Chapter 27 Foodies are a family

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 Yan Xing accompanied the little Loli to visit several stalls, and found that the little Loli glanced at them carelessly and passed them by. If she was tired of looking at them, she had a leisurely smile as if she was content and everything was going well.

She was looking for something, but she didn't get distracted. He couldn't help but wonder. The little Loli was so impatient before, as if she was afraid that others would snatch up all the good things, but why is she so calm now?

After visiting another three or two places, he couldn't help but be full of questions. He went to a place with few people and whispered: "Little loli, are you tired from walking?"

Is Mr. Yan so considerate?

"I'm not tired. Are you tired? Do you want to find a place to sit?" Le Yun turned sideways in surprise and looked at the handsome guy who always stayed close to her. She had already bought the most spiritual thing, and was interested in other items.

Naturally, the interest is not that strong.

"I'm not tired. I saw that you didn't do much research on antiques, so I thought you were tired." A little loli suspected that she was tired, and Yan Xing was also deeply convinced. He is a big man.

How can he be so careless? If he can get tired after just a short journey, how can he still hang out in the army?

"I bought the stuff I'm most interested in, and I'm less interested in the other treasures." Le Yun rolled her eyes with satisfaction: "Now you go find what you like before you leave, and I will follow you to appreciate the rare treasures."
"You keep walking in the front, I'll take my time to look for you in the back, don't be in a hurry." He walked in the front, what if the little Loli was squeezed out? The most important thing was that he was afraid that others would squeeze the little Loli's right hand, and he was in a hurry.

It is convenient to protect her from behind.

"You go ahead..."

One tall and one short, the big one and the small one gave way, and they gave way, and they gave way. Young Master Yan couldn't resist the persistence of the little Lolita, so he had to lead the way.

He was uneasy. He would often turn sideways and squeeze out of the way to let the little Lolita follow. He would also always pay attention to see if she was being squeezed away. Whenever he went to a place, he would first check to see if the Little Lolita was around, and then look for something.
Classmate Le Xiao is a good and worry-free child. When she follows Handsome Yan, she will stay wherever he stops, and when he leaves, she will follow.

Mr. Yan is only interested in the things he likes. He will stay longer at stalls with a lot of stone and metal items, and he will usually browse the porcelain stalls casually.

He is very picky, so he hasn’t bought anything since he entered the market for more than an hour. If you say he doesn’t want to buy, he lingers in front of certain stalls and hesitates to move. If you say he wants to buy, he sometimes puts a certain

I could study an item over and over again for several minutes, but in the end I just didn’t make a move.

When Handsome Yan plays with objects, his serious and thoughtful approach is like that of an expert, like a veteran in the industry. He can really scare people and keep them in check.

Le Yun: "..."

She no longer knew what to say. She just wanted to ask handsome guy Yan, what are you looking for?

As far as she knew, the stone that Handsome Yan bought in Panjiayuan last time was probably produced near a volcano and had a hot smell, which meant that the stone was fire-attributed. Don't ask her why she knew it.

When she bought the stone, she opened her eyes and saw the red aura of fire emitting from the stone.

Handsome Yan's special power is fire. She speculates that he collects fire-attribute stones to warm his strange fire. As for how to use it, she can't guess.

But this time, well, how should I put it, he was looking for something, but there were several stalls with red halo stones, but he didn't buy any of them. She didn't know whether he didn't take a fancy to them or just didn't feel it.

If he didn't like it, there was a stone that was of similar quality to the stone he bought last time. The intensity of the red halo between the two was similar, and the size was slightly different.

Student Le Xiao, who had no idea what Handsome Yan was thinking, kept his doubts in his mind and quietly acted as a follower, occasionally buying things he liked.

There are nearly a thousand stalls in the ghost market, most of which are specialized in antique business in Beijing and T City, and some are vendors from surrounding counties and cities and some free part-time stall operators. Therefore, hundreds of stalls are filled with

The whole road was filled with unprecedented excitement.

