Chapter 192

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 The capital city is beautiful and lively at night. There are no large entertainment venues near the amusement park, so it is relatively less noisy. The amusement park is a quiet place amidst the hustle and bustle.

The noise was far away and there was no disturbance. Student Le Xiao copied the list of posts in the ancient cultivation world and also copied a list of visitors.

The school security guard and the dormitory gave her a visitor registration. From the beginning of the school year to the Double Ninth Festival, a total of 13 visitors named her to visit her.

Among the thirteen visitors were the daughter-in-law of a certain mayor and the granddaughter of Grandma Zhou's eldest aunt in Meicun Village, the cousin Zhou Tianming once said was called Song Shiyu. That person was named Song Shiyu.

The other eight names were completely unfamiliar. Classmate Le said that he had never heard of them before, let alone knew them, and could not figure out which "old acquaintance" of the Le family appeared out of nowhere.

As for the invitation letters from European and American schools to study for master's and doctoral studies, she still had to think carefully before making a decision.

After copying the guest list, it was still early at eleven o'clock, so I took out the drawing paper that had been made into a scroll, spread it out, and wrote dozens of words in a row, and then stamped it.

Not wanting to go to school for the time being, nor to Chao's house or her wife's house, and owning real estate, Le Yun decided to cultivate her mind and character for a while and take the opportunity to dress up.

Therefore, Meimei got up after a good sleep, and the next day she told Brother Fu that she was going to retreat, closed the door of the courtyard, ignored external affairs, and wrote and painted in the secretary.

She stayed in the big study without leaving home, wrote hundreds of words, and painted dozens of paintings, both on paper and on silk.

The little loli stayed in seclusion for two whole days.

After preparing enough calligraphy and paintings, on Thursday morning, Le Xiao’s classmate, who had had a night’s rest, was full of energy in decorating his villa. He first reserved a space for hanging calligraphy and paintings in the big study, and then went to decorate his bedroom.

Then there are the south living room, dining room, and guest rooms in the east and west wings.

Each of the guest rooms in the east and west compartments has five to six paintings and calligraphy hanging on them, giving the guest rooms a real bookish feel and a noble and elegant look.

After hanging the calligraphy and paintings, Leyun found a hoe and dug a hole for planting trees in the yard. She dug a large hole in the area opposite the second room on the east and west sides of the upper room, and then dug a large hole in the area opposite the second room on the south side.

Also dig a pit each, and the four pits form a square.

I dug four tree pits and filled them with some homemade fertilizer. Then I pried holes everywhere in the yard like gophers.

She digs holes to fill them with fertilizer or fill them openly. Even if someone in a nearby high-rise building installed a camera to capture some locations, they would think she was digging holes to plant flowers and plants.

As for Mr. Le Xiao, he actually secretly arranged a formation to protect the courtyard, and secretly hid some spiritual stones for setting up the formation and jade, stone, gold and other talismans engraved with runes.

After hiding the talismans used to set up the formation and the spiritual stones needed to maintain the formation, Le Yun finished the work happily, and then went around the rooms in the back room and the upper room of the wing to hide the talismans.

The things she hides can be said to be quite safe. Unless they are discovered during major renovations to the house, generally no one can touch them.

Because when hiding things, it is sometimes necessary to dig out spaces from boards or pillars, or to cut open walls and remove bricks, or to pry up the ground. Therefore, after hiding things, the original place must be repaired.

Le Xiao’s classmates were busy hiding things in the morning, and in the afternoon they were busy repairing the marks left on the ground, wooden pillars or walls, covering up all kinds of traces of human movement.

It is very simple to dig a hole in the wall or board, or on the ground. If you have the Qi poured into the sword, you can cut a crack in the hard ground or wall with one stroke, and it will not make too much noise.

But the cleaning up work is not that simple. In order to cover up the traces perfectly and prevent anyone from finding out the clues, it is necessary to make the touched place the same as the surrounding areas. Sometimes it is necessary to apply paint or wall plaster several times, and even sometimes it is not necessary.

Then scrape off a layer on all sides, and then repaint or plaster the walls.

By the time the little Loli had completely processed the traces, it was almost dusk.

After a busy day, in order to comfort herself for her hard work, she made herself a delicious meal, rubbed herself a delicious meal, and fell asleep beautifully.

After a night of recuperating, Le Yun felt very energetic the next day. She had a simple breakfast, opened the door happily, and then went to the carport to carry a big ladder and set it up at the entrance of the courtyard to hang a plaque for the courtyard.

The name is four words - the blessed land.

Hang the plaque on the door of the courtyard, then carry the ladder into the courtyard, go to the upper room, and hang the plaque and couplets on the lintel of the middle hall of the upper room that serves as the study.

The plaque in the big study room is different from the plaque in the study room at home. The study room at home is called "Zhiwei Study House", while the study room in the other courtyard is called "Zhiwei Study House". The couplets are also changed, and the content is different from the couplets outside the study room at home.


