Chapter 962: The Boy Who Scattered Money

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 The Asian Games came to an end. Athletes from various countries went their separate ways after the closing ceremony. The Chinese team set off to return home on the 3rd. Le Xiao’s classmate did not go with the athletes, but took another flight to Gdong City in the south of the country.

Transferred to the capital of Ynan Province, and then transferred to Dezhou, which borders Myanmar.

Yang Tuhao, who opened a jade shop in the capital of Ynan, was waiting for Miss Le at the airport. After receiving the request, the two took the evening flight to Baoshi Airport in Dezhou and spent the evening shopping in Baoshi's night streets.

When classmate Le rushed to Y Nan Dezhou after a long journey, the athletes who had returned from participating in the Asian Games were eating the delicacies of the Manchu-Han banquet at the celebration banquet hosted by the National Sports Department.

The domestic team broke several records at the Asian Games and maintained the country's image with actions, winning praise from netizens. Due to the outstanding performance of the athletes, the Ministry of National Sports prepared a dust-free banquet early to welcome the athletes who returned home in triumph.

The athletes who had a feast at the dust-free celebration banquet will return to their respective teams that day. Those who are not competing will take a short break or conduct post-game summary training, while those who have competitions will immediately rush to the competition road.

Classmate Le, Yang Tuhao spent one night in Baoshi to recharge his batteries, and the next day he chartered a bus to Yingxian, the jade distribution center. On the way, he stopped by Tengshi for a short time, walked around a few times in the jade distribution center, and picked up a few pieces that are eye-catching.

Jade wool.

It only takes more than two hours to travel to Yingxian County. Even if there are delays on the way, we will arrive in Yingxian County at noon. The sky is bright and sunny, making us feel like it is summer.

Little Lolita, Yang Tuhao and the three drivers booked a hotel first, then went to a local restaurant with a special flavor, had a hearty meal, and took their luggage trailer and belongings to the largest jade wool market in Yingxian County to shop for goods.

In the eyes of the driver, the little girl is a wealthy second generation. He will gain a lot of experience by following her, and he can also help her as a handyman. The little girl and the young man are tolerant and generous tenants.

The rental price also includes food and accommodation.

Classmate Le went into the largest woolen market in Ying County to watch for a while. He went to the place where he saw the strongest aura and walked around. He had an idea in his mind and decided to buy it immediately!

You can move small and medium-sized materials by yourself. We negotiated a deal for materials over a hundred kilograms and made an appointment to pick them up tomorrow. After a round, we bought about ten pieces of large materials, with a total weight of more than two tons, and a total price of more than 10 million.

After visiting one market, I moved to another market. I bought what I liked. After visiting one market, I changed places again. I spent most of the afternoon in the wool market, and part of the time in the Jade and Jade Distribution Street.

Ten million.

The driver watched the little girl spend the money without blinking an eye. He said that he was too tired to sleep and would not go to the night market with him again in the evening. His heart's endurance was limited. Seeing the little girl throwing away money in large amounts, she couldn't help but

He feels bad about money, and his heart aches just thinking about it.

The driver stopped joining in the fun, and Yang Tuhao happily accompanied his little sister to the jewelry night market in Yingxian County. The big one and the little one each successfully picked up the missing items and returned home with a full load.

The next day, Yang Tuhao invited the truck of the transportation company that helped the little girl transport jadeite rough to Beijing last year, and took it to the market to pick up the goods. After picking up the wool pre-purchased in several markets, he set out for Rui City, and the truck carrying the wool also followed.

Go to Ruishi.

Le classmate Yang Tuhao arrived in Ruishi before noon and asked the driver and truck attendants to stay in a hotel to rest. The two of them plunged into the trading market and hunted for goods happily.

Yang Tuhao, a drunkard, did not care about drinking. He simply accompanied his little sister to search for treasures. The little sister would not leave for a while while admiring stones, so he went to other places to wander around and brought back suitable stones.

Classmate Le was wandering around and fell in love with a piece of aniseed weighing more than 300 kilograms. After bargaining, she reached an agreement and made an appointment for the shopkeeper to deliver it to her hotel in the evening.

After visiting almost every corner of the market, Mr. Le went to A Xia's store to try his luck. A Xia was guarding the store and failed to spot the little girl at the first time. He didn't recognize the girl until she called the store owner and she walked over.

Who is the pink and tender child? He was very happy at that time: "Little girl, I haven't seen you gambling on stones for a long time. This time you have time to come to a border town. You are a rare visitor."

