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013. I like you very much

A qualified ninja can always endure loneliness.

From Konoha to the capital of the Fire Nation, it only takes a ninja a day and a night, but the convoy takes nearly four days.

During the day, the motorcade bumped slowly on the road, and the escorted dignitaries supported the carriage and complained again and again.

At night, the bald dignitary burst out with a vigorous energy that was inappropriate for his age. At one point, the carriage swayed like a crabapple leaf swaying in the wind.

Everyone is a ninja, and when they hear the voice, they all know why the bald official is so sluggish during the day.

That is a major issue related to human reproduction.

Uchibo blushed and hid aside to discuss ninjutsu with Hyugazo. The development of new ninjutsu cannot be completed in a day or two and requires long-term study.

During this period, Hinagazou tried to contact Anko, but was misunderstood by the other party as grabbing food and stared at him for a few times.

Who will snatch your red bean balls? They are all junk food!

Qualified genin must maintain a perfect figure, not smoke or drink, and strictly abide by the three ninja prohibitions.

Just like him.

After complaining in his heart, Hyugazo jumped directly to the crown of a nearby tree and began to observe the surrounding situation.

Although Orochimaru is here, he has a good chance of winning against an ordinary ninja team, but what if he encounters a Jonin team and other Kages from the Ninja Village?

This is a B-level mission, no joke, Orochimaru is not afraid of those enemies, he is!

At this time, Hinata Zang saw the elongated snake shadow under the moonlight, swallowed his saliva subconsciously, and tensed up.

There are not many people who play with snakes in the ninja world, and Orochimaru is one of the best.

He wouldn't be targeted by Orochimaru. He heard that Orochimaru's laboratory was very big and quite interesting, but he didn't want to go and see it, let alone go sightseeing as an experimental subject.

Orochimaru floated over, revealing a pair of vertical pupils, his eyes glaring at Hinata, hiding them.

"I have been observing you for a long time. You are very cautious and thoughtful. No wonder you are valued by the old man..."

"Sandaime-sama values ​​me...well, I'm just a small genin, and I'm not even qualified to take the chuunin exam."

Orochimaru smiled sadly, and under the moonlight, his pale face became even colder.

"Is it really humorous to hide you? I have read the information about you and that Uchiha girl, and those mission resumes, but I can't find anything wrong with them at all.

Without further ado, would you like to ask if Zang has any idea of ​​working under me? I like you very much..."

Orochimaru's tone was very calm, and the momentum in his words seemed to be pressing on Hinata Zang's body, which made people feel depressed.

Hinata was silent, while Orochimaru looked at the former quietly.

The night wind passed through the hills and rustled on the treetops.

For a long time, Hinata shook his head slightly and answered: "Sorry, Lord Orochimaru, I have no intention of joining your subordinates. Rather than being your subordinate, I would rather serve as a genin, the cornerstone of Konoha."

Orochimaru stared at Hinata Zou for a long time, perhaps because he never thought about being rejected.

Recruitment from the Sannin is what many ninjas have dreamed of for a long time, and it represents an opportunity to rise to the top in one step.

"Since you don't want to, I can't force you, but I'm somewhat interested in the ninjutsu you and that Uchiha are studying."

"It's just a semi-finished product, barely used for self-protection. If Orochimaru-sama wants, I can immediately..."

"No need, I need the finished product," Orochimaru folded his hands on his chest, "If you finish it, you can come to me, I won't let you suffer."

Before he finished speaking, Orochimaru disappeared into the dark night, leaving only the sound of the wind blowing through the leaves.

Hinata slowly exhaled and said that he was not nervous when facing Orochimaru. It was a lie.

He thought Orochimaru had discovered the secret of his senjutsu and wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to make a sneak attack, but he didn't expect that the other party was just interested in the ninjutsu he and Yin had studied.

Those are all ninjutsu that focus on long-range strikes. Without the blessing of celestial beings, they have no practicality at all.

However, when Orochimaru officially sent out the invitation, he was still a little wary.

Orochimaru is a famous scientist in the ninja world. Although he cannot practice celestial magic himself, he has done a lot of research in this area. Through studying Jugo, he developed the simplified celestial magic of Curse Seal.

Hyugazo once doubted whether the tattoos on his body were curse seals, but the black tattoos on his body were not comparable to curse seals. Even apart from the shortcoming of petrification, he would not have any sequelae when using senjutsu.

So after careful consideration, he declined Orochimaru's invitation.

He was even prepared to fight with him. If he and Yin teamed up, they wouldn't be able to defeat Orochimaru, but if they wanted to escape, they should still be able to do it.

As for the caged bird, we can only discuss it after returning to the village.

Fortunately, Orochimaru was not as crazy as he was after he rebelled against the village, and he was not qualified for him to take action. Perhaps it was just because he found it novel that genin developed ninjutsu.

Suppressing the thoughts that were growing like wild weeds, Hyugazo opened his Byakugan, recorded in his mind the terrain where enemies might be ambush nearby, and then returned to the camp site.

In the camp, Uchibo noticed beads of sweat on Hinata's forehead. He wanted to wipe it off, but then retracted his hand.

"Zang, enemies were found outside the camp?"

"No..." Hyugazo shook his head and chewed a dry and hard soldier's grain pill. "Lord Orochimaru just had a heart-to-heart talk with me. Maybe after this mission, we will no longer be glorious genin."

"Are we going to be promoted to chunin? We should be able to pass the chunin exam!"

Uchibo took off his goggles, rubbed his dry eyes, and put them back on.

"After becoming chuunin, we can carry out C-level and above missions...will we encounter opponents like Sunagakure Hagura?"

"I don't know." Hinata leaned against the big tree. The first time they went to the battlefield, they met the famous female ninja of Sunagakure Leaf Store.

It was an experience that is unforgettable but unwilling to recall.

Crack, crackle... is the sound of flames burning branches.

Hinata looked at the sky and thought a lot. He might have been overly worried just now.

The impression is that Orochimaru is a cold-blooded scientist, but at this moment Orochimaru will not take action against the ninjas in the village. Perhaps he is still a young man with passionate blood.

However, the restraint of a caged bird is really unpleasant.

In the early morning of the third day, the convoy set out on its journey again as the bald dignitary woke up.

Not long into the journey, the convoy ran into trouble. Perhaps it was their encounter with the convoy that was their trouble.

On the broad avenue of the Fire Country, the convoy was blocked by a group of ragged bandits.

There may be ninjas among them, but most of them are mountain people holding kitchen knives and wooden sticks. When they saw the forehead protector representing the status of Konoha ninja, they subconsciously took a few steps back, and then plucked up the courage to gather together again.

Hinata Zang didn't take any action and looked at these people.

Years of war have destroyed the internal order of each country. Ninjas who are proficient in escape techniques only need one fire escape to destroy a year's production.

Although ninjas are powerful, they cannot conjure rice out of thin air.

As a result, farmers who lost their fields and food became refugees and bandits.

The bald official raised the curtain and looked at the refugees in front of him in disgust. He wanted to scold the ninja for not doing anything, but he was concerned about Orochimaru's identity and could only remind him quietly.

"Konoha ninjas, it's time to make a difference. I paid three hundred thousand taels."

Hearing this, Orochimaru moved slightly, seeming to remember his responsibilities, and then ordered his subordinates to clear out the bandits blocking the way.

It was not Hinata Zou and Uchibo who took action, but Anko who had finished eating the meatballs.

This chapter has been completed!
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