Chapter 287 The happiest thing is that the person you have a crush on also happens to like you

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 The Liu family was originally frightened when they heard that Village Chief Zhou knew how much gift money they had received, and when they heard that they were told to "take a toast or drink as a penalty", they were so frightened that their legs shook.

Just when they thought they were about to be beaten, they heard Village Chief Zhou speak again: "Xia Long, go and bring the urine bucket, and then get a duck pot. First, fill each of them with a pot and a half of old urine."

"Okay." When Brother Zhou heard this, he responded happily, turned around and ran out of the crowd, running home.

Liu Jiagui was afraid that he would be fed urine, and almost lost his soul. He shouted tremblingly: "I tell you, I tell you, don't force me to drink. Whatever you want to know, I will tell you the truth!"

"I'm telling the truth, so I won't talk nonsense anymore." Grandpa Liu was also scared to death. If the Zhou family really pissed them off, they would never be human again.

Aunt Liu's legs were no longer her own, and she could barely stand only by the support of two people. Her face was so pale that there was no trace of blood.

The Liu family would not shed tears if they did not see the coffin, and they would not be honest if they did not give it a color. They were frightened. Village Chief Zhou clasped his hands behind his back, but still had a kind face: "You can talk nonsense, anyway, our Zhou family does not have latrines, and the inventory is

A lot."

"We won't bully you!" How dare the Liu family's father, son, mother and son take the risk?

Internet slang says, "No matter how skilled you are, you are still afraid of being bitten by dogs." In rural areas, no matter how fierce the quarrel is, how thick-skinned, or how aggressive the person is, they are not afraid of anything, and they are not afraid of peeing.

To put it simply, we are not afraid of death, we are just afraid of shit.

There is no one who is not afraid of being poured with feces and urine, let alone being fed urine.

Being beaten to death would be embarrassing at most.

If someone is fed urine, that person will never be able to hold his head high again.

The Liu family still wants to be human beings, and would rather be called weak afterward than be fed the special "forfeit drink" by the Zhou family.

"Okay, let's hear what you have to say first." Village Chief Zhou relented generously and compassionately, and asked Zhou Xialong to come back.

Brother Zhou obeyed the order and returned to stand among the cousins.

The Zhou family had already divided the work, and when the main event came, the person responsible for recording had already taken out his mobile phone and was ready to record.

The young people of the Zhou family were ready. Village Chief Zhou asked the young people to let go of the Liu family. When he saw old man Liu and Liu Mougui squinting towards the road, as if calculating the possibility of escape, he laughed.

Want to run?

"You can also try to run, as long as you can ensure that you run fast enough and get out of Plum Village before we catch you.

You can also call the police while running, as long as you can ensure that you will not be caught by us before the public officials arrive."

The old village chief's tone was very calm when he spoke, not at all fierce. You can imagine the consequences if you are caught running away.

If the young people in the Zhou family dare to let go of the Liu family, they are not afraid of them running away. How many of the Liu family are either old guys or women, with three or two kittens, can they outrun a large group of them?

The Zhou family no longer bothered him. Liu Jiagui planned to run away immediately. When he heard Village Chief Zhou's words, he looked up and found that the Zhou family was staring at him leisurely. He was so frightened that he no longer dared to think about it.
Grandpa Liu initially thought about running away, but he gave up the idea when he heard the words that were clearly threats but did not contain any threatening words.

No one was holding her back anymore, Aunt Liu and Grandma Liu immediately ran to stand next to Liu Jiagui, and Grandpa Liu also stood over.

Liu Tong didn't move, looked at Zhou Tianming, and found that Zhou Tianming didn't look at him at all. Anxiety and regret rushed into his heart.

The Liu family are as honest as chickens, so Village Chief Zhou spoke: "Please tell me how you calculated Zhou Chunmei, and we will verify the truth and falsehood. If there is any discrepancy, please pray that you will never do it again in this life."

Will come to Jiudao."

The two elders of the Liu family, Liu Jiagui, originally wanted to shirk responsibility and try to let Liu Tong and the Li family bear the main responsibility. After understanding the hidden meaning of Village Chief Zhou's words, he was frightened for a while.

"When I tell you, I must tell the truth." Liu Jiagui was afraid that his sister would take away the opportunity. The Zhou family would think he was dishonest and would harass him, so he hurriedly said: "My family has never thought of taking care of Zhou Chunmei's marriage..."

The Liu family had never thought of interfering with Zhou Chunmei's dating and job matters. It was a relative of the Li family who mentioned that Li Yao wanted to find a partner. Liu Jiagui had done business with the Li family before and knew who Li Yao was.

He is divorced and has children.

Because the Li family is the richest family in Zhu County, Liu Jiagui heard that Li Yao wanted to find a partner and his requirements were not too high. Liu Jiagui was moved, discussed it with his family, and recommended his niece to relatives of the Li family.<


The relative of the Li family was the one who opened the clinic and asked Zhou Chunmei to work in the clinic. Later, Li Yao went to the clinic to meet Zhou Chunmei, and he agreed.

