Chapter 192 Navel Wind

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Seeing that Zhang Jiebin agreed, Hu Shenrou ran out with a smile on her face, and soon brought back a few teenagers and introduced them excitedly.

"Brother Zhang, this is Xiao Jing from Jiangjin, Li Shi from Jiangjin, Chen Zhiming from Huang'an, Chen Sicheng from Jiaxing, Yu Mengxun from Kunming, Yu Zhongrui from Guizhou..."

Zhang Jiebin looked at the group of teenagers in front of him one by one, shouting in his heart, what a guy, these are teenagers from all over the world!

After Hu Shenrou introduced the young men, she said proudly: "Brother Zhang, even though we are young, we are all future great doctors. Take Brother Chen next to me as an example, he is 'four hundred and thirty'

Winner of the 2nd Hao Tooth Card..."

Hearing this, Zhang Jiebin couldn't help but take a second look at the young man named Chen Sicheng. He didn't expect that not only did he have a dental card in his hand, but he was also ranked high. This was rare, after all, he was still so young.

When Chen Sicheng saw Zhang Jiebin staring at him, he did not show any timidity. He bowed generously and said: "I have met Brother Zhang and my younger brother Chen Sicheng. People from Jiaxing, please take care of me as a fellow countryman."

"It's easy to talk about." Zhang Jiebin withdrew his scrutinizing gaze, returned the greeting with a smile, and then asked: "There is a world-famous doctor named Chen in Jiaxing. His medical skills have been passed down for seven generations, and he has been doing well for generations. I wonder if little brother Chen knows about it?"

Chen Sicheng buried his head in calculation for a while and replied: "If I am not wrong, the Chen family in Jiaxing that Brother Zhang mentioned is exactly the family of the younger brother, and it is the eighth generation that has been passed down to the younger brother."

"The Chen family has been a good doctor for eight generations. Brother Chen will continue to work hard for seven generations and become a great doctor." Zhang Jiebin nodded and said.

"My little brother should go all out." Chen Sicheng said seriously.

After chatting for a while, Zhang Jiebin chatted with several other teenagers and took note of them all, hoping to see if they would achieve anything in the future.

Then this group of teenagers entertained themselves under Zhang Jiebin's deliberate release. They seemed very leisurely and at ease, but other battlefields were not as harmonious.

Zhang Jiebin was also restless and asked Fu Maoguang to find Wang Tingfu. He asked Wang Tingfu to keep an eye on this place and then went elsewhere to watch the battle.

Not far away, Zhang Jiebin saw a very lively place. When he got closer, Wan Ji came out in person, waving his sleeves and talking to two other people. One of them was Cha Wanhe, who he had interacted with yesterday.

Zhang Jiebin walked in and asked the onlookers: "What's going on inside?"

"The patient is a baby. He is only a few days old. He should have umbilical cord wind!" The person who was asked was also a doctor and answered smoothly.

"Umbilical Wind!" Umbilical Wind is a disease that occurs frequently in newborn babies. Zhang Jiebin was surprised when he heard that the child had umbilical Wind. After all, countless babies have died at the hands of Umbilical Wind.

Zhang Jiebin did not ask any more questions and turned to look at the child. The child was being held by a young woman at the moment. The child was only a few days old and was thin and small.

Wan Ji took the baby from the woman's hands. The baby's complexion was light blue, his lips were light gray, and his limbs were twitching slightly. He looked very serious.

Wan Ji has followed his grandfather Wan Mi Zhai for many years and has gained a lot of experience from his grandfather. However, after a simple inspection, he knew that the situation was not optimistic.

"Doctor, please, please, please save the child. We have only had such a child after ten years of marriage."

The young woman next to her had a choked voice. She was being supported by her husband and was already a little unsteady on her feet.

Cha Wanhe obviously had a lot of experience. He saw that the child's condition was quite serious and did not want to take over. This caused Wanji, who was supposed to be notarizing, to end the case himself.

As the child's parents told the story intermittently, Zhang Jiebin also learned about the specific situation. It turned out that they were not from the capital, but because their child was in critical condition, they sought medical treatment everywhere to no avail. So they went to Beijing, and after some kind-hearted people gave advice, the scene unfolded before them.

Although Cha Wanhe looked at the child and said nothing, his expression was very familiar to him, exactly the same as the previous doctor. When he saw that Wanji took the initiative to take the child, he felt a little hopeful and begged.

"Brother Guangzu, let me take a look." Zhang Jiebin said after seeing Wanji finish checking.

Wan Ji said the child was handed to Zhang Jiebin, who carefully examined the child.

Newborn children have slender arms, which is not conducive to pulse diagnosis. In addition, the child's twitching and spasms from time to time affect the diagnosis. Fortunately, Zhang Jiebin is not a mediocre person. When he saw the child's condition just now, Zhang Jiebin knew that the child

The situation was quite difficult. When I checked, I realized that the situation was not only serious, but also quite dangerous, with my life hanging by a thread.


