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Chapter 129 I want to risk my life for this once

 Xie Yue’s eyelids twitched. When did his sister have someone she liked?

"Wait, Nana, please wait a moment, please let me slow down." Xie Yue's face was filled with astonishment, her brows furrowed, and she looked at Hu Liena in surprise for a while.

After a long time, Xie Yue asked cautiously, "You like him, that boy who was in prison a while ago, are you sure?"

Hu Liena nodded, a little light appeared in her eyes, and Xie Yue silently bit her back teeth.

"Nana, do you know him? How long have you been in contact with him? How are you so sure that you like him?" Xie Yue's tone was a little irritable, and even her breathing was a lot heavier.

"Don't rush to answer. I'll give you some time and think about it carefully. Do you really like him?"

"I like him, no, I should say I love him." Hu Liena's tone was firm, but Xieyue almost jumped up.

"Love?" Xie Yue laughed angrily.

"You only know so much about him, and you just say you love him. Nana, can you tell these things apart now? Momentary curiosity and pity do not mean love, and it does not mean that you like him."

"That's not the case, brother. I know exactly what I am thinking. I understand him. Everything about him attracts me. He is far better than you think. He... is a person who is good at creating miracles."

Hu Liena's eyes became brighter and brighter. When she mentioned Tang San, she seemed to see the boy in her heart. There was a smile on her lips, and it could be seen that she was very happy to share this with Xie Yue.

"Understand? Excellent?" Xie Yue's chest rose and fell greatly, and the tolerance for his sister that had just risen was instantly wiped out by Hu Liena's appearance.

"How long have you been with him! And, a very important point, all the time you spent together was your initiative. He was in prison at that time. Do you understand prison? How did you see the excellence of that boy?"<


Hu Liena's smile paused unnaturally, but it was just a pause.

"He is innocent. This is not the place he should be. As long as you give him time, he can reach unprecedented heights. He is very talented and he has no shortage of hard work. Brother, don't underestimate him, otherwise you will only regret it.

It will be you."

With twinkling eyes, Hu Liena said with an incomprehensible tone, "I have regretted it more than once, for him. I owe him a lot."

This is more than just one life. Her eyelashes trembled slightly, and Hu Liena's heart was filled with bitterness and sweetness.

The figure on the Hell Road, the rescue in the Star Dou Forest, the many times of mercy at Jialing Pass, and the last sentence of letting go.

Hu Liena pursed her lips. It seemed that every time she met him, she was in an awkward position and at a disadvantage. He was always so aloof, letting her pass by death again and again.

He has left a mark on his heart. Although he is still young now, he has succeeded and only I remember it.

"This is simply ridiculous! Extremely ridiculous!" Xie Yue said, slapping the table.

"Ow? What do you owe him? Tell me, do you have any other interactions with him besides prison?" Xie Yue snorted coldly.

Hu Liena opened her mouth, with confusion in her eyes and her fingers intertwined, "Brother, do you believe in resurrection from the dead?"

"Huh?" A trace of confusion flashed across her eyes, and Xie Yue didn't understand why Hu Liena suddenly mentioned this.

"Tang San has saved me many times, in a time that you don't know."

"My love for him has passed the test of time, because I have also questioned, wavered, and received opposition."

After a pause, Hu Liena seemed to be thinking, "I tried to forget him, but I couldn't. He has left an indelible impression in my heart in various ways."

"He has people he loves, and they are even willing to sacrifice their lives for each other."

"During that time, my relationship with him was very bad, so bad that I didn't even know how I should feel about facing him. I was the only one trapped here, and he would not choose me."< /p>

The more Xie Yue listened, the more confused he became in his eyes. He couldn't understand what Hu Liena was talking about.

Seeing this, Hu Liena smiled. She knew that her brother would not understand anything if she told her about this now.

"I have lost him once. This time, I want to know if I had met him in advance, whether the result would have changed. I just want to risk my life for this once."

Suddenly remembering the rumor, Xie Yue's eyes when she looked at Hu Liena instantly became wary, mixed with worry.

"Nana...were you cursed by that boy? Did he mentally control you?"

Hu Liena's face hardened slightly, "Brother, you are overthinking this. This is my personal experience. I can distinguish these things clearly."

After hearing Hu Liena's rebuttal to herself, Xie Yue became even more convinced of the judgment in her heart.

Standing up and holding Hu Liena's hand, Xie Yue looked sad and said, "Nana, I knew why you suddenly fell in love with that kid. It was because he used his weird mental power to control you."

"Nana, don't worry, let's go find the teacher. If we can't do it, we can go see His Majesty the Pope. They must have a way to remove this influence on you."

"Brother, how long are you going to make trouble!" Hu Liena stood still and suddenly withdrew her hand.

"I'm normal. I know this better than anyone else. I also know my own heart. But why can't you listen to me?"

When Hu Liena yelled at him, Xie Yue froze in place. This was the first time that his sister yelled at him because of a "love" that he didn't agree with.

"Why do you only want to believe what you think? If that's the case, why do you need to ask me for confirmation? No matter how much I say, you won't agree."

Sitting back on the stone bench, Hu Liena turned her face to the side, not looking at Xie Yue.

The environment fell into an eerie silence. Hu Liena looked at the scene aside blankly. Xie Yue stood there blankly, looking at Hu Liena with complicated eyes.

Nana's condition is more serious than I thought, and great news broke out today, but I'm not happy at all.

The hand that was thrown away was held and put down, making Xie Yue feel angry and anxious.

After taking another deep look at Hu Liena, Xie Yue turned around and left with a solemn face.

Hearing footsteps coming from behind, Hu Liena closed her eyes with a wry smile and her body trembled slightly.

Gone, all gone.

Neither the teacher nor my brother chose to agree with this matter.

Brother, are you also disappointed in me like the teacher?

I also long for support, blessings and encouragement from my family.

Why don't you agree?

I want to go to the teacher. My sister is not normal. There is something wrong with my sister. This is very serious. The teacher and the others will definitely find a way, but it really doesn’t work...

A trace of determination appeared in Xie Yue's eyes. If it doesn't work, I will go find His Majesty the Pope. Nana is her disciple. How could she just look at Nana and go wrong?

As for the rest of the consequences, Xie Yue didn't want to think too much about it at this time, and it was business to get her sister back first.

Xie Yue had a cold face, and there was wind on her feet, but she suddenly stopped at the corner.

He stared blankly at the person standing not far in front of him.

This chapter has been completed!
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