Chapter 927: Release 2 updates

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 In view of the speculation that the yellow scum threw the chess pieces as a test, a group of soldiers' original plan to force a certain scumbag to a neighboring country was temporarily shelved. They originally planned to secretly give a certain scumbag a brief hypnosis to make her

Travel to a neighboring country, then be secretly robbed, and secretly transported back to the country to be given to little lolita as toys.

In response to the postponement of the yellow scumbag's action, the soldiers did not relax their supervision of a certain family. They always paid attention to the movements of certain people. They also sat and watched whether the certain scumbag would really go abroad. They also occasionally paid attention when they had nothing to do.

The illegitimate daughter of Huang's gang, Zhang's scumbag's ability to withstand pressure is quite good. Even if her reputation is ruined, she still persists in studying and does not drop out of school. Her mental endurance is very strong.

The fifth month of the lunar calendar is the beginning of hot summer, and the rainy season is often entered in the north. Occasionally, it is common for heavy rain to suddenly fall in the originally sunny sky.

Probably to add some atmosphere to the Dragon Boat Festival, there were several heavy rains on the day before the festival, but on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, God gave me the favor and the sun shone brightly.

The Huang family gathered at the ethnic community for lunch during the Dragon Boat Festival, and then hurriedly went their separate ways in the afternoon, embarking on the return journey to their place of work.

Huang Shishi spent the Dragon Boat Festival with her family and rushed to Chongc City early on Tuesday morning as planned to take a flight to the capital of Ynan Province. Later, she did not take a flight to Bao City in Ynan Province as planned, but took a direct flight to the capital of Myanmar.

, she spent a day in the capital of Myanmar, and then flew to Wa City, the largest jade distribution city in Myanmar.

Chi Shishi and others who were paying attention to Huang's whereabouts were not surprised at all when someone canceled the flight reservation and changed the route. They felt that it was not a strategy at all, and that the behavior of a little lolita was either to make a fuss in the east or to shoot in vain.

It's a headache. She can not only deceive others, but also her own people.

Shen Liu and others would rather stare at ten little shrimps like Huang Moushi than be responsible for keeping an eye on the whereabouts of a little lolita. Sometimes that little lolita really makes people want to beat her. For example, she ran to Australia.

Later, she turned on her cell phone for a while during the day and turned it off in the middle of the afternoon. No one knew where she had gone or what she was doing.

Therefore, the soldiers can only know where she is in Australia from the changes in mobile phone information at certain times of the day. No one knows where she lives or what she does at night.

The soldiers calmly followed Huang's whereabouts to see if she could pull off any tricks.

According to the travel plan arranged by her great uncle, Huang Shishi went to the Jade Trading Market after arriving in Wa City. She spent a day shopping in the Jade Trading Market and bought two and a half pieces of jadeite stones. Then she went to the port city at the border between Myanmar and her own country.

Visit for half a day and then return home from the land port.

My trip in Myanmar went very smoothly. When I returned to my own country, I walked around the jade distribution center on the border, bought a piece and a half of jadeite, and took a flight to the capital of Ynan Province to transfer back to E North.

Her entire trip went extremely smoothly, and she returned to the capital of E North and went to her great-uncle and grandpa's house.

Because Huang Zhichang was less than sixty-seven years old, there was an unwritten rule of "retaining seven and not leaving eight" in the leadership team replacement. Therefore, he became the only one left when the leadership team was changed, and still held a high position.

He lives in a work unit arranged by the state, and his children are not around. He still lives in a four-bedroom apartment with two living rooms. The residence is very spacious. His wife has retired and has become a full-time housewife.

It was Saturday when Huang Shishi returned to the capital of Ebei Province. Huang Zhichang rested at home. When his great-nephew arrived, he sat for a while, and the young and old went to the study to talk.

Huang Zhichang asked his great-nephew in detail about his journey, and he and his great-nephew admired the semi-clear jadeite, and purchased four pieces of jadeite in total, weighing less than 40 kilograms in total, and spent more than two million.

Playing with stones is a costly hobby, and people without a substantial net worth cannot afford it.

Huang Shishi couldn't understand why her uncle and grandpa wanted to buy jade stones. She thought, if she likes jade, it's better to buy finished products, which saves a lot of trouble. Stones are risky and the processing costs are expensive.