The Liu family did not tell Zhou Chunmei the true situation of Li Yao. When Li Yao negotiated with Zhou Chunmei and spent generously, they got a lot of red envelopes, so they were naturally willing to take on the important task of communicating with Liu Tong and promote the good of Li Yao and the Li family.

It wasn't until the Li family was about to formally propose marriage that the Liu family revealed to Liu Tong that Li Yao was married, and persuaded Liu Tong to help conceal the truth.

Liu Tong heard that Li was a second-generation rich man and that the Li family was a wealthy family, so he naturally joined in with his natal family and promoted Li Yao's virtues together, making Zhou Chunmei ignore Li Yao's age and appearance disadvantages.

Later, the Liu family's father and son, mother and son, worked together to persuade Liu Tong. When the man officially met his parents, they arranged to meet at the Liu family. All arrangements for marriage and other matters were arranged at the Liu family, and the wedding was also held at the Liu family.

Of course, for the Li family, they always said it was Zhou Xialong’s intention.

Because Liu Tong and Zhou Chunmei didn't have any brains, the Liu family didn't put any effort into making the girl obey them. From Zhou Chunmei's appointment of a partner, to the formal meeting between the parents of both parties, to the agreement on the wedding date and the wedding, all the steps were carried out according to the Liu family's instructions.

It’s okay, they’ll reap the benefits.

While Liu Jiagui was talking, Village Chief Zhou and everyone in the Liu family interrupted to ask questions from time to time. Grandpa Liu and Grandma Liu also occasionally added a few words.

At first, Liu Tong didn't speak, but when her parents and younger brother asked her to discuss things at any time, she could no longer remain silent and fought back fiercely.

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After going back and forth, the siblings, father and daughter, and mother and daughter refused to accept any one of them, and they became red-faced and red-faced.

Only Aunt Liu has been mute, as if she is an outsider and has never participated.

Liu Tong and her family were on the verge of turning against each other. The Zhou family just sat back and watched as they argued. When the argument broke out, the village chief asked them to stop talking nonsense and talk about the important points.

As an outsider, Zhou Chunmei listened to how her uncle, grandparents, and mother arranged her love and marriage, and she went from disbelief to almost collapse.

She always thought that her grandparents and uncles were the relatives who loved her the most, because her grandmother and father always said that she could not do this or that, and in her heart, her grandparents were closer than her grandmother, and her uncles were better than her father.

Unexpectedly, in order to get more red envelopes, my uncle and grandparents actually introduced themselves to Li Yao even though they knew he had been divorced twice and had children, and they kept it secret from themselves.

My mother always said that she was her own mother and would not harm her daughter, but in the end she chose to vent her anger on her with her grandparents and uncles and lie to her together.

In order to prevent her mother, father, and brother from ruining their plan for her to marry Li Yao, her mother and grandmother did not hesitate to let her father kick her out, just so that she could marry at her grandmother's house.

However, her mother, grandparents, and uncles, whom she thought were the closest to her, were not really kind to her. Zhou Chunmei’s sad tears couldn’t stop flowing.

She looked at her younger brother, who didn't even look at her. He looked at her father, who was holding another woman's hand, and looked at her grandma and Grandma Man and Grandma Ba. None of those people cared about her.

No matter how many times she watched it, no one in the Zhou family paid attention to her. For the first time, Zhou Chunmei felt that she had been abandoned and homeless. She stood in a daze, tears falling down.

No one in the Zhou family, young or old, knew that Zhou Chunmei was crying. No one paid attention to her. She had gone her own way and chose to listen to her uncle and grandma. Now she has to bear the consequences herself.

Liu Tong was arguing with her mother-in-law, and things that could have been said in about ten minutes were delayed until nearly half an hour.

The young and old of the Zhou family no longer want to deal with the Liu family and Liu Tong. There is no good person in that family!

After the Liu family finished speaking, Li Yao, who was an outsider, immediately confessed his innocence: "Father-in-law, grandma, and cousins ​​of the Zhou family, I am also a victim. I don't know that everything arranged by Grandma Chunmei has not been achieved."

Father-in-law and grandma agree.

My mother-in-law is the daughter-in-law of the Zhou family. I thought that my mother-in-law made the decision on behalf of the Zhou family. When my mother-in-law and the grandmothers of the Liu family made any requests, I thought she was conveying the wishes of my father-in-law and grandma, so I followed the arrangement and never bargained.<


After I got married to Chunmei, I learned that Chunmei’s marriage to the Liu family was not what my grandma and father-in-law meant. I immediately came back to apologize to my father-in-law and grandma and admit my mistake.

The house I gave as a bride price clearly stated that it was for honoring my father-in-law and my mother-in-law. I never said that the house was for honoring my mother-in-law alone.

My mother-in-law said that I promised to provide for her in her old age. This was also her one-sided statement. At first, she just said that if Tianming was not filial to her parents in the future, as her son-in-law and son-in-law, I would naturally have no objection to Chunmei providing for her parents in her old age. I had absolutely no promise to support Chunmei.


The Liu family's uncle and grandparents said that sending the bride price to the Liu family was just a formality and would be handed over to the father-in-law and mother-in-law. I didn't know that the Liu family said one thing and did another, and they secretly divided it up with the mother-in-law.

