Chapter 1,448 Rescue Team 2 updates

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 New Year's Eve is coming soon, and the New Year atmosphere is getting stronger and stronger. Classmate Le is in a bit of a gloomy mood. The reason is that the antibody injected into Zhou Tianming failed!

After much research, the reason is still related to the blood relationship. The bone marrow matching types of brothers and sisters of the same father and mother may not be the same. What’s more, her brother and Zhou Tianming are cousins. It is said that they are three thousand miles apart.

As blood cousins, the probability of failure is already very high.

Fortunately, the antibodies in the bodies of his brother and his father, Aunt Feng, have been successfully cultivated and have stabilized. This means that now Leshan and his father, Aunt Feng, are not afraid of mad dogs and will not be infected even if they are bitten. Once the rabies virus invades, the rabies virus will

The nemesis antibody cells will phagocytose the invading virus.

Even though her family members' antibodies were very stable, she did not take it lightly. She still kept track of the clinical responses at different times and collected detailed data for research.

The days are short in winter, and the day goes by in the blink of an eye, and New Year’s Eve is here.

On this day, many people in the city and the countryside are busy going to worship graves, and the Le family is no exception. A family of four went to the mountain to worship in the morning and came back to start the New Year's Eve dinner.

Zhou Tianming went to visit the grave with his family in the morning, and worked hard for a long time in the afternoon to prepare the dishes for the New Year's Eve dinner. According to his father's instructions, he sent four dishes to the Le family. The dishes they made were not as delicious as Le Yun's, but they sent a few dishes to the Le family.

Tasting for Lejia's guests is a way of hospitality and a sign of your heart.

Classmate Le accepted it and gave me two seafood dishes as a gift.

Brother Zhou sent vegetables to the Le family. Village chief Zhou Papi and the Cheng Wu family, Zhang Poluo family and Liu Lu family who were very close to the Le family also each sent two bowls of their best dishes, and the Le family returned one portion.

Seafood, the exchanges between neighbors can only last long. If one party always gives for free, the other party always takes it for granted and can only receive nothing. No matter how good the friendship accumulates over time, it will fade away.

I was busy and busy, and it was dusk in a blink of an eye. I don’t know when someone set off firecrackers to worship gods and ancestors, so people from all over the country started to worship gods and ancestors one after another. The sound of firecrackers came and went, and the Chinese New Year flavor reached its peak.<


People have been busy for a year, and on New Year's Eve, no matter they are rich or poor, every household celebrates the New Year happily.

The Huang family, a prominent family in Shishi, is having an even more depressing year this year than last year. They feel unsure. Although a few people fell into trouble last year, it did not implicate the entire family. This year, Huang Zhenzhi conspired with others to kidnap the children of the Le family.

Different from Huang Zhenguo's incident, this latter incident involves the Huang family's old man. What the Huang family fears most is that one day they will hear the news that the old man has been sacked.

What makes the Huang family most uneasy is that they can't figure out Le's attitude. Le Xiaoqingming knew that the Huang family was responsible for the case, and all the evidence was in her hands, but she didn't say anything about it, and the police station didn't ask for it.

Rumors of a public prosecution have forced people to speculate on her intentions.

The Huang family was panicked, and Huang Zhichang was even more uneasy. It was said that his master seemed to have been "suspended." The master was the head of Shengwu Mountain, and being suspended must be because other people were dissatisfied with the master. If the master resigned from the position of head,

Who can protect him in Shengwu Mountain?

The Huang family is not happy, but the Le family is very lively. There are four members of the Le family, including Mr. Yi, Mr. Yan and his three teammates, a total of nine people. They sit around a table and have a lively New Year's Eve dinner.

When talking, we not only talk about trivial matters, but also about family, country and world affairs.

The New Year's Eve dinner was delicious, everyone was full, even the big wolf dog didn't even chew his favorite bone until the end. Little Leshan was the happiest, rolling in her sister's arms, being held by her sister.

Children’s red envelopes are a must during the Chinese New Year. Leshan is not as eager for red envelopes as ordinary children. He has been taught the concept of money since he recognized money. He knows that money is very important and he should cherish money, cherish money and use it rationally.

Money, but should not be greedy.

It is his own philosophy that the children of the Le family are not obsessed with red envelopes. The handsome boys and Mr. Yi are not stingy. Each of them gave the Le family siblings a big red envelope, each worth 10,000 yuan, which represents perfection.