Seeing that her uncle seemed to be in a good mood, she asked tentatively: "Grandpa, what kind of carving do you want to make when you buy this?"

"Let's leave it for now. I heard that the yellow-haired girl from Lejia likes jadeite. Maybe these will come in handy one day." Huang Zhichang appreciated the semi-bright jade material and casually explained the reason for buying jadeite. He heard that the little girl from Lejia liked jadeite.

Short-lived people like to gamble on stones. If the situation forces it, the Huang family will not bear the humiliation and bear the heavy burden to show favor to the short-lived ghost of the Le family for long-term interests. Of course, if you show favor, you must do what he likes.

With a thud, Huang Shishi's heartstrings tightened and stretched into a straight line. Does Grandpa Grandpa mean that it might be possible to reconcile with Le Xiao's short-lived ghost in the future?

She agrees to reconcile with a yellow-haired girl, especially when that person is still a country bumpkin who could step into the mud whenever he wanted. If you really bow to that kind of mud-legged person, it will lower the status of the Huang family.

Huang Shishi didn't want to annoy her uncle and grandpa, so she didn't say a word.

The great-niece did not express any objection, nor did he ask endless questions. He was a cautious and good boy. Huang Zhichang's love for the great-niece did not diminish, so he stayed at home for one night.

Huang Shishi did not return to the Huang family's residence. She went directly to the airport on the weekend, took a flight to Songhai City on the coast, and then took a plane to Country R.

The soldiers kings who had been paying attention to Huang's scumbag girl spied on Huang's scumbag flying to country R. They were secretly happy that the chess piece was gone and they no longer had to keep an eye on it for the time being.

Handsome guys such as God Fourteen and Red Fourteen also secretly waved handkerchiefs and sent Huang a poem with a sentence: Good to go, don't give it away!

Since we can’t catch a scumbag, why leave her in the country?

You can keep the pigs for the Chinese New Year, are they dregs? You can’t kill them and eat the meat. The farther away you are, the better.

The soldiers share the same hatred. If Huang scumbag hadn't offended the little Lolita and they wanted to capture her alive, just because she was an elite R element, they would have liked her to go to Country R and never come back.

Yan Xing received a report from his brother confirming that Huang had left on the reserved plane. He was very calm: "Just leave as soon as you leave. He is just a garbage man anyway."

The captain didn't mind losing the chance to catch a certain female scumbag, and the young soldier kings were extremely calm. Pei Shiba made a very conscientious suggestion: "Captain, how about we find a way to let this scumbag travel to the three countries of India and Afghanistan."
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"I agree, the three countries of India and Afghanistan are great."

"Yeah, okay, I agree, let this scumbag go alone and come back in two."

Red Fourteen and others agreed with both hands and feet. The public security problem in Asan Kingdom is a major feature. Rape of women is as common as bulls running rampant on the street. Women may be raped while riding the train, and may be raped while walking on the street.

"Enthusiastically" taken to a place for in-depth communication between men and women.

The soldiers are very much in favor of hypnotizing someone and letting a certain scumbag girl travel to India's country. Although they don't like the country of Asans, they are not afraid of the long distances and high mountains. They don't mind going to the trouble to help the scumbag girl Huang recognize her.

Identify the body.

"This can be discussed." Yan Xing agreed. The little Lolita said that Huang's scumbag would be given to Yin Asan as a toy by Yin Asan. He thought that even if they didn't give it to Yin Asan for free, they could also help her change her appearance.

Send her to some special places to be a chicken to make money, so that she can make the best use of her things. Anyway, many Indian Asans can't get wives, and the chicken market is the only place where the poorest people at the lowest level can meet their physiological needs.

"Really?" The soldiers were extremely surprised. The captain agreed to take a certain scumbag to the three countries of India and Afghanistan?

"It's more real than pearls. We can draw up a plan and let's study it together. Anyway, there is only one requirement. It must be complete before it falls into the hands of the little lolita." The little lolita wants to see with her own eyes that scumbag being ridden by thousands of people.

The hatred in your heart can only be relieved by pressure, so you can't hand over a corpse to a little loli.

"Wow, this is good."

"Let's take a look and see what resources are available."

Shen Sixteen and others were instantly excited, and they got together to study the plan. If they really wanted to implement the plan, they still had to send Red Fourteen to hypnotize the scumbag and let her go to the three countries of India and Afghanistan on her own initiative, and then they would capture the ready-made one.

