Chapter 916 Make a Contribution

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 When Mr. Le was happily working as a money-splitting boy in the southwest frontier, people of Huang Zhichang and Huang Jiamao's generation became anxious because of Huang Shishi's loss of contact.

Huang Shishi is studying in R country, and she usually calls her home once a week. Sometimes the phone calls are more frequent during holidays. Sometimes she is too busy and may even talk once every ten days.

Before Huang Shishi traveled to the Americas, she told her family that she would call her when she arrived in Mexico to report that she was safe. Later, she also said that she met a friend who was traveling with her. After that, she didn't call home for many days. Huang's family didn't care, thinking she was crazy.


It was not until September 3 that the school in R country called and said that Huang Shishi had not reported to the school and that the school could not contact anyone. Parents were asked to contact their children and urge her to register quickly. From this, the Huang family learned that Huang Shishi had not returned to school.<


The Huang family called up and down, but the mobile phone showed that it was not in the service area. They contacted the younger generation at home who had contact with Huang Shishi and asked them to contact them using social software such as WeChat and QQ. There was still no news. The older generation of the Huang family felt that something was wrong and went to

Call the police.

The police station contacted the Chinese Embassy in Mexico. The staff of the embassy there helped call the police in Mexico. After checking the travel records, they found that Huang Shishi went to a northwest city in Mexico and had a record of staying in a hotel. There was no record of it after that.

Any registration records.

There are records of hotel stays and camera checks. It is a huge project and the results cannot be obtained in a day or two. The Huang family can only wait anxiously for the results.

Le Xiaololi didn't know that the bitch Huang Shishi was missing. She wandered around Y Nan but still didn't return to the capital directly. She flew directly from Kunming to Longcheng, the capital of S Western Province, and then took a tourist bus to Mount Wutai.

Even though it took some time to transfer and take the bus, it was only half afternoon when the little Loli arrived in Wutaishan Town. She walked around the town a few times, bought some items, and at dusk, she slipped out of the town to a remote place to return to the space to disguise herself.

I changed my clothes and went into town when it got dark. I went to a store selling liquefied gas and gas stoves and bought two cans of gas and a gas stove. I used a luggage trailer to drag my things out of town.

There is firewood and a Tibetan stove in her private space, which can be moved out and used at any time, but it is not suitable in some places because burning firewood will produce smoke and can be easily discovered.

Get some gas cans and throw them in the space. You can use them when necessary. For example, if you are in the desert or a place without firewood, or you need to avoid people, you can use a gas stove to cook things and make medicine. There is no smoke and it is safer.

Two cans of gas are certainly not enough. However, it is not advisable to buy too much in one place. Buy two cans first and save them for emergencies. Later, you can also buy and store gas cans in a different place every day. You need an ID card to take a car or an airplane.

No documents are required to buy gas. If you pretend to be someone who has just arrived in the local area to rent a house and do business, no one will check the certificate.

After buying the things he needed, Mr. Le Xiao dragged the trailer and slipped out of the town. He moved the things back to the space in a safe place, washed away the disguise, and immediately installed a gas stove to cook coconut crabs in the space.

While Le was eating delicious food in the space, the athletes who had returned from the Asian Games also ate the delicacies of the Manchu-Han banquet at the celebration banquet hosted by the National Sports Department.

The domestic team broke several records at the Asian Games and maintained the country's image with actions, winning praise from netizens. Due to the outstanding performance of the athletes, the Ministry of National Sports prepared a dust-free banquet early to welcome the athletes who returned home in triumph.

The athletes who had a feast at the dust-free celebration banquet will return to their respective teams that day. Those who are not competing will take a short break or conduct post-game summary training, while those who have competitions will immediately rush to the competition road.

Classmate Le was not idle either. He left the space before dawn and walked into the town. After dawn, he took a car to Mount Wutai. When climbing, he got off the car at the place where he found the silver plate mushroom last year. He climbed into the mountain and found the long road along the old road.

The place for mushrooms on a silver plate.

Small mushrooms grew again in the place where she had picked mushrooms last year. She picked them without saying a word, and dug out a few pots of soil before moving on. She dug out some medicinal materials when she came across them, and also helped some plants to spread their flower seeds.

After running up and down the mountain, I arrived at the top of the mountain where I found the ink-colored water tank in the middle of the morning on the 8th. I groped for the entrance of the rock cave, and when I saw the bee nest in the cave, I was so shocked that my almond-shaped eyes widened and my jaw almost dropped to the ground.

The previous bee nest was very big, so she removed half of the honey nest pieces. She thought it would be great if they could grow back to their previous appearance after two years. However, the fact is that after two years, the bees not only restored the nest to its original size,

The original appearance was even a quarter larger than before.

