Chapter 103 Let them enjoy life first

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Yi Laoyan knew it the moment the little girl left at midnight. The little girl didn't ask them for help. She must have made arrangements. They pretended not to know anything, meditated, and silently acted as night watchmen.

The two elders, like Young Master Liu Shaoyan, sat there for half the night without closing their eyes.

When the little girl came back, the two old men felt relieved. They lay down peacefully and closed their eyes for about half an hour. At dawn, they got up on time and waited until Xiao Leshan came out to supervise the morning exercises.

The top students smelled the fragrance when they woke up, washed themselves up, and went to the kitchen on the first floor to find the little loli to wash their faces.

Le's father, Zhou Qiufeng, didn't wake up until about 5:20. When he woke up, he tidied up, went to the kitchen to light a fire, and used an iron urn to make chicken soup.

Lejia hatched a lot of chicks in August last year, and they were ready to kill them during the summer vacation. They slaughtered a few chickens during the double rush. After that, they killed chickens every one or two days, and there must be a pot of chicken soup every morning.

Le's father, Zhou Qiufeng, was only responsible for making chicken soup, and their daughter took care of the rest of the food.

The top students almost cried with joy after eating the long-awaited roll noodle. After the meal, they gathered around the little lolita, all vying to make an appointment to be the donkeys when the little loli makes the roll noodle next time.
The young man expressed his desire to eat powder rolls in a disguised manner and made a great fuss. Mrs. Wang used her hand as a warning sign and slapped the table gently. As a result, the top students in the chatter were frightened and acted like birds and beasts.

Coax and disperse.

After being rescued by his wife, Le Xiao's classmate Lai acted coquettishly in her arms for a while, changed into a casual shirt, tied up his hair with a strip of cloth, put a gauze scarf on his shoulders, and went to the clinic with a backpack.

Young Master Liu, Young Master Yan and Handsome Lan Lan, with the spirit of not being afraid of hardship or smell, risked their lives to accompany the gentleman, and went to Jiudao Junior High School with the little Lolita.

As soon as his cousin left, Chen Fengnian's face turned bitter. He thought that maybe the way he got up in the morning was wrong, or the way he opened the door was wrong, so that the top students actually talked to him in English throughout the morning.

How long it took from morning to after dinner was how long he was abused by English.

His cousin had something to do, and he thought he was finally free. However, it turned out that his imagination was too good. When a beautiful young man took Leshan to class, the top students showed no mercy and grabbed him to tutor him in English.

Chen Fengnian was so frightened that he screamed: "Brother, can I call you brother? Please let me go!"

"It's useless to call him anything, let's go and learn English on the second floor." The top students swarmed up with a grin, and took the boy to the second floor, where they took turns bombarding him with words in the form of a chariot-wheel battle.

The little lolita said, let them train Chen Fengnian boy well. If they can't teach it, they will not want to eat roll noodles or cold skin. If the little lolita is well taught, the little lolita will be happy, and of course they will be able to make delicious food.

You can give up your face, but you can’t give up food.

In the eyes of top academics, Chen Fengnian is equated with delicious food. How could he be merciless and subject the teenager to inhumane oral training for the sake of delicious food made by a little lolita?

Chen Fengnian was trapped in a dire learning situation and was unable to save himself.

If the Chen family boy was forced to accept the training, Ms. Yin took the initiative. After the first day of acupuncture, her thinking ability became stronger and her logic became stronger. Except during meal time, she really read and studied seriously and learned.

Use your brain more.

Mrs. Yin, the principal, was overjoyed and was not afraid of hard work. She took office and tutored her granddaughter herself.

What surprised them even more was that their little granddaughter actually set the alarm clock to wake up. Although the little granddaughter didn't get up successfully when the alarm went off for the first time, she successfully got up before six o'clock and then went for a run consciously.

Old Mrs. Yin was making breakfast at home, and Old Principal Yin was jogging with his little granddaughter. Even though the little granddaughter ran like a normal person walking fast, he was still pleasantly surprised.

Principal Yin accompanied his granddaughter by trotting and walking for two and a half laps, doing leg presses, running and jumping in place, and then trotted home.

Even with such a small amount of exercise, Miss Yin was so tired that her clothes were soaked with sweat. She went home to take a shower, had breakfast, rested for a while, and read early.

Miss Yin’s morning reading hadn’t ended yet, and a classmate from Le Xiao came unexpectedly.

Mr. and Mrs. Yin smiled so hard when they saw their little classmate that they couldn't even see their eyes.

When Miss Yin saw the young lady, she first thought that she had sweated so much yesterday and was embarrassed to be seen by the young lady looking so dirty. Then she thought that the young lady had made her lose more than ten kilograms in one day and transformed into a little girl.

Sister, I was chattering around the little sister asking if one injection would help me lose weight again.