The young woman next to her covered her mouth and burst into tears. She had just given birth a few days ago and was still in confinement. At this time, her body was already weak, but she had to watch her child leave her.

Her husband was doing better. He was supporting his wife. His eyes were already red and tears were growing in his eyes, but he was still trying to suppress them.

Seeing that Zhang Jiebin had completed the diagnosis, Wan Ji came over and said softly: "Your Majesty, do you dare to give it a try?"

Zhang Jiebin frowned. The child's condition was already quite serious. It seemed like he was still breathing, but he was already dying, which is often said that he still had one breath left. At this time, ordinary prescriptions were no longer of great use, and he had to make dangerous moves to win the battle.

The merit of one.

"Abdominal distension, umbilicus swelling, and crying day and night indicate that umbilical wind is about to occur. You can use expelling wind powder. If the cold evil penetrates deeply and umbilicus wind develops, it should be treated according to its combination of symptoms and syndromes."

"For example, if the abdomen is bloated and hard, and the stool is blocked, the wind is combined with excess, and black and white dispersion is the main symptom; if the face is green and the limbs are cold, and the stool is not clear, the wind is combined with deficiency, and Li Zhong Tang is the main factor."

"For those with excessive phlegm and saliva, high breath and shortness of breath, wind and phlegm are the main symptoms, Cinnamon Silkworm Powder is the main treatment; for those with strong body heat, red face and dry mouth, wind and heat are the main symptoms, Longdan Decoction is the main treatment."

"Those with a blue face and vomiting, bending the waist and crying a lot are suffering from wind and cold, so Yispleen Powder is the main treatment; those with blue lips and unstoppable twitching are suffering from both wind and cold, and Yipi Powder is the main treatment."

"If the umbilicus is blue and black, and the mouth cannot be opened, it is due to internal arrhythmia and cannot be cured. If the umbilical wind is seen in one wax, it will not be cured. One wax lasts for seven days. If the child is seven days old, the blood will not coagulate, and the disease has been hidden in the middle.

Medical treatment is of no use.”

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Before Zhang Jiebin opened his mouth, Chen Luduan spoke first. Although it was a brief speech, it outlined the evidence of navel wind.

But his last words were the symptoms of the child at this time. His whole body was twitching, his complexion was pale blue, his lips were pale, and the area around his umbilical cord was blue and black. This was a situation where the disease had already been hidden in the body and treatment was of no use.

At this time, even if Qian Yi is resurrected and Wan Quan is reincarnated, he can only do his best, but there is no guarantee that he will be cured.

The parents of the child have not understood what Chen Luduan said, but most of the onlookers are doctors, and regardless of their medical skills, the young doctors who dare to come here are not incompetent, and they still have basic medical literacy.

Seeing that Zhang Jiebin was silent, Wanji couldn't help but said to Chen Luduan: "I know that the child's life is hanging by a thread, but after all, he is still alive. At this time, I don't have much confidence, so I can only use the right medicine to search for the disease."

Try the method of wind calming spasm and soothing the liver and stomach."

Although his words were light, his determination was strong. The meaning behind his words was a firm refutation of the futility of Chen Lv Duan's medical treatment.

Chen Luduan, however, did not care: "Manpower is sometimes exhausted, and there are six cases that doctors cannot cure. Why should we do it if we can't do it? Isn't it true that patients suffer more and their relatives suffer even more grief."

For a time, the discussion in the venue reached the ears of the children's parents one after another. They also understood one thing. Most of the doctors had given up on their children, except for one young man who still persisted.

Wan Ji is now only a young man in his mid-twenties, which is even younger than them. To a doctor, youth is a flaw.

The husband looked at the older Chen Luduan and prayed: "Doctor, is there really nothing we can do? Otherwise, take a look and take a closer look. Maybe there is a way!"

Chen Luduan shook his head helplessly and said: "This is a fatal disease, and even the gods can't help it."

The husband still did not give up and looked at the older doctors around him, but ignored the slightly younger ones like Wan Ji and Zhang Jiebin.

Each doctor avoided his pleading gaze, but the husband continued to persist, as if the child could be saved as long as no one avoided his gaze. Finally, a doctor faced him squarely.

The husband was overjoyed, and a factor called hope was growing crazily, but he heard the man say: "To be honest, Dr. Chen is a famous doctor in the world, and he is also a master of pediatrics. His medical reputation is spread all over the world, and he is worthy of contemporary money.

He said there was nothing he could do, so you should take your children back to take care of the funeral arrangements. Time is running out, so spend more time with your children and don’t let him suffer in vain."

"This, this..." The husband was stunned for a moment, and after a long time he said weakly to his wife: "How about we take the child back? This is our first child, and it may be our only child. Let's go together.

Please accompany him on his last journey, okay?"

This chapter has been completed!
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