A huge hive hangs upside down on the rock wall. The bees are parked on the surface of the hive to protect the hive or make honey. There are so many bees that they almost surround the hive. There are also worker bees working frequently, flying in and out, busy.


Standing in the cave, Le Yun's eyes were like bull's-eyes. Mom, aren't these little things so powerful?

I was stunned for a moment, then put my "stuck" jaw back into its original position, studied hard, scanned with my eyes, smelled with my nose, and observed for a long time, and suddenly realized that the reason why bees are so prosperous is thanks to her!
She took away some of the honeycombs and left some space for them to collect honey from the flowers grown in the medicinal fields. The bees collected the nectar and turned it into royal jelly to feed the queen and young pupae, because those flowers have aura and the nectar is better than

The nectar in nature is stronger. After the queen bee eats the nectar, her health improves, her body size also increases, her reproductive ability is stronger, and the worker bees she raises are also more vitality.

The young pupae eat royal jelly made from the aura flowers, and become stronger than ordinary worker bees. Those worker bees mate with the queen bee, and the offspring they give birth to are stronger than ordinary worker bees and have a more sensitive sense of smell.

The worker bees are strong, can fly farther, work more efficiently, and collect more nectar. Therefore, the family becomes more and more prosperous, and the territory is expanded in just two years.

After researching the reason, Le Yun covered her eyes. This is what people say, "If you plant flowers with intention, they will not live, but if you plant willows with no intention, they will provide shade." She exchanged things for honey, and the bees benefited a lot from it. It was also a win-win situation.

After sighing with emotion, I checked the cave and found that it was quite clean inside. Bamboo chickens had recently visited, and snakes had also wandered around, leaving a faint smell. Fortunately, snakes could not climb to the top of the cave, and bees were not in danger.<


There were bees and snake repellent could not be spread in the cave. Le Yun left the cave and went to a more complete area. She found a rock and buried a snake repellent underneath. Then she walked around the tree twice.

Find a hazelnut tree, clean up the fallen leaves around it, block it with branches on the lower slope farther away from the tree, and then climb up the tree to hit the hazelnuts.

Hazelnuts are similar to millet. When immature, the fruit is wrapped by a burr ball. When mature, the top of the burr ball cracks. When the wind blows, the fruit and burr ball fall to the ground.

In September, the hazelnut fruits are not yet fully mature and have not cracked.

Climbing to the top of the tree, Le Yun took a bamboo pole from the space and hit the fruit. The burr ball was hit hard and fell to the ground. It rolled down on the slope and stopped when it encountered obstacles.

Hazel trees grow in a wide range, and there are also wild hazel trees in the Ebei Mountains. The locals collect and sell them in autumn.

The little loli was nimble and climbed up and down like a monkey. She knocked all the fruit shells off a tree in about an hour, then went down the tree to pick them up and loaded them in a bamboo basket.

A total of five baskets of fruits were picked up. If the shells were not too much, they would only weigh twenty kilograms.

Satisfied after picking hazelnuts, Classmate Le gathered dry firewood and leaves, made a small torch from the tree, returned to the cave and placed a shelf under the honeycomb, and put the knife in a basin for later use.

Prepare the supplies, put on long sleeves and long trousers, tie up the cuffs and trousers, tie up the collar, cover it with a silk scarf, and then place dozens of bouquets of flowers outside the cave.

The fragrance of the flowers is astonishing, and bees fly in swarms to collect honey.

Classmate Le climbed up the wooden shelf, lit the fire, extinguished the flames, smoked the bees, and drove the bees to the hive to be picked. After driving away some of the bees, he took a knife to cut the honey, cut off the hive, and then

Remove the bees and return the hive full of honey to the basin in the space for storage.

Smelling the fragrance of honey, a bold idea came to my mind: Instead of looking for honey everywhere, why not take the bees into a space and raise them yourself!

Just by giving bees the flowers that grow in space medicine fields, their physical condition will be improved. If a hive of bees is raised in space and the bees collect nectar from space plants every day, the size of the bees will definitely be improved again, and the honey they brew will also have extraordinary effects.


That idea is actually a mature idea, but it cannot be put into action yet. There are fish and shrimps in her space. The bees not only collect nectar, but also mud, sap and other substances. Naturally, they also suck sea water. They

I can't tell which water is used to raise fish, shrimps, and corals, and which is clean water. If I suck the dirty water used to raise fresh shrimps to make a honeycomb, I always feel a little dirty.

If you want to keep bees, you have to wait.

Bees smell the fragrance of flowers outside the cave and fly out in swarms to collect nectar. They turn a blind eye to the humans who steal the honey, which also makes it easier for Le Xiao's students to pick the honeycomb.

After cutting off a few pieces of the hive, she found where the queen bee was. She carefully drove the bees away and moved the queen bee to a place where she was not going to take honey. As soon as the bees saw the queen bee's displacement, the real bees rushed out and rushed to the queen bee.