The ghost market will not close until dawn, so there is plenty of time. Young Master Yan led little Loli to stroll along the street until they reached the end. At the other end of the road was another cross-cutting avenue, and the ghost market was at the corner of both sides of the road.

There were still stalls, but then they were gone.

After shopping on one side of the street, return from the opposite street.

Yan Xing was looking here and there slowly. Rather than looking for something, it was better to say that he had other plans. What he was looking for was the little Lolita. He was not looking for her, but for the opportunity to go shopping together.<


You can look for things or not, but there are very few opportunities to be alone with the little Lolita. Last time we went to Panjiayuan together, the Little Loli ran off on her own. He and Mr. Liu were accompanying guests, but they were not

She welcomed the extra companion, and this time, he and she were friendly companions.

The lights at night are bright and dim, and the little Lolita's face is always full of sunshine. That wanton, enthusiastic and happy face makes people feel that the already cool autumn night is also so warm, and the noise in the street is also

So vivid, even the faces coming and going are so cute.

The drunkard's intention was not to drink, and Yan Xingzhi's original intention was not to look for things. He just brought the little Lolita to T City on the pretext of looking for things, so that he could have more opportunities to get along with each other, gradually increase understanding, and build the foundation of friendship.


He doesn't care about Taobao, so naturally his heart is not wilted, and he can't let the little loli notice his intentions, so he has to pretend to be serious about looking for what he wants.

He is good at pretending. Whether he plays the role of a buyer, a seller, or a tourist, he is guaranteed to be able to play the role perfectly. In Liu's words, if he is asked to act and enter the role in minutes, he will easily win the Oscar.<


As he walked around, Mr. Yan became more and more fond of this kind of night tour with the little lolita wandering here and there. Sometimes when the little lolita was interested in something, he wanted to move to the next stall to take a look.

She might have thought that he wouldn't wait for her anymore and would tug on his sleeves to make him wait. Then, she decided to bargain with people for the price she wanted to buy, and every time she smiled in the resentful eyes of the vendors and tried to kill them.

I stuffed the results of the battle into my backpack, showed him a cute smile, and followed him non-stop with a smile on my face.

To be honest, he really enjoyed watching the little Loli bargaining with the vendors. Her bargaining with the vendors was like a bickering meeting. She could find flaws all over the object, making people feel that it was useless and left

It is simply affecting your business. If you ask me why you bought it if it is worthless? She will plausibly tell you that it is worthless, but I think it is pleasing to the eye, so what other uses can be made of it.
As for the use, it is true that it is of course used to fill medicine or make medicine.

Therefore, I am happy to buy something that is worth a lot of money, because she looks pleasing to the eye, so she will not hesitate to talk, quarrel with others, and bargain hard, and she can erase a zero from a three hundred item and turn it into thirty


The little Lolita's bargaining skills are like a magic knife. Every time Yan Xing doesn't say anything, he just watches from the other side. Every time he sees the vendor's speechless and pained look on his face, he compares it with the little Lolita who is so proud and beaming.

Wow, it feels more enjoyable than watching a big show.

The little loli has strong fighting ability and very good patience. If you don't sell it, if she really likes it, she will act cute and act cute, squatting and not walking away, and then grind you until you are helpless. In the end, she will bear the pain and cut your flesh, and let her take you away.

What I got was a sweet smile of gratitude and a soft and cute "You are a good person".

In view of her super patience and a face that is brighter than a sunflower, it is basically smooth sailing. Of course, there are times when she fails. Only once did she meet a shrewd woman with a bad temper. She changed her face when bargaining.

Li gave up on her own, and her aggrieved, sad and cowardly look made the people present so intolerable that they almost didn't buy anything from the vendor.

Yan Xing, who was watching the whole process, deeply understood the lethality of Lolita's expression, and made up his mind to try his best to avoid making the little Lolita angry and make her suffer. Maybe she would burst into tears in the street, and the whole world would burst into tears.

, the sun and the moon have no light, and the mountains and rivers share the same sorrow. If it resonates and makes the heroes in the street angry, and the enemies with the same hatred rush to punch and kick, then you will be the unlucky one.

