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Chapter 201 Intention to leave

 Tang San's tone was full of seriousness and his face was firm.

Yu Xiaogang's eyelids twitched and he looked at Tang San in astonishment, "Xiao San, are you kidding me?"

Tang San shook his head, "Teacher, it's no longer safe here. You know that Wuhun Palace and I took the blame. Before, I could use the reason of darkness under the lamp to convince myself to stay here with peace of mind. Now

It really doesn’t work anymore.”

"The Wuhun Palace imprisoned me again. Although I was not tortured like last time this time, they will definitely report any news about me."

"This place is no longer suitable for me to stay."

Yu Xiaogang raised his eyebrows when he heard this, "But you came back very smoothly this time."

"Maybe Wuhun Palace is trying to give Qibao Glazed Sect face." Tang San spread his hands. He couldn't say anything bad about Ning Fengzhi's behavior this time, because it really saved him.

In order to prevent himself from being discovered by Wuhun Palace here, Tang San chose not to register in the Wuhun Palace branch, which cut off part of his income source.

Blacksmithing was a way he would subconsciously think of to make money, but unfortunately Yu Xiaogang rejected it. Yu Xiaogang did not allow his disciples to choose to be a blacksmith full-time, especially because of the lack of money.


This is a very strange phenomenon in this world. The status of a blacksmith is lower, even if you change from a soul master to a blacksmith.

Instead of being allowed to work full-time on blacksmithing, Tang San fell in love with fighting spirits, but unfortunately this couldn't be done too frequently.

Tang San once worried about money, which was something Tang San didn't expect.

Yu Xiaogang was silent for a while. "Xiaosan, in your heart, do you have a place you want to go to?"

Tang San shook his head again. He simply believed that if he still insisted on staying here, Wuhun Palace would definitely take action against him, so he wanted to leave. As for where to go, Tang San didn't have a very clear goal.

Wuhun Palace, this is a big mountain. He has ignored it for nearly two years. It has given Tang San a very heavy pressure. It is everywhere, and Tang San can't think of any other place that can give him enough time to go there.


"Teacher, you should know far better than me how powerful Wuhun Palace is. At this moment, I, a weak person, do not have the ability to fight against Wuhun Palace. I need time to develop. The premise is that Wuhun Palace cannot

Discover me."

Tang San believed that Yu Xiaogang would definitely understand him. After all, his teacher was extremely perceptive in some aspects. For example, Xiao Wu and A Yin.

Thinking of this, a coldness flashed in the depths of Tang San's eyes. Both of them died because of Wuhun Palace, and they are all his family members.

That was when Tang San first arrived at Shrek Academy. Yu Xiaogang was full of questions, and Tang San was the same. So the two people, full of questions, exchanged "known" information on the condition that the other party deliberately concealed it.


Tang San asked Yu Xiaogang about Tang Hao, while concealing that A Yin was a spirit beast.

Yu Xiaogang asked about Tang San's experience and Xiao Wu, but kept silent about his own imprisonment and the rumors about Wuhun City.

"Because you are striving for something?" Yu Xiaogang had thoughts in his eyes.

"Although your father has become a Titled Douluo, he cannot compete with the Wuhun Palace on his own. You must know that in the operation in the Wuhun Palace, in addition to Qian Xunji being a Titled Douluo, he also brought

With two titled Douluo and a group of masters, the real strength of Wuhun Palace should be far more than this.

No matter how powerful your father is on his own, there is no way he can deal with so many strong men. If my guess is correct, the reason why Wuhundian did not continue to be obsessed with that thing is either because the thing was damaged or because it has been

Lost its original function.

Could it be that it is a soul beast? But as for the soul beast, how can it be related to your father? Let’s not talk about the high level of the soul beast that can be favored by Wuhun Palace. The soul beast alone

There is an irreconcilable conflict between beasts and humans, and it will not be with your father. And your father is even less likely to leave the sect and offend the Wuhun Palace for a soul beast."

Just a random guess can get an answer close to the truth, which makes Tang San appreciate Yu Xiaogang a little more, so now Tang San is still willing to explain what he already knows to Yu Xiaogang, just for the sake of hope.

Yu Xiaogang can make more guesses so that he can have a better idea.

"Teacher, are you willing to go with me?" Tang San asked.

Unlike Tang San, there are too many people involved with Yu Xiaogang here.

'Master's wife' Liu Erlong, sworn brother Flanders, registered disciple Oscar... Tang San mentally counted the relationship between everyone at Shrek Academy and Yu Xiaogang.

Compared with getting along for two years and not wanting to suffer unnecessary harm and avoiding the risk of death, Tang San was naturally able to make the choice he thought was appropriate.

My existence means danger, and they will understand me. I just don’t know how the teacher will choose.

Yu Xiaogang thought with a stiff face, Tang San needed time, and he also needed to not be disturbed by the Spirit Hall, so the place where Tang San should go was either in the deep mountains and old forests where the Spirit Hall could not find anyone, or there was someone there

The protection of the big forces makes Wuhundian dare not come forward openly.

"Xiaosan, how about I take you to Ning Fengzhi? He can give you protection. The Qibao Glazed Sect behind him has this strength."

There was no direct answer to Tang San's question, which made Tang San a little disappointed, but fortunately Yu Xiaogang didn't ignore him completely.

However, if you go to the Qibao Glazed Sect, wouldn't that mean you owe Ning Fengzhi another favor? Tang San frowned.

After telling Yu Xiaogang that he would seriously consider where he would go in the future, Tang San said goodbye to Yu Xiaogang and returned to his and Oscar's room.

Taking out his clothes, Tang San began to pack his luggage. When Oscar returned to the room at night, he saw a luggage placed next to Tang San's bed.

"Xiao San, are you leaving Shrek Academy?"

After looking at the luggage, Oscar curiously asked Tang San.


Tang San said it was possible, but his tone was very firm. Oscar's eyes flashed when he heard this.

"That's it, Sect Leader Ning has invited you."

He thought of Ma Hongjun's words during the day, coupled with Ning Fengzhi's sudden visit and departure. Inevitably, Oscar associated these together.

Tang San chuckled lightly, then shook his head, "Xiao Ao, you're overthinking. It's my turn. You don't think I'm going to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, do you?"

Oscar nodded with envy in his eyes.

"Then you really think too much."

Then Tang San sat cross-legged on the bed and began to think about where to stay in the future.

This chapter has been completed!
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