Chapter 152: Here comes a handsome monk

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 When classmate Dang Le walked into the whirlpool of the big lake holding the small house, he experienced a nasty dizziness. He smelled the smell of sea water and heard the calls of seabirds. When he took a closer look, he realized that he had appeared on the vast sea, and he was frightened.

Jumping hundreds of feet high, summoning the aircraft and standing still, you have the strength to release the real people.

The group of real people came out of the cave and found that it was not the place where they had entered the secret realm. They were extremely surprised. They used their pointers to locate the place and were surprised to find that the island where the invisible secret realm was located was deviated by dozens of degrees. It used to be at an angle of south to west, but now it is at an angle of south to west.

Located in the southern region.

The sea around was vast and there were no islands, so it was inconvenient to stay. Elder Mu took everyone to fly. They flew for a whole day before they saw an island. They noticed that there were many sky monsters nearby, so they did not stop and continued flying towards the mainland.

After wandering around the sea for more than ten years and scanning the secret realm, the real people collected countless spiritual plants and were not greedy. They stopped when they encountered islands rich in resources and stopped visiting relatively poor islands.<


After flying continuously for two months, we found a suitable island to stay. The real-life group paused and sorted out the collected supplies first, and then divided the loot. If we arrived at Yan Island, it felt inappropriate to divide the supplies, so we divided the supplies in our hands first.

It took the real people a whole month to hand over the distribution of materials and set sail again to find Monkey Island.

Monkey Island is located in the southern tropical ocean area near the southeastern sea, more than eight million miles away from the mainland.

From the location of the real people to Yandao in the southeast sea, they have to pass through the sea area where the Monkey Island is located, so the real people go straight to the Monkey Island, rarely visiting the inaccessible islands on the way.

Hurrying slowly, it took the group seven months to reach the Monkey Island Islands.

There are more than 2,000 large and small islands in the Monkey Island Archipelago. The largest main island is more than 13 million miles long, there are seven medium and large islands with a length of more than 3 million miles, and small islands with a radius of more than 1 million miles.

There are more than a thousand.

All monkeys, apes, and orangutans in Dongchen Continent can be found in the Monkey Island Islands. The largest monkey is the diamond monkey. The average monkey is over ten feet tall, comparable to the diamond monkey family. The smallest monkey is the bean monkey - they are the largest.

weighs less than a pound.

The bean monkey is a monkey called aye-aye on Earth.

After finding the Monkey Island Islands, Le Yun happily looked for the Black Monkey. The Black Monkey is almost extinct on the earth, but there are some in Dongchen Continent, and there are many Monkey Islands.

The ink monkey is called the Boxing Monkey in Dongchen, because its largest body is only as big as the fists of young men and women. Because it loves to eat ink, it is especially loved by the wealthy people in various empires. Some monks often capture Boxing Monkeys when they pass by Monkey Island.

Or bean monkeys exchange with nobles.

The little fairy wanted to see the boxing monkey, so Elder Mu and others happily took her to Monkey Island to admire the monkeys and find the boxing monkey.

A group of people searched for more than a dozen small islands and several small and medium-sized islands. After half a month of searching, they found the boxing monkey on an island with a radius of about 300,000 miles.

Monkeys love to eat figs, and every island on Monkey Island has a fig forest.

Boxer monkeys are small in size and have weak attack power. Therefore, they are a lower-ranking family among the monkeys and cannot get the best land. Their territory is generally marginal. Fortunately, the island has abundant plants and fruits.

Rich, they have enough food.

After finding the island where the boxing monkeys live, Le Yun disguised herself, pretending to be a plant, and sneaked into the monkey territory to find a suitable target.

The animals in Dongchen Continent are larger than similar animals on Earth. Boxer monkeys are also larger than Black Monkeys on Earth. They can grow up to two kilograms in weight. Males are generally about one and a half kilograms, while females are smaller and weigh about one kilogram.
The monkey family has a strict hierarchy. There are monkey kings and two monkey kings. For ordinary people, monkeys themselves are the smartest animals, not to mention the monsters that have developed intelligence. Every monkey family has monkeys that have developed intelligence. Those are

The leader of the group.

Le Yun disguised herself as a plant and traveled through the territory of the aye-aye, and found many families, each with more than a hundred members, moving in groups. Each family has a certain territory, and sometimes they fight over it.

She stayed there for seven or eight days without finding a chance to make a move. On the tenth day, she found a large family with more than 180 animals in total. For such a large group, taking away a few animals would not have much impact on them.
As for transferring an entire monkey family into space, she doesn't think about it. The risk is too great, and she doesn't dare to try it at the moment.

I have been traveling on the sea for more than ten years, constantly collecting fresh and salt water, but compared to the overall water shortage in the star core space, it is only a drop in the bucket. Currently, only the big river flowing through the plain in the center of the sacred tree can be connected from the medicine field to the source.

, as for the downstream, there is still a lack of water.

After the unremitting cultivation of the little Lolita and the little fox, trees and grass have been planted within a radius of thousands of miles of the source of the river. There are also turfs with trees within a thousand miles of the river basin. Ecosystems have also been formed in the river basin area and the river source area.

However, there are still occasional artificial rains. After all, the woods and grasslands are all newly planted, and the ecosystem is not perfect. Rains are often local rains centered on rivers and sources, which cannot cover the whole area.

In addition, there are some areas where pools and rivers upstream have formed oases of a certain width, and two wetlands have been successfully resurrected in the southern area. In the relatively large star core space, those green areas are like a few small stars appearing in the starry sky, which is not enough to start a prairie fire.
Almost all the monkey tribes on the Monkey Island have leaders with intelligence. If all the monkeys are brought into the space, the space will not be able to withstand the torment of the monster monkeys.

Greening is not easy, and Le Yun does not want her hard-earned achievements to be destroyed by the monkeys, so she only collects breeding monkeys and keeps them until the star core space is stabilized, then lets them go free and let them dominate the mountain.

After stepping into the habitat of the monkeys, and taking advantage of them to rest in the habitat at night, Le Xiaoxiao used medicine to stun the monkeys, and selected ten ordinary boxing monkeys that had not yet awakened their intelligence and released them back into the air. Among them, a husband and wife brought

For children, there are also brothers and sisters, five male monkeys and five female monkeys, forming ten pairs.

She captured ten monkeys and gave them antidotes. In order to protect the monkey family from being attacked by other animals, she also secretly kept watch all night. After dawn, she observed that there was nothing wrong with the monkeys and then quietly escaped.

After catching the boxing monkey, Mr. Le also went to catch the bean monkey, a small golden monkey, a silver-haired frost monkey, and eight species of monkeys that are not found on the earth. By the way, we also caught several species of earth monkeys.

No orangutan.

As the saying goes, if one cow is herded, then a hundred cows are herded. Anyway, it takes effort to save the animals, so she simply let go of her hands and feet to catch the animals, and brought disaster to all the ape-like primates on Monkey Island, and captured eight to ten of each race.

Countless numbers.

After collecting all the species of anthropoid apes, Le Xiao students and the real group embarked on a journey to Yan Island.

This chapter has been completed!
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