Chapter 98 Yu Xiaogang: I am arrogant, but I am arrogant on my knees.

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 Not here now? That means Tang San has been here before.

Seeing the coldness in Bibi Dong's eyes, a bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart. Yu Xiaogang was panicked, and even his words were trembling.

"Your Majesty, what does this mean?"

"Tang San is not here, now you can leave."

With that said, Bibi Dong had already stood up and was ready to leave.

Seeing Bibi Dong's movements, Yu Xiaogang felt anxious. At this time, he didn't care about anything else. He reached out and grabbed Bibi Dong's wrist, trying to hold her back.

Bibi Dong used her soul power to shake, causing Yu Xiaogang to take a few steps back and retract his outstretched hand.

Looking sideways at Yu Xiaogang with cold eyes, Bibi Dong said coldly, "Yu Xiaogang, please be careful."

A hint of injury appeared in Yu Xiaogang's eyes. He did not expect that Bibi Dong would change so much, and that Bibi Dong would be so unhuman.

Have you really forgotten our past?

"I made it very clear that Tang San is not in Wuhun City. He is a potential threat and there is no need for him to stay in Wuhun City."

The sacrifice of the soul beast, the inexplicable disappearance, and the unusual charm.

Bibi Dong gritted her teeth, this kid was far more dangerous than she thought.

Twin martial arts are nothing. If you don't practice these things well, you will die. What really made Bibi Dong feel threatened by Tang San was the things she was thinking about just now.

Yes, a threat.

Although it is incredible, Bibi Dong felt it in Tang San's body, but the threat was very weak, but it did exist.

Tang San can be very useless, but what if someone gives him a gift?

Just relying on Tang San's weird charm, Bibi Dong felt that this hypothesis might actually be feasible.

Hu Liena had secretly given Tang San a lot of medicinal herbs.

The transformed soul beast imprisoned in the room next to Tang San was also sacrificed to Tang San. The soul beast was sacrificed. Tang San would have to be very lucky to do this.

There was also the inexplicable disappearance, which left Bibi Dong with no chance to finish the last hit. These happened not long ago.

No need! What does this mean?!

"Bibi Dong, stop! Speak clearly to me!"

"What the hell did you do to the mistress?!"

Yu Xiaogang was so excited at the moment that he forgot that he was facing a Titled Douluo now, and a Titled Douluo who had never shown a good look to him since they first met.

Yu Xiaogang stepped forward quickly and stood in front of Bibi Dong to stop Bibi Dong from moving forward. He suddenly grabbed Bibi Dong's shoulders with both hands, his eyes covered with blood.

Looking at Yu Xiaogang's ferocious face and listening to Yu Xiaogang's questioning words, the hands hanging by his sides clenched suddenly, and the anger in his heart that had been suppressed for a long time exploded.


Looking at Yu Xiaogang who was smashed against the wall, vomiting blood, and lowering his hands subconsciously, Bibi Dong clicked his tongue and retracted his feet in displeasure.

"Does Wuhun Palace want to explain everything clearly to you?"

"Yu Xiaogang, you have crossed the line."

"Uh...Bibi Dong, tell, what exactly did you do to Tang San."

Sliding along the wall, Yu Xiaogang slowly knelt down on his knees, his whole body hunched over, big beads of sweat dripping from his forehead, his eyes blood red, staring at Bibi Dong.

His teeth were gritted, and veins popped out on his neck. His trembling hands protected Pingdi, who was hurt again, and he squeezed out a few words from his mouth intermittently.

Bibi Dong snorted coldly and ignored Yu Xiaogang's question.

Yu Xiaogang's eyes were filled with resentment.

"Aren't you afraid of retaliation when you do this?"


As if she heard some funny joke, Bibi Dong chuckled softly, and showed Yu Xiaogang his first smile after their reunion, just to be a little sarcastic.

"Who will take revenge?"

"Bibi Dong, please listen to me clearly. If anything happens to Tang San, then I will destroy Wuhun Palace at all costs. I have no children in my life, and he is like my son."

"Do you have this ability?"

Bibi Dong tilted her head and asked curiously, but her brows and eyes were full of coldness.

"Can you fight against this huge Spirit Hall?"

"Yu Xiaogang, don't be naive. You backed down more than ten years ago. Now, what can you do to make you face the Spirit Hall?"

"Is it relying on Yu Yuanzhen, or the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect? It can't be your so-called golden iron triangle."

Reluctance and anger welled up in his head. The humiliation of being forced to break up many years ago, the ridicule he received today, everything was eroding Yu Xiaogang's reason little by little.

The overly intense emotions distracted him from the pain. Bibi Dong only mocked instead of taking action, giving Yu Xiaogang the illusion that he could continue to 'threaten'.

"I can't?" A strange smile appeared on Yu Xiaogang's face, "I'm not the only one behind Tang San."

"Potential threat, I'm afraid this threat is not just because of his talent. With the strength of Wuhun Palace, will he still be afraid of a soul master? If my guess is correct, you are because of his father, right?

"Tang Hao, the youngest Titled Douluo, who had just entered the realm of title, fought against the former Pope of Wuhun Palace and all the masters of Wuhun Palace, and even managed to escape with his whole body, and even killed the former Pope.


"You are probably afraid of this man."

Yu Xiaogang's eyes shone with a strange light. When he talked about his idol-Tang Hao, he could be said to be very excited, and his whole body was shaking.

"Just wait, just wait."

"Tang San is his only biological son. If you have harmed Tang San, one day he will take the most violent revenge on Wuhun Palace."

"Tang Hao?" Bibi Dong looked incomprehensible and looked at Yu Xiaogang strangely.

"So it turns out that he is the one you rely on?"

"That may disappoint you. Tang Hao doesn't have time to care about this now, and he won't be able to care about it in the future."

"What do you mean!"

"You would actually rely on a person with sound limbs and the ability to work who only knows how to drink and get drunk, and even allows a child to take care of his daily life?"

"He is just a person who dares to do something but dares not act. A person who can only escape and use alcohol to numb himself all day long. A person who has lost his fighting spirit and chooses to show off."

Recalling what was written in the information, what was seen in Notting City, and the soul bones currently stored in the Wuhun Palace warehouse, Bibi Dong snorted coldly.

"Bibi Dong, no matter how much you slander him, in the final analysis, you are still afraid of him, otherwise why would you take action against a child?"

"I still say the same thing, if Tang San really dies in the hands of people from Wuhun Palace, then I will take revenge at all costs."

"Bibi Dong. This is the last time I call you this. From the moment you acquiesced to the people from Wuhun Palace harming Tang San, our friendship ended."

Yu Xiaogang said coldly. He was just about to stand up, but before one of his feet could step firmly on his feet, a coercion pressed on him again.

The huge pressure prompted Yu Xiaogang to lean forward. This time Yu Xiaogang really knelt down and gave Bibi Dong a loud nod.

This chapter has been completed!
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