Chapter 14: Evil people grind evil people down

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 Because she was kicked out of the house by her father and felt extremely humiliated, Zhou Chunmei did not dare to protest when Li Yao snatched her cell phone away. She sat there aggrievedly without speaking and did not dare to cry.

Based on some information from his father-in-law, Li Yao also deduced that the Liu family must have swallowed up all the gifts given by his family. He had a very bad impression of the Liu family and did not want to give the Liu family face anymore. He refused to go to the Liu family to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival and drive.

Take the route home.

When Mrs. Zhou called, everyone in the Liu family was there, except of course Liu Jiagui's eldest son. Liu Jiagui's eldest son Liu Xie was one year younger than Zhou Chunmei. He didn't even take three books online during the college entrance examination. He repeated the course for a year and later took the college entrance examination.

, I am currently studying in a junior college and will graduate in a few days.

Liu Jiagui's youngest son, Liu Bo, is one year younger than Zhou Tianming. The results of this year's college entrance examination were released on the 24th. With a score of less than 250 points, he still has only one way to go to junior college.

The young and old of the Liu family were waiting for Li Yao and Zhou Chunmei to send Dragon Boat Festival gifts back to the Liu family for the festival. When they got impatient, Liu Jiagui urged her sister to call.

After hanging up the phone, Grandma Liu saw that her daughter looked bad and asked: "Xiaotong, what did your son-in-law say?"

"Mom, Chunmei and his wife went back to Meizijing Village. Zhou Xialong was still angry about Chunmei getting married in the Liu family and kicked her out." Sister-in-law Zhou's face was extremely unnatural: "Li Yao... can't say that the Liu family

Yes, I’m not too happy from the tone.”

When they heard that Zhou Xialong had kicked Zhou Chunmei out of the house because she was married to the Liu family, several adults in the Liu family felt guilty and immediately pretended to be dumbfounded. They stopped asking and just laughed and discussed what to eat for lunch.

Sister-in-law Zhou felt even more guilty. She pretended that she didn't know that Li Yao and Zhou Chunmei were kicked out when she returned to Zhou's house. She decided to stay at her parents' house for a few more days to avoid becoming a punching bag for Zhou Xialong's anger when she returned.

Zhou family

When her son went to the livestock house to look for manure, Grandma Zhou originally wanted to sit down, but when she saw Mr. Li getting up and saying a few soft words to her before running away, she chased after him to look.

The old man chased her to the door and looked around. When he saw Mr. Li dragging Zhou Chunmei away, he stood in the house and stopped looking, lest Mr. Li would find out that he thought he felt sorry for his granddaughter and would keep running back to get close to her.


Brother Zhou ran to the short house behind the house to look for a urine bucket and found it. He was about to go to the latrine to scoop shit when he heard what Li said. He was not in a hurry to scoop shit for the time being. He stood and waited.

From the sound of footsteps, I guess it was someone Li running away, but he still stood still.

He stood and waited for a while, listening to the footsteps getting farther away, and then slowly ran to the village road to take a look, and saw the backs of Li and Zhou Chunmei running away like bereaved dogs.

Watching her figure running far away, Brother Zhou ran to see his old mother. When he ran to the door, he saw her old mother standing in the alley. He quickly comforted her: "Mom, you two bastards should get out of here. The power of feces is still strong, and the power of feces is still strong."

If they didn’t come, they would be scared away. In the words of the handsome guys from Lele’s family, ‘No matter how good your skills are, you are still afraid of dogs biting you, and no matter how loud people are, you are still afraid of excrement splashing’.”

Grandma Zhou was originally in a panic, but when she was amused by her son's naughty words, she couldn't help but laugh out loud: "That's true, dogs and feces work. No matter how shameless people are, they are afraid of being showered with feces."

"Yes, yes, the crops are like a flower, and they all rely on dung. It's good to have big dung. If you dare to come again next time, splash it again."

"Everyone is gone, but the things are still there. Do you want you to chase them and send them back?"

"I won't give it away, but I'll eat it. After all, the girl who has been raised by the Zhou family for more than 20 years can afford such a small amount of food."

"As you wish."

Grandma Zhou had no problem with it. She brought her granddaughter from birth to four or five years old with a handful of poop and a handful of urine. She took a lot of trouble. The Li family married Chunmei and gave her some things. She could really bear it.
After the unpleasant guy left, Grandma Zhou didn't go to Lejia first. She collected the Dragon Boat Festival gift from someone Li, put away some things, and put the fish in a basin and put them in water to raise.

Brother Zhou continued to handle the ducks, cleaned them, butchered them, made them clean, closed the door, took the ducks, and went to his brother-in-law's house with his old mother.

Dad Le had killed the duck in the middle of the morning. When his uncle picked up his mother-in-law, he and Zhou Qiufeng didn't eavesdrop on when Zhou Chunmei would come back, so when Zhou Chunmei and Li Yao returned to Zhou's house, they really didn't know.

Zhou Qiufeng's father didn't know when Zhou Chunmei returned to the Zhou family, but when Brother Zhou cursed in a loud voice, they heard it and still didn't go to rescue him.

Zhou Chunmei did not respect her grandmother and biological father, and chose to marry at her grandmother's house. She must be taught a lesson to let her understand the principles of life.

The Le family and his wife didn't care about the Zhou family's affairs, so Yan Lao and Yan Lao were naturally not meddlesome and pretended not to know.

When Zhou's mother and son came over, no one asked. Le's father smiled and took the duck brought by Brother Zhou and put it in the refrigerator before going into the kitchen to cook duck soup in a while.

