Chapter 282 Don’t be so stingy

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 Blue Three and Black Nine took the video to Jiudao Police Station and interrogated the Wang family's ancestors and grandchildren with the police officers. The key point was to ask Wang, the scumbag, where he got the opium.

When Wang Ju arrived at the police station, he still wanted to act violently. He kept calling himself Grandpa Leyun and refused to cooperate at all in taking notes and oral notes.

The police station officers were not in a hurry. They "revealed" that the Lejia girls were protected by bodyguards sent by some department, that someone wanted to pretend to be the Lejia girl's biological mother, and that they wanted to cause trouble. They were almost executed on the spot, etc.


The Wang family's ancestors and grandsons were stunned when they heard this. Wang Ju, who had always bullied the weak and feared the strong, was also frightened and did not dare to make trouble anymore.

Wang Jinbao did not dare to make a fuss, and honestly explained his fan-buying strategy, fan-absorbing history, etc., and answered all questions.

The staff at the police station made notes for the four members of the Wang family, and waited for people from the township hospital to draw blood, hair, and urine samples from the four people. A police officer followed two sergeants to Meicun with the samples, and Brother Lan took the samples.

Fly to Shishi for testing.

The first and second officers of the Jiudao Township Police Station were having a meeting in the county and received a call from the station. The director went to the market in the afternoon and waited to get samples for testing.

Lan San sent the police officers to Shishi and brought the people back to Jiudao. He and Heijiu were not in a hurry to return to the capital and stayed temporarily at Lejia. They had to wait for the test results of the Wang family scum to come out and confirm the four scum.

He will not go back until he is detained and sent back to his place of origin.

Wang Ju's family of four, who had traveled thousands of miles to Jiudao, had to deal with it without making any trouble. Very few people in Meicun knew about it, so it didn't spread, and the lives of Lejia's family were not affected in the slightest.

People's lives do not change because of others. One night passes, and June 18 comes.

It was sunny and bright in most parts of the Great China that day. The Nalingrad Valley in the towering Kuncang Mountains, known as the "Gateway to Hell", was also bathed in the sun. The canyon was luxuriant with water, grass, and flowers, and was as beautiful as

Picture scroll.

In the central area of ​​​​the valley, even if some places are bare, the places where vegetation grows are green and green. The water in the Gole River is clear and clean, and the sound of the river flowing is like a happy tune.

Animals are active in mountains or valleys and can often be seen.

In the summer valley, birds and flowers are everywhere.

But where ordinary people cannot see, the space-time gate is always hanging quietly in the air, and the vortex is as silent as the still sky.

It was approaching noon, and the always-quiet invisible vortex suddenly changed a little. The spiritual light in its vortex brightened slightly, and the next moment, a humanoid creature "flew" from the invisible vortex.

The flying humanoid creature appeared so suddenly. If anyone saw someone emerging from the air, they would definitely think they were seeing a ghost during the day.

A ghost-like humanoid creature flew out of the spiritual vortex of the time and space gate. It shot forward for a hundred meters like an arrow from a string, and then fell towards the ground. In an instant, it faced the loess and turned its back to the sky - commonly known as "

The graceful posture of "dog chewing mud" landed on the ground.

When the humanoid creature landed, half of its body below the waist hit a patch of grass, and the other half of its body hit the sandy ground of the deserted beach. The creature lying on the ground in a five-body posture was wearing a white training suit, with long straight black hair spread out.

Spread the floor so that people can’t find where their heads are.

The guy, whose head was covered by long black waterfall-like hair, lay on the ground for about five seconds before he climbed up and sat up randomly, shouting: "Ah ah ah, I fainted!"

Dizziness and dizziness.

I don't know if she is still in the time and space gate or has reached the end. Le Yun's eyes are still white and she can't see clearly. Her brain is like a tornado, her whole head is spinning, and her eyes are filled with darkness.


The dizziness was so strong that I held my aching head with one hand, covered my eyes with the other, and howled "I'm dizzy, I'm dizzy". It was purely a natural reaction.

After howling like ghosts and wolves for several times, my sense of smell and hearing returned from the vacuum state to a place with air. I could smell countless scents in my nose, and also heard the chirping of bees and birds, the tinkling of spring water, and all kinds of sounds.


I couldn't feel the aura, but the familiar fragrance of soil and vegetation hit my nostrils. I held my head and rubbed my eyes with the music. I was shocked. Did I return to the earth?

Surprise ran through my heart, and I no longer cared about the annoying dizziness. I opened my beautiful almond eyes that were brighter than titanium alloy dog ​​eyes. I looked up and saw low mountain peaks, thin rivers, slender vegetation, and very little spiritual energy.

The air!

This is clearly a scene that only exists on Earth. Wow, look, there is a spiritual vortex gate hanging in the air over there that is invisible to people without immortality!

