Chapter 274 Reunion

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 Happiness is a day, and unhappiness is also a day. People spend day after day in happy and unhappy moods.

Wang Ju and Wang Cuifeng belong to the latter group. Wang Ju did not receive any filial piety from his third son during the Chinese New Year. He urged her once on the first day of the new year. The third son said that Tan was keeping a close eye on her and she did not have any money in her hand. Wang Ju was so angry that he followed

It felt like I had eaten dynamite, and my whole body was about to smoke.

If the third child has no money to get back, who will support the family? Where will his eldest grandson’s expenses come from?

Wang Ju was so angry that before he could find the source of the money, his precious grandson did something again - Wang Jinbao hadn't smoked fans for too long and was addicted to drugs. He couldn't control himself and smashed things, injuring his fractured hand.
On the first day of the new year, Wang Ju hurriedly sent his eldest grandson back to Guangshi Hospital. After examination, it was found that the severed hand that had been connected was broken again and had to be re-operated.

Another operation would cost at least tens of thousands.

Wang Ju was anxious and angry, so he dug out his savings to pay the medical expenses. Students had accident insurance and could be reimbursed, but after being discharged from the hospital, they had to go through a lot of procedures to get the reimbursement. Hospitalization had to be done by oneself.

Advance medical expenses.

After paying a fee, he still had no money. He cried to his third son every day that Jinbao was hospitalized again, that the family had spent all their money and could not get any money. He and his wife were forced to jump off the building to end everything.

Wang Cuifeng had no choice, she had no money, so she tried to wander around various communities in the first month of the year, trying to find a temporary male companion to get some money, but she was disappointed again and again. She didn't dare to honor her parents with the little money she had.

She was afraid that someone Tan would suddenly come to check one day and find out that she had deducted Wang Shengxuan's living expenses, leaving her without money.

The old father at home kept asking for money, but she had no money to give, so she could only use Mr. Tan as a shield. When Wang Shengxuan started to go to school to stay, she would go to a farther community to catch golden turtles.

Her luck probably ran out a few years ago. She lost all her money playing mahjong and couldn't find a boyfriend. When March arrived in the new year, the fans she had hoarded were all sold out, so she boldly spent some money from her living expenses.

Buy thousands of powder, and then change the place to play mahjong.

The new target community is thousands of miles away from the community where she lives. She is not afraid of meeting acquaintances and can easily attract poker friends.

The first few days of testing the waters went quite smoothly. After three or four days, she walked into a mahjong parlor, looking for opportunities, and heard several women gossiping. She didn't pay attention at first, but after hearing a few words, she suddenly stood up.

Raise your ears - those people are actually talking about the debt collector she gave birth to.

Wang Cuifeng couldn't understand why there were women on the streets of Guang City who knew about a certain little short-lived ghost in E Bei. They were very excited when discussing the little loser she gave birth to, saying that their children, nephews, etc. were so special.

I admire someone, and that girl regards someone as a target that needs to be surpassed or something.

That's all nonsense, they actually said that the little loser she gave birth to has a private helicopter!

Upon hearing the news, Wang Cuifeng's first reaction was "bragging". No matter how talented this little loser is, he has only won a few sports awards. Where can he get the money to buy a helicopter?

Listening further, the gossips of the women also revealed too much information. They talked about what kind of competition the little loser participated in and what prizes she won. It was visually estimated that the prize money was several million, and they talked about the helicopter that she helped treat people's illnesses.

, a gift given to her by others...

From the women's gossip, Wang Cuifeng came to a conclusion: a small loss must be worth at least tens of millions of dollars!

A short-lived loser has tens of millions of dollars in money. He is responsible for raising a family by himself. Yueqing and his second wife are enjoying the benefits. However, she is obviously the loser's biological mother, but she is worried about tens of thousands of dollars every day and cannot sleep well.

No, it’s so unreasonable!

Wang Cuifeng felt resentful in her heart. In any case, she was pregnant with Xiao Pian Huo for seven months. She was pregnant. Xiao Pian Hui had so much money. Ten thousand a month would be enough to support her.

The debt collector not only disowned her, but was also reluctant to give her even a penny. Instead, he raised a little debt collector who was born to her stepmother!

She was so angry that she didn't even bother to play mahjong, so she went home angrily. The more she thought about it, the more upset she became. She didn't go to that community to play mahjong for several days.

After a few days of rest, she couldn't help but feel itchy hands, so she went to play mahjong again. She was struck by bad luck and lost so much that she almost lost all her underwear. She also owed money to a poker friend because people in that community were unfamiliar with her, and a male

The poker friend helped her pay back the money of another poker friend, and then the two of them rented a room to have an in-depth exchange of ideas, and successfully paid off the debt.

Wang Cuifeng finally hooked up with a temporary boyfriend in an unfamiliar new place, and they lived happily for a few days. Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. The man worked outside all year round and soon went out to work again.

Without the meal ticket, I can only cast the net again, but I haven’t found a suitable target yet. Tomb-Sweeping Day is just around the corner.

