Chapter 446: Reacting

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 Principal Yin blamed himself for not being a good matchmaker. Knowing that Zhou Xialong had married a new wife made him feel better.

Also because Mr. Chao and Mr. Yan persuaded him, he gradually started to look away. Just as Mr. Chao and the others said, it would be better for Li Xiaoyan to cause a big problem, which would allow the Zhou family to happily cut off their relationship.

If Zhou Xialong gets divorced, people will think that the Zhou family is unkind.

The little girl and the old ladies were not at home, and Young Master Yan took over the kitchen work. He cooked a vegetable and a soup for noon, and heated up two medicinal dishes. The lunch was very sumptuous.

The most important thing is that I drank the wine made by Xiao Loli at noon. Although only five people drank a pound of wine, the wine was so good that it made me feel comfortable all over.

Soothed by good wine, Principal Yin was in a happy mood.

After lunch and drinking tea to strengthen the stomach, Mr. Yi ran to pick up a game of Go, and the four elderly people played chess.

When classmate Le returned home, he saw the four elders sitting around the table in deep thought. Foodie Yan sat aside and watched the tigers fight. He also held a large cattail leaf fan and fanned himself out, which was particularly leisurely and comfortable.

That picture is quite beautiful.

The four people who were thinking hard in front of the chessboard stopped fighting when they saw the newlyweds in wedding clothes behind the little girl.

Principal Yin was a little embarrassed when he saw Uncle Zhou and his new wife.

Brother Zhou called the old principal and introduced his new wife.

After hearing the introduction, Principal Yin learned that the new daughter-in-law of the Zhou family was the daughter recognized by Granny Cao. He was quite emotional and said a few words of blessing, without mentioning a word about his matchmaking, so as not to upset the bride.

Brother Zhou took his new wife to express his gratitude to the old principal and wanted to invite the old principal to Zhou's house for dinner in the evening. The old principal declined, and they did not force him. They gave the return gift to the old principal and hurried back to Zhou's house to greet his parents.

The old principal received the return gift from the Zhou family, sat there for a while, and then returned to school.

After the old man left, Mr. Chao of Yi Laoyan, Li Zhao and Young Master Yan went to the fields under the scorching sun to continue harvesting rice.

The Cao family members who brought the marriage to the Zhou family sat for half an hour after Zhou Xialong returned and said goodbye collectively.

Cao Qingyue and Cao Bingyue left with the army. Cao Bingyue knew that she could live on both sides in the future. When she missed her mother, she would come to Zhou's house, and when she missed her grandma, she would go back to her own home. She didn't cry or make a fuss, and followed her sister obediently.

The Zhou family members formed a group to see each other off, and sent them all the way out of the village. As for sending a car, sending a car would take a long way around, and it would be closer on foot. Therefore, the Cao family crossed the street and took a small path back to Granny Cao's house.
Only the vehicle that received the dowry carried some return gifts and circled back to Cao's house.

There were more than thirty tables at Grandma Cao's house at noon. After the banquet, the Cao family packed up the borrowed tables and chairs and sent them back to the owners. When the bride-to-be came back, they distributed the gifts, and those who were further away went back to their respective homes, next to Grandma Cao.

The Cao family living there helped with the remaining things for the party.

The Zhou family sent off the Cao family and were busy packing their belongings. Chen Dalian and others went to Lejia to carry the brine that Lejia used to braise the meat in the past few days to Cheng Youde's home, and made all the meat left over from the banquet into braised pork.


No matter how busy others are, Mr. Le Xiao will teach his younger brother on time at two o'clock in the afternoon.

The three old men and two young men who were harvesting rice were so busy that they finally cut all the rice and went home at about four o'clock. They worked non-stop. At the same time, they carried the electric threshing machine to the roof of the building to thresh the rice ears and sifted it several times with a windmill.

Clean up the grain shavings and dead grain.

Le Yun was deeply moved by the dedication of the old and young men who helped harvest the rice. She cooked some delicious dishes in the evening to comfort their stomachs.

