Chapter 226 Isolated from the World

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 "Senior, what is the third purple level exam? I feel like you are very happy."

Looking away from the young man, the man in purple couldn't take away the smile on his lips.

"The tests given by Lord Poseidon are divided into levels. Different levels have different difficulty levels. Like the colors of the soul rings, from low to high, they are white-level assessment, yellow-level assessment, purple-level assessment, and black-level assessment.

and red top assessment."

"Lord Poseidon will conduct different assessments based on different people. The content of the assessment is in the light curtain that just appeared, and only the examinee and the examiner can know it. Lord Kaiba is their examiner for these young people."
"Through different levels of assessment, you will also get corresponding powers on Poseidon Island. The assessment will be based on the strength, potential and other qualifications of the person being assessed. This is the will of Lord Poseidon."

"Among them, the white-level assessment and the yellow-level assessment will only have one test. If you pass it, it will be considered successful. When it comes to the purple-level assessment, distinctions will begin to appear. The purple-level assessment will have one to three tests."

"In other words, if the light emitted from the holy pillar appears in front of you as one, then you will have to go through a purple-level test. If it is three, then you will have to go through three tests before you pass.

The more tests there are, the greater the difficulty will naturally be. The higher the authority you will gain after passing it."

Speaking of this, the smile on the purple-clothed man's face faded, and a touch of worry appeared in his eyes.

"This is both a blessing and a misfortune for him. There is a high probability that he will not pass. I hope that child is lucky enough to pass the examination."

The young man blinked, "Unfortunate thing? Will he return to the arms of Lord Poseidon?"

Glancing at the young man with approval, the man in purple shook his head.

"This is not certain. If his test is not a fatal test, then he will not die, but he will leave Poseidon Island, and we will send people to send him out."

He had to send someone to leave. The young man’s brows moved, and he seemed to have found a way to leave here.

As long as his test fails.

It didn't take long for the test to be issued. When the young man was thinking about how he could successfully pass the sea within a sea and fail the test, those young people had already received their own assessments. Including the first young man, only three of them got it.

Passed the purple level test.

"We should go."

Following the call of the man in purple, the young man was withdrawn from his thoughts. He saw the rich blue light in Seahorse Douluo's hand again. He waved his hand slightly, and a strange scene appeared.

The water on one side of the sea surged up and condensed in the air, turning into a bridge in just a short time.

Those young people came out of the sea, and the young man followed them. The group followed the man in purple and left here.

I turned back and took one last look at Seahorse Douluo. He was already sitting cross-legged under the sacred pillar.

They are all stronger than me, so it is unrealistic to escape privately.

We need to pass through the sea within the sea, and then leave here. The young man silently recorded these in his heart.

After walking for about a quarter of an hour and walking out of the woods, what came into view was actually a city.

This is a small city. The city wall is only five meters high. When they walked out of the woods, they were on a higher ground. What they could notice at a glance was a tall building in the center of the city.

The building looks somewhat similar to the Holy Seahorse Pillar, except that it is much wider, and there is a huge seahorse statue at the top of the building.

"There are seven sacred pillars and seven cities in Poseidon Island. This is Seahorse City. The building you see is the city lord's palace. There are about a thousand people living in Seahorse City, all of whom are the most loyal followers of Lord Poseidon."
As he walked, the young man looked at him sideways and talked with the young man about science.

"Hello, my name is Chang Qinghuan."

Looking at the hand stretched out in front of him, the young man put on a polite smile and shook it.

"Hello, I am Tang San."

"If you don't understand anything, you can ask me. I live in Seahorse City. Of course, this will be before my test is completed."

Withdrawing his hand, Chang Qinghuan tapped his eyebrows with his fingers and smiled heartily.

"Because I'm not sure whether I can stay here. After all, this test is beyond my psychological expectations."

The purple triangle pattern was glowing, Tang San nodded to show that he understood, and at the same time, his eyes looked at the man in purple walking in the front.

"That's my uncle." Chang Qinghuan suddenly said, "When he is free, you can also ask him something."

This is indeed a small city, with only four basic gates. It is said to be a city gate, but in fact it is more like a mansion gate. In front of the city gate that everyone came to, there were only two white and two yellow gates, guarded by four sea soul masters.<


After entering the city, the man in purple looked at his nephew standing next to Tang San. He smiled at Tang San and nodded, and after a few simple words to Chang Qinghuan, he left, leaving the rest

The young people below also scattered and went back to their homes.

Following Chang Qinghuan, Tang San observed the surrounding scene.

The not-so-wide streets are extremely clean. The buildings on both sides are not too tall and are mainly made of wood and stone. There are not many shops, but they are there.

"People here can basically be self-sufficient. We can survive by growing some simple crops and being nourished by the sea. Therefore, Poseidon Island does not need currency, and transactions are usually carried out by barter."<


Noticing Tang San's gaze towards the shop, Chang Qinghuan explained to Tang San naturally.

Tang San looked at Chang Qinghuan strangely and asked, "Is this place isolated from the world?"

"Not exactly. We on Poseidon Island also have a special caravan that goes out to buy. We will still go to sea once in a certain period of time to trade with nearby coastal cities and buy some necessities."

"People from Poseidon Island are not allowed to leave Poseidon Island. The Poseidon Island fleet is not composed of Poseidon Island soul masters, but some Poseidon Soul Masters who do not belong to Poseidon Island, or Poseidon Soul Masters who have failed in the test have spontaneously


"To be precise, every once in a while, they will send a batch of supplies to the island in exchange for some of the island's specialties."

"Not allowed to leave?" Tang San was shocked. This was not an ordinary refusal to contact the outside world.

"Yes, we are all the most loyal believers of Lord Poseidon. Of course, we must serve Lord Poseidon wholeheartedly."

Hot light emanated from Chang Qinghuan's eyes, and he looked matter-of-fact.

"No one wants to leave, and I don't want to either, so I don't want my test to fail and I don't want to be sent out."

"Can't you choose to come back secretly?" Tang San asked Chang Qinghuan curiously without showing any intention of escaping.

"This is a bad idea, and it's also impossible." Chang Qinghuan shook his head and denied Tang San's words.

This chapter has been completed!
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