Chapter 127: Medicine King Temple Fair (7) Fake and substandard medicines

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"Ahem, the danger is so high! The road to Shu is more difficult than reaching the blue sky..." Zhang Jiebin looked at the west and couldn't help but read "The Road to Shu is Difficult": "Although Jincheng is happy, it is better to return home early."

Li Yingzhen said: "Hui Ming, are you homesick?"

Zhang Jiebin shook his head and said: "No, I hate war and displacement. This is a country of abundance, but it was beaten to pieces. How many people left and never came back."

"After two hundred years of rest and recuperation, the Shu land has also recovered somewhat. You see, in the past few years, Mr. Yangge and Mr. Sheng'an were released. The officialdom and literary world were unparalleled for a while, and they left behind good stories about father and son." Li Yingshi consoled him.

"Compared to the Tang and Song Dynasties, it is far behind." Zhang Jiebin said: "Not to mention other things, there is a medicine market in Daci Temple. In the Tang Dynasty, there was a medicine market in Daci Temple. In the Song Dynasty, there was a Yuju Temple. There were two medicine markets in Daci Temple, three times a year, which made it a grand sight.

.But since the Yuan army defeated Sichuan, the vitality of the Shu region has been severely damaged. For the past three hundred years, there has been no market for medicine."

After listening to Zhang Jiebin's words, everyone didn't know how to comfort them. In the Song Dynasty, Shu was comparable to the existence of Jiangnan. Looking at the Ming Dynasty, it is a province comparable to the three provinces of Jiangnan combined. But now, not to mention the three provinces of Jiangnan, only Jiangxi.

The province is stronger than the three Sichuan provinces.

After this incident, Zhang Jiebin was in a low mood, and everyone was no longer interested in talking and laughing. After wandering for a while, Zhang Jiebin also noticed that he had affected everyone, so he said: "Master Cao, we are not in the mood to hang out anyway, so why not follow you?"

But he bought medicine so that we could see him."

"Okay, then you all will cooperate when the time comes." Hall Master Cao agreed.

After walking forward for a while, Hall Master Cao stopped at a stall, held a piece of realgar and asked: "Where is this realgar produced and what is its price?"

"Oh, it turns out it's Mr. Cao from the capital. This is a good product. I specially sell it from Guizhou." The man said with a smile.

Hall Master Cao didn't know if it was okay, so he rubbed some finely and tasted it, and his expression changed drastically: "Bah, bah, bah..."

Zhang Jiebin and others were also shocked. Especially Zhang Jiebin and Zhang Ruyi knew that realgar was slightly poisonous, but there was no serious problem in trying it briefly. Hall Master Cao acted like this to blackmail others, right?

Sure enough, the drug dealer also had a suspicious look on his face and said: "Master Cao, you are always the number one person with a good reputation, but you can't do this. I'm just running a small business..."

Before the drug dealer finished speaking, Hall Master Cao became furious and scolded: "You don't even want to ask, how can I, the name of Cao Yongli of Heniant Hall, be able to slander you?"

Zhang Jiebin and Zhang Ruyi saw that Hall Master Cao's anger seemed fake, so they both picked up the realgar and looked at it carefully.

After a while, Zhang Jiebin said uncertainly: "There seems to be something wrong."

Zhang Ruyi shook his head and said helplessly: "There are hundreds of fake medicines on the market, and I can't tell the difference between them. I can't tell the difference between the real and fake medicine."

The movement here alarmed Zhan'er, and he quickly raised his head, and Gang Leader Lin rushed over.

Zhang Jiebin also met several scholars he met at Wenchang Palace the day before yesterday. Sun Chengzong, Feng Congwu and others were also among the crowd of spectators.

Hall Master Cao was not surprised when he saw the crowd gathered around. What was strange was that the drug dealer was relieved when he saw more and more people gathered.

This surprised Zhang Jiebin even more. Although he could not confirm it, based on Hall Master Cao's judgment, he was at least 70% certain that the realgar was fake.

