"Yes, there is more than one group of unicorns in the Forbidden Forest. The reason why the Forbidden Forest is called the Forbidden Forest is because we know too little about it and it is too vast."

Xifa disagreed, not to mention that ancient wizards were all otakus, but now, wizards are starting to go out of their homes and communicate with the outside world, but wars have broken out again.

There just aren’t enough people to explore the Forbidden Forest.

After confirming that Ogg did not deliberately seduce Luna, Xifa asked a few magic questions and ended the conversation.

By the weekend, the little wizard was happily running around the castle.

Laughter and cheers... came from the big lawn outside the castle from time to time.

At this time, Luna and Elise have gone to the Forbidden Forest together.

Xifa originally wanted to read a book, practice magic, and then go to the kitchen to cook a delicious meal to welcome the returning two daughters.

However, the sudden appearance of Fox disrupted his plan.

The professor wants to see me in a hurry? Xifa was surprised, hurriedly put on his coat, reached out and grabbed Fox's tail feathers.

In a burst of fire, Xifa arrived at the office of the Transfiguration Department on the second floor.

A little earlier.

Ever since Xifa told himself that there might be an insider in the castle.

Dumbledore took some of his free time from time to time to patrol the castle.

Not to mention, this inspection really made him find something wrong.

Including but not limited to mechanisms designed by Peeves that will cause harm to the little wizard.

Poisonous herbs discarded by senior students.

There is even a discarded black magic necklace in the secret passage.


Of course, these are nothing.

As long as it's not fatal, professors and school doctors have plenty of ways to make these artificial little guys lively.

However, his recent inspections made him feel a little strange.

He always felt that something was watching him, observing him silently, or even monitoring him.

However, whenever he takes Fox on a tour, this feeling disappears.

If that's all, but when he sees a few young wizards in a remote and uninhabited corner, he will suddenly become very stupid, as if in a daze.

If one or two of them happened a few times, it wouldn't mean anything. However, when dozens of young wizards experienced this situation, he was no longer calm.

He had some guesses, but he was not sure.

How could someone in Hogwarts quietly bypass the ancient and powerful protective magic and curse the little wizard?

So, he quickly wrote a letter about his discovery and sent it to Nicol Flamel, an alchemist who lived for hundreds of years in Lebanon.

Today, Nico's letter finally arrived.

He couldn't wait to open it. After reading the letter, he thought about it and decided to call Xifa because he didn't want the elf to know about it.

Time returns to Western France.

"Professor, what do you need from me?"

As soon as Xifa landed, he looked around and saw Dumbledore looking out at the window sill, and quickly asked.

"I found some abnormalities. The letter is on the table. Take a look for yourself."

Dumbledore answered without looking back.

"So serious...Who are you spying on?!" Xifa muttered in his heart, and stepped forward to pick up the two letters on top of the small wooden box.

The first letter above was Dumbledore's explanation to Nico. After reading it, Xifa understood Dumbledore's recent discovery.

The second letter was naturally Nico’s reply.

With his back to Dumbledore, Dumbledore did not see Xifa's shocked eyes.

In this letter, Nico Flamel simply said hello to Dumbledore, and then wrote down the information and opinions he found.

Dumbledore could sense that someone was watching him and was afraid of the Phoenix.

That should not be something that magic spells can do, but an unknown existence.

The phoenix is ​​immortal and will turn into flames and re-nirvana every time it is fatally injured, so it is also called the phoenix.

Since Fox can scare away unknown things, it should be something related to the soul of life and death.

Nico boldly guessed that this should be something similar to a ghost.

You know, in the magical world, normal ghosts are translucent and have no physical existence that can communicate.

But what if someone invented a magic spell that could make ghosts invisible?

After reading a lot of information.

Nico Flamel found an antique that he has not been able to imitate until now.

I was young and strong back then, at least I wasn't as haggard as I am now.

A wizard named Marco Polo was lucky enough to come into contact with the ruins of a mysterious ancient Eastern country.

Once, he wanted something from himself but could not afford the price, so he had no choice but to mortgage part of his harvest to himself. However, he never thought that he would not redeem it until his death.

What shocked Xifa was what Nico said.

Inside this unopened small wooden box is a compass and its instruction manual.

"Professor, can I open it?" After calming down, Xifa asked quickly.

"Of course." Dumbledore still didn't look back.

If Xifa turned around, he could see Dumbledore's eyes on the corners of the lawn, with a worried look on his face.

Magic items are all delicate, especially unknown magic items, so it is best not to touch them casually.

But Nico Flamel would not send him a dark magic artifact without protection.

Moreover, Xifa is not a reckless person. He never messes with unknown things.

Xifa carefully opened the small wooden box.

Sure enough, what came into view was a disk with complex and familiar lines, and a round wooden stick lying next to it.

What stick! This is a scroll! Xifa wants to slap himself.

Looking at his hands, there was nothing dirty. Xifa carefully took out the scroll and spread it out for a look.

Hey, traditional Chinese characters! Xifa barely had a rough look at it.

The general meaning is.

The tip of the compass needle points to the target, and mana is injected from the bottom of the compass. If it floats on the base of the hand without moving and keeps pointing north, the positioning is successful.

No more? Where is the magic formula used? Injecting magic power (mana) so rudely?


Nico Flamel said he could not imitate it, and this may be the only compass in the world.

Because there is no second Marco Polo who found the ruins of a second ancient country.

"Try it, I've tried it. Normal magic power won't work. You should need the magic power of the elf."

Yes, Dumbledore tried it before Western France arrived.

Xifa heard this and carefully picked up the compass.

The compass seems to be made of some kind of metal. It has a metallic texture but is as light as cork.

There are some densely packed small dots on the reverse side.

Xifa turned it over and saw that it was an ancient text with a very small font.

Squinting, it was still very difficult. Xifa grabbed the quill next to him and used magic to turn it into a magnifying glass.

He frowned and translated with difficulty.

"When a person dies, he becomes a ghost; when a ghost dies, he becomes a ghost; when a ghost dies, he becomes a hope; when a ghost dies, he becomes a barbarian."

"If you don't see it, you're called barbarian; if you hear it, you're called Xi."


After reading it, Xifa put down the compass and rubbed his sore eyes.

"Professor, are you saying that the person observing you secretly is a ghost?"

"Yes, I have this idea, and I asked you to come here just to give it a try."

Xifa thought for a while, and his eyes lit up. "Professor, how do normal ghosts maintain themselves?"

"The ghosts in the castle are protected by the castle, which provides them with a source of magic. Other ghosts should have similar things to supplement them."

Dumbledore finally stopped looking outside. He turned his head in surprise, and then put away his expression.

Xifa can actually understand these words? You know, I am still lucky...

"If someone destroys the source of ghosts' magic power, uses another method to control them, and keeps them in a state where they seem to be dispersed, will it create this vague sense of prying eyes?"

"Xifa, your guess may be the truth, but we still need to verify it!"

After listening, Dumbledore smiled for the first time in a while.

My intuition tells me that this compass can easily help me find the mastermind behind the scenes.

***The author has something to say***

Ahem, a completely imaginary world

Only Europe is the same place as Harry Potter

Other places are completely alien

The ancient country has already ascended to a higher dimension, so there are these demons dancing wildly

That’s it, don’t read fiction with facts~

This chapter has been completed!
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