Le's father Zhou Qiufeng, Liu Lu and others helped Zhou's family in the afternoon and took care of everything. They had dinner in the evening before going back to their respective homes.

The day Brother Zhou married his wife was August 14 of the New Calendar, the seventh day of the seventh lunar month.

It is said that this day is the day when the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl meet on the Magpie Bridge. China's Qixi Festival was also called Qiqiao Festival, Qiqiao Festival or Seventh Sister's Birthday in ancient times. Modern young people also call it Chinese Valentine's Day.

Every year on Chinese Valentine's Day, countless men and women in the Great Empire get married, but of course there are also countless people whose relationships break up because of this.

Du Miaoshu didn't have a boyfriend, so she didn't have any special feelings about the Chinese Valentine's Day. Because it was a Saturday, she originally wanted to have a meal with her brother. Unexpectedly, she received a call from a colleague at the company in the morning, asking her to go to a certain scenic spot.

To be honest, she was so confused that she almost thought she had dialed the wrong number. That person was the director of the company's business department. His surname was Xue and his name was Xue Yunlang.

Because of her work needs, she has a lot of contact with people.

She felt that although she and Director Xue got along very well, it was only in terms of work. Even if they went to have dinner three or two times a month, it was just to talk about work, and there was no friendship in private.

The confused student Du's first reaction was to refuse. If Supervisor Xue asked him to go hiking at another time, it would be fine, but it would be too easy for people to misunderstand if the Chinese Valentine's Day saves people to go hiking.

However, before she said her refusal, the other party explained the reason and said that he had been in Han City for a few years and had not visited the local attractions. His colleagues either went back to be with their wives and children, or were with their girlfriends, or they were not familiar with them at all. After much deliberation,

In the end, Yu was relatively familiar with her and knew that she didn’t have a boyfriend yet, so it was better to team up with two singles to have fun.

Manager Xue's reason was such that Du Miaoshu couldn't refuse. The main reason was because Manager Xue had given her a lot of tips and care at work, which had saved her from many detours. Now she wanted to find someone to climb the mountain with.

If she refuses, it would seem too unkind.

Manager Xue doesn’t have a girlfriend, nor does he have a boyfriend. Climbing a mountain and visiting a park shouldn’t cause any trouble.

After convincing herself, Du Miaoshu packed up a small backpack, took along identification documents, a water bottle and a change of clothes, checked her wallet, put on a sun hat and set off.

She didn't have much cash in her wallet, so she first went to an ATM on the street to withdraw 2,000 yuan, and then sent a message to Manager Xue saying that she had packed it up and arranged a meeting place.

Le Xiaoniu said that when getting along with friends, you must be polite and courteous in order to win people's respect. No matter what the reason is, you cannot make true friends by always taking advantage and letting others spend money. Even if you are in love, you cannot always feel at ease.

Let the other party spend money.

Du Miaoshu felt that she and Director Xue could only be regarded as colleagues. They used to treat each other to dinner, and this time was no exception. With the spare money in her wallet, she felt more secure.

She sent a message to arrange a meeting place, and then went to the scheduled bus stop. On the way, she bought a piece of fruit from a fruit shop and stuffed it into her backpack. She went to the waiting point first and waited under the street tree.

Classmate Du only waited for seven or eight minutes, and Supervisor Xue also arrived.

Xue Yunlang is from the southern province of H. He has the same characteristics as all northern men. He is tall and straight, 1.81 meters in length, and looks good. His facial contours are relatively soft, and he is a stable and handsome man who is good-looking.

He is twenty-nine years old and is also an older single. Among the single men in the company, he is the second most popular man. The first most beautiful man is the 26-year-old son of the vice president. Although he is not as good-looking as Xue, he is

There is a vice president dad who is very popular among single women.

Xue Yunlang was on the street when he called. He made an appointment with Du Miaoshu and quickly went to the supermarket. He bought snacks and drinks and put them in a backpack with double shoulder straps, and then went to meet up.