At this time, the drug dealer said: "Everyone, young and old, take a look at it quietly. My Guizhou realgar is absolutely genuine. It only costs three coins per kilogram."

Hearing this, some of the onlookers ran out, took the realgar and started watching.

"Three cents of silver is a good deal. I just asked the shop over there, and the price of a pound of medicine is three cents and two cents!"

"Oh? Seriously?"

Some people in the crowd started talking, and a few people came over to look at the realgar.

Hall Master Cao was not in a hurry to point it out, and let the few people identify him. After about a cup of tea, several people read it one after another, whispered a few words, and introduced an old man who was over sixty years old.

"I have met Hall Master Cao, Gang Leader Lin, and Head Zhang. Forgive me for my blindness, but I wonder where the realgar problem lies?" The old man bowed and then asked.

Hall Master Cao said: "Historically, realgar has been often imitated as cinnabar, and some people like to use smelly yellow as realgar. It is not difficult to distinguish, but the so-called realgar is not smelly yellow, but made from smoked yellow washed away with vinegar. This is

It’s smoked yellow rather than realgar.”

As soon as these words came out, the old man's complexion changed several times. He looked at the realgar in his hand again and again, and said dejectedly: "I have been practicing medicine for decades in vain. I thought I could identify the medicinal materials in the world. Unexpectedly, I ended up blind."

Zhang Gangtou waved his hand, and immediately went to several poles, captured the drug dealer, and took away the medicinal materials. The drug dealer kept shouting: "It's wrong, it's wrong, this is really realgar, it's really realgar, I myself

I paid two yuan of silver to go to Guizhou!"

But no one paid attention to him, and he and the medicine were all taken to the Yaowang Temple across the courtyard.

Zhang Jiebin couldn't help but sigh: "Oh, maybe that person was also deceived."

"Damn you, you damn counterfeiters. There are so many counterfeit medicines on the market, and they harm so many people every year. If you don't know the goods well, you are helping the evildoers, and you should be beaten!" Hall Master Cao said indignantly.

These words made the old man blush and sneak away without saying a word.

Zhang Ruyi said very calmly: "We, the Qizhou Pharmaceutical Market, will never be soft on the sale of counterfeit medicines. This is also the reason why the pharmaceutical market is able to flourish."

Li Yingshi was convinced and said to Hall Master Cao: "It is interesting to identify medicines and it can benefit the country. Why not go to more places and pick out some fake medicines to kill the trend?"

Before Hall Master Cao could speak, someone else in the crowd said, "Look, I thought the store was expensive just now, but at least the medicine is real. No matter how cheap the fake medicine is, isn't it harmful to people?"

"Yes, yes, from now on, I would rather spend more money than take advantage of it."

"That's right, that's right. The store doesn't bully its customers!"

After hearing these words, Hall Master Cao said meaningfully to Zhang Jiebin: "Do you know now how important it is to create a golden brand, and how difficult it is to maintain it?"

"That's why we need people like Hall Master Cao to strengthen our position. Come on, Master Cao, please lead us to clean up all counterfeit medicines in the world." Zhang Jiebin quickly pushed Hall Master Cao to another medicine stall.

Although the small medicine market is criss-crossed with streets and alleys and numerous medicinal shops, the streets are still lined with stalls. Some medicine shops are placed outside to attract customers, but more are drug dealers who take advantage of every opportunity and occupy every corner of the streets.

Although it is a stall, the medicinal materials are not placed on the ground, but on shelves half a person's height for passing merchants to choose from.

Hall Master Cao stopped at a stall at random. The vendor was only in his twenties. Seeing Hall Master Cao arrive, he said nervously: "Cao... Hall Master Cao, the medicinal materials of this villain are all inferior goods, please show your respect!"


"Well, the appearance is indeed low-grade, but the medicine is exquisite and the techniques are perfect. It has the ability to turn decay into something magical. The efficacy of the medicine is at least mid-grade. Is this little brother an expert?" Hall Master Cao couldn't help but marveled.


As soon as this was said, the onlookers rushed to buy medicine.

This chapter has been completed!
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