Tomb Sweeping Day is here, it’s the weekend again, and the school is not in session.

In the past, Wang Cuifeng always took her son home during the Qingming Festival, but now she does not dare to take her son back to her hometown. She lets her son stay at home in Guangshi while she goes back to her hometown to visit the grave.

In view of the experience of going home last time, she didn't stop for a moment after getting off the bus on the street. She got off the bus in a hurry and hurried back to the village.

She had just returned home and didn't receive any care. First, she received two slaps and a scolding from her father, and then a cry from her mother. The two old men scolded the third child for having no conscience and being popular in the city.

He is carefree and happy, but he doesn't care about the life and death of his nephew and his family. He even knows that his nephew is in the hospital but does not help to find a solution, forcing them to sell their blood at an early age...

Wang Ju was not merciless when he beat his daughter. He hit his daughter very hard. A few slaps left red marks on Wang Cuifeng's face. He and his mother-in-law never thought about whether forcing the third child would force her to do anything. Anyway,

The couple has the same idea: their daughter is a loser, and it is natural to support the family and their nephew.

My daughter has no money because she has no ability and needs a lesson.

Wang Ju and Wang Ma savagely gave the third child a lesson, and the anger became even stronger. She just said: You have no money to support your parents, but you still have the nerve to come back and call your parents?

Wang Ju was really in a hurry and was short of money. His eldest grandson's accident happened in January at a relative's house after the school holiday. Moreover, the cause of the injury was disgraceful and the accident was not covered by insurance companies.

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In one sentence: Wang Jinbao’s hospitalization expenses for his broken hand cannot be reimbursed and must be paid by the individual himself.

Since his eldest grandson had his first surgery and was hospitalized for the second time in the first month, he also spent all his money. Wang Ju was really short of money, so he relied on his third son to provide money to support the family. In the end, there was no trace of money, especially when he blinked and returned.

In the past three months, the five-month deadline given by Mr. Tan has been getting closer and closer, and the 50,000 yuan nutrition fee given to Wang Shengxuan is still unknown.

The nutrition fee must be paid to Wang Shengxuan. Wang Shengxuan crawled out of the belly of the third child. The third child gave birth to Tan's only son. If he can't handle Tan, forget it. If he can't handle the cub she gave birth to, why don't he teach him?

Are you angry?

Wang Ju felt that the third child was a waste, and he couldn't even cure his own cub. He just needed to treat Wang Shengxuan well and let Wang Shengxuan tell his father that he didn't want his grandfather to provide nutrition.

She was beaten as soon as she entered the house. Wang Cuifeng trembled, hunched her neck and wiped away tears: "My father and mother are having a hard time, and I can't help it. I have only repaid half of the money I borrowed for Jinbao's hospitalization in January.

He owes half of it. Xuanxuan’s father only gives him 2,000 yuan for living expenses every month. Every time he asks Xuanxuan what to eat, he is afraid that I will deduct the living expenses. If I give Xuanxuan’s living expenses to you, Jinbao will suffer again.”
Wang Ju's mother's cursing voice suddenly stopped, Tan... Tan is taking it seriously. He still remembers the little incident of Jin Bao hurting Wang Shengxuan. Does he still want to find an excuse from the third child to deal with Jin Bao?

Afraid that someone Tan would deal with Jin Bao, the old couple did not dare to force the third child to find a way to get away from Wang Shengxuan the nutritional fees they owed. They just scolded the third child for being useless and unreliable and unable to make money to support their parents, and asked them to pay it back as soon as they were old.


After scolding each other, the couple stopped working together for the time being. Of course, it was only temporary. Instead, they complained about poverty all the time, and used various means overtly and covertly to force the third child to find ways to make money to support the family.

Wang Cuifeng, who had been taught a lesson, understood her parents' difficulties and did not complain at all. She only complained that one of her little debt collectors had no conscience, refused to recognize her biological mother, and let her suffer in vain.

She returned to her hometown the day before Qingming Festival, and did not go to visit the grave that day. Wang Jinbao and Wang Jinzhi also went out to play, and did not return home until the evening.

There is a saying that "a hundred days of straining the muscles and injuring the bones" usually requires at least two months of hospitalization for a fracture. Wang Jinbao's left hand was almost completely severed, so the hospital stay could only be longer. Because Wang Jinbao is a student and a third-year junior high school student, he is about to be hospitalized.

He passed the high school entrance examination and was unlikely to be hospitalized for a long time. Due to the special circumstances, the hospital had to discharge him early at the strong request of his family.

Therefore, Wang Jinbao actually only stayed in the hospital for one month in the first month, went back to school in February, and went for a review in March. He was young, had good recovery ability, and met the conditions for plaster removal. The outer plaster was removed, and he still uses his hands.

The splint is usually hung around the neck.