Betrothal gift.

I never thought that my mother-in-law would divorce my father-in-law because of the house, let alone that my mother-in-law would be so cruel as to sever the mother-child relationship with Tianming because of the house and money. I didn’t know that my mother-in-law and father-in-law were divorced until I heard Tianming tell her the day before yesterday.

It was my fault that things turned out like this, because I was divorced and worried that my father-in-law would not accept me as a son-in-law, so I did not dare to come to Plum Village to meet my parents, which led to others taking advantage of the loophole.

I only wanted to please my mother-in-law, thinking that as long as I made her happy, she would put in a nice word for me in front of my father-in-law and grandma. However, I didn’t expect that my mother-in-law and Uncle Liu’s family would become greedy and they would work together to deceive my father-in-law.

Things are coming.

As long as I have a thicker skin and come to Plum Village to meet the parents in person, no one will take advantage of me."

The old couple of the Liu family argued with Liu Jiagui and Liu Tong and tried their best to excuse themselves. However, they were intimidated by the wealthy status of the Li family and did not dare to shift the responsibility to the Li family.

Li Yao was different. With a simple statement, he pushed the matter onto his mother-in-law and the Liu family. Not only did he blame it completely, but he also made himself a victim.

To be honest, if the Zhou family had not heard the analysis of the handsome guys from Xiao Lele's bodyguards and roughly knew the purpose of Li's marriage to Chunmei, then they would have been fooled by Li's explanation.

Because the family was clear, no one in the Zhou family was surprised. The person Li wanted to embrace was Zhou Xialong. The Liu family members were worthless, so how could Li cover up the burden?

Liu Tong, Liu Jiagui, Grandpa Liu, and Grandma Liu heard what Li Yao said, and they couldn't refute it even if they didn't accept it.

Especially Grandpa Liu, Grandma Liu and Liu Jiagui, they used Zhou Xialong's banner to discuss various matters with him, but the fact was obvious and they didn't even say anything.

"Papa", after Li Yao finished speaking, Brother Zhou clapped his hands several times: "You are so eloquent, speaking better than singing!"

The Zhou family laughed and cheered each other with each other. This one said, "No, I almost believed him." "It's really a bad idea to believe him. This is the only way to talk the truth out of death."

The one who said, "No, if I didn't know the truth, I would have believed that he was a victim." "This is so true that it's just shocking.".

The reaction of the Zhou family was so...weird. Li Yao suffocated and sincerely admitted his mistake again: "Dad, grandma, it's not my fault at all. I have made you suffer. I already know where I went wrong. Go back."

I will handle the matter of my mother-in-law and the house later and give you a satisfactory explanation."

"You damn young man is fishing in troubled waters here. I have severed the father-daughter relationship with Zhou Chunmei, and have crossed out her name from the family tree. Zhou Chunmei is no longer a girl of the Zhou family.

Zhou Chunmei has removed her name from the Zhou family tree. Apart from her surname of Zhou, she has no connection with the Zhou family in Meizijing Village. Whoever comes to the Zhou family to have a random marriage, breaks his dog's legs if caught, and feeds him a few spoonfuls of old urine, will he be punished?

He is sober and sober."

Mr. Li was thick-skinned and wanted to take advantage of the opportunity. Brother Zhou immediately yelled back. He was not prepared to recognize Li Yao as his son-in-law in this life, so there was no need to leave a way out.

Zhou Chunmei was expelled from the Zhou family? Li Yao was so shocked: "Dad, Chunmei is your biological daughter, you..."

He wanted to ask, what outrageous thing did Zhou Chunmei do that made the Zhou family hate her so much that they even crossed out her name from the family tree?

Halfway through, he realized that he had no right to interfere with the Zhou family's housework.

"Those who don't understand human language are generally beasts. I don't have the same understanding as beasts." Up to now, Mr. Li still refused to give up and wanted to get married. Brother Zhou turned around and left: "Uncle Man, I went to the back of the house to scoop the shit.

, whoever tries to get married randomly again, you always ask Tianming to go up and slap him in the mouth."

Village Chief Zhou responded and looked at Mr. Li with a solemn and ruthless expression: "Mr. Li, why did you pay the price to marry Zhou Chunmei? The Liu family may not know the reason, but you, our Zhou family, everyone is

A blind man eats glutinous rice balls - he knows it well.

What do you want to do when you come up again and again? God knows and earth knows that you know and I know.

Our Zhou family are not all fools. Regarding Zhou Chunmei’s marriage, you know whether you are really that clean, and so do we.

We didn't go to the Liu family or settle accounts with you, because the moment Zhou Chunmei chose the Liu family, she was no longer a girl from our Zhou family. It has nothing to do with us what kind of person Zhou Chunmei married.

Zhou Chunmei has been removed from the Zhou family tree and has no relationship with our Zhou family in Meicun.

Let me make it clear today. You should never be sentimental again to gain a sense of presence. In addition to official business, you and Zhou Chunmei will come to Meicun to get close to each other. Once we meet, we will pour old yellow soup on you."

This chapter has been completed!
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