The size and style of the plaque are exactly the same as the plaque hanging in her home, but it was jointly made by the real people in the Tribulation Period of the five major immortal sects in Dongchen Continent. It also contains the wonders of practicing mental methods and Taoist rules.

A plaque was hung in the study, and then a plaque with the words "Alchemy House" was hung in the upper room. The simple plaque and concise characters made it clear at a glance that this was the place where the owner made medicine and practiced elixirs.

After that, carry the ladder and go to the south-facing side room of the east wing, hang a plaque with the words "Ju Zaojun" to tell others that it is the kitchen.

There is also a plaque hung in the south hall where guests are received, named "Huixian Hall". The restaurant is also indispensable with a plaque, which has the inscription "Qianweixuan" engraved on it.

While other places can be temporarily empty, the toilet cannot be left behind. Here comes the simplest and most popular plaque - Toi Xuan.

A plaque was hung on the most versatile place in the courtyard. Le Xiaoxiao returned the ladder to the carport, returned to the courtyard to pack a backpack, and went to the food court to find Young Master Xuan.

The little girl returned to the paradise, and Brother Fu was full of energy every day. When the little girl was busy in the courtyard, he didn't bother him, and guarded the house responsibly every day.

He didn't know what the little girl was doing in the courtyard yesterday. He didn't run to peek when he heard the noise. The little girl opened the door and carried the ladder into the courtyard on Thursday. Because he didn't call him, he still didn't brush his face.

The little girl was busy for a while and went out again. Brother Fu also adhered to the principle of never saying too much and did not ask or inquire about the little girl's whereabouts. He only acted as a qualified doorman.

Le Yun had nothing to do, so she walked to the food street without squeezing in the car, and experienced life while walking. It took about an hour and a half to reach Sanweixuan.

When Ah Fu, the face-swiping machine, saw the pretty and lovely little girl Le coming, he didn’t care about anything and rushed into the kitchen to report the news to the young master.

Mr. Xuan, who was busy with his cooking skills in the kitchen, abandoned his plans as a chef and flew out of the restaurant. As soon as he flew out, the petite girl also arrived at the door.

"Little beauty, you haven't been to Sanweixuan for a long time. Would you like a bowl of pork stewed with vermicelli?" When Mr. Xuan saw the cute little girl, he ran away and saw the flowers, and his whole body became brighter.

"It's better to save the pork stewed vermicelli for lunch. Are you busy, Master Xuan? How about we go to your other courtyard for tea?" Le Yun stood outside Sanweixuan, looking at the sunny Master Xuan and the newly emerged Master Xuan.

1. Face-swiping machine Ah Fu is really happy. Face-swiping machine Ah Fu has such good eyesight that he noticed her before she even arrived.

"Okay, let's go." Mr. Xuan took off his apron, stuffed it into Ah Fu's arms, and walked away gracefully.

The young master left as soon as he said so, Ah Fu sighed with a grimace, alas, the little girl went to the teahouse, and announced that one, two, three, and four are blessed again!

Xuanyi followed the young master from the kitchen to the door. Of course he followed. Xuan Ersansi, who worked as a waiter at Sanweixuan, quickly finished his work and hurriedly caught up with the young master.

Anyway, we were walking, so Mr. Xuan unkindly turned the little girl along to pack a bunch of snacks and ate them while walking. When he reached the Xuanjia Tea House, he still hadn't finished eating, so he returned to the inner courtyard and continued making skewers.

I masturbated quickly and drank tea.

After drinking a cup of fragrant tea brewed by a handsome young man from the Xuan family, Le Yun took out the roster she had copied from her backpack, unfolded it on the Kang table and showed it to Young Master Xuan: "Brother, do me a favor, this is given to me by people from the ancient cultivating world.

I have sent you a list of people who want to visit my house. I don’t know many of them. Can you help me identify them?"

"Damn it, I know you don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything, let me take a look and see who you are." Mr. Xuan smiled brightly and took the roster to read.

"Handsome guys, is your truck free tonight?" Master Xuan was studying the roster, while Le Yun was talking to the young people of the Xuan family.

"Little beauty wants to use a truck? How big do you want it to be?" The Xuanjia young people's eyes lit up. Oh, the little girl wants to use a truck. Is she planning to "pick up" the goods again? Xuanjia's car is here, even if it is their own car.

If you don’t have time, they can rent a truck for you.

"The diagonal of the cargo compartment is about seven or eight meters, which is enough. I want to transport trees."

"How many cars are needed?"

"With four larger trees, two cars are enough."

"No problem. Is it the old rule to meet outside the city?"

"The enemy."

"Leave the truck to us. The little beauty just wants to go for a ride outside the city with our young master in the evening."

The Xuanjia youths agreed with a smile, and quickly made arrangements to allocate manpower to rent trucks.

