Chapter 434: Not bad

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 Brother Zhou only asked for three days' leave from Meng's wife when he divorced. Meng's wife returned to the small village on the 2nd, went to the village for a day on the 3rd, and went to the county town for an inspection on the 4th. Another day passed, so she should start work on the 5th.

Sister Meng had no energy. However, after she divorced Zhou Xialong, she had no one to rely on. She had to make money to support her children. She also had to keep her spirits up. She got up early on the morning of the 5th and rode her bicycle to report at the construction site of Jiudao Elementary School.

The supervisors and foremen of the construction company all knew that Zhou Xialong had broken up with Meng's wife, and had heard some rumors about the reason for the divorce. Although they felt that they knew people but not their hearts, they did not make things difficult for Meng's wife as a woman, nor did they make things difficult for her or deliberately seek out her.


People who worked in the same group as Mrs. Meng knew that Zhou Xialong was separated from her, and they were no longer as enthusiastic about her as before. Sometimes Mrs. Meng fell off work due to being distracted, and they no longer helped her share the workload.

Mrs. Meng also felt the changes in her co-workers. She endured the discomfort while working, and went to the cafeteria for lunch at noon. She smelled the oil and felt nauseous, so she ran to the trash can to vomit.

Brother Zhou was also in the canteen at the construction site. Someone saw Sister Meng vomiting and ran to find Brother Zhou and asked him: "Do you think Meng Lili is pregnant? You found out she was pregnant just after you divorced her. She must be yours."

, don’t you have to remarry?”

"It's impossible, Meng Lili can't be pregnant," Brother Zhou categorically denied: "I'm not planning to have another child. I've been taking birth control pills since I got married. If she really gets pregnant, it will be a big problem.


He explained the reason and said the reason again: "What's more, Xiao Lele also saw Meng Lili on the 2nd. How could Lele not tell whether she was pregnant? If Meng Lili was pregnant, let alone she was still pregnant at that time.

My mother-in-law, even if she were another woman, Lele would not touch a hair on her head."

"Oh, that's it." The worker understood and didn't ask Brother Zhou why he didn't want another child.

Brother Zhou didn't care whether Mrs. Meng would hear what he said about taking birth control pills, but he couldn't resist the enthusiasm of some workers, so during the lunch break, he told Mrs. Meng what he said.

When Sister Meng heard from others that Brother Zhou had been taking birth control pills, she felt aggrieved. Zhou Xialong had never thought of having a child with her?!

Her mother-in-law has been secretly urging her and Zhou Xialong to have another child, especially after Xiaoyan made the Le family dislike her.

The idea of ​​having another child.

She remembered that Zhou Xialong said that the pressure was too great and he didn't want to do it for the time being.

She thought that Zhou Xialong actually wanted to have a child because both Zhou Tianming and Xiaoyan were studying and the expenses were high, so they were worried about the pressure of having a child. However, she did not expect that Zhou Xialong had no idea of ​​having another child.

Feeling extremely uncomfortable, Mrs. Meng found a place to hide and cried all day long to vent her grievances and frustrations.

After crying bitterly, she washed her face and went to the foreman with red eyes, saying that she wanted to be transferred to work at No. 3 Middle School in the county and hoped to live in a dormitory on the construction site.

The foreman didn't give an answer, so he took Mrs. Meng to the project department of the construction company's supervisors and supervisors and asked her to talk to the superiors.

Supervisors and supervisors would not deliberately make things difficult for a woman, but when they heard that she wanted to live on the construction site, they were silent and their expressions clearly showed rejection.

The supervisor was silent for a while and asked: "You live on the construction site. After your daughter starts school, will she come to the work shed dormitory to live with you on weekends?"

Mrs. Meng didn't understand what the supervisor meant, so she answered honestly: "I think so. The county is too far away from home, and my daughter goes home several times during the weekends, which is a waste of fares. You can also save money if you come and squeeze in with me on the weekends."


"Here," the supervisor looked at his colleagues in the project department with a troubled look on his face: "If you want to be transferred to the County No. 3 Middle School to work, you have to rent a room. The work sheds and dormitories on our construction site only have seven or eight people per ten people.

If your daughter goes to live with you in the work shed dormitory on weekends, it will be hard to tell if one of the workers loses valuables."

Although the supervisor did not explicitly say that he was afraid that Xiaoyan would go to the work shed and commit another thief, the meaning was very clear. Mrs. Meng's brain was buzzing as if she had been struck by lightning, and her face suddenly turned pale.

Everyone on the construction site knows that Xiaoyan... stole the Le family's things, and they all regard Xiaoyan as a thief?

She stood and looked at her supervisor and the people in the project department, and felt that everyone was looking at her defensively.

"My not a thief." Mrs. Meng burst into tears and burst into tears.

"We're not sure if your daughter would be a thief if she went to the construction site dormitory, but it's a fact that she stole the Le family's things, and it's also a fact that she smashed millions of jade, right?"

The supervisor didn't hide it and said it bluntly: "Your daughter knows that jade is worth millions, but she dares to snatch it from you and smash it. What can't she do?

Your daughter went to the work shed dormitory. What if someone said something unpleasant to her, and she took revenge by stealing someone's things, or smashed the equipment on the construction site?

Putting aside the issue of compensation, if the equipment breaks down, delays the progress of the project, and cannot be completed as scheduled, how will our company explain it to the leaders of No. 3 Middle School and various departments, and how will we explain it to Miss Le?"

The supervisor's words were like hammers, hitting her heart one after another. Mrs. Meng's heart was riddled with holes and she was so painful that she couldn't breathe.

