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Chapter 243 Cihang: Thanks to Senior Brother Huanglong for his great kindness

 "Golden elixir method, form is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different from color, form is emptiness, emptiness is color. Feelings, thoughts, and awareness are also like this. Golden elixir method! These dharmas are empty. They are neither born nor destroyed, nor stained nor pure, nor are they pure.

Increase rather than decrease..."

Cihang and Samantabhadra walked in the wild land, searching for rare and exotic animals. After finding nothing for a long time, they went to the sea to see if there were any rare and exotic animals.

Stepping on the auspicious clouds, traveling to and from the world, compared with the cautiousness of the past, now with the support of the backstage, it is much more casual. Instead of admiring the scenery in all directions, I suddenly heard the wonderful sound of the preaching, the sound of the Tao was mysterious, touching the world.

Cihang and Pu Xian immediately stopped and listened carefully. They all felt that these words were very consistent with their own ways. Cihang especially felt that these words seemed to summarize and sublimate her ways.

Their eyes met, and they flew forward without thinking, looking from top to bottom.

The vast ocean is far away, and the water reaches the sky. The auspicious light envelopes the universe, and the auspicious air shines on the mountains and rivers. Thousands of layers of snow waves roar into the sky, and thousands of smoke waves billow into the day. The water flies around, and the waves roll around. The water flies around, making thunder, and the waves roll around, making thunderbolts all around.


However, the water is turbulent, but it cannot shake the central treasure land at all. The five-color hazy treasure mountain, red, yellow, purple, soap green and blue. Putuo Zhenming Mountain in the South China Sea, there is good fortune in Luojia Cave.

Seeing this, Cihang felt even more extraordinary. He sensed that this place seemed to have a great opportunity.

Immediately, Samantabhadra and Samantabhadra lowered their clouds and walked into the inner room together. Passing by a patch of purple bamboo, they felt the scenery was extraordinarily beautiful. Cihang was even more moved. Not long after, they arrived at the lotus pond in the inner room. Foxes lowered their heads, carps jumped out, and countless strange beasts listened.

The avenue is so mesmerizing that many strange beasts that should be natural enemies have broken away from their natures and live in harmony here.

Cihang and Samantabhadra felt even more mysterious and looked towards the center to see who was talking about such a great way.

But in the lake, lotus flowers bloomed, filling the lake.

In the center, among the largest lotuses, a female fairy in white sits upright, her skin reflecting the rays of sunlight. She is extremely beautiful and spotless, like the white clouds in the sky, without any flaws.


Cihang and Puxian were shocked, looking at each other with disbelief that this was what she said.

Can he still preach these sermons?

"Junior sister is giving a sermon. If you two junior brothers are willing, you can listen together."

A voice remembered Cihang and Puxian immediately turned to look at the bamboo forest aside, where Huang Long was looking at them with a smile on his face.

Cihang Samantabhadra immediately saluted, then silently walked to Huanglong's side, sat down and listened to the great road.

Huanglong brewed tea slowly and leisurely, and the tea was fragrant.

Listening to Yunxiao's sermon, Cihang Samantabhadra was even more enlightened. He also saw the jade purification vase in Yunxiao's hand surging with brilliance. He took out the poplar branch from the jade purification vase with his bare hands, and sprinkled the nectar. The dew passed by it, and all the strange beasts were covered in it.

The spiritual power surges, the demonic aura is greatly reduced, and there is a bit more auspicious aura.

When Cihang saw this, a look of envy appeared in his eyes. This is how he should be if he practices universal salvation.

"Junior sister Yunxiao attained Taoism not long ago and discussed Taoism with me. I made some comments and saw that she said that the nectar in the Zhongyu Pure Vase has the power of universal salvation, so I had some insights. Let me accumulate some teaching merits and search for this

It is one thing that the strange beasts are the mounts of the three elders, but teaching is also our duty and cannot be forgotten." Huang Long said.

"So this Taoist scripture was understood by senior brother?" Cihang looked at Huang Long in shock.

"Luckily." In front of the original owner, Huang Long accepted it without any psychological burden.

Although he had already made some guesses, Cihang was still shocked when he received Huang Long's confirmation. He looked at Huang Long in disbelief and said with admiration: "There have long been rumors among the disciples that the senior brother of the Kunlun lineage has the first understanding. Today,

I just met him and realized that this is not enough to describe my senior brother’s understanding.”

"Junior brother is too praised." Huang Long looked at the stunning face in front of him and said "Junior brother" against his will. Strictly speaking, it is wrong for junior brother to call Cihang.

Because Cihang’s heel is an innate lotus flower, his heel is extraordinary.

But there is a very subtle thing when plants take form, that is, male and female are animals, and most plants have no distinction between male and female.


In the beginning, when the world first opened, the spiritual roots were almost invisible, so they had no influence.

But later, after Zixiao preached, all sentient beings in the world practiced Taoism, and they were divided into male and female.

Most people choose male and female shapes, but there are a few exceptions.

Cihang is an exception.

It is believed that yin and yang belong to the day after tomorrow, and yin and yang are one body, which is chaos and is closest to the great road.

So there is no gender.

Then, the Taoist titles are more masculine. For example, there is only the term uncle, but there is no term for aunt, so men and women are also called junior brothers.

"It's just an accidental acquisition. All forms are empty, and all dharmas are empty. It breaks through the emptiness of the appearances of all races and observes the fundamentals. With compassion, we save all living beings and are born in the sea of ​​death, just like a boat sailing." Huang Long said with a smile.

"With compassion, save all sentient beings, born in the sea of ​​death, just like a boat sailing." When Cihang heard these sixteen characters, his mind seemed to be filled with a voice like a bell, and a terrifying spiritual energy surged into his body, almost

Turned into thick fog.

Huang Long smiled, waved his hand, distorted the space, attracted spiritual energy from all directions, and blocked the space where Cihang was to avoid affecting others.

After a long time, Cihang opened his eyes. They were like clear water hibiscus, without dirt, natural decoration, ethereal and holy. Looking at Huanglong, he immediately knelt down and kowtowed solemnly: "I have practiced for thousands of years, and today I know the true meaning of the word Cihang. Cihang."

Before Hang, I really don’t deserve this name. Thank you Senior Brother Huang Long for your guidance.”

"Studying in the same school, trivial matters, why should we care? What's more, this is a junior brother's self-realization, and he has accumulated a lot of experience. It's just a coincidence." Huang Long smiled, and he was actually a little surprised in his heart. He didn't expect Cihang to break through Taiyi so easily. It's worthy of his praise.

He is the first of the four great bodhisattvas of Mahayana Buddhism in the future. He towers over many Buddhas with the dignity of a bodhisattva and is the Guanyin Bodhisattva with the most followers.

However, he doesn't care. It's only a matter of time before Kunlun becomes Taiyi, and it won't be long.

"It's a small matter to my senior brother, but it's a big deal to me. I've been cultivating Taoism for many years, and now I know my own way. When Cihang saves everything, all dharmas are empty." Cihang said.

"Everything is empty and you can feel at ease." Huang Long said calmly.

Cihang's mind was even more shaken, and he couldn't keep calm when looking at Huanglong, like a believer worshiping a god.

Puxian was also shocked. Although he was not as impressed as Cihang, he was still very touched. After all, he was closer to Cihang's path.

Huang Long smiled and preached in the name of discussing the Tao without any pretense. When Cihang and Samantabhadra were arguing, he casually solved their dispute and made them feel like they were enlightened.

Tirelessly absorbing the great ideas Huang Long said, including the private goods that Huang Long naturally inserted.

This chapter has been completed!
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