Classmate Le gave the prepared medicines to Principal Yin and the old lady, and told them how to take them. Three of the medicines were ingredients for cleaning the gastrointestinal tract. They were prepared for the old principal and the old lady. They should make fish soup or bone soup and take one dose a day;

The five medicines are used to help Miss Yin make fish soup.

Old Mrs. Yin wrapped the medicine package tightly in a plastic bag. Her classmates said that she would wait until she finished acupuncture for their little granddaughter before starting to make the soup to clean the stomach. After that, it would take a few more days to make the soup to strengthen the intestines.

Therefore, medicinal materials must be sealed well.

After giving the medicinal materials to Mrs. Yin, Le Yun asked Ms. Yin for her opinion and shaved her head first to facilitate acupuncture.

Miss Yin has short hair. Yesterday, she still inevitably burned a few places during acupuncture. In the next two days, her head will be a key area for acupuncture. If she keeps her hair, she will definitely burn it if she uses the Jiuyang Lieyan needle during acupuncture.

Lose some of her hair, and the scalp may be burned when the hair burns.

Miss Yin's mind has become more flexible and reasonable. She can do whatever the young lady says. She is judged to be bald, and she even cleans up her hair and puts it in a bag and then puts it in the trash can.

After smoothing her hair, she obediently moved a bench into the room, closed the door, took off her clothes, sat on the bench and waited.

Miss Yin’s damaged nerves are all upper motor nerves, so she can undergo acupuncture while sitting.

Miss Yin had her hair shaved, and her scalp was green and shiny. She sat there motionless, like a little nun chanting sutras. The scene was quite joyful.

The little girl was very obedient. Le Yun stretched out her hand and pinched her plump cheeks. She smiled and took out a few pills for her to eat. Then she stretched out her little paw to touch Miss Yin's bald head. It felt good.

I started to test the feel of Miss Yin. I was afraid that Miss Yin would change her face without being teased. I kept my words and inserted needles into Miss Yin quickly. I first pricked several acupuncture points on her chest. I was afraid that she would be frightened by the dense needles and do something uncontrollable.

The reaction destroyed the acupuncture, so I poked her sleeping point again and injected it again.

Miss Yin is so heavy that even if she is in a state of false sleep, she will be stable sitting on the square bench.

Classmate Le Xiao put needles all over Miss Yin's chest, back and arms, and then put some needles into her legs. Then she focused on the head, and soon the little girl's head was covered with needles, and then she poked Miss Yin's head.

Several acupuncture points on the back and chest.

The needles inserted into Miss Yin's body were used to warm the pulses in an orderly manner. This time, they started from the Baihui point on the top of the head and went up and down one by one in the direction of the main veins on the chest and back.

Even though it was visually determined that Miss Yin would not tip over or wake up on her own, Lexiao was cautious and did not leave. He moved a chair and sat next to her to observe the effect of acupuncture.

The first pass of warming acupuncture is completed, then the second pass, and the third pass.

Warm the needle three times, add a few more needles, and turn on the Nine Yang Flame Needle mode to stimulate Miss Yin's sick nerves and some nerves that seem to be dormant, so that they can be rejuvenated.

The Nine Yang Flame Acupuncture started to activate, and Miss Yin was sweating profusely again. It was sweat at first, but as time went by, the sweat turned into sweat.

The sweat oil seeping out from the pores is like yellowish wax oil, greasy, because Miss Yin seems to have a fever, she feels a burning sensation when she puts her fingers close to the skin, and the sweat oil sticking to the surface of the skin is not affected by the high temperature of the human body.

When it condenses, it falls straight down, dripping to the ground.

The sweat fat exudes a strange smell and slowly dissipates.

The old couple Yin and his wife were sitting in the living room waiting with three handsome young men. When they smelled the smell wafting from the room, the situation became awkward again.

Liu Dashao thought for a while and proposed to go to the construction site. The handsome guy Yan Shaolan agreed. The three of them declined the old principal's company and went to the school by themselves.

The young man went out for a walk. Principal Yin and Mrs. Yin were relieved and relaxed.

The two old men didn't want to leave their little classmate at home alone, so they stayed in the house and willingly endured the smell.

The smell of sweat and fat on Miss Yin's body is much lighter than yesterday's smell. Although it smells like some kind of fermented acid, it is not disgusting at least.

Mr. Le Xiao sat quietly beside him. When he didn't have to do anything, he sorted out some knowledge stored in his mind, poked Miss Yin's acupuncture points every once in a while or added one or two more needles.

When poking a person's acupuncture points, she does not touch the person's skin and uses her true energy to isolate the acupuncture points.

She used the Nine Sun Flame Needle three times. The first time Miss Yin's sweat was slightly yellow, the second time the sweat oozed out became darker in color, and the third time the sweat was like soaked soybeans.

