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Chapter 15 Don’t interfere with the next generation’s affairs

 What do you want to do? Yes, what exactly do you want to do? Knowing that this matter is her restricted area, if she doesn't mention it, things will go much smoother.

Qian Renxue smiled bitterly, how could she not mention it, how could she not ask.

After all, Qian Xunji is Qian Renxue's father. Even if he is no longer a human being to Bibi Dong, to Qian Renxue, the image of his father is still standing. Bibi Dong's statement that her existence is a mistake still remains

Break her heart seriously, even if it has been a long time.

‘I’m not willing to accept that my father died in vain, I’m not willing to do the useless work I’ve done, I’m not willing to accept that the maternal love I’ve always longed for was so easily given to her by Bibi Dong.’

Qian Renxue couldn't comment on Qian Xunji. From an objective point of view, if Qian Xunji forced Bibi Dong, it would be unjust. Bibi Dong killed Qian Xunji. She understands that if it were her, she would do it.

Even more cruel. Because Qian Renxue knew that what Qian Xunji did was wrong. No woman would not hate the coercion after being forced, not to mention that Bibi Dong might still be in jail for nearly a year, otherwise Qian Renxue would

It is impossible to be born smoothly.

But emotionally, she felt that Qian Xunji was not worth it. The saint she had worked so hard to cultivate had to be with a person who could not break through level 29 for the rest of her life. She even prepared to leave the Wuhun Palace and wanted to hunt A Yin for Bibi Dong as compensation but failed.

Being killed by his disciples, even if he died, he still couldn't get rid of his resentment, leaving a big problem for Wuhun Palace.

Qian Renxue couldn't figure out how Qian Xunji could play a good hand of cards to pieces, just like her who was mentally ill.

Qian Renxue raised her hand to wipe the blood from her mouth and looked at Bibi Dong in pain.

"What do you think I can do, or what I should do, kill you to avenge my father? Or just pretend it never happened."

Qian Renxue's tone was full of confusion. In her previous life, when she learned that Bibi Dong was the real person who killed Qian Xunji, she really had the intention to kill Bibi Dong, but when Bibi Dong really wanted to die in front of her,

She found that she couldn't do it, she couldn't watch Bibi Dong die, not to mention that now she knew that Qian Xunji was also at fault, and it was impossible for him and Bibi Dong to reconcile.

Bibi Dong was silent. It was hard to discuss this matter. Was she going to persuade Qian Renxue to raise a sharp knife against her?

The atmosphere suddenly became gloomy.

"Don't you want to kill me? After all, you gave me my life, and you don't like me hanging around here. What do you think? If I die, you will be one step closer to destroying the angel family.

.You only have one chance. If you let it go, I won’t be able to kill you.”

The ethereal voice echoed in the Pope's Palace, seeming so abrupt.

Qian Renxue took Bibi Dong's hand and placed it on her neck. She had no will to live and her eyes were filled with deathly gray.

Seeing the guilt in Bibi Dong's eyes, Qian Renxue didn't mind adding fuel to the fire. She didn't believe that Bibi Dong could really be cruel enough to kill her.

Regardless of the fact that she came to see Bibi Dong, Qian Daoliu knew that, just because she was Bibi Dong's biological daughter, because Bibi Dong never made a move to her until his death, and because Bibi Dong bowed his head to his mortal enemy and begged for a way out for her,

She didn't believe that she would die here. Now, she has not done anything that can really hurt Bibi Dong's heart, and their relationship has not yet reached the freezing point.

The young man's warm and delicate skin is under your hands. You can feel the beating vitality and exuberance of life without using any force. Without any resistance, as long as you hold it just a little, you can suffocate the person in front of you. Her life and death are now at stake.

It's in your control.

Bibi Dong looked into Qian Renxue's dull eyes. Do you really have no resistance at all? Do you have no belief in survival?

It was obviously a warm touch, but it made Bibi Dong feel a coldness emanating from her body from the inside out. The dream seemed to have become a reality. Qian Renxue knew everything. She wanted to be free. She gave up the hope of living. She devoted herself to

Embrace death.

As long as she exerts force in her hands, everything will end. Bibi Dong will lose Qian Renxue again. Will she hear Qian Renxue's decisive farewell this time? Probably not. The person who was strangled to death seems to be unable to explain his last words.

Qian Renxue looked at Bibi Dong whose eyes were slowly becoming hollow. She felt that the hand holding her neck became cold. Her heart was full of doubts. This was not the reaction she wanted. This time

Not one step of the conversation happened as she expected.

She patted Bibi Dong tentatively, trying to call Bibi Dong back, but unexpectedly, Bibi Dong pushed Qian Renxue away violently, and then looked at the hand that had just held Qian Renxue's neck in fear.

"Get out, get out now."

Qian Renxue, who hadn't yet figured out what was going on, heard Bibi Dong's less than calm words to drive people away.

Qian Renxue frowned and looked at Bibi Dong, who looked gloomy.


"What happened to her?"

In the evening, Qian Renxue sat in her room, carefully reviewing the process of getting along with Bibi Dong today, and recalling Bibi Dong's abnormal behavior.

She can be sure that Bibi Dong is still the same Bibi Dong. She has not changed her core, nor is she a reborn person like her, but today's behavior is indeed suspicious. She is very cooperative in self-reflection, holding her neck in a daze, no

Reasonable mood swings.

Qian Renxue couldn't figure out what caused Bibi Dong to change like this. This was a sign of losing control. This feeling of being unable to control made her a little irritated. For her relatives, she still hoped that there would be fewer variables.


"Notting City."

Bibi Dong looked at the report in her hand with dark eyes. This report came earlier than the information about corruption in the Wuhun Palace branch. If Qian Renxue hadn't stated in the letter that she would return to Wuhun City, if she hadn't wanted to see Qian Renxue

Ren Xue, she has already reported to Qian Daoliu to go to Notting City.

After all, Tang Hao is difficult to deal with. If she doesn't bring the offerings, she will rely on the elders she can use. Tang Hao may escape successfully, but she can't use all her strength yet.

There is also the human-animal hybrid. It is impossible for him to be used by Wuhun Palace. The threat should be nipped in the cradle. Maybe what happened in the dream will not happen, but Bibi Dong will not bet on that possibility, and he is not really mentally ill.


Now that Qian Renxue has seen it, it’s time for her to take action. She can’t stay in Wuhun City for a day. Her dream has really affected her real life. Qian Renxue is only one step away from death today.

There was a slight difference. She was really afraid that she wouldn't be able to control herself that day, so it was better to meet Qian Renxue less often.

Thinking of this, Bibi Dong looked faintly at the secret room where she practiced. It was no ordinary secret room, it was a secret room that could enter the secret realm of Rakshasa.

Bibi Dong had suspected that the Rakshasa God might have interfered with her dreams, otherwise how could she have frequently dreamed of herself and Qian Renxue killing each other, and today's actions only deepened this suspicion.

"Don't interfere with the next generation's affairs."

I don’t know if I’m talking to myself or to Rakshasa Shen Nian.

This chapter has been completed!
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