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232. Light and Darkness

Kisame, who was surrounded by security forces, did not show any fear. He quickly set his sights on Samehada behind Uchibo, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Looking at Uchibo's figure, Kisame said: "Who did I think it was? It turned out to be the thief who stole the Ninja Sword. Are you wise enough to return the Ninja Sword, or do you want to hand it over after suffering a lot?"

Before Uchibo could speak, the security team member behind him had an evil look on his face, revealing a pair of Sharingan eyes and staring at the shark-faced ninja in front of him.

"Who do you think you are? How dare you act so recklessly in Konoha?!"

"That's right, that's right. Last time, the Ninja Swordsmen were defeated by Captain Yin and left in despair."

"The arrogance of Kirigakure ninjas cannot be tolerated in Konoha Village!"

Uchibo stretched out his hand to stop his subordinates from speaking, narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Kisame and said, "I'm curious, what courage do you have to say these words?"

Without the slightest fear, Kisame took a step forward and said, "So, you are not going to hand over the Samehada sword and prepare to fight of your choice?"

Uchibo put his hands on his hips and slowly shook his head and said, "I'm worried that you, like the original Yun Ninja, would deliberately die by touching porcelain and cause unnecessary trouble for the village?"

Kisame's face changed slightly. Under the watch of the surrounding villagers, his face turned red and he pounced directly on Uchi Bo.


With a deep muffled sound, Kisame's attack was blocked. Amidst the exclamations of the onlookers, the villagers took a few steps back, and cracks spread like spider webs on the ground where they were originally standing.

After regaining his balance, Kisame's face became extremely solemn as he stared at Uchibo.

In the scene before him, Kisame and Hyugazo naturally colluded in advance, but even so, Kisame was still horrified by Uchibo's power.

Those slender arms and body turned out to be really able to move the same shark's muscles freely.

It seems that not only the 'President' is a monster that is difficult to defeat, but also the 'President's wife'. She doesn't know if her behavior just now will be resented.

At this time, Kisame saw the slightest trace of amusement in Uchibo's eyes, and couldn't help but lament his miserable fate.

After sighing, Kisame reluctantly raised his weapon, glanced at Hinata Zou not far away, and continued to act according to the script.

According to the instructions of the 'President', he was finally able to use Samehada, but he had to inadvertently reveal the deal between Kirigakure and Konoha's top brass.

As time went by, more and more villagers were watching the conflict.

They were no strangers to Uchibo, a senior member of the security force, and had experienced him standing up for the village several times.

In particular, the incident of hurting people on Yunyin Messenger Street back then became a household name.

It was also from that time on that the villagers of Konoha became less friendly towards foreign envoys, and accordingly changed their views on the Uchiha clan.

"There is danger ahead, stop here!" After stopping the villagers, the members of the security team said coldly.

The villagers who were watching the excitement laughed and took a few steps back, but they did not feel resentful because of the cold tone. They understood that the security team members were thinking about their safety, and these Uchiha were all cold-faced and warm-hearted.

Although he has a cold face on weekdays, he will open up his heart in the izakaya and complain about the difficulties of security work.

Seeing more and more people watching, Uchibo was secretly happy, but his expression became colder and colder, and he said lightly: "I see you can't get the Samehada sword..."

Kisame snorted coldly and said, "It's not certain who will lose and who will win?"


Inside the Hokage's office.

When the Third Hokage was thinking about how to persuade Hyugazo and Uchibo to hand over Samehada and sign an alliance with Kirigakure, an ANBU ran in in a hurry.

"Sandaime-sama, what's wrong, the Kirigakure envoy had a conflict with someone on the street!"

Hearing this, Sandai frowned.

After the Kumogakure envoy incident, whenever another envoy came, he would send at least one ANBU team to follow him to avoid similar diplomatic accidents and give other ninja villages an excuse to go to war.

Logically speaking, there should be no more struggles.

After suppressing the thoughts in his mind, Sandai asked: "Who did the Kirigakure envoy have a conflict with? Please explain everything clearly."

The ANBU will inform you of the specific situation one by one.

When he heard that Kisame and Hyugazo had met, the Third Generation secretly thought something was wrong. After learning that the police force was involved, he even sighed in his heart.

The thing he was most worried about finally came. The mist ninja Kisame couldn't wait any longer and went straight to the owners of Samehada, Hyugazo and Uchibo.

As a result, a conflict within the village is inevitable.

What Sandai was even more worried about was that the villagers found out about the conditions required by the Kirigakure Alliance for the return of Samehada.

Once it is known, the senior management will definitely be questioned a lot, and he will be forced to make a choice whether to hand over Samehada.

If you choose to hand it over, you will be suspected of incompetence by the villagers, and you will have to compromise when facing Kirigakure on the other side of the ocean.

Not handing over Samehada would also affect the signing of the Kirigakure alliance and lose allies facing the threat from the Akatsuki organization.

For a moment, the Third Hokage was in a dilemma.

When in trouble, Sandai was the first to seek help from the advisory elders. But then he thought, those old friends were not happy to see this, and were waiting for their own prestige to decline to strengthen the authority of the advisory elders.

Thinking of this, Sandai couldn't help but sigh.

Within the root base.

The root leader Danzo also received this news and immediately continued to hide in the darkness.

As a radical in the village, he naturally opposed the return of Samehada. In his opinion, Kirigakure's proposal of such an action was just taking advantage of Hiruzen Sarutobi's weakness.

Kirigakure, a ninja village where even the Mizukage is controlled, has no qualifications to propose alliance conditions.

The one who put forward the conditions should be Konoha who has the upper hand. If it were not for the threat from the Akatsuki organization, he would have sent Genbu to Kirigakure Village to obtain more benefits, just like he did with Sunagakure, and get the power to take over the task.


After thinking for a while, Danzo gave up the idea of ​​sending ANBU ninjas to intervene.

Although the garrison may gain some prestige in the village as a result, it will also be feared by Hiruzen Sarutobi, causing Hiruzen to give up his unrealistic ideas and deal with Uchiha.

Through some of the information obtained from Orochimaru, he already had a general understanding of the power of the Akatsuki organization.

Faced with such a situation, he fully understands the principle of doing more to make more mistakes, doing less to make fewer mistakes, and conserving strength.

With the strength of the Akatsuki organization, even if the village wipes out the Akatsuki organization, its vitality will be severely damaged.

At that time, he will clear up the mess at the last moment, gain the support of the villagers, and finally ascend to the position of Hokage.

This chapter has been completed!
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