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Chapter 89 Conversation with Qian Daoliu

 Tang San's sudden disappearance made Qian Renxue feel irritated and out of control again.

After pinching her fingers and taking one last look at the empty room, Qian Renxue gritted her teeth and felt helpless.

Following Qian Daoliu out of the prison, and noticing that Bibi Dong's face instantly turned ugly after Qian Daoliu passed by, Qian Renxue blinked and recorded this scene.

At the door of the prison, Hu Liena stood by the door with a white face. Bibi Dong looked at Hu Liena with cold eyes.

Wait, why is the little fox here?

Qian Renxue was so anxious to go in just now that she didn't think much about it, but now that she saw Hu Liena's pale complexion and Bibi Dong's unusual attitude towards Hu Liena, all of the above clearly told her that something was wrong.<


Did the master and apprentice, who were as close as mother and daughter, also have such moments?

Qian Renxue looked at the scene before her thoughtfully.

A small object flashed through the air, and Qian Renxue's good eyesight was enough to see what it was.

Six patterns were clearly printed on the token, and Bibi Dong reached out and grabbed the token thrown in front of her.

"Keep some things yourself and don't give them to irrelevant people."

Qian Daoliu glanced at the little guy hiding behind Bibi Dong with a warning look, and then shifted his gaze to Qian Renxue. The warning tone disappeared instantly, with a bit of gentleness.

"Xiaoxue, come back to the worship hall with me first. I have something to ask you."

Although she wanted to know what happened between Bibi Dong and Hu Liena, Qian Renxue suppressed her doubts and chose to leave with Qian Daoliu.

Standing in front of the angel statue in the enshrinement hall, Qian Renxue looked in surprise at the statue that looked gray because of the absence of the golden light.

"Xiaoxue, you also saw it, do you know what is going on?"

"God Ancestor, she... God Ancestor has a problem?"

Qian Daoliu looked at Qian Renxue helplessly. The Angel God had not contacted the great worshiper for many years. The most recent time he skipped him and contacted Qian Renxue directly.

In view of this situation, Qian Daoliu planned to ask Qian Renxue something directly, hoping to get an answer that would reassure him. After all, the fact that the statue turned gray still worried him a lot.


After a moment of silence, Qian Renxue shook her head, saying that she didn't know, but she also explained to Qian Daoliu that Qian Hanyu was fine now.

"That's good."

Then he reached out and pushed Qian Renxue down to sit cross-legged, letting Qian Renxue recover her soul power here first.

"Xiaoxue, do you know something about Tang San?"

Sitting on the steps, recalling Bibi Dong's insinuating reminder before, combined with Qian Renxue's extremely fluctuating mood today, after thinking about it, Qian Daoliu was ready to ask Qian Renxue what she thought of Tang San.

"There is also a god behind Tang San, and he has no dealings with Wuhun Palace. Tang San will definitely become a major obstacle to Wuhun Palace in the future."

"Grandpa, I seem to have made things complicated."

Looking at Qian Daoliu helplessly, Qian Renxue's tone was filled with confusion, regret and frustration.

The foresight of rebirth is her greatest advantage, but now, with the actions Qian Renxue makes, the future direction begins to diverge from her previous life.

Qian Renxue doesn't know whether this is good or bad, but it is impossible for her to do nothing.

Perhaps, I should keep an eye on Tang San at all times, destroying his original opportunities step by step, limiting his growth, and slowing down his speed of becoming a god.

Instead of being like now, just to scare the snake, not only to lose Tang San's traces in advance, but also to add hidden dangers, leaving Wuhun Palace on the bright side.

God again?

Qian Daoliu's eyes twitched, and Bibi Dong's previous reminder appeared again.

[You have to know that the last twin martial soul was watched by God.]

What did Qian Daoliu think at that time? He didn't take it seriously at the time. He really didn't expect it.

Are there so many talents in Xiaoxue's era? As far as I know, there are three people who have the qualifications to become gods.

"Grandpa, if we let you compete with senior Tang Chen, and you win, then the Haotian Sect can be destroyed."

Qian Daoliu was speechless and looked at Qian Renxue with complex eyes for a while before he said calmly, "Xiaoxue, don't you already know? Xunji didn't die in Tang Hao's hands."

"Grandpa never thought about letting Wuhun Palace unify the continent?"

"Grandpa, do you think Haotian Sect will surrender to Wuhun Palace?"

"Or is it about the Haotian Sect's enthronement? Grandpa thinks that his disciples of the Haotian Sect will not be resentful towards Wuhun Palace, but are grateful to Wuhun Palace for choosing to let them go?"
"Haotian Sect can be added to the soul hunting operation."

Qian Renxue looked at Qian Daoliu with bright eyes, a desire called ambition spreading in her heart.

"But now Tang Chen is in the killing city, Xiaoxue, I have to abide by the agreement."

Qian Renxue's eyes flickered and she didn't answer, but she had her own plan in mind.

If Tang San is missing, then he is missing. The forces behind Tang San still need to be arranged first. They cannot help Tang San. It is best to let Tang San fight alone in the end.

"Grandpa, I went out to deal with Dugu Bo this time."

Letting go of the topic of Haotian Sect, Qian Renxue thought of what she had gained this time.

"Dugu Bo also has a medicinal garden called Binghuo Liangyiyan, where many precious medicinal herbs are grown, as well as immortal products."

"Using immortal products can improve the user's qualifications without damaging one's own foundation. It may lead to the evolution of the martial soul."

"And my cultivation speed will be accelerated there, and the spring water of the Ice and Fire Eyes can also temper my body."

"Grandpa, can you send a priest to guard that treasure?"

"Are you serious? If so, grandpa will send someone there now."

A rare look of curiosity appeared in Qian Daoliu's eyes, this sounds like a treasure indeed.

"When Elder Ju comes back, grandpa can ask him. Elder Ju knows more about medicinal herbs than I do. Elder Ju also picked some medicinal herbs and brought them back so that Yueyue and the others can take them."

Qian Daoliu looked at Qian Renxue with pleased eyes, "Didn't Xiaoxue ask Yueguan to help you choose an immortal product to take?"

"I have already taken the fairy medicine, but the power of the medicine has not been fully absorbed."

"But there is a special kind of immortality that I kept." As she said that, Qian Renxue took out a flower from the soul guide.

It was an ordinary-looking white flower. The flower was the size of a palm, shaped like a peony, and had no grass leaves. There was a large stone connected under the rhizome, and the stone was completely black.

On top of that white flower, there are some astonishing patches of red, as bright as blood, which looks a bit thrilling.

"The name of this flower is Acacia Heartbroken Red. It is a divine treasure among the fairy herbs."

This chapter has been completed!
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