The scum disappeared in India, but he could happily pass the blame to the three countries of India and Afghanistan.

The teammates got into the state in seconds, and Yan Xing shook his head secretly. Those guys have been a little idle recently and have nothing to do, so they always want to do something to play out. They just can’t stop themselves.

He did not dampen the enthusiasm of his teammates. Apart from the tasks they must be responsible for, those guys only care about the little lolita. They wish they could wipe out all the scum that is an eyesore and make the little lolita happy.

I don’t know where the little loli is.

Thinking of that naughty child, Yan Xing felt sad and had a headache. The little loli happily traveled around the world to study plants, and was not afraid of the worries of bodyguards like them.

What left him speechless the most was that the little Loli didn't know what to think after she ran away to Australia. Her cell phone was turned on for a while during the day and turned off after half afternoon every day. From the cell phone signal, we could tell which area she was in, but at night, no one knew where she was.

What, what did you do?

Colonel Yan looked at the air and sighed silently, and continued to work on his own. He missed the little Lolita, but he didn't know how long it would take for the little Lolita to come back.

Young Master Yan misses Little Lolita. Young Master Li and others from Qingda University also miss Little Lolita very much. Young Master Li, Young Master Deng, classmate Cai and others originally thought that they could invite Little Lolita to take photos with them on graduation day and keep copies.

Good memories, but the little Lolita has traveled around the world, and the little Lolita is no longer in their graduation photos, and the most beautiful scenery is missing.

June is the graduation season in colleges and universities. The graduates are very busy, some are confused and some are busy. The beautiful boy from the Chao family and his friends are busy studying, almost as if they have made an appointment. The beautiful boy and the opposite door, Mr. Li, are in the dormitory.

The top academics and talented students all took the postgraduate entrance examination at Qingdao University and passed the examination long ago. They are now studying for postgraduate or doctoral courses in advance.

Graduates usually move out of the dormitory before the end of July. Mr. Li and others have already rented a house in the school. They will tidy up the rented house in mid-June and move some bulky things into the rented house. By late June, the house will be emptied out.

dormitory items in the building to free up the dormitory.

He played a good leading role and returned the dormitory to the school to arrange accommodation for the college entrance examination top scorers and pre-selected key members who entered Beijing early that year.

The top students who have moved to rent a house do not relax just because they have graduated. They study hard. The little loli is so awesome and works so hard. They have no reason to be lazy, and they have no reason to be proud and complacent.

As the graduation season of colleges and universities across the country comes to an end, the annual cordyceps digging season also ends. The earliest place to end cordyceps digging and to close the mountains for grassland maintenance is in mid-June, and a little later on June 17th and 18th, at the end of the cordyceps digging festival. Congratulations

He Xiaoer, whose family stayed in Z Province to purchase Cordyceps, also set off back to Beijing with his harvest.

Also on the fourth weekend of June, Roberto, who had been traveling in Southeast Asia for more than two months, also ended his trip and returned home with Oscar.

At the same time, Tianle Primary School also arrived at Broome, a small seaport town on the northwest coast of Australia, on Sunday the 24th.

She arrived in Kane City on June 14th and headed north, stopping and going. During the day, she dug for plants or walked on the road, and at night she went to the beach to hunt for treasures. She spent five days there because the nearby sea area was mostly visited by little foxes. Then she took a flight to

Normanton opposite Cairn.

Normanton is located on the concave coastline of northern Australia facing the Gulf of Carpentaria. In the same phase as Le Xiao, it faces the bay. I specially listed a "sightseeing" itinerary. I stayed in the bay for two nights and one day before flying to northern Australia.

The famous city Darwin.

Darwin is a large city in the northernmost region of Australia. Northern Australia is a tropical region with no obvious spring, summer, autumn and winter, only dry season and rainy season.

Classmate Le stayed in Darwin for three days. During the day, he swept plants in the tropics. At night, the little fox hunted for treasures and swept around. He patted his butt and left on the 24th.

Barum is more than 1,100 kilometers away from Darwin. The plane landed and it was noon. Le, wearing a casual shirt and a travel sun hat, waited at the airport to collect his luggage and happily left the terminal.

, go outside and tie your luggage to the mountain bike, and run according to the map.

