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032. Itachi

The sun is just right and the breeze is gentle.

Uchiha Itachi looked at the blue sky, holding the tip of grass in his mouth, and yawned out of boredom.

While Itachi was beating Hachi, the girls around him were looking at Itachi with starry eyes, and the corresponding group of boys were looking at him with angry eyes.

For boys, Uchiha Itachi who pretends to be cool will undoubtedly steal the attention of girls they like.

Uchiha Itachi ignored those glances, and after being called upon by the Chuunin teacher, he stepped forward and began the kunai throwing assessment.

Born in Uchiha, he was undoubtedly perfect in throwing skills, which attracted the attention of everyone present.

Even as a chunin homeroom teacher, he had to admit that his skills were not as good as those of his student Itachi.

Sighing softly in his heart, Itachi returned to the team under the eyes of everyone. He didn't care about the little actions of the peers around him, he just lamented their childishness.

As early as a few years ago, he was strong enough to graduate from the ninja school, and the chuunin in the clan were also his opponents.

Uchiha Itachi only stayed in the Ninja School because of Shisui Kazune's mandatory requirement. After a series of events such as the Night of the Nine-Tails, he became disappointed with what his father Fugaku did.

He couldn't understand why his father didn't lead the team immediately and play the role of a guard force.

Even as a clan leader, he was unable to control those radical clan members, which caused conflicts between the clan and the village.

Later, it was Uchibo who came forward to win over those radical tribesmen so that greater conflicts would not break out.

From then on, he began to contact Shisui, hoping to find out from Yin a way for the clan and the village to live in harmony.

Before the kunai throwing class ended, the teacher came to Itachi and proposed the idea of ​​letting him graduate early. Itachi was so good that he ranked first in every subject in the same period. He was even ashamed of himself for being so good.

Is he still qualified to continue teaching such students?

Itachi shook his head and rejected the chuunin teacher's proposal. He refused again because of his lack of ability. This was the third time this year that he refused to graduate early.

The school bell rang, and as he passed by the office, he heard the Chuunin teacher praising himself in front of other teachers, and even compared him with the most famous Uchiha in the village, Nene-san.

Sister Yin is a member of the ANBU under the Hokage, but what she said in the meeting spread throughout the village through various channels, and she personally went to the border to successfully resist the Kumo ninja attack.

Sister Yin almost became a hero in the village, and she was in the limelight.

Compared to a humiliating peace, the villagers seem to prefer peace with dignity.

When he walked out of the school and passed through the street, Itachi subconsciously looked at the shop selling three-color dumplings. He went to inquire and was told that they were sold out.

With a little regret in his heart, Itachi walked towards the tribe. He originally thought of eating the three-color dumplings before going to practice. It was a pity.

At this moment, a figure stopped in front of him.

Itachi looked at the girl in front of him, but his eyes were fixed on the three-color dumplings, watching eagerly.

"Itachi, come with me."

An Uchiha girl named Izumi was walking with a three-color dumpling, tempting Itachi to follow her.

While the boys and girls were eating three-color dumplings, they also talked about their families. Izumi had a happy family, but her dream was to become a female ninja like Lord Uchibo.

Itachi also revealed his family situation while laughing, talking about his crying brother.

Both parties are quite satisfied with their current lives. After the peace agreement was signed, the village has been immersed in a comfortable atmosphere. Based on past experience, peace may remain peaceful for the next ten years or so.

After all the three-color dumplings were eliminated, Izumi took the Kyuubi sake and walked towards home.

Itachi looked at Izumi's figure and remained silent. This person of the same age who was saved by him seemed to have a different kind of emotion towards him.

Recalling the deliciousness of the three-color dumplings, Itachi noticed that an old man had appeared in front of him at some point.


The old man Itachi in front of him could not admit his mistake. His appearance was still carved on the shadow rock. He was the Sandaime Hokage who had been in charge of Konoha for decades.

Such a person appears in front of him, but he still doesn't know his intention.

The third generation smiled, the wrinkles on his face smoothed out a lot, and he was as amiable as the old man next door. He also asked about Itachi's recent living conditions and his views on the current village.

After Itachi answered one by one, the third generation looked at the former with satisfaction and said with a smile: "He is really an outstanding child, the hope of the future of the village. Does Itachi have any thoughts on graduating early?"

Itachi couldn't refuse, so he nodded slightly, silently observing the choice made by the third generation for him.

Through the conversation with Itachi, the third generation became more and more satisfied with Itachi, and his expectations became higher and higher.

He once had the same expectations for another Uchiha, but now he can no longer control the bridge. That person may have a village in his heart, but it is more for Uchiha.

Therefore, when he went out to find new bridges, he always had to leave some backup.

While the third generation was talking to Itachi, Hyugazo happened to pass by a nearby street and saw this scene.

"The Third Generation found Uchiha Itachi. Could it be that the Third Generation is no longer satisfied with squeezing the ANBU and has reached the point of attacking Ninja School students?"

Shaking his head, Hinata Zang left the place. Of course he could guess what the third generation was thinking.

After the pressure of the external war ends, internal conflicts will gradually emerge. As the third generation of Hokage, it is bound to begin to deal with internal conflicts, and Uchiha is the biggest conflict in the village.

Just looking at the slim figure of the third generation, Hinagazou had no doubt that the third generation could complete this challenge at his age and would not die during his term. Then Danzo would take over.

Doubts are doubts, but this does not prevent Hyugazo from telling the news to Yin. He has just returned from a mission and has to continue this kind of hard work.

After having dinner on the street, Hyugazo began to walk towards the direction of the clan.

Prior to this, he took over a mission to protect the nobles of the Fire Country, thereby completing a further mastery of the organization. It was precisely because of this trip that he fully understood how far the Tailed Beast Chamber of Commerce had grown.

In short, this is an organization that covers some Fire Nation nobles, chambers of commerce, and even landowners and civilians.

The noble who issued the mission was also a peripheral member of the organization. It seemed that the person in charge with special Jonin strength had quite a mind.

The organization has grown to this point, and it is not in vain for him to waste so much natural chakra.

At least for now, he will no longer worry about money, and with the development of the organization, he knows that outside the Ninja Village, other ordinary people are yearning for Ninjutsu.

They can hire ninjas, but they also yearn for the powerful strength of ninjas.

In his thoughts, Hinata Zang came to the clan area, saw two figures, an old man and a young man, in front of the clan area, and slowly stopped.

On the other side, Rizu, as the clan leader, slowly walked over.

This chapter has been completed!
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