Small things like arranging to find a car or arranging for someone to send one or two cars out of the city are a piece of cake for the young people in the family. Mr. Xuan didn't care and studied the roster carefully.

He read the roster twice, carefully checked what he knew with the people on the roster, then moved to the little girl's side, and the two sat side by side.

"I know a little bit about this casual cultivator named Gaotong. He is a hermit who practices hard in Wutai Mountain. As far as my family knows, he has no sect. This monk, also known as Qinxi Jushi, is after the hermit sect of Zhongnan Mountain. No one knows whether he has any sect.


The man named Kuchan Taoist once became a registered disciple of the Yu family, an ancient cultivating family in the south of the Yangtze River, and later became a disciple of a Taoist hermit from Xiaowutai;

This He Huizi is a female cultivator. Her sect’s origin is unknown. She is only known to be a casual cultivator. You have seen her disciple, Che Hao, who performed well at the ancient cultivator gathering. This is what my family did after the ancient cultivator gathering.

I just found out about it.


Qingxi guest Li Zhifeng, I have never heard of this;

Cai Ou, an idler in Xueling, I don’t know;

I have heard a little bit about Lingnan Mei Ke Ye Jianyun. My elders once mentioned that he was extremely talented in martial arts and that he combined the unique skills of various schools in Lingnan. He was a contemporary of my great-grandfather and lived in seclusion in Shiwanda Mountain.

This person, like Mr. Yi, has not shown up for decades. My great-grandfather even mentioned it at the last gathering of ancient cultivators, thinking that he had returned to the west. Unexpectedly, this time he was led out by the plaque in your study.

The successor of Swordsman Cao Hai is currently uncertain. If according to the previous rules, the successor of Swordsman can be regarded as a sect. The historical origin is said to be related to Fenghe Fengshao's sect. If it is just a nickname, then

It only represents one person, and I have never heard of this person.

Shura Sword Zhao Huang, Shura Sword is a Jianghu sect, and it is a sworn enemy of the Yuanyang Sword Sect. I am not familiar with the person who posted this, so I guess he is most likely to be the leader of Shura Sword.

Monk Chen Chi, I have never heard of it.

Qinling monk Chi Ya, I don’t know him.

Snow mountain monk Hong Jiong, I don’t know;


The little girl listened carefully, and Master Xuan followed the list. He only recognized part of the list made by the little beauty, and he didn't know most of the rest.

After mumbling about everything he knew, he decided to copy a list of those he didn't know and send someone back to Qin Province to show it to his elders.

The Xuanjia youths were smart. The young master said that he wanted to make a copy for the elders in the family to see. He quickly sent the four treasures of the study, polished ink, spread paper, and waited on the young master to copy the roster.

Listening to Mr. Xuan's explanation, Le Yun felt a little doubtful about life. What, there are so many monks and martial arts sects in the great heaven?

She has a question: What do those sects do for a living?

She is curious, really.

For example, Caobang used to make a living by transporting water. Today, Caobang is still there, but it has changed its profession and has developed into a legal aquatic product company, dealing in aquatic products. If you are not an insider, who will think of a certain company when you see it?

In fact, it was the Caobang that was famous hundreds of years ago.

She is interested in many sects, such as the Shadow Sect. She remembers the time she went to the Ji family for medical treatment. The elders of the Ji family said they found people from the Shadow Sect following them. For some reason, the Shadow Sect did not attend the last gathering of the ancient cultivators.


Even Young Master Xuan has never heard of many of them, indicating that those people may be big bosses. Because they are so low-key that no one has seen their true colors in Lushan, they may also be really unknown people among casual cultivators and no one knows them.

He threw a plaque himself and exploded a lot of diving monks. Le Yun didn't know whether to cry or laugh. She just didn't know if any of the diving party had obtained the Le family's ancestral items, or if anyone had their hands on it.

There are clues about the Le family’s ancestral belongings.

Mr. Xuan copied a roster and gave it to Xuan Er, asking him to find someone to send back to his hometown, and then caught the little lolita and poured out his bitterness.

People in the ancient cultivating world in Beijing went to Xuanjia to lobby him, wanting him to make an appointment with the little girl. The disciples of the ancient cultivating world went to the paradise to warm the little girl's house.

Being "given" an important task by a large group of people, Young Master Xuan expressed that he felt very tired. He didn't want to be the leader. The little beauty didn't like the excitement and didn't want to host banquets. He didn't want to make people dislike him. He wanted to discuss it with the little beauty.

You can cook at any time, so why bother bringing a bunch of little tails to compete with you for "favor".

Understanding the meaning of Young Master Xuan's message, Le Yun decisively, firmly and without hesitation declined the kindness of the disciples of ancient cultivators to go to the paradise to help with the greenhouse. If others went to help with the greenhouse, she would have to serve as a cook to serve the guests, which is very tiring.

Ah, isn’t it delicious to keep the medicinal food for yourself? Isn’t it wonderful to just be in a daze while doing nothing?

This chapter has been completed!
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