Chapter 62 Hometown has become a foreign land

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Half past nine in the evening.

At this time, the scene of "The Strongest Sound" was completely dark, and all the lights were turned off.

Above the stage, a dim yellow light lit up. Although it was not bright enough, its orange light always made people feel warm in the darkness that symbolized coldness.

The melodious accordion sounded, and a beam of chasing light hit the performer.

Immediately afterwards, the elegant piano and the soft flute joined in sequence, and the spotlight on the scene illuminated their players one by one.

The soothing prelude soothed many viewers' excitement caused by Zhang Yang.

"Running around under the stars and the moon, just for a window."

The moment the song started, all the chasing lights on the performers were extinguished, and the entire scene lit up with warm orange stage lights.

The chasing light came on again, but this time, it only shone on Zhou Ziwu.


There was a round of applause.

Although there was only one sentence, his clear and clear voice still made everyone's eyes shine.

And more of the audience just closed their eyes and listened to his singing.

Zhou Ziwu, wearing a tuxedo, stood quietly under the warm light and sang softly:

"When you're lost on the road, you can see the light."

“Unknowingly, I regard this foreign country as my hometown.”

"I just occasionally look into the distance when I am sad."

"The local accent of the past is quietly hidden."

"The unspeakable promise can always be kept."

He has experienced too many things in the past few months.

He debuted as an amateur with no background. When the rumors and slander came, he was just a freshly graduated student.

No one is born with a strong heart. He will be sad, and he will be so ashamed that he bursts into tears when his father questions him.

But being alone in a foreign land, he could only seal all this in his heart together with his own local accent.

Why keep at it?

Because you can make money.

You can let your parents no longer squeeze into that old shabby room.

Debts can be paid off.

They can give themselves twenty years of good life and no longer have to work hard to sell pancakes to pay off their debts.

This is a promise he made to no one.

Zhou Ziwu raised his head slightly and looked at the ceiling.

"There are many times when tears have to be shed."

"That window is what makes me strong."

"Small doorway."

"And her gentleness."

"Give me warmth and stay with me."

At this moment, many spectators closed their eyes, followed the melody of the music, and swayed their bodies gently.

The chorus ended, the transition began, and the melodious accordion sounded again. Zhou Ziwu closed his eyes, turned around quietly, and adjusted his emotions.


There was another burst of applause, and the audience was encouraging him in their own way.

All the instruments joined together, the accompaniment suddenly became louder, and accompanied by applause, it was simply the most beautiful melody in the world.

Gradually, the piano, flute, cello, etc. gradually faded away, leaving only the melodious accordion.

After being high-spirited, he regained his composure.

Zhou Ziwu had turned around again and continued to sing in his own ethereal voice:

"How many people are fascinated by the prosperity right before their eyes."

"When you get closer, you realize that it is far farther than your hometown."

"Unknowingly, I was in a foreign land."

"Think of it as my hometown."

"Your hometown has become a foreign land. Only occasionally do you dare to look back."

"There is no need to talk about the ups and downs in the past. People in foreign lands have the same melancholy."

It was obviously a very heart-warming song, but the audience had goosebumps.

The audience at the scene were not all locals of Star City, but also many who came here to study or work. When they heard this, many people shed tears unconsciously.

But this time, it was not because they took the money, but because the lyrics really touched a soft place in their hearts.

Chu Qingqiu's eyes turned red.

This song was simply sung for her.

My hometown has become a foreign country.

No one feels this sentence more deeply than she does.

A place with family can be called home.

In the past four years since she was promoted to the top, she has not been home during the Chinese New Year. Every Spring Festival, she is either filming movies or various commercials or programs, and has no time to herself at all.

In four years and more than 1,400 days, she stayed at home for less than ten days.

I miss home.

She didn't even dare to have this idea.

If you don't want to, you won't be sad.

The other singers backstage were also more or less concerned.

Although their situation is not as extreme as Chu Qingqiu's, in this business, it is normal to get together less and stay away more often.

The heavy piano sound suddenly joined, followed by a large ensemble, and the tune was no longer soothing, but became high-pitched.

Zhou Ziwu's voice also became ethereal and passionate, floating in the clouds:

"At this moment, the tears were already flowing."

"That window is still bright and waiting for me."

"How many mirages have I seen?"

There was a bang in the audience's heads, and the tears could no longer be held back, and they burst out in a flash.

"Let me go back to the little door."

"Give me warmth and stay with me."

At the end of the song, his voice became soothing again.

It's like a ray of sunshine breaking through the dark clouds in the sky after a violent storm, letting people escape from the suppressed emotions. It's also like a gentle hand, gently wiping away the tears from the corners of your eyes.

All the instruments suddenly stopped, and Zhou Ziwu sang acapella: "Give me warmth and accompany me -"

In his soft long tone, the melodious accordion sounded for the last time.

Slowly, the human voice disappeared, the accordion sound became stronger and weaker, and finally dissipated in the air of the scene.


The scene erupted into thunderous applause.


Zhou Ziwu smiled and bowed to the audience.

Lounge No. 6.

Shi Yue's mouth has turned into an "O" shape.

The degree of completion of this song "Stranger" is simply too high!

She didn't expect that he, who was still singing "Stubborn" in the last performance, would be so skillful this time.

This style has changed too much!

"There are basically no masters this season. If you come here, you will definitely win the championship."

Thinking of Hong Cho's promise on the phone when he invited her before, she wanted to spit on his face.

Who gave you the courage to say this, Chu Qingqiu?

Is this called not a master?

If he is not called a master, who can be considered a master?

And Hong Chou, who was scolded by her secretly in her heart, is now so happy that her teeth are showing.

The quality of the songs in this issue is too high. If Zhou Ziwu can continue to maintain this level in the following episodes, he is confident that "The Strongest Sound", which has been in decline, can return to its peak this season and shine for the first time.

Second spring.

Even breaking the previous ratings record is not impossible.

At this time, the second happiest person in the audience was Zhang Yang.

Fortunately, I didn't attack Zhou Ziwu. My decision was really wise!

After Zhou Ziwu, all the singers present finished their performances.

After counting the votes of the audience, the exciting moment is about to come. The rankings to be announced next will directly determine the stay of the singers present.

Even the veterans who have been in the music scene for many years are a little nervous.

Because no one has any confidence in the ranking of this issue.

Shi Yue, who was determined to take first place in both games, lost even the confidence to take the top two place.

Ten p.m.

All seven singers, as well as Zhang Yang, the surprise singer, gathered in a large lounge, waiting for Hong Chou to announce the final result.

This chapter has been completed!
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