The street lights are dim, and people are coming and going. They walk from one end to the other, and then back down the street on one side. From one end to the other, every place is crowded with people, bustling, and noisy like a busy market during the day.

Young Master Yan took Little Loli shopping around, after visiting the stalls on one side of the street, then crossing the street, and then visiting the other half of the street from the stalls on the opposite side of the street, vowing to visit every part of the street.

The busiest and busiest time in the ghost market is between 3:30 and 4:30. Buyers have just put out a lot of things and haven’t gone through much sifting, so they can easily find good opportunities. Therefore, the success rate of transactions is the highest in the first period;
Before 5:30, the transaction volume will continue to rise for a period of time, because at 5:30, it will be dawn, and the ghost market will soon disperse. Merchants want to sell as many goods as possible, but buyers are afraid of missing the opportunity.

It is easy for both parties to reach a sale.

From three o'clock to four o'clock, from four o'clock to five o'clock, the time passed without delay, and slowly approached five thirty. In T City in September of the New Year, the morning was very bright. Just after five twenty, the east appeared.

Order the fish belly white.

Daybreak is about to begin.

At dawn, the temperature also dropped, and it was chilly.

When daybreak breaks, the vendors also begin to pack their belongings, especially some vendors who have to go to the market in the capital. Most of them close their stalls and pack their belongings around 5:10, and sometimes catch the subway or drive themselves before 5:30.

To the capital.

At half past five, the morning light has driven away the darkness and shines on the earth. In the early morning of mid-autumn, it is chilly and the morning breeze is cool.

The vendors are busy closing their stalls, and the crowds of people going to the market are flowing to both ends of the road. The crowds are busy, coming for the market, and disappearing at different times. People come and go like bees, and people go like flowing water.

The ghost market has dispersed, and Yan Xing's continued good mood has cooled down slightly. The market has dispersed, which also means that this trip to T City is about to come to an end.

Even though he was a little reluctant to leave, he couldn't wander around anymore. He walked with the little Loli at the end of the crowd, mixed in the sparse crowd and walked towards the parking place. He was afraid that people would touch the little Loli's right hand, so he walked on her right hand.


There are shops on both sides of the street, some of which sell food. They open early and are packed with people visiting the market or vendors buying food.

Young Master Yan protected the petite little one, passed some people, and queued up in front of a steamed stuffed bun shop. There was a tall and handsome guy queuing up, so Le Xiaoxiao didn't have to queue. She stood far away in a safe place, holding her bag and waiting to eat.
There were so many people queuing up that Mr. Yan waited in line for a full 20 minutes before he succeeded. He bought two large bags full of steamed buns, and followed the flow of people out of the ghost market street, found a parked private car, and got in to have breakfast.
Student Le Xiao, who was eagerly waiting to taste the snacks, got the delicious ones. Holding the bag, he first picked a small bun as big as a xiaolongbao and took a bite. The bun was soft and the filling was fragrant when he bit it open. It was fresh and fragrant.
A conscientious person!

Taking a bite of the bun, Le Yun narrowed her eyes with satisfaction. The boss is a conscientious person. The skin of the bun is made of good flour, and the filling of the bun is made of fresh pork, with condiments.

Fragrant but not greasy.

The steamed buns were delicious. I ate five of them in a few bites. I let myself get over it first before I had time to praise: "It's delicious, it's delicious, it's delicious, it's delicious."

She said three delicious things in a row, her eyes narrowed with a satisfied look, and she lay basking in the sun with the well-fed little sheep. She was lazy and cute.

Yan Xing was worried that it would not suit the little Lolita's appetite, so he quietly observed her reaction. Seeing her eating five small buns in one breath, he thought she was hungry and felt a little guilty. When he heard her crisp praise

The sound makes flowers bloom in my heart.

Her heart blossomed, joy emerged from her heart, her bright and majestic dragon eyes hid joy, her whole face softened, and she explained gently: "This 'Goubuli Baozi' is very famous in this area.

