Finish this testimonial

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I finished writing a book without realizing it. The results of this book could have been better at first, but due to work reasons at the time, the interruption was more serious. I apologize to everyone.

Because this is the first book, there are many unsatisfactory aspects. New writers will inevitably have problems of one kind or another.

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However, I never expected that I would write 2.5 million words.

Thank you all for your support along the way. The author does not want to be sensational, so I won’t say more. See you in the next book.

Well, the new book has actually been uploaded for a while.

The updates have always been relatively stable, usually two updates and occasionally three updates.

This book is about Naruto.

"The Caution of Konoha"

Yes, this is both a serious speech and a serious book recommendation.

Whether you are looking at pirated versions or other free websites, I hope everyone can start and click to support it. After all, it is free until it is put on the shelves.

.asxs. The genuine version also has a group of cute book friends who are stupid (crossed out) who can comment and complain at any time, and can also correct typos for the author. Thank you.

Okay, no more beeps, no matter how many beeps you make, it’s useless. One word: Please read the new book "The Caution of Konoha" and give it a recommendation vote if you think you can.




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