Chapter 229 Xiaotuanzi is here

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 Feeling that he had guessed the truth, Yan Xing silently hid the truth in his stomach and went to the study room to read and recharge. Zhang bitch’s life or death was not important, as long as the little loli was happy.

Classmate Le is not afraid that Yan Chihuo will know the truth, but what did she do? She must pay back for being a fool, and what the Wu family is receiving now is the punishment they deserve.

The Le family is dedicated to doing good, but others cannot tolerate the Le family. She retaliates with retaliation, and the Wu family must bear the consequences for what they do.

It is said that there is a god when you raise your head three feet high.

As long as you don't lose your conscience, don't do anything harmful to nature, and have good intentions in your heart, even God won't have the heart to hurt you.

The Le family used to be kind, so even if the first two generations did not live long, their good intentions were not betrayed, and the Le family left behind a successor to the incense.

In this life, Le Yun will not take the initiative to do evil, but she will not be a soft persimmon either. She has to protect her younger brother and her father, Aunt Feng, and lay the foundation for Sun Changlong, the next generation of the Le family.

There is nothing that needs to be done by oneself in the courtyard. Brother Fu is nestled in his guard room, also studying quietly. The little girl is rich in knowledge, and the people who come and go in the park are all capable people. If one day when receiving guests, some jokes are made due to low education,

Wouldn’t it hinder the little girl?

Lan San, the handsome guy who was in charge of running errands, drove EC225 straight to E North.

The EC225 has high performance and is suitable for performing flight missions in harsh climates. Even if the north is covered with snow, it will have little impact on its flight. At most, the flight speed will be slightly slower due to strong winds.

Handsome guy Lan San set off from the capital before seven in the morning and arrived in Jiudao after five in the afternoon.

The front of the Meicun Village office building was empty. He circled in the air several times and accurately calculated the direction before landing.

It doesn't snow in Plum Village because it's winter and it gets dark after five o'clock, so people in the village turn on their lights.

The helicopter circled several times in Meicun, and everyone in the village who had finished their work saw it. Village Chief Zhou received a call from Xiao Lele at noon, and knowing that it was handsome guy Li who was delivering things back to Meicun, he ran to the village office building.
Zhou Papi, who had just returned home from work, and his wife were also watching in front of the door.

Le's father, Zhou Qiufeng, Yan Laoyan and others also saw the helicopter. The Le family drove an electric tricycle to the village office building to pull things, and the two elders took Xiao Leshan at home.

Lan San parked the helicopter, jumped out of the cab, and saw Village Chief Zhou Papi running over to ask how little Loli was. He happily told them that Little Loli was fine. He just came back from abroad yesterday and brought back a lot of things.

There was no place to store them in the capital, so he helped send some back to Plum Village.

The handsome guy Lan opened the door and entered the cabin. He gave Village Chief Zhou and Zhou Papi's family a box of fruit each, and handed two more boxes to Village Chief Zhou, asking him to share them with the children who are willing to study hard despite the severe cold and heat tomorrow.<


Village chief Zhou Papi took his family to Zhou Papi's house, and then moved the fruits for the children in the village back to the living room and placed them there.

They had just finished moving the fruit boxes, and the Le family arrived at the scene in their car. Village Chief Zhou also helped unload the goods. Zhou Papi heard that there were a lot of things, so he drove his car to the ground to help transport them.

The handsome guy Lan San helped transport all the boxes and cages back to Meicun. Leba and Zhou Papi each sent two loads of stuff back to Guang's house, and then went to transport them again. It took them three loads each to transport them all.

In addition to food, there are twenty-two boxes of books, which alone fill a cart and a half.

The boxes containing books are placed on the second floor of the north building, the fruit, red wine, and oatmeal and corn flakes are placed in the refrigerator room first, and the oil is placed in the guest room on the north side of the first floor of the north building.

There is a lot of stuff, the refrigerator room is piled up to one side and there is no room to put it down.

After Brother Zhou delivered a cart of things home in Yueqing, he also went to help. After moving the things, Le's father wanted to keep his uncle for dinner, but his uncle didn't agree, so he took two boxes of fruit and two bottles of red wine back.
Village head Zhou Papi didn't eat at Lejia either, and each brought a bottle of red wine when he returned.

After sending away the helpers, the Le family couple tidied up and closed the house for dinner.

Master Ayu and his colleagues lived on the construction site most of the time due to work needs, and only went back to Lejia for one day a week to relax their nerves. Master Ayu and others did not go back to Lejia that day, so only the three of them had dinner at Lejia.

Six people, including Yan Lao, Yan Lao and Lan Handsome.

Lan Handsome Guy ate medicated food in the paradise, and medicated food when he arrived at Lejia in Meicun. Not to mention how beautiful he felt, he only stayed for one night. After breakfast the next day, he flew to the county seat to meet with the county magistrate.

Meet with leaders of county hospitals.

When he returned to Fang County, he not only delivered things, but also brought the information and donation agreement on the medical equipment donated by Little Loli to the county hospital.

Handsome Lan met with county leaders and hospital leaders on behalf of Xiao Loli, and the hospital leaders signed an agreement to accept donated equipment.

The agreement stipulates that the equipment can only be used by the hospital for research purposes, and the donor refuses the hospital to resell or donate the equipment to others (including restricting the hospital from "paying tribute" to the equipment to higher-level hospitals). Once the recipient hospital privately resells or donates the equipment,

If transferred to others, the donor has the right to recover the donated equipment and pursue criminal liability.

County leaders are supervisory agencies and have the responsibility to supervise hospitals. They were all present to bear witness.