, is also one of the more traditional time-honored brands. The most authentic one is opened by a descendant of the true disciple of the founder of Goubuli on another street."

"Wow, not all authentic ones are so delicious. The authentic ones will definitely be so delicious that you want to swallow them." It is indeed one of the three unique time-honored brands in T city. It does not cheat, operates with heart, and is classic and traditional.

"Anyway, I'm here in T city. I'll take you to a few places with historical significance to see the scenery here, and eat authentic Goubuli for lunch." The man pretended not to care, as if he was talking casually.

Light as water.

"Okay... not good." Le Yun shouted excitedly, then bit her tongue and shook her head: "I'll talk about it next time, it's time to go back."

Hearing the little Loli say "Okay" excitedly, Yan Xing's heart was in a trance, and he was startled by her sudden turn. He suddenly turned to look at the Little Loli, and suddenly realized that he had lost his composure and pretended to be biased.

Take off your glasses, take off the flat glasses on the bridge of your nose and wipe off the dust.

"Why is it bad? Many people come here specially to travel to T city. Wouldn't it be a pity not to take a trip when they are here?"

"Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, handsome boy. It's time for you to go home. If you don't come back during the holiday, your family will be worried." Le Yun turned to look at handsome guy Yan. Could it be that that guy doesn't remember what day it is?

Yan Xing's hand wiping his spectacle lenses froze, he lowered his head slightly, his thick eyelashes were lowered, and the voice squeezed out of his throat contained a sense of bitterness and vicissitude: "I...have no home."


Le Yun turned around and looked at her, her mind almost crashing. What does it mean to have no home?

After pondering for three seconds, he grinned funny: "Brother Yan, how can you not have a home? Even if you are not married yet and do not have an independent family of your own, you have parents and elders. The home of your parents is the warmest place for your children.


Slowly, Yan Xing turned his face and looked out the window on one side: "My mother died when I was four years old. Since then, I have never had a home."

His voice is very magnetic, very pure, very sexy, as beautiful as the D key of the cello. It is always so sweet and moving, like the spring breeze blowing in the willows, which can take away people's negative emotions. However, at this moment, that beautiful voice is full of emotions.

Desolate, the tone is low and slow, like a hammer, making people's hearts palpitate.

Just like a thunder struck on a sunny day, Le Yun was stunned. Handsome Yan Yan is also a motherless child?

A child with a mother is like a treasure, while a child without a mother is like a piece of grass. She knows the difference between having a mother and not having a mother, but...

"You still have a dad, and dad is also the closest relative." Mom is gone, but you still have dad. Dad and mom are everyone's closest relatives.

"Mom is gone, and my father married another wife and gave birth to a pair of children. I have long since lost my place in that family." Yan Xing looked out the window and didn't mention those people and things for a long time. Every time he mentioned it, it would always have an impact.

My own mood.

"Well, there are always grandparents or uncles..." Le Yun said and then whispered again. Even her father is unreliable. Even if there are other relatives, they cannot surpass the role of father.

She felt that she was very lucky. The woman who gave birth to her abandoned her and her father, but she had a father and grandparents who loved her and never thought of abandoning her. They went through all kinds of hardships and finally raised her up.

There are many misfortunes in this world, and her misfortune of not having a mother seems insignificant in front of the most tragic misfortune. Her close relatives gave her countless metaphors since she was a child, letting her understand that she is not the most unfortunate, so she has never been pessimistic and negative.<


"Grandpa and grandma have better grandsons. One more than me is not too much, and one less doesn't matter. My mother is an only daughter. My grandmother passed away less than three years after my mother passed away. Grandpa... also has another wife. Grandma's natal family

There are also relatives and elders, they are very good to me, but they each have their own families..."

There are so many relatives, but no home is his real home. On his father's side, he is redundant. No matter how nice his grandmother's family is, he is just a guest.

Mom and dad are the warmest home in the world. When mom is gone, half of the family is ruined. Without a good father, it means that the family will be gone forever.

He has long since lost his home.

Children who have no family or relatives are also another kind of street children. Homeless street children live on the streets. Children with relatives and no family and people who have lost their parents are the street children who have lost their parents and mothers in the emotional world.