"Handsome A-Xia, I am born to be busy. I have been too busy to be distracted since I came back from here last year. This time I came here to relax." The store owner still remembered her, Le Yun smiled and rolled her eyes, pointing to the corner: "Handsome A-Xia

, please help move this, I want to see the black rough stone inside."

"No problem," Axia helped move the wool and asked: "Little sister came alone again?"

"No, A-Xuan is here too. He is interested in a piece of raw material from a shop. I came here first."

As soon as the little Lolita mentioned A-Xuan, Yang Tuhao stepped into A-Xia's shop and responded with a smile when he heard the voice: "Little sister, are you talking about me?"

"Yeah, as soon as I mentioned people, people came. I guess it's a blessing." A-Xia moved a few pieces of wool away and let the little girl study them slowly. She stood up with a smile and went to say hello to A-Xuan.

Yang Xuan and A Xia were acquaintances, and they talked enthusiastically about jade. The two talked for a while. The little girl came to A Xia holding a rough black sand stone weighing eight or nine kilograms. A Xia looked at the label.

, no bidding was made, the asking price was 20,000.

Le Xiaoxiao smiled and took out two bundles of bills from the backpack on his back and gave them to the boss. After Asia issued the receipt, he stuffed the stones into the bag on the luggage trailer.

Yang Xuan knew that Axia and Ajiang had stock, and Axia did not shirk the responsibility and asked the clerk to guard the store while he drove the little girl and Axuan to Ajiang's farmyard.

Boss Ajiang was waiting for his partners at home. When they arrived, he greeted the little girl warmly and took them to the backyard warehouse to appreciate the rocks.

Since the situation in Kachin State of Myanmar has been unstable, the jade industry has also been affected to a certain extent. In order to avoid trouble, jade merchants try their best to transport the rough stones out of customs to the border towns in the south of Y. Ajiang Asha is no exception.

A large amount of jadeite materials are accumulated in the backyard of Jiangdang Warehouse.

The little girl always looks at the edges when gambling on stones. Ah Jiang and A Xia chatted with Ah Xuan, letting the little girl appreciate the stones as she pleased.

No one was following. Student Le scanned the whole place, swaying on his short legs, pretending to look here and there, and when he saw something he liked, he pulled it out and put it aside.

The three jade dealer bosses were so excited talking about the public jade sale in Myanmar that when they remembered the little girl looking for her, they suddenly found her squatting next to a pile of stones, lowering her head and drawing circles.

Three young and promising bosses ran over and asked with a smile: "Little sister, what's wrong?"

"Ah wu, you finally remembered me," Le Yun looked at the sky resentfully. She had been "left out" for nearly ten minutes, and then pointed at the pile of stones: "A Jiang A Xia, handsome boy, I hate that piece of sand-free material."

I’m a little interested in the white shell rough stone.”

A Jiang and A Xia looked at the stone that the little girl pointed at. It was a piece of semi-finished wool. It was cut off with a knife. It was white jade flesh with a small blue flower on one corner. The quality was average. If it was just like that, it would be fine. The most surprising thing

Unfortunately, one of the lightning locks invaded the flesh, greatly reducing its value.

The material comes from the Po Zhi Gong pit in Xinchang District. It weighs about 680 kilograms. Judging from the date, it was mined for nearly 20 years. There is desanding on the surface, which means that it is actually a piece of backlog that is not favored by others.


"Little sister, I personally don't mind if you bet on this material." Ajiang doesn't want to cheat his partner's friends, especially since this little girl is a famous doctor who has mastered the essence of traditional Chinese medicine.

To be honest, if it were another buyer, he would definitely put in a good word for the material, package it, and let the little girl buy it at a good price. They would rather make less money than lose money on her bet.

"Personally, I'm not optimistic about it either. Many of our inventories were purchased from the public jade auction over the years. We bought them at a low price, just to earn some resale fees." Axia is also not optimistic about the products coming out of the Po Zhi Gong Market.

That piece of material has a mediocre foundation, a mediocre water level, and a small lightning bolt. The probability of losing money is as high as 90%.

"It's okay, it's a loss if it's a loss. I'm going to use it to make a stone tabletop and use it as a tea table. I can't bear to use high-quality materials to build a table." Le Yun wanted to bite her fingers. You ordinary people don't have a sharp eye.

, I can’t see through the mystery of that stone. This little girl has a plug-in and must not miss it.

