Chapter 204

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 Mr. Tan made Wang Jinbao give up the ownership of the house without any effort, and then sold the house. The operation was smooth and smooth.

Wang Cuifeng, who had just been transferred from the court detention center to the women's prison to serve her sentence, had no idea that her house had changed owners.

She never thought that Tan Yuxing would sell the house. After all, she needed her signature to sell the house, and Wang Jinbao's name was added to the house. Wang Jinbao's signature was required to sell the house.

She also never let Tan Zhengxing or Wang Shengxuan know that she added Wang Jinbao's name to the real estate certificate.

However, Wang Cuifeng miscalculated.

Tan Yuxing intended to sell the house when he saw Wang Jinbao's name on the real estate deed, so Qing Mimi asked a lawyer to write an agreement, and then mixed the house transfer letter with the document when he went through the transfer procedures for Wang Shengxuan and required the signature of the original guardian Wang Cuifeng.

Li asked Wang Cuifeng to sign.

Then, he kept Wang Cuifeng's ID card on his behalf on the pretext that he wanted to transfer various procedures for his son. There was Wang Cuifeng's ID card, and the house transfer agreement had her and Wang Jinbao's signatures and fingerprints. The procedures were complete, and the sale of the house was not

It’s a matter of fact.

Tan Yuxing, who had already planned to sell the house, sold the house without any trouble, leaving Wang Cuifeng with nothing as punishment for not treating her son well.

I have to say that Mr. Tan’s operations are quite impressive. If Le Xiaololi knew about it, she would definitely give him a thumbs up.

Of course, Le Xiao's classmate in the capital didn't know what Tan had done. Because she didn't want to see the rice bowl, she went to the bedroom to sort out some small items.

The little loli walked around the bedroom, thought for a while, found a few plaques, put them in a box, found all the accessories needed to hang the plaques, carried the box to the verandah, and then went to the carport to move the ladder.

Little Lolita went to the first room on the east side. Yan Xing put his backpack under the big bookcase and found an ancient book to read.

The little lolita is too evil, and he feels ashamed of himself. He also wants to recharge and enrich himself, not to surpass the little lolita, but at least to make himself more knowledgeable and have more common topics with her.

Just after turning a third of the page in a book, he saw the little Loli going out to carry back a ladder. Yan Xing flew out of the study room and ran to help.

"..." Yan Foodie ran around again. Le Yun was so speechless that she really wanted to kick someone, but she couldn't reach out to hit the smiling person. That guy was kind enough to help, but she couldn't do anything like kicking herself.<


She felt a little depressed.

Being depressed, naturally he couldn't help but be embarrassed and embarrassed.

It's a pity that Young Master Yan has a thick skin and rough flesh, and he has a face as thick as a wall. Not to mention a shameful knife, even if he throws a real knife, he will not retreat even if it is difficult.

In order to spend more time with the little Lolita, Mr. Yan endured the pressure and was busy setting up ladders and handing over tools. He can be called a good handyman who is always on call.

With the help of the worker Yan Chihuo, Le Xiaoxiao hung a plaque on the room where he kept the loom, calling it "Baobao Pavilion".

There are all kinds of items in the house. Some things may look inconspicuous but are actually priceless. Not to mention others, the elixir furnace made of gold is worth millions each, so the words "Baobao Pavilion" are absolutely worth it.

It is well deserved.

Then hang a plaque in the bedroom.

The plaque in the little Loli's bedroom reads "嫏嬛" in my dream.

"This is good, you can tell it's a bedroom at a glance." Yan Xing looked at the four words on the dark red wooden plaque, and suddenly felt that the little loli's name for her bedroom was too down-to-earth, such a big "dream"

The word, anyone can guess it is the master bedroom as soon as they see it.

Le Yun curled her lips. She actually didn't know what to name her, so she just picked out random characters, okay?

She was embarrassed to say it, so she pretended to be inscrutable, climbed down the ladder, carried the tools to the first room on the west side of the main hall, and hung a plaque for the first room on the west side.

The name of the plaque - Little Concubine.

The first room on the west side is dominated by books and is considered a part of the Zhiwei Study Room. Lehuan is the library of the Emperor of Heaven. Anyone who sees the words "Little Lehuan" will know that this room is also a study.

Yan Xing looked at the Chinese characters on the plaque and sighed silently. The little Loli seemed to like the word "嫏娬" very much. The courtyard was named "嫏娬福地", and the word "嫏娬" appeared on the plaques of two rooms in the upper house.

, which shows his love.

Leyun hung a plaque on the small study room, and also hung a plaque on the south wing of the west wing. It was a very simple plaque called "Western Kitchen".

There are no plaques on the rooms on the west side of the upper room, the east wing, and the west wing. Because it is too troublesome to name them, it is better to leave them empty. The reason why plaques are hung on the rooms in the upper room is to distinguish the bedrooms, study rooms, and her private treasury.

Prevent others from making mistakes.

Plaques were hung for several rooms, and the tools were returned to their respective places. Student Le Xiao found out the threads he needed to use, went into the Baibao Pavilion, packed the thread balls, and sat down to weave.

When the little Loli wanted to weave, Yan Xing was so surprised that he moved a small bench to sit and watch, learning on the spot.

The loom is under the window. The little Lolita sits in front of the loom and operates the machine meticulously. The shuttle shuttles like a fish, and the machine makes a rhythmic sound. It is very monotonous, but listening to it makes people extremely peaceful.


Yan Xing looked at the little Lolita and a sentence flashed in his mind - you plow the fields and I will weave.

A picture unfolded in his mind, just like what was sung in Huangmei Opera, Dong Yong was plowing the fields under the sun, and the seven fairies at home were weaving. When Dong Yong returned home, he saw his lady weaving, and sat beside him to watch.
The picture is enlarged, then spread out, and merged with the picture in front of you.

After thinking about it, Yan Xing became obsessed with it.

I don't know how long it took, but there was a crisp "pop" sound, which shocked Yan Xing slightly. His thoughts of not knowing where to run returned instantly, and he subconsciously looked at the little Lolita.

The little Loli is still sitting in her original position, weaving in an orderly manner, her expression has not changed, and the sound of the machine is still the same, neither soft nor heavy.

The loud and clear sound before was not consistent with the sound of the loom.

Yan Xing frowned slightly, was that noise caused by the little Lolita, or was it just his imagination?

Just when he was confused, the little Loli turned her head with clear eyes: "Yan Chihuo, something was wrong with you just now. The aura around your body was inexplicably disordered. Don't be distracted when practicing, as it is easy to go crazy."

Teng, Yan Xing's face suddenly burned up, burning hot, and he lowered his eyes in embarrassment: "I... I was thinking about something just now, and as I kept thinking about it... I thought far away."

"In paradise, it's best not to do two things while practicing." Le Yun reminded her, turned back, and continued to weave. She had hidden something secretly when setting up the formation, and those props could empathize with certain emotions.<


The result of empathy is that it can amplify certain emotions. If someone has a wrong mind and enters the courtyard, and his mind is too active, and he is resonated by the formation of empathy, then that emotion will be easily leaked, thus exposing the flaw.

This chapter has been completed!
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