Protect the queen bee.

The bees went to protect the queen bee, but the number of bees guarding the hive dropped sharply. Le Xiao's students quickly took out a pot and put it on a shelf. They cut off the hive and put it in the pot first. They cut off all the old hives that were not cut off the year before as quickly as possible.

, clean the top of the rock so that the bees can rebuild their hives.

No matter how fast it was, it took more than an hour. Only the part of the hive that had not been harvested from the previous year was removed. The other parts were left untouched and left for the bees to spend the winter. The bees on the removed hive pieces were then carefully driven away and the bees were removed.

The hive pieces full of honey are sent back to space, one by one... After removing the bees from the last hive, put away the pots and utensils, go to the ground again, and put away the shelves.

After observing the bees for a while, she found that the bees escorted the queen bee back to a safe place between two nests of the hive. She was relieved and went outside to watch the bees collecting honey.

The bees are very hard-working and race against time to collect nectar. They don't stop working until it gets dark.

Student Le Xiao quickly took all the flowers back into the space, crawled back, took out a few handfuls of lilies, put them in a bucket, catalyzed them with well water, and used the well water to grow them all night long. The flower bones that had not been planted bloomed in bloom.

At dawn, she tied lilies and some medicinal plant flowers into bunches, dug small holes in the rock to cultivate them with soil, and used soil to maintain the flower branches, so that they would last at least three or four days without fading.<


At dawn, the bees remembered yesterday's flowers and went to work early. If they couldn't find flowers hovering in the sky, they would fall down to collect nectar after smelling the fragrance of flowers.

A dozen bouquets of flowers were left behind. Little Le Xiaoxiao packed up her things and went to the pond in the forest to wash her face and eat apples while running on the roadside. She had to rush all the way and walked out of the mountains before dark to the town.

Take a taxi back to the capital.

It is more than 300 kilometers from Wutai Mountain to the capital. The traffic is not congested at night. It still took a taxi nearly four minutes to get to the capital. Entering the city was even slower. It took two and a half minutes to get to Mr. Chao's villa.


It was already early morning on the 10th, and almost all the residents in the villa area had taken a rest. Le Xiao got off the bus outside the villa area, walked into the villa with his luggage, and walked back to Uncle Chao's house.

Uncle Hu was waiting for the little girl on the first floor. The guard secretly reported a message. He opened the courtyard door first. When the little girl came back, he immediately took the luggage, locked the courtyard door and went to the second floor. He watched the four girls go upstairs to rest.

He put the mushrooms brought back by the little princess in a sieve and put them on the balcony to breathe before going to bed.

Yan Xing knew the whereabouts of little Loli. He knew that she flew from G east to Y south province and went to the southwest border for a walk. He knew which hotel she was staying in. He knew where to fly from Mangshi to Kunshi and then to Longcheng in S west province.


He didn't know what the little Loli was doing in Dragon City, because the little Loli had turned off her phone and didn't stay in a hotel, so there was no trace of her.

For this reason, Young Master Yan was so depressed that he couldn't eat with chopsticks or swallow his bowl. When will the little loli be able to behave like a well-behaved cat and stop running around in the capital?

The little Loli stayed in the capital and didn't run around. He had the opportunity to brush her face. She ran around the world, and he didn't even have the chance to brush her face. He could only follow her route and secretly worry about her safety.

Sweat a lot.

Thinking about it again, that's not right. He has finished his further studies. Even if the little Loli stays in the capital, he can't swipe his face often. It was not easy to swipe his face in school before, but now that he is not a trainee, it is even more difficult to swipe his face.

Huo Ran discovered the truth, and Yan Xing felt extremely depressed. How could he have been born so many years earlier? How wonderful it would have been to have been born ten years later.

He went to bed with a gloomy mood, and his biological clock hit exactly on time. He got up with a shudder, grabbed his mobile phone to check the time, and naturally checked the signal of the little loli's mobile phone.

If you don’t check, you won’t know. After checking, you will find that the location of the little loli is actually at Mr. Chao’s house. The little loli is back?!

When did the little Loli come back?

He also checked the little Loli's cell phone signal before going to bed, but there was no signal at that time. When he woke up, the little Loli was already at Mr. Chao's house, indicating that she should have come back in the middle of the night.

Instantly, Yan Xing felt happy. It would be great if the little Loli came back. I would give her a call after breakfast and send her some of the items made by the General Factory.

What to give?

Give her her medical needle, or a copper alloy product, or go to the den to get some objects carved by your uncle?

After thinking for a while, I got up with a smile on my face, dressed neatly, put on leggings with lead weight strips and a weight bag, and went for morning exercise in the dark.

This chapter has been completed!
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