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Chapter 285 Chongmai

From soothing to compressing in just a moment, except for the left arm, the rest of the body turned into a small battlefield. The wide and gentle sea was entangled with the raging cold murderous aura. The pain in the body was almost torn, which made Xiao Wu

'The face is ferocious.

Destroying and repairing at the same time, starting over and over again, quite a bit like not resting until death.

Curling up and lying on the ground, 'Xiao Wu' couldn't distinguish anything else and paid attention to other things. The unconsciousness of the domain was released. The soft blue light enveloped 'Xiao Wu', replenishing the lost blood and blood at any time. The cold air flow was in 'Xiao Wu''s body.

After going around in a circle, it was nourished and strengthened.

Bo Saixi silently watched the change in 'Xiao Wu's face and did not interfere.

When you want to gain something, you also need to pay something or suffer something, right?

One body is undergoing two divine tests at the same time, and this suffering is what she or he should bear. God's 'favor' can never be shaken off from the moment it is touched.

There was a hint of sadness in his eyes, and the expression on his face remained unchanged. This was the case for all the soul masters Bo Saixi knew who came into contact with the gods.

Accept the favor and stop the favor. I have no right to say more.

Amidst the constant trembling, mixed with the suppressed hum, a subtle breaking sound came. Bo Saixi caught the sound sharply, and the surprise was clearly revealed in his eyes.

Can't your body bear it anymore? Why doesn't Lord Poseidon react at all?

That is...what? As for the changes in herself, 'Xiao Wu', who is the person involved, knows best.

The blood-colored lines between the eyebrows lit up. When 'Xiao Wu''s lips became paler, the airflow was forced back to the soul bone of her left arm. At the same time, the golden lines between the eyebrows lit up. The breath of the sea filled the whole body, except for the left arm.


A warm current invaded, and as the breath of the ocean flowed through her body, 'Xiao Wu' could not grasp this change. What she didn't know was Bo Saixi's surprise when she saw the pattern on the half of the trident flashing frequently.

She/He is far more important than I thought. The hand holding the scepter unconsciously exerted force, and the calm lake in his heart rippled, and a trace of emotion that might not even be considered a waver floated in Bo Saixi's mind.

After...wait...she regained her composure, she felt ashamed of her unfaithful thoughts.

The curled up body stretched, and a layer of white mist floated around 'Xiao Wu', floating with every breath she took. With a soft moan, the white mist dissipated, and two cold lights appeared in the eyes, and then disappeared, Qingming


Fortunately, her body improved under such circumstances. The changes in 'Xiao Wu''s body could be seen at a glance, and Bo Saixi sighed in a rare way.

The red light attached to his eyes disappeared and Tang San fell into a deep sleep. Bo Saixi took the people away from Poseidon Temple and sent them to Tang San's residence.

After sleeping quietly for a whole day, with his body twitching involuntarily, Tang San woke up from his sleep and subconsciously checked his body. He didn't have time to think about when he was sent back by whom, and a look of surprise appeared on his face, with a hint of surprise.

A bit surprised.

He tried to use the Xuantian Technique, and the more solid soul power confirmed his surprise - one of the eight extraordinary meridians was connected.

It is clearly stated in Xuantian Baolu that any one of the eight extraordinary meridians can be penetrated, and Xuantian Gong will benefit greatly. One of the criteria for the success of Xuantian Gong, in addition to reaching the eighth level, is to open up all eight extraordinary meridians. Xuantian Bao

The record states that those who have access to the eight meridians can ascend to heaven and earth, and can do anything.

Although it is just a very simple sentence, it fully proves the huge effect that the eight extraordinary meridians will have after being opened.

Tang San's understanding of the Eight Extraordinary Meridians was obtained from Xuantian Baolu, which recorded very detailed records.

The eight points of the limbs are Qi, Houxi, Neiguan, Waiguan, Zhaohai, Shenmai, Gongsun, and Zulinqi respectively leading to Ren, Du, Yinwei, Yangwei, Yinqiao, Yangqiao, Chong, and Daiba

Pulse means that these acupuncture points can communicate with the eight extraordinary meridians of the head, face and trunk.

“Gongsun Chong meridians, stomach, heart and chest, Nei Guan Yin Wei Xia are all the same;

Lin weeping gallbladder meridian and associated pulse, yang dimension sharp eyes and outer guan meet;

The Houxi Du Vein is at the medial canthus neck, and the Shen Vein and Yangqiao collaterals are also open;

The Liequei Ren channel runs through the lung system, and the Yang stilt shines on the sea diaphragm and throat."

Each of the meridians corresponds to some important parts of the human body. Although the eight meridians are naturally connected, they are only slightly connected, and internal forces cannot pass through. In Tang San's previous life, almost any internal master was...

Measured by the number of eight extra meridians opened.

Among the eight extraordinary meridians, the most important ones are the Ren meridian, the Du meridian, the Chong meridian and the Dai meridian. By judging the location, Tang San concluded that the one he had inexplicably opened this time should be the Chong meridian among them.


Opening the Chong meridians leads to unblocking the heart meridians. Although it is not as obvious as the effect of the Ren and Du meridians, the benefits it brings to Tang San are also indescribable. Just like the younger the younger the better when training as a soul master.

Opening up the eight extraordinary meridians is naturally easier the younger you are. As you get older, the human body will be affected by external influences, and the meridians in the body will become more and more rigid, making it naturally more difficult to open them up.

Now that the Chong Mai has been opened, the benefits to Tang San's future cultivation will undoubtedly be huge.

After his mind that had been stunned by the surprise cooled down, doubts arose, and Tang San began to think about who had done what to his body after he was unconscious.

"The soul power has increased by six levels. I don't know if this is a good thing or not." He raised his left hand and made a fist. He always felt that the bones of this arm were cold.

With his soul power activated, he unexpectedly did not see Xiao Wu's appearance. He frowned and raised his right hand to hold his left arm. Not only did Tang San's face not feel relaxed because of this, but it actually became a little more solemn.

Although he doesn't like being used as a vessel to nourish Xiao Wu, he also hates things that are beyond his understanding.

"By the way, that plant Xiaobai gave me."

Letting go of his left arm, Tang San walked around the room and found nothing, then checked his whole body. After searching to no avail, his face darkened successfully.

"So, is it the result of refining that plant?"

Sitting back on the bed silently, Tang San could no longer feel any joy at this moment.

His life was controlled, his fate was arranged, he had no way to resist, and he was powerless to resist. Tang San didn't even know who he was resisting.

"These are really painful and hopeless days." He smiled self-deprecatingly, and some deeply buried thoughts in his heart began to rise.

Who would like to be controlled? Even if [they] can give you something that others can envy.

Opening the door, Tang San didn't immediately go to the Raging Waves and Desperate Situation. Tang San found his mother hiding among the blue silver grass everywhere.

After releasing the Blue Silver Domain and covering his growing mother, Tang San had a sincere smile on his face.

"Mom, come and chat with me."

It will always accept mine, after all, its blood is flowing in my body.

This chapter has been completed!
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