Several media outlets notified by county leaders, including reporters from Shishi City, Fangxian County, and provincial radio stations, were all present to record the historic moment.

When the hospital leaders learned that classmate Xile had donated a batch of world-class equipment to the hospital, they were so excited that they could not hold back their beating hearts. They regarded the equipment that they had not seen yet as if they were treasures. They would be afraid of anyone who wants to transfer it now.

Just go up and fight with people.

Fangxian County is too poor, and the hospital's efficiency is just that. Most of the equipment is very old, and there is no financial resources to purchase advanced equipment.

Classmate Le donated a batch of world-class advanced instruments to the hospital. For them, the equipment is their daily necessities. You want them to "contribute" to it? Are you kidding me!

After signing the agreement, we went directly to the airport to pick up the goods.

Handsome guy Lan San took the county leaders, hospital leaders and reporters to Shishi Airport by helicopter at one time, and then went to the airport to hand over the goods.

That batch of instruments and equipment was flown to Shishi Airport yesterday.

In addition to the cutting-edge equipment for the county hospital, Le Xiaoluoli also ordered a batch of the most commonly used equipment in China to donate to Jiudao Township Hospital, including B-ultrasound equipment, ventilators and other instruments. The batch of equipment is expected to arrive in early January


Lan San also told the county leaders about the situation, and conveyed to Little Loli that they should first coordinate with the Jiudao Township leaders and the township hospital to arrange where the instruments should be placed, and then ask them to assist the township hospital in receiving the instruments and equipment.

Acceptance of products and other procedures.

Mr. Le first funded and supported the education industry, and then vigorously funded the medical industry. The county leaders were elated as they were pelted with pies one after another.

The reporters were all shocked. Classmate Le is so caring!

She is still a child.

Ms. Le only turned 18 in April last year. She is still a half-grown child, but she is already contributing to the future and health of the people in her hometown. She has truly achieved "if you are poor, you can take care of yourself, and if you are rich, you can contribute to the world."
Lan San picked up the goods and handed them over to the county leaders to supervise the transportation. He then handed over the equipment information to the hospital leaders. He filled up the helicopter with fuel and set off back to the capital.

Young Master Yan also stayed in the paradise on Saturday night, and had a breakfast on Sunday before carrying his own gifts back to He's house to offer treasures to his great-grandmother and uncles and aunts, which surprised the old man and the old lady.

Mr. Le Xiao finished his pharmaceutical business at noon and stayed in the study to stamp his collection of books.

Lan San returned to the paradise at about ten o'clock in the evening. He saw that the lights were still on in the courtyard, so he didn't bother him. He parked the plane, cooked some noodles in the outer courtyard, and took half of Brother Fu's bed.<


Xiao Le waited until handsome guy Lan came back safely and continued to stamp the books. He practiced on time until 11 o'clock in the evening. After one o'clock in the morning, he got into the space and wrote silently on the books he had read from the Cambridge Library.

Handsome guy Lan woke up after a nap and returned to the base without having breakfast in the park. He bought breakfast on the way and ate it in the car. He rushed back to the base without missing the morning training.

Young Master Yan stayed at his third uncle's house for one night and got up early at midnight to drive back to his residence.

When they were training, Le Xiao's classmate, who got up on time in the morning, had breakfast and stamped a few bells on the books, took his luggage and backpack and flew a helicopter to the capital's international airport at around ten o'clock in the morning.

She threw the plane into the airport, then walked through the workers' passage to the terminal to change her boarding pass. After the security check, she entered the waiting room. She entered the airport at about 11 o'clock and boarded the passenger plane bound for California, Country M.

The passenger plane took off on time at 12 noon on December 14, China time, and flew to the other side of the ocean.

As the little Lolita's plane soared thousands of miles into the sky, Yan Xing and his team brothers also completed the difficult training in the morning and went to the canteen to replenish energy.

The Wolf King men who had returned from training entered the cafeteria in an orderly manner and took their seats.

As soon as Captain Yan sat down, Pei Shiba, who was responsible for handling the phone in the battalion during his shift, came to the captain's side and reported his work: "Boss, the little loli has slipped away again."

"Run away again?" The hot sweat on Yan Xing's face turned into cold sweat in a second: "Where has she gone?!"

In the morning, I heard Lan San say that when he returned to the station, he also heard the little Loli getting up and making breakfast in the kitchen. How come in the blink of an eye, that naughty kid ran away again?

"Little Loli temporarily bought a flight ticket to California, Country M, and the plane takes off at 12 noon." Pei Shiba spread his hands, and they only received the news when Little Loli drove a small plane to the airport to catch the flight.<


Yan Xing looked at the ceiling and swallowed hard: "Forget it, let her go." Anyway, everyone has run away, what else can be done?

"Do you want to inform the brothers over there to keep an eye on the little Loli's whereabouts?"

"No, don't let people go to protect you nearby. If you go there, you will be easily exposed. If something happens, it will be difficult to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, leaving the little loli tied up."

When performing missions abroad, you are not afraid of opponents. In fact, what you are most afraid of is that because you have not met beforehand and you do not know the secret code for contact, under certain circumstances, you will not be able to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, which may lead to innocent sacrifices of your own people.

What's more, it is said that the little Loli's name has disappeared from the bounty list, indicating that the person who issued the task has either died, or the sponsor has canceled the order.

The little Lolita's name disappeared from the bounty list, and she is a doctor. Underground organizations in various countries are generally unwilling to take the initiative to offend her without the temptation of huge profits.

To a certain extent, it is safer for little Lolita to run abroad now than in previous years.

This chapter has been completed!
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