"Okay, if the little sister likes it, you can move away. We will take over with 190,000 yuan, and the little sister will give you 200,000 yuan." Money can't buy it. I like it, and the little sister likes it. A Jiang and Axia also let her, and started with the material for 190,000 yuan.

, they spent a lot of labor and freight, and the two hundred thousand yuan changed hands at a fair price. They made no profit or loss.

"Okay, thank you, handsome boss." Le Yun happily made the decision.

Ajiang and Axia went to push the small forklift, moved the materials out of the pile of wool, and placed them next to the pile of wool picked out by the little girl. Then they helped move other materials and moved them all to the place closest to the door for stacking.<


The little girl picked out a few more pieces of material and made up twenty-six pieces of material, usually medium-sized woolen materials weighing dozens of kilograms.

Ajiang Axia made a list and marked the unit price of each piece of material. Excluding one piece of 200,000 yuan, the other 25 stones totaled 4.43 million yuan, erasing a fraction of 30,000 yuan.

There were a lot of stones, so Ajiang and Axia drove a truck, loaded the woolen materials into the truck, and helped deliver the goods to the hotel.

Yang Tuhao called in advance the merchandiser of the truck who was helping the little girl transport the goods. The driver and merchandiser were waiting outside the hotel. When the little girl and the young man came with the delivery man, they helped hand over the goods. The jadeite stone was directly

Transfer from Ajiang Axia's truck to the truck compartment of the transportation company.

A Jiang and A Xia drove back, and Yang Tuhao accompanied the little girl's other partner, Ah Cheng. Ah Cheng enthusiastically invited the two of them into the house and asked the little girl to choose woolen materials. The little girl only picked two pieces that were less than ten kilograms.

of stones.

Classmate Le and Yang Tuhao took a stroll on the street and took a taxi to the Shuhua Jade Trading Market.

Tree jade is petrified wood, a kind of petrified wood. It is a tree fossil that was buried in the ground by prehistoric trees hundreds of millions of years ago and replaced by silica in the groundwater. It retains the characteristics of the tree.

Wood knotted pine and texture.

There are many colors of tree jade, as colorful as jade. Because trees have bark, tree jade needs to be polished to show its beauty. Therefore, general jade is processed into carved pieces.

Myanmar is the origin of jadeite, and it is also the origin of tree jade. There is a tree jade exhibition hall in Rui City. There are many raw tree jade stones or tree jade with polished surfaces in various shapes.

Rui City has a professional Shuhua Jade trading area, which is also the largest and most professional Shuhua Jade shop in Yinnan Province. Most of the petrified wood raw stones are imported from Myanmar.

The Shuhua Jade trading area is in the same place as the jadeite trading market. Every shop owner who sells Shuhua Jade is a wealthy boss. Shuhua Jade is a hugely profitable business, but it is also a slow return on investment. There is no

We cannot do that business without a strong economic foundation.

Yang Xuan knows very little about Shuhua Jade, so he is a layman. When he walks into the Shuhua Jade trading area, he only uses his eyes and will never say much.

The store area of ​​the tree jade trading area is relatively wide. In addition to the store, there is also an open-air area where tree jade products are displayed. The open-air area usually contains tree jade raw stones or semi-finished products.

Le Yun was not in a hurry. She first observed and walked around. She took a fancy to a chair carved from tree jade in a store. It was in the shape of a beauty couch. One side had carved armrests and the other side had no sides. It was about two meters long and could be carved into

For such a big chair, the waist circumference of the log must be at least over three meters.

However, it can be seen that some places of Shuhua Jade were corroded when it was buried in the ground. It is not that the whole wood has been petrified. If it were a whole section of petrified wood, no one would be willing to carve it into a chair. The carver and designer are Yishuhua.

The shape of the jade maximizes its integrity.

Ask the price, two million!

"..." The corner of Le Yun's mouth trembled three times. It's so expensive! However, she understood that because the tree jade itself is not cheap, and the carving fee is not cheap, the price is naturally high.

However, two million is still too high.

He bargained decisively, and the counter-offer reached 1.7 million. The shop owner was not happy at first, but when he heard that the customer also wanted to buy the rough stone, he immediately made a deal and asked the store clerk to help pack the finished product, and he personally received the small product.

The girl went to see the rough stones.

Shop owners who have rough stones pile them up behind their shops, surrounded by fences to form a yard. Some shops have built sheds, and some don’t, so they don’t have to worry about people stealing them. There are at least a hundred kilograms of Chinese rough stones placed in the open air. Who knows?

I want to steal it but I can’t move it for a while.