There was a layer of grease on Miss Yin's body, and a pile of sweat grease accumulated around the bench. The grease was like the wax oil flowing out after burning a candle, and it was very painful to the eyes.

After acupuncture, Miss Yin burned a lot of fat on her body, and her obese figure lost weight again. If she weighed herself, she would have lost at least seven or eight pounds.

After two sessions of acupuncture, Ms. Yin’s weight remained about 100 kilograms.

After Miss Yin's body temperature slowly returned to normal, Mr. Le Xiao collected the medical needles. After pulling out each needle, he used a tissue to wipe off the grease on one end of the needle, and then threw it into a sterilizing bottle for soaking.

After taking back all the medical needles, tightening the bottle caps and putting them back into the backpack, Mr. Le Xiao put on the gauze that he had taken off, hung the backpack on his shoulders, and waited for about ten minutes before diluting Miss Yin's acupuncture points.

"Old principal, please step aside again." Miss Yin will wake up soon and must go to the bathroom to take a shower, so she first reminds the old principal outside the door.

"Hey!" After waiting for an hour and a half, he finally heard his junior classmate speak. Principal Yin responded and stood up. Without any delay, he walked out of the house, closed the door again, and then stood outside to enjoy the sun bath.
The classmate asked her husband to stay away, indicating that the acupuncture was over. Mrs. Yin hurriedly ran to the door, gently opened the door and looked around. When she saw the situation in the room, she couldn't help but gasp even though she was mentally prepared.<


The old lady was obviously frightened, and she was afraid that the old man would feel sorry for her granddaughter. Le Yun smiled reassuringly: "Don't worry, this is normal and will not harm little sister Yin's health. She will sweat a few times during the acupuncture tomorrow."

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm not worried." Mrs. Yin wiped her cool forehead and smiled.

After the acupuncture was performed, Miss Yin woke up from the sleeping state. She couldn't open her eyes. She reached out and wiped her face. When she heard the voice, she turned her head. Although her vision was not clear, she could still see clearly.

Grandma, I shouted 'Milk'.

She yelled and wiped her face again, making her face greasy.

"Ouch, stop wiping your face, clean your eyebrows, and go take a shower." Seeing her little granddaughter being wrapped in oil and fished out, Old Mrs. Yin felt that she couldn't stand it anymore, and kept urging her.

"Hey!" Miss Yin responded. Something dirty came into her mouth. She immediately shut up and stood up. When she was about to run away, she saw a beautiful young lady standing next to her. She lowered her head in shame and pointed outward like a cannonball.


Mrs. Yin opened the door and let her granddaughter out.

Miss Yin rushed out of the room, ran into the bathroom, and hurriedly took a shower.

Le Yun grabbed the strap of her backpack with one hand and walked out of the room with a smile. She told the old lady who was sending her off that she didn't need to and opened the door and went out.

Principal Yin was standing outside the door. When he saw the little classmate was leaving, he saw him off.

Old Mrs. Yin sent the little girl out of the house and hurried back to the room to help her find a change of clean clothes and send them to the bathroom before cleaning.

Yan Shao, Liu Shao Lan San, walked around the construction site, and then returned to the car in front of the faculty building. When they saw the old principal escorting the little Lolita out, Mr. Liu smartly got out of the car and acted as a carriage boy for the little Lolita.


The old principal sent his little classmate to the car and left, then trotted home, where he and his wife cleaned up the oil stains and mopped the floor.

The two old men mopped the floor, and their little granddaughter finally took a bath. When they saw that their little granddaughter had changed into looser clothes, the two old men were so excited that tears filled their eyes again.

Miss Yin took seven or eight baths to wash away the oil stains. She found that she had lost weight again and excitedly reported the good news to her grandparents.

The three grandparents were overjoyed and hurriedly followed the plan and made up for the lessons first.

Yan Shaoliu and Shao Lan waited until the little Loli got in the car, drove to the library construction site, accompanied the little Loli to visit the site in person, and then went to the teaching building construction site to check the quality before returning to Meicun.

Mr. Le Xiao returned home, took a shower, and felt refreshed. Then he went up to the second floor to watch the top students giving an English "training class" to his little cousin. He watched the top students take turns talking to his little cousin in a wheel-and-wheel battle. He was so happy.

I was so excited that I cooked in the afternoon and made fruit-flavored ice cream and Ge Xianmi milk tea for the top students.

There are rewards for being a teacher, and the top students have tasted the benefits and are more attentive in teaching Chen Fengnian to learn English. The young Chen Fengnian was so miserable under the pressure that he cried for help to his cousin, but was mercilessly slapped back.

, resigned to accept the hell-like training.

Chen Fengnian, a young boy, was caught cramming into his studies, with a frown on his face, but Leshan was well-behaved and studied with a hundredfold enthusiasm. His enthusiasm for studying hard and making progress every day also received rave reviews.

This chapter has been completed!
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