"Oh, I'm finally back!" Seeing the familiar scene, ecstasy filled her heart. Le Yun jumped up, like a small rocket, soaring three hundred meters into the air!

Others jumped three feet high, but she jumped 30 three feet.

After jumping hundreds of meters into the sky, Le Yun belatedly discovered that she could still fly. She stopped in the air and looked down at the canyon. The areas in the canyon that were not struck by lightning were densely covered with vegetation. Many plants were blooming, attracting bees.

Surrounded by butterflies.

In the distant wilderness in the hinterland of the canyon, there are wild deer or rabbits grazing in the trees, as well as pheasants and other animals. There are also traces of wild beasts in the mountains on both sides, and there is even the smell of wild bears.

There are white clouds floating high in the sky, and the sun is bright and brilliant.

Based on the existing conditions such as vegetation and air, the earth should be in summer, about mid-summer.

However, it is still not certain how many years have passed since he entered the time and space gate.

After standing in the air and pausing for more than ten minutes, Leyun flew quickly in one direction, climbed over a mountain peak, and looked at the valley. Another time and space gate was still accumulating spiritual energy. The air in the valley was thick and stagnant, and was very depressing.
After pausing for a moment, he turned around and flew back to the space-time gate connected to Dongchen Continent. He carefully studied the huge invisible space-time gate, and suddenly found that the center of the spiritual vortex was slowly rotating again - it was actually absorbing power again.

The time and space gate is absorbing power again, indicating that the power is consumed. The most likely reason is that she has consumed too much power of the time and space gate by traveling back and forth in the time and space gate. Therefore, it needs to replenish new power to maintain stability.

After studying it for a while, I still can't figure out the secret. I don't know how long it will last, and I don't know when it will disappear.

The gate of time and space was too mysterious, and she couldn't find a reason for it, so she gave up and studied herself instead. After all-round observation, research and comparison, she came to an accurate conclusion: There is a mysterious power of heavenly rules on the earth, which will limit the practitioners' abilities.


She was a monk in the distraction stage in Dongchen Continent. When she returned to Earth, her immortal power was restricted by invisible forces. She could only exert the power of the fusion stage at best. In fact, due to the lack of spiritual energy on the earth, there was no spiritual energy replenishment.

, lack of true energy, normal strength can only be maintained at the foundation building stage.

It can be seen from this that the strength has been extremely suppressed.

After analyzing the strength problem, Le Yun immediately did a test, took out several bracelet-shaped storage devices, and tried to take items from the storage devices. It turned out that the bracelets that had been contracted with blood in Dongchen Continent could be used, and they could be used.

To take things out, you can also transport things in.

Without a contract, the bracelet that was directly thrown into space and brought back was already silently sealed and banned by some kind of power the moment it appeared in the sunlight of the earth. All mental power could not penetrate the barrier of the bracelet, making it impossible to spy on it.

In the inner space, bracelets are generally the same as decorative bracelets.

Generally speaking, bracelets made of materials from the Dongchen Continent, without a blood contract, regardless of the size of the space, were sealed by the mysterious force and turned into waste; those that had a blood contract, regardless of the size of the space, can be used.


There is also an interesting discovery: storage containers made from materials from Dongchen Continent and mixed with earth ores can also be used normally on earth!

But there is one restriction. The storage space is limited to three feet, which means that the width of the storage space cannot exceed ten square meters. If it exceeds that number, it cannot be used.

After repeated tests, research, and thinking for a long time, Le Yun came to the conclusion: items brought back from the outside world that violate the laws of nature must be connected with people or things on the earth in order to be used normally on the earth. If they are connected with people or things on the earth,

If there is no connection link, you will be sanctioned and banned by the mysterious power.

I tested the storage space, and then tested the magical artifacts and other items I brought back, and came to the same conclusion. Items that are magical artifacts in Dongchen Continent can be used if they have a contract, and those without a contract or adding earth-produced ores can be used.

The use of magic weapons is also prohibited on Earth.

She also took out the aircraft contracted with blood and tried it. The test results were quite depressing: if the aircraft is used in Dongchen Continent, if it consumes a hundred spiritual stones to fly a thousand miles, the spiritual stones consumed on the earth will be a hundred times higher.

, the same level of spiritual stones requires at least 10,000.

Using an aircraft on Earth consumes a terrifying amount of spirit stones, but fortunately it can be used, which at least makes people feel a little better, because she plans to take the aircraft home at night!

After doing various tests, Le Yun knew what she was doing. She ran to a clump of woods and changed into casual clothes and modern hiking shoes. She then took out a backpack and put it on her back. She braided her hair and headed towards the valley.

Flying outside.

She finally returned to Earth. The most important thing now is to quickly find a populated place and ask what year, month and day it is, and how many years have passed since she went to the other world.