Barum is Australia's pearl producing area and was once the world's pearl producing area. It exports pearls, pearl oysters, cowhide and wool, etc., and also has the famous "Moon Ladder" beauty.

Classmate Le was not interested in the wonders of the Moon Ladder, so he went to find a place to have lunch. He rode a bike in the afternoon and followed the map to find the coastal road and ride north.

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The city is a port city, and there are often ships coming and going on the sea. It is not safe to secretly find treasures. She rides her scooter along the road. When she goes to the uninhabited area, she digs out the plants and collects some stones or mud she likes.

, in the evening, I stayed at the deserted beach, dug out seven or eight bags of white sand, and waited for dark to send the little fox into the sea.

The little fox worked as a diver for another night, carrying the spiritual treasure ashore and handing it to the little girl. One person and one animal worked together happily, and they worked all night, and then turned around and went back during the day.

The speed of mountain bikes is limited, and Le Xiao's classmates don't want to waste time on the road. They take a taxi in the city to Sanggu, which is on the edge of Australia's Great Sandy Desert and on the coast. After arriving in the city, they can ride mountain bikes to the Great Sandy Desert by themselves.<


There are eleven deserts in Australia. The Great Sandy Desert is one of the largest deserts, covering an area of ​​about 410,000 square kilometers. It is full of sand ridges and dunes with very little precipitation. It is one of the driest and hottest areas in Australia because

There is little rainfall, little river flow, and much sand disappears into the desert, making it an almost barren land.

The desert plants along the coast are also very rich. There are pastures and towns, and some places are indigenous reservations.

Xiao Le’s classmate rode his “little donkey” into the desert from the wasteland where the desert and the plateau grassland meet. There are no roads in the desert, but there are no roads in the world. The more people walking, the more roads become roads. Therefore, the desert

There are livestock trails adjacent to the plateau grassland.

Walking dozens of kilometers on rugged desert livestock trails to uninhabited places, Leyun happily put away her bicycle and went out to catch rabbits and kangaroos.

The kangaroo is also Australia's national treasure, but it reproduces so fast that it almost becomes a disaster like rabbits, causing great pressure on the environment and causing certain harm to residents' livestock industry. Therefore, Australian government departments often encourage people to hunt

If you kill a kangaroo, you will not be punished if you kill a national treasure kangaroo while driving in the wild. There are professional departments to collect the bodies.

There are several species of kangaroos in Australia. The kangaroos that live in the southeastern rainforest are small, with a body length of only about 20 centimeters, about the same as a large rat. They are a dwarf tribe of kangaroos.

They are too small. When Mr. Le was digging for medicinal materials and hunting in the rain forests of southeastern Australia, he only hunted a few pygmy kangaroos. In the desert grasslands or plateau grasslands of the west or north, the red kangaroos live in arid areas, which are huge.

Kangaroos have strong survivability, as do rabbits. They are also found in the sandy deserts and plateau grasslands of Australia, and they often live in groups.

Classmate Le doesn’t use a gun when hunting because he wants fur. He hits rabbits with stones or throws them with a small hoe as a concealed weapon. He also hunted two crocodiles in the northeastern rainforest and killed them with a hoe and a sap.

Entering the desert grassland area, I saw a group of red kangaroos grazing on the grass in the distance. There were rabbit holes everywhere nearby. Wild rabbits were not afraid of people and were still basking in the sun. I was so happy that I almost flew up.

In order to save winter food for herself, Le Yun grabbed stones and threw rabbits. She knocked down twelve hares less than a hundred meters away. She ran around the three-mile area of ​​the square garden and harvested more than fifty fat rabbits.

, and instead rushed towards the kangaroo group.

Kangaroos are nocturnal animals. Normally, they come out after the sun sets and rest soon after the sun rises. Because there are no disturbances in no-man's land, they live a comfortable life and move around day and night.

She is also experienced in hunting kangaroos. In order not to damage the skin, she shoots them with a bamboo bow, or hunts them in the same way as a crocodile. She is brave and confident in her speed and reaction ability.

, his shots are calculated accurately, almost all of them are instant kills, and he never misses.

While staying in Darwin, I secretly hunted three red kangaroos in the wild. The stock is still a bit low. What are you waiting for when you meet kangaroos in the Great Sandy Desert?