She couldn't refute it, because it was a fact that Xiaoyan took things from the Le family, and it was also a fact that she smashed millions of jade. No matter what she said, others would think she was quibbling.

Xiaoyan made a mistake once, and she may never be able to get rid of the stain of stealing.

Thinking that Xiaoyan would be criticized by others and bear the name of a thief in the future, Sister Meng's tears rolled down in clusters like broken beads.

"I only said a few words, but now you feel you can't bear it?" The supervisor looked at Mrs. Meng's tears as if they were bursting from the dam, and frowned: "I can tell you clearly that these things I said are minor, and you will be there in the future.


You don’t know what your daughter did in school. Your daughter became famous in No. 2 Middle School through the name of her cousin Le’s cousin. How arrogant and proud she was before will be how miserable she will be in the future.

If you allowed your daughter to misbehave in school before, you as a parent will naturally have to bear the consequences in the future. When others scold you and your daughter, the words they will use to scold you will only be ten times or a hundred times more severe than what I said today.

On the construction site of No. 3 Middle School and the construction site here in Jiudao, there are also several people whose children are studying in No. 2 Middle School. One of the children used to be very good with your daughter and took good care of your daughter. When she was a freshman in high school, because the school was far away from your home, she had to go to the No. 2 Middle School on weekends.

They all asked your daughter to live in her house, but your daughter repaid her kindness with hatred and even stole other people's things."

"No, my daughter has never stolen anything from others..." Mrs. Meng firmly refused to admit it, nor did she want to admit that her daughter had been a thief before.

The supervisor didn't say anything more. One of his colleagues interrupted: "If you shield your daughter, you won't admit it. No one here knows better than our supervisor Wu whether your daughter is a thief. Supervisor Wu was your daughter's best friend when she was a freshman in high school.

As the father of a classmate, your daughter basically stayed at Director Wu’s house when she didn’t go home on weekends during the first half of her freshman year of high school.”

A heavy blow hit Mrs. Meng so hard that she could hardly stand, her calves were trembling. She looked at the supervisor in disbelief, her mouth opened, but no sound came out.

She couldn't stop her tears before, but now, her tears were gone and she could not stop her tears, and she could not stop her tears. Big cold sweat covered her face densely.

There are beads of sweat flowing into the mouth, which is salty.

Tasting the salty taste, Mrs. Meng's blank brain was slowly filled with memories and reality. She almost wanted to run away, but her feet seemed to be rooted and she couldn't move.

Her heart felt like it was being grabbed by a hand, making it difficult to breathe. She stood there, as eager as a drowning person who had just managed to take a breath, and exhaled loudly. She took dozens of breaths in a row before she managed to recover.

She could no longer say that Xiaoyan was not a thief. With a pale face, she lowered her head and said in a dumb voice: "I'm sorry..."

"The hurt my daughter suffered because of your daughter and the heartache of being trampled on by others cannot be erased by just saying sorry. My daughter and your daughter are no longer good friends and have stopped interacting with each other for a long time. They will never interact with each other again in the future. You

Just be happy with your daughter."

Director Wu glanced at Aunt Meng with a complex expression and stopped looking at her. In the past, because the family conditions were better, he supported his children and showed compassion to his daughter, and helped Aunt Meng's daughter. Even though Li Xiaoyan stole a lot of things from their family, he

I don’t blame the child for not recognizing people clearly.

People, you have to suffer a lot before you realize that society is complicated and people’s hearts are sinister.

His children learned a lesson from Li Xiaoyan and gained knowledge. They no longer blindly feel that others are in difficulty. They will show their heart to others when their own conditions are better. Now they know that before helping others, they must distinguish between true and false.

Li Xiaoyan's incident taught his children a lesson and considered it a form of growth. Therefore, he knew that Meng Meng's mother was Li Xiaoyan's mother, and he did not seek fault because he was the director of the company, nor did he prevent the foreman from accepting Meng's temporary wife.


The little foreman who led Mrs. Meng into the office of the project department found that he had accidentally heard a secret. He felt bad and wanted to leave quickly. Supervisor Wu asked Mrs. Meng to take care of herself, so he hurriedly took the first step.

Mrs. Meng had a pale face, and she couldn't tell whether it was sourness or bitterness. She walked out of the project department with her head lowered. When she was outside and was exposed to the sun, she still felt a chill on her back.

She lowered her head and shed tears as she walked. After walking for a while, she suddenly realized that she had passed by. She turned back and walked towards the construction site.

Outside the construction site, Mrs. Meng looked at the empty surroundings. She lowered her head and went to the foreman's office. She once again found the foreman who managed her own work and told him that she wanted to rest for a few days and settle the previous accounts first.

For a moment.

The foreman also guessed that Mrs. Meng felt that she had no face to see others and was not going to do part-time work at the construction site. Naturally, he did not ask the reason, nor did he say anything to persuade her to stay, and asked her to come and collect her wages when she got off work.

In fact, Mrs. Meng's salary has been paid monthly since she married Zhou Xialong, and the settlement is only for the previous month, because the construction company settles the accounts in the first ten days of each month, and usually pays wages from the 12th to the 15th.

The wages for July have been calculated, and the account statement has not yet been sent to the bank. There is no need to calculate it again. The only thing that needs to be calculated is the wages of two days of temporary workers in August.

Mrs. Meng talked about the settlement with the foreman, and worked hard in the afternoon. When the work was finished in the evening, she went to the foreman to get her wages, and then rode her bicycle back to the small village in silence.

This chapter has been completed!
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