Yan Xing looked out the window and saw the people rushing by. They were probably rushing to the warm place at home. Maybe some of them were still running for a living and would eventually return home to the harbor.

"..." Le Yun's heart ached. His mother was gone, his father set up a new family, and his grandfather also married someone new. Yan Shuai's closest second-generation relatives all had families, and he was the only child like a superfluous person.

He must be very sad!

She looked at handsome guy Yan. He was probably afraid that she would see his sad expression, so he turned his head away. She could only see the profile. The outline of his face was like a chisel, and his facial features were the most perfect and well-proportioned.
His beard is clean shaven, his face is blemish-free, his skin is smooth, and has a very elastic luster. His eyelashes are like small brushes, naturally long and curled, thicker and neater than the fake eyelashes worn by girls, and they grow slightly with his breathing.


Viewed from the side, the half-faced beauty is mysterious and beguiling.

However, his hands were placed on his legs together, one hand caressing the lens unconsciously, and the other hand was obviously stiff, and his fingers pressed tightly on his legs to suppress certain emotions.

It was the first time that Le Yun saw handsome Yan Yan who was so helpless and suppressed his emotions. She suddenly didn't know how to comfort him. She knew how to fight and was not good at comforting people.

After a moment of silence, she mustered up the courage and stretched out her hand to tug on his sleeve: "Well, I'm sorry!"

Yan Xing turned his face away because he didn't want others to see the fragility deep in his heart. He felt that his sleeve had been touched by someone. He turned around and saw the little loli beside him carefully pulling on a corner of his sleeve, like a child who had made a mistake.

, with his head lowered, timidly, and at a loss, his look is heartbreaking.

His bitter heart slowly softened, and he forcibly put away the sorrow of being homeless. He became a gentle and elegant young man again, smiling nonchalantly: "You didn't do anything wrong, there is no need to apologize."
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"I... don't know how sad you are. I didn't mean it." She really didn't know that he had such a complicated family relationship, so she asked so many other people about their family affairs. No wonder he always had hostility and cruelty hidden in him.

The dangerous aura makes people subconsciously afraid to approach. It is probably caused by the family relationship when they were young. Because they don’t trust others and want to protect themselves, they refuse to be approached.

"It's okay. Those are unimportant things. Eat breakfast quickly. If you don't eat for a while, it will be cold."


The little loli held the breakfast and ate it in small bites. She was gentle and delicate, and her well-behaved appearance became more and more cute. Yan Xing curled up the corners of his lips, opened the window to let the air circulate naturally, picked up his own portion and started eating. Compared with others,

The counterfeit Goubuli, the one from T City is much purer, but he still thinks the taste is just average, much worse than the food made by little lolita.

Le Yun ate ten steamed dumplings and felt very full. She secretly looked at handsome guy Yan and saw that he was eating quickly and elegantly so calmly. It seemed that she had stepped out of the shadow of sadness, and she felt relieved.

After eating breakfast, Yan Xing took the garbage bag out of the car and threw it away, closed the window, and asked tentatively: "Little loli, do you want to go to the scenic spot in T city?"

"Brother Yan, let's go back to the capital," Le Yun blinked her watery eyes and showed a bright smile: "We can rush back to the capital and go shopping at the flea market. We will go back to school in the afternoon and we will have dinner together in the evening.

Eat mooncakes."

"Okay!" A heartfelt smile bloomed on Yan Xing's handsome face, he started the car, turned the steering wheel quickly, drove the car onto the road, and shamelessly discussed: "Little Lolita, I want to eat loofah for dinner, can I?


"I want to eat celery."


"I want to eat fried prawns."


"I want to eat chicken neck."


"I want to eat green pepper ribs...and pig's trotters."

"If you push the envelope, take the shot back."

"Little loli, no, I want to eat pig's trotters. Would you like to make pig's trotters?"

"Insatiable greed, if you ask for more conditions, I will deduct two dishes."

"Little loli..."

This chapter has been completed!
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