The Le family's lunch service started at twelve o'clock on time. Because Lele had prepared and stored herbal meals before going to the capital, four herbal dishes were served for lunch, so the lunch was particularly rich.

The Le family had a great time serving lunch, and the Chao family in the capital also had a great time serving lunch. Both Chao Yi and Chao San were on vacation, and they flocked to Chao Er's villa to reunite as usual.

The eight elders of the Chao family had lunch and were happily waiting for the little pink dumplings. They waited until about four o'clock in the afternoon and finally welcomed the person back.

When the only brother of the Chao family showed up with his juicy little boy, the eight parents who had long been looking forward to it swarmed up and snatched the little pink dumpling away. They loved him first, and then the female members took over and tied the little dumpling beautifully.

The men were chirping and giving ideas.

The eight heads of the Chao family reached a 100% unity for the first time in their aesthetic values, opinions and hobbies on dressing up pink dumplings. They were all extremely enthusiastic and looked forward to making their little pink dumplings look beautiful.

Cute dress up as the most beautiful little fairy princess in the world.

Everyone was so enthusiastic and in high spirits. The beautiful boy was sweating coldly as he watched and sat silently watching the air. He did not dare to say any words of protest for fear of expressing his opinions and attracting the collective disgust of all the parents. He could only wish Pink Nennen

Good luck to my little cutie.

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After being caught by a group of parents and doing something to his head, Mr. Le Xiao's classmate couldn't help but cry. He pretended to be a model with a grimace and let his elders toss around his head.

The ladies of the Chao family worked together for more than an hour, and after several unremitting efforts, they finally finished combing the little pink dumpling's hair. Everyone was extremely satisfied with the freshly made little fairy.

The beautiful boy looked at the little dumpling dressed up by his elders and was dumbfounded. Do you know what the parents of his family have made little Lele into?

The ladies in his family gave the little dumpling a bun like a mountain, and wore a lot of jewelry, such as flower crowns, hairpins, hairpins, and flowers all over their heads.

There are only four things called Bu Yao. The most beautiful one is a phoenix bird Bu Yao that is made of gold, has a bit of emerald green and is inlaid with gems. It holds a hollow ruby ​​in the phoenix's mouth and is also strung with a string.

Hang nine rows of beads.

The appearance of the little dumpling dressed up by the elders can only be described as jewels, gorgeous and luxurious!

For the first time, the beautiful boy had doubts about the aesthetics of his parents. His parents clearly did not like luxury things before, but today they changed their ways and transformed little Lele into a gorgeous version of a wealthy little princess!

Before the beautiful boy from the Chao family had time to express his opinion, the parents of his family happily hung a luxurious gold collar around Xiaotuanzi's neck, pulled the little guy and carried the camera, and happily went downstairs to take pictures.

Beautiful photos.

Although I suspect that the parents have a distorted sense of aesthetics, the beautiful boy has not fallen behind. He ran downstairs and joined the procession of taking beautiful photos. The parents dressed up little Lele too gorgeously, to the point of being tacky. Isn’t there a saying?

"The common is the elegant", so this is the elegant.

None of the eight heads of the Chao family thought their little dumpling was dressed in a tacky way. They just thought it was very noble and had the noble temperament of an ancient royal princess. Even Mr. Chao thought it was great and thought his granddaughter was beautiful and elegant.
The eight parents were in a good mood and took countless photos. It was not until the sun set and the light dimmed that they reluctantly called it a day and returned to the second floor. They happily decided to change the little dumplings into new patterns tomorrow and continue taking beautiful photos.

Le Yun: "..." What can she say? She is also helpless.

While Le Xiaoluoli and countless others were happily celebrating the Dragon Boat Festival, Wang Ju's family of four were still eating free royal food at the police station in Jiudao.

The policemen from the Jiudao Police Department were very caring. In the spirit of humanitarianism and the custom of the people of Jiudao Township being hospitable and hospitable, they also gave each of the four imprisoned members of the Wang family a local-style rice dumpling so that they could have a good time.

During the Dragon Boat Festival, I hope that love can influence that family, and when they go out, they can change their past and be a good person, and stop causing chaos to society.

The four members of the Wang family, who were imprisoned for several days, stayed in a small room every day. They were bored and bored to the point of becoming moldy. Wang Ju said good things to the police every day, saying that he knew what he was doing wrong, and so on.

A look of repentance with a renewed heart.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard he tried to pretend to be repentant, he still could not change the period of his detention.

During the Dragon Boat Festival, a family of four also had lunch in a small dark room. After noon, Wang Ma’s detention period expired and she was released.

When Wang Ma was arrested and taken into the prison, she was a suspected drug addict. It was not until the test results came out the next day that she was officially classified as a drug addict and formally detained. Because she was found to have a history of drug abuse within six months, she was only detained for seven days.
When they were about to be released, Mother Wang did not feel relaxed. Instead, she was trembling with fear. She had never read a book, had no education, and could not read Chinese characters before. Later, she often watched TV and could only recognize some of the simplest characters, but she never appeared alone.

Cross the far gate.

At home, relying on men and children, she used to be very aggressive and aggressive in the village on the streets, but now she is in another province and is not familiar with the place. If that little loser wants to deal with her and just find someone to beat her up, she will also

It's all in vain.

She was afraid of being retaliated upon leaving the police station. She didn't want to go out, and she was also afraid of the old man. She took all the money that the old man and his grandchildren had collected, took the old man's mobile phone and some of her luggage, and was sent to a ride-hailing place by the police.

, I was frightened and took the car back to Province C to go home.

This chapter has been completed!
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