Classmate Le also gave out red envelopes, giving a big brick to the parents and Mr. Yi, small bricks to the younger brother, and four jelly beans to the handsome guys.

Mr. Yi took the red envelope and said, "Little girl, everything I eat and drink at your house is yours, so I don't need any money."

"You have food and drink at home. There will always be times when you want to buy something you like. For example, if you see something on the street and you have money in your pocket, you can buy it at any time. In case you don't have cash in your hand,

, I didn’t buy it when I saw what I liked. If I missed it, I might miss it forever. It’s so shocking.”

"I have money myself. I didn't bring much with me when I came. My two nephews helped me give some away when I came. It's not a lot. I also have around 200,000 yuan of small money."

"What's yours is yours, what's mine is to buy you clothes. You are my brother's master, and my brother must buy you clothes for the four seasons every year."

"Okay, you have already mentioned this, I will accept it." Mr. Yi did not refuse anymore. Guanyin Temple is not short of money in the coastal area. The little girl is supporting him on behalf of her brother. This kind of kindness is rare and cannot be given to children.

We are heartbroken.

When Leshan got the red envelope, he opened it and counted it. After counting how many there were, he wrapped it up and gave it to his sister for safekeeping. Yes, it was not for his father, not for his mother, nor for his master, but for his sister. It was the sister-controlled little sweet boy.

One piece.

The handsome guys laughed so hard that they also sympathized with the parents of the little baby. The parents must have felt sour when they raised a sister-controlled son.

During the New Year, all the delicious food is brought out to eat, and Lejia is no exception. They bring out the fruits, melon seeds, and the like, taste them all, chat happily until eleven o'clock, eat supper, and sit until the early morning to welcome the New Year.


Because my younger brother has grown up, in order to let him experience the taste of setting off fireworks for himself and prevent him from envying others, classmate Le Xiao took his younger brother to set off fireworks, and only set off one box of fireworks.

Leshan is not very enthusiastic about fireworks, because his sister takes him to play with them, and he has a lot of fun. His favorite way of playing is when he lights up the fireworks and is immediately hugged by his sister and jumps very far away.

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After welcoming the first day of the new year, the young and old also go to bed to prepare for getting up early tomorrow, in response to the saying "The plan for the year lies in spring".

Le Yun took her younger brother to bed, and after everyone in the family fell asleep, she quietly went to the kitchen to make soup for the little fox, treated the little fox and little Huihui to a pot of tonic soup, and then took her younger brother back to the space to sleep together.

After early morning, the night was cold and cold.

Just when the whole country of China was completely quiet, in a desolate and inhabited place in the west, at a certain moment, a bright light flashed out of thin air in the cold place.

Flow at the speed of light.

It was pitch black in nature, and it was pitch black in the paradise of the cave. The little fox turned his belly and slept soundly. When a strange phenomenon appeared somewhere in the west, the sleeping little fox was shaken as if he was electrocuted.

Gulu got up and squatted on the grass to concentrate on the feeling. His golden eyes became brighter and brighter.

The little fox lay on the grass and kept squatting until almost dawn. He jumped up, threw himself on the neck of the little human girl, and stroked the little girl's face with his big tail.

Being pounced by the little fox, Le Yun suddenly woke up. She sat up straight, her eyes still dark and inky. She rubbed her eyes before picking up the little fox with its tail wrapped around her neck: "Little fox, happy new year to you, a new year."

The way of greeting you invented is very novel."

The little fox squatted in the little girl's palm, his eyes shining: "Little girl, good news, a great thing has been born!"

"A good thing?" Le Yun straightened her back in excitement, her eyes glowing green: "What's the good news? Is it pie in the sky?"

"A good thing is rarer than pie in the sky," the little fox grinned, swung his tail excitedly, and shared the great good news with the little human girl: "Last night, a place opened the door to time and space."

"Gate of time and space? Little fox, are you kidding?" Le Yun was startled. The gate of time and space is the passage to another world. When the gate of time and space is opened, doesn't it mean that there is a place connected to another time and space?


According to the records left by the predecessors of the space, if you collect twelve sacred trees, you can open the door to other worlds. She worked hard and failed to collect enough sacred trees, so naturally she is still far away from opening the door to time and space.

There is no door to another world in space, so what kind of door is that door to time and space?

Le Yun was shocked by the sudden news, and was extremely surprised. The Gate of Time and Space, the legendary time and space channel really exists!

"When did I ever lie to you? Can such a big thing be treated as a joke?"

"How do you know?"