She desperately wants to go home, but Le Yun has not lost her mind. The current situation is unknown, and it is not appropriate to turn on her mobile phone. If it had been decades since she went to another world, handsome Yan and the others would have forgotten her. What if?

The guy who had a grudge against her discovered her cell phone signal and secretly attacked her. The enemy was in the dark and she was in the open. She was the one who suffered.

In order not to be caught in any scary scenes by the satellite, she did not fly around in the sky with big thorns and flew close to the ground. Even if she did not go at full speed, her speed was there. It only took less than half an hour to fly out of the big satellite.


The Gobi Desert opposite Hell's Gate Canyon is endless and still deserted.

Le Yun stood in the valley and observed for a long time. She collected a lot of data and stored it in her brain. Then she rushed in one direction, flying for more than a hundred miles, and found the herdsmen grazing in the Gobi Desert. She packed herself up and dressed up as an explorer.

, went to inquire about the news.

The yurts are wrapped in places with water sources in the Gobi Desert. Because of the water sources, the surrounding scenery is "the sky is blue, the fields are vast, and the grass is blown by the wind, and cattle and sheep can be seen." Of course, in the sentence about cattle and sheep, another animal must be added -


There are four families of herdsmen grazing in a nearby area. The four tents are scattered in different areas, keeping a relatively long distance and allowing them to see each other at a distance.

Groups of cattle and sheep are grazing or resting in the natural pastures of the Gobi Desert. Horses are far away. There are herdsmen washing clothes by the river. The hostess of one family will twist wool threads in front of the tent.

Le Yun didn't pick and choose, and walked towards the tent closest to the direction she came from. Before she arrived, the owner's dog barked first, and the hostess came out of the tent to look around.

The sun on the plateau was long and the hostess, who had a tanned face, was very surprised to see a tourist coming to a remote place. She turned around and called out a middle-aged man.

The men and women wearing Tibetan robes looked at the tourists walking towards the tent in surprise, especially when they discovered that it was a girl. Their eyes were even more surprised, and the smiles on their honest faces were also very simple.

From the herdsmen's language, we knew that they were Tibetan. Le Yun was also glad that she had learned Tibetan in Province Z, otherwise she might have had trouble communicating with the language. She was still several meters away from the tent, so she greeted her hosts in Tibetan first.


The host and hostess were even more surprised. They stopped the dog from barking and warmly welcomed the guests.

There was no language barrier. Le Yun trotted forward while explaining her purpose. She said that she and her friends wanted to explore the Gate of Hell, but got separated. Her phone fell into the water again and she could not contact her friends. She asked the hosts for directions. What happened?

Go to the nearest town or county and want to borrow the owners’ mobile phones to send messages to friends.

The herdsmen are warm and hospitable. They invite the lone tourists into the tent and serve them with butter tea and milk pimples. The host and hostess sit beside them to accompany them.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading!

When the little girl and her friends wanted to explore the Gate of Hell, they were all impressed.

After chatting for a while and after the guest had eaten something, the host gave the guest his mobile phone and asked her to send messages or call her friends.

The herdsmen were generous, and Le Shao also took the phone generously. When he saw the time on the phone showing the date June 18, 2020, he was shocked. It is June 2020. Is this true?

She...she has been stuck in Dongchen Continent for eighty-one years, and only 8 months and 9 days have passed on Earth?

Staring at the date displayed on the phone screen, Le Yun felt unreal.

The little fox once said that the passage of time in the Dongchen Continent is more than ten times that of the earth. From the time she arrived to the Dongchen Continent to the time she left, a total of eighty-one years have passed. Based on the time comparison ratio, about eight years have passed on earth.<


However, when she returned to Earth, only eight months had actually passed since she entered the space-time portal.

Just asking are you surprised?

Is it surprising?

A huge surprise hit, and Le Yun, who returned to her senses, was so excited that she almost flew into the air. She immediately used her mobile phone to check the route and how far it was from her hometown Jiudao. After checking for a while, she returned the phone to the owner, expressed her gratitude, and then

Express to the host a desire to buy some cheese to eat on the road.

The pastoralist took out a pack of cheese as a gift and insisted on not charging any money.

Le Yun gave all the pills she made and some cold medicine she had saved to the herdsmen, declined their offer to send them to the town, and said goodbye and left.

After walking for several miles, away from the crowds, I ran excitedly.

The most beautiful thing in the world is "to be away for half your life and still a young boy when you come back."

She has been away for more than eighty years, which is almost equivalent to the life of an ordinary person. When she returns from afar, the mountains and rivers of the earth have not changed, the prosperity of her family and country is as before, the sea has not changed into mulberry fields, and there is no "things have changed and people have changed".

After traveling for more than eighty years, I am still a teenager when I return.

Friends and relatives are still young, and young brothers are still children.

It good!

So happy!

This chapter has been completed!
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