His left hand was injured and was not suitable for fighting. Wang Jinbao was quite content in school during this period and did not cause trouble. He was also afraid that he would be retaliated against if he caused trouble and his hand would be broken. If he couldn't pick it up, he would be disabled.
The students who had issues with Wang Jinbao did not take the opportunity to beat them up. It was not because they had corrected their evil ways or were sympathetic. Firstly, the teachers were keeping a close eye on him. Secondly, they were not stupid and did not want to be taken advantage of. The Wang Jinbao family is best at blackmailing people. Who would be in this situation?

If Shi goes to have a fight with Wang Jinbao, the Wang family will definitely frame him up, saying that they beat Wang Jinbao, and ask them to pay for the medical expenses.

Although the Wang family would naturally not succeed in blackmailing people, it would be very troublesome to be entangled by the Wang family as their enemies. They don't want to cause trouble for themselves for nothing. If they want revenge, they can wait until after the summer vacation to find an opportunity.

No one targeted him, and Wang Jinbao didn't take the initiative to bully anyone. Both parties got along well. Because of his injured hand, he couldn't play table tennis. Wang Jinbao mostly went to Internet cafes and attracted fans. He didn't affect other high school entrance examination students, and the teacher didn't keep an eye on him.

Looking at him, he feels particularly carefree.

The master said that he should let the third aunt make money and spend it on himself. Wang Jinbao was pretty good about his own money bag. When he saw the third aunt came back, he put honey on his mouth, left one, right, three aunts, right one, three aunts, he screamed.

So lovable.

The next day was the Qingming Festival. Wang Ju took his family to the mountain to sweep the tombs of the ancestors of the Wang family, and then visited the graves of Wang Jinbao and Zhang Laohu. In front of his son's grave, Wang Ju and his mother cried and howled about how difficult life was now.

, they could no longer hold on any longer, so they shouted that they might as well go with their son.

After returning from sweeping the grave, Wang Jinbao ate and went to the Internet cafe again. Wang Ju and Wang Ma cried and poured bitter water on the third child again, sighing long and short.

Wang Cuifeng struggled for a long time, and asked her father to hide and tell the secret: "Dad, I really have no choice now, and I can't help the family. I can only provide the only way to make money. If dad can seize it, I can have whatever I want in the future."

What, if I can’t catch it, there’s nothing I can do.”

When he heard that there was a way to make money, Wang Ju's eyes flashed: "What way to make money?"

"Dad, do you still remember the boyfriend I had in G East? The child I was pregnant with didn't die. Now he has a big future and is very rich..."

She just started talking, and Wang Ju almost jumped up with excitement: "Are you talking about that big fool from E Bei? Isn't that little loser you got here dead?" Isn't that the boyfriend that the third child had back then?

What a fool. If that child is not dead, isn’t he a cash cow?

"Yes, it's that big idiot. The little loser I made was saved. Now she has become a sports player. She has participated in many competitions. She is already rich. She has at least tens of millions. She also has a private helicopter...

Wang Cuifeng told her father what she heard on the street and what she had guessed. She talked about it for a long time, and finally sighed: "I went to see the little loser. The little loser didn't know where he knew I had an abortion.

Don’t deny me whether you live or die, dad, you are my grandfather, maybe you can get some pension money..."

Hearing that the child of the third child and a certain fool was not dead, Wang Ju was filled with excitement. After listening patiently to what the third child said, he rolled his eyes disdainfully: "You are a useless thing. You can't even support the little white-eyed wolf around you."

I can’t handle it, let alone a little money-losing thing that I didn’t raise by myself. Give me your address and I’ll help make sure that the little money-losing thing doesn’t get out of your hands. From now on, I’ll tell her to take care of her grandparents obediently.”

Wang Cuifeng gave her father a piece of paper with the address and the date of birth of the little loser. She did not say anything about the little loser having a bodyguard. She only said that a certain man had married a new wife and gave birth to a son. She told her father to choose the best choice.

Only go on particularly important days.

"I know, I know, I still need you to teach me?" Wang Ju took the paper and looked at the address and information of the small money-losing goods, as if he saw millions flying towards him.

What if Dasha Mao gets married? The child he and Lao San have is the son of Lao San and has the blood of the Wang family. Dasha Mao has to support him as his father-in-law, and the little loser must be filial to his grandfather with the money he earns.

Wang Ju was pleased with the new money tree, and did not scold Lao San anymore. He hid the piece of paper with a certain address and asked Lao San to go back quickly, so that Mr. Tan would not have an excuse to trouble Jinbao.<


When the third child returned to Guangzhou, he also kept the news tightly under wraps and did not tell his mother-in-law or grandson. He only asked when his grandson would take his senior high school entrance examination. Then he flipped through the almanac and saw that the third child and the big fool’s little loser were on the second day of the fourth lunar month.

When you turn sixteen or eighteen, wouldn't a certain day be a good day to recognize your relatives?!

There are two Aprils in 2020. In the first April, Jinzhi Jinbao has not yet taken the exam, so naturally he cannot find a loser. In the leap April, after taking the college entrance examination and high school entrance examination, he will go to E North with Jinzhi Jinbao.
Wang Ju decided to choose the loser to recognize his relatives on his birthday in April, which also shows how much he values ​​his granddaughter.

This chapter has been completed!
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