The shop owner has more than a dozen pieces of petrified wood raw stone, which basically still retains the bark. The rough stones can be good or bad, and come in various colors. There are some good pieces of petrified wood, and there are no hollows or defects at either end of the tree.

the gap.

Classmate Le Xiao is a bitch, so he ordered five pieces of tree-turned-jade rough stone at one point. The lowest price was 1.6 million, and the highest price was 4 million, for a total of 13 million.

The two parties bargained and bargained, and the deal was settled for 11 million, with the store including delivery to the buyer's hotel.

The little Loli spent a huge sum of money, but was sent out of the store by the smiling store owner. Then she walked into the next store. She didn't like the finished product and went to see the rough stones. She spent 6 million to buy four pieces of petrified wood rough stones.

A store delivered the goods to the hotel, but she only took the receipt and went to be a money-lender again.

The little Loli was happy to buy and buy, and the Shuhua Jade merchants she patronized laughed happily. In their eyes, the fair and tender little girl was the money-catching boy in front of the God of Wealth. She was a proper little girl.

God of Wealth.

Stores that have been patronized by little Lolita will send the little God of Wealth away and immediately start packing the buyer's purchases and contact someone to help load the car or call a car to help deliver the goods.

Classmate Le, who had a huge sum of money in his hands, spent money without blinking an eye. He hung out until the sun set. He only stayed in the trading market for two hours and spent a total of 130 million in exchange for thirty-nine trees.

Transformed jade, fourteen finished products, including tables, stools, flower tables or bases and other carved pieces.

Yang Xuan saw the arrogance of the little sister who spent money like water. Besides admiration, the little sister was decisive in killing. She was really a courageous and courageous girl among the heroes.

The little Lolita, who was praised as a hero among girls, had no time to worry about money when she was buying trees and jade. When she returned to the hotel, her heart clenched at the thought of the money she had spent. She had only spent money recently and had no big income, so she had no income.

Apply for support.

Money, money, how can we make money quickly?

Not to mention letting her make tens of billions in one breath, she can simply make more than a billion.

Classmate Le Xiao sighed secretly, his heart ached and his heart was bleeding. To be honest, if he resold the tree he bought and turned it into jade, he would definitely make half the profit instead of several times, because there were only a few pieces of the tree.

There are worms in the jade flesh.

Jadeite is green, and the price doubles. Tree-turned-jade has insects, and its status also goes up. Generally, the most common worm is worth at least 10,000. If it is rare, the value of tree-turned-jade is hard to estimate. For example, someone once peeled a tree-turned-jade

A snake was peeled off from his skin, and the identity of the piece of tree jade instantly increased hundreds of times.

There are no creatures like snakes inside the tree jade she bought. However, if the X-ray function of the eyes has not failed, there are fish, insects, flowers and plants in the tree jade. The value of the tree jade with fish is no more than that of the tree with snakes.

The value of jade is low, the original price is more than two million, so it is not a problem to increase it ten to eight times.

But she had another purpose for buying the Shuhua Jade and was not planning to resell it, so it was impossible to earn back the money in the near future after it went out. Thinking about it made her heartache. When she returned to the hotel and saw the store and vehicle delivering the goods,

Immediately resurrected with full health, took the documents to check the goods with the merchants, and then handed over.

There was so much tree-turned-jade that the truck transporting the jadeite rough couldn't accommodate it. The shipping company's merchandiser called and reported it to the company. The head office dispatched a delivery truck from the Rui City branch to pick it up, and two trucks took over the transportation task.

, the carvings of tree jade and several smaller pieces of tree jade are carried by the truck transporting the raw jadeite, and other tree fossils are carried by another truck.

After handing over the tree fossils, it was already dark. After seeing off the last tree jade merchant, Le Yun, her brother Tuhao Yang and the drivers of the transportation company went to have a big meal. After having a good time, they went to the night market in Rui City without stopping.

Pick up leaks.

Of course, it is impossible to pick up the leaks every time. Yang Tuhao and classmate Le each bought a few pieces of materials and returned to the hotel to rest near midnight. After recuperating, they chartered a car and rushed to Mangshi early the next morning to catch a flight.

Returning to the capital city in the south of Y, the two trucks were left behind, and they set off straight to the capital.

Yang Xuan originally wanted to keep the little one to play for a few days. She had other things to do, so he did not leave her empty-handed. He flew back to the capital Kunshi from Mangshi. He put the little one on the plane again and waited for the little one's plane to take off.

After leaving, he went to collect his checked luggage and returned to his store.

This chapter has been completed!
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