"The innate talent of this fox is the talent of space. My sensitivity to space is as powerful as your sensitivity to medicinal plants. No space within a certain range can escape this fox's perception. That time and space

The gate is in your homeland, not too far away, so I can naturally sense it."

The little fox was frighteningly powerful, and Le Yun was overjoyed. She held the little fox down, kissed it a few times, and dug out the secret with a smile on her face: "Little fox, what is the gate of time and space? Where is it?"

The little fox, who was drooled by the kiss, shyly held his face with his paws, and his eyes flickered like stars blinking: "The gate of time and space is in the west, where you dig the cordyceps. In fact, the gate of time and space is also in the west.

It's not very special. It's usually in the shape of a vortex. When it's unstable, it may form lightning, thunder or storms. When it stabilizes, it becomes an invisible layer of light, which can't be seen by people who don't have the celestial being."

"Wow, I want to see more!" The Gate of Time and Space. Not to mention traveling to other worlds through the Gate of Time and Space, it's also good to just take a few glances to satisfy your curiosity. After all, such wonders are rare.
"Little girl, you just want to experience things and don't want to play in another time and space?" The little fox's eyes widened in surprise, showing an incredible expression.

"Of course I want to, but my brother hasn't grown up yet. I'm going to another time and space. I don't know how long it will take to come back. If someone attacks my family while I'm away and no one protects my family, this time and space door will be opened.

It’s not the right time. It would be better to start it ten years later than decades later.”

Ten years later, she should have solved all the potential unstable factors, can rest assured about her family, and can travel without worries. Even if she cannot come back, she will not be afraid that no one will inherit the Le family incense.

"Little girl, you still have time to think about it. It takes a certain amount of time to accumulate strength before the door of time and space is opened, and it will take a long time to close."

"How long can the gate of time and space remain open?"

"Once the gate of time and space is opened, it can last for at least three years, and normally it is about ten years. If the spiritual energy of the two places is sufficient and the connection is very deep, the time and space channel can last for hundreds of years. The earth's spiritual energy is lacking, and the time and space channel connected to this side can only

Relying on the other side to absorb spiritual energy does not necessarily take time. It may take several months or several years.”

"I really want to go, but unfortunately, I'm afraid I won't be able to come back on time."

"If you want to go, make preparations. Even if you can't go this time, you can wait until next time. One door of time and space can be opened, and other doors may be opened in the future. The connected places are just different. Moreover, this time the time and space in the west

The door opens not just in one place, but in two places."

"Two...two places?" If you don't come, you won't come. If you come, then two will come?

"Yes, there are two places. One is still being formed, and the other should be connected. Two space-time gates are opened in one place at the same time. One of the passages will be less stable and may collapse midway to form space-time turbulence.

People or objects will be crushed into powder in an instant. Well, even the powder will not exist. The turbulent flow of time and space will crush people or objects into air."

Le Yun was horrified: "It's so scary!" She didn't want to become nothing, she still wanted to be a good child in the eyes of her elders, the naughtiest sister in Brother Chao's eyes, and be her brother's strongest support.

"What's so scary? The turbulence of time and space is very dangerous. If you don't crash into it, you'll be fine. No one with a clear head will play in an unstable space-time channel."

Le Yun squatted on the ground and drew circles. She really wanted to go to another world. How could she escape? She looked at her younger brother who was still sleeping soundly next to her and sighed: "Alas-"

I hate multiple-choice questions the most, especially this kind of alluring multiple-choice question.

He sighed and asked sadly: "Little fox, do you know why the gate of time and space opens? What opportunity does it need?"

"You really asked the right person, I really understand." The little fox proudly weighed his beard: "To open the door of time and space, you need the right time, place and people. Sometimes the door of time and space is opened because there is a rare treasure in a certain world.

Or there is a very blessed person. The person or thing must be able to influence the other world, so that it can activate the power of heaven and earth, and then the gate of time and space connecting the two places can be activated."

"So, what precious object or person appeared on the earth this time to open the door to time and space?"


"Hurry up and tell me who that person is, what kind of treasure that object is, I have to strike first and grab it if it is a treasure. If I find the person, I will try my best to hold him in his lap."

The little girl's eyes lit up when she heard the name of Bao. The little fox smiled and rolled his eyes: "You don't have to strike first. You know that person and you know that thing."

"Who is it?" Le Yun's eyes widened. She knew someone who didn't need to strike first. Could it be her precious brother?

The little fox winked meaningfully: "Guess."

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