Le Yun rushed to a place less than 20 meters away from the kangaroo group, took out her homemade bamboo bow, looked at the selected target, fully drew the bow, let go of the first arrow, and then took another arrow to shoot.

Two swish arrows hit two kangaroos in the head, and they fell to the ground with a scream. The other kangaroos were frightened and jumped forward, rushing towards the place where the humans were standing.

The kangaroo's jumping ability is top-notch. It is the champion of high jump and long jump in the mammal category of the animal kingdom. It can jump very far in one jump and close the distance in just two jumps.

Le Yun took an arrow and hit another one with the third arrow. She threw the bow and arrow back into space and rushed forward. When she met a kangaroo in a narrow road, she jumped up and punched the big rat before it jumped up.

The center of the forehead.

With a heavy punch, the kangaroo's head dropped and rolled backwards.

After punching the big rat, Le Yun jumped aside to avoid being kicked by the overturned kangaroo. She stopped chasing the other kangaroo, threw the overturned big rat back into space, and then went to collect the other kangaroo.


The uninjured kangaroo jumped forward and ran far away in the blink of an eye.

There are more than 20 kangaroos in a group. Killing four kangaroos will not threaten their genocide. Mr. Le did not feel guilty. He put away the prey and continued to move forward. He stopped, dug up the plants in the area, and hunted them.

Rabbit, catch small animals, find a water source after sunset, catch the little fox, and then sneak out the big-eared fox and release it.

There are many rabbits in Australia and there is plenty of food. The big-eared fox can also hunt and can survive. Although there may not be a female fox, it doesn't matter. She will catch a female fox when she comes next time. If the little fox is still alive, she will be her companion.

If you can't find it, send the female fox back to the same place.

The little fox thought that the little girl was going to send him to work, but when he found out that he was in the desert area, he secretly bared his teeth and was happy that the little girl was going to let the little fox go. He finally no longer had to supervise the stupid fox cub.

In a new environment, he was still caught by an unknown creature. The big-eared fox cub huddled up in a ball, with the hair on its back standing on end, staring at the unknown creature defensively.

Le Yun placed the big-eared fox next to a clump of grass. As soon as the big-eared fox cub landed on the ground, it jumped towards the grass, hiding itself and motionless.

Looking at it like that, Le Yun sighed. People say that white-eyed wolves are unfamiliar to people. Unexpectedly, she met a big-eared fox that was unfamiliar to people. She saved its life and adopted it kindly, but it didn't appreciate it.

After staying in her territory for so long, I still don’t trust her, alas!

I felt that my good intentions were treated like a donkey's liver and lungs, and I felt very sad. The big-eared fox took several pills from her, and she also helped it recuperate its body. Now it is as healthy as a kangaroo.

Not to mention that all the money invested was wasted, and it also damaged her medicinal plants. She suffered huge losses. In the end, she had to think about it and help it find a place with plenty of food so that it could live and work in peace and contentment.

She is so kind, she is like a living Bodhisattva.

However, the big-eared fox had no sense of awareness or gratitude at all, and Le Yun stopped forcing it and gave it a piece of fish that it had not finished eating for dinner, waving its paw: "You don't want to stay in my little home?

I'll let you go free. There is water and prey here. It's up to you what kind of fox life you want to live in the future. I wish you good luck."

Seeing that the little fox cub was still motionless, she didn't give herself a chance to regret it. She turned around and ran towards the hinterland of the desert. It was willing to follow her, but she forced it and refused to hold it back.

The little fox squatted on the shoulder of the little human girl, turned his head and looked back. The little fox did not come out of the grass to see him off. He must have liked to return to nature. He kept staring behind him until the little girl ran far away.

After passing a small sand dune, you can no longer see the rear.

The big-eared fox cub hiding in the grass huddled up and stayed motionless for a long time. It slowly got up and looked around for a while. No danger was found. It quickly ran out of the grass and rushed to the dead fish.

Use your claws to dig out the sand and soil, dig out a hole, bury the fish in it, and then cover it up.

After burying the food, the little fox sniffed here and there, followed the smell to the rabbit's old nest next to a bush, dug the hole hard, opened the hole, got in and hid, and regarded it as his home.

After releasing the big-eared fox, Le Yun ran forward without looking back, climbed over the sand dunes, and continued forward for several kilometers, happily digging for plants while it was still early in the day.

This chapter has been completed!
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