When he found the bus stop, he saw a girl wearing a light brown casual shirt with a high ponytail. He couldn't help but smile. Xiao Du, whether she was at work or on vacation, always wore light makeup, and her whole person was fresh and clean.


"Xiao Du, I've kept you waiting for a long time." Seeing the girl looking over, Xue Yunlang jogged a few steps closer.

"No, I just arrived too." Du Miaoshu was puzzled when she saw Manager Xue's people. Today, Manager Xue was wearing dark ink trousers, a red shirt, and a tie.

In addition, her hair clearly looks like she has had her hair styled, her face is clean shaven, and her leather shoes are polished to a shiny shine. It looks like she has been specially dressed up.

Aren't you going to go hiking? Why are you dressed so formally?

To be honest, Du Miaoshu said that she didn’t understand what kind of medicine was being sold in Manager Xue’s gourd. She had seen Manager Xue’s meticulous clothes when discussing business with others, and she had also seen him being too busy with business to shave and have a stubble on his face, and his clothes were careless.

The slovenly look.

She was surprised that he was going on a trip, but he was dressed in a formal style, and it was hard to ask. She couldn't ask, "You are dressed so formally, are you ready to discuss business at any time?"

I was embarrassed to ask why I was dressed so formally, so I just pretended that I didn’t notice anything, waited for the bus, got on the bus, and set off towards my destination.

Xue Yunlang walked behind Du Miaoshu. There was a seat on the bus, so he also sat on the corridor, leaving Du Miaoshu to sit by the window.

After taking a bus for a while, then transferring to the subway, and taking another bus, the two of them arrived at their intended destination - the tourist ecological zone in the most famous East Lake Park in Han City.

Han University in E Province is right next to East Lake. Some of the school’s buildings and campus attractions are part of the attractions of East Lake Park.

When Du was a college student, he visited some of the famous scenic spots in East Lake. Later, when his younger brother studied at Han University, he and his younger brother went there again, visiting some places two or three times.

Cun Miaoshu was very happy to revisit her old place again, and she also visited one of the scenic spots in her alma mater, and happily acted as a guide.

It was Chinese Valentine's Day, and there were a lot of couples. Young men and women could be seen chatting about each other everywhere. The atmosphere was so ambiguous that it would definitely make singles feel awkward and want to find a partner right away and show off their affection.

Classmate Du Miaoshu, however, was very calm, without the embarrassment or discomfort of being single at all. She happily traveled around the mountains and rivers, and introduced some anecdotes about the history of certain scenic spots to Director Xue.

Miss Xiao Du was not embarrassed as a girl walking on a road full of couples. Xue Yunlang didn't feel embarrassed either and followed Miss Du.

Since we are going to climb a mountain, we must not fall off the mountain. The two happily climbed the most famous Moshan Mountain in the park.

Halfway through the climb, Xue Yunlang was out of breath, but Du Miaoshu was relaxed.

The two stopped and walked, and after a lot of effort, they finally climbed to the top of the mountain, wandered around for a while, and found a place to sit and rest under a big tree with a wide view and no one was occupied by a couple.

After resting for a while, Xue Yunlang drank water and took out snacks to share. While eating snacks and looking at the scenery, he sighed: "Xiao Du, I have to learn from you in the future. No matter whether it is cold or hot, I insist on getting up early and doing morning exercises to improve my physical fitness."

"Yeah, running in the morning is good for your health." Du Miaoshu agreed very much: "Director Xue, you are too busy at work and often have irregular work and rest schedules, which is not good for your health."

"When did you start doing morning exercises?"

"Starting in high school, I actually didn't form good habits at first. Later, my deskmate woke me up every day at midnight and grabbed me to do morning exercises. I was forcefully forced to develop the habit of morning exercises.

Although I used to be so angry when the girl at my desk grabbed me when I was running in the morning no matter how cold or hot it was, I can’t thank her enough now. The girl at my desk is indispensable for my good health.”

Every time she thought of her classmate Le Xiaoniu in high school, she was dragged out of bed to run in the cold wind in the middle of winter, and Du Miaoshu wanted to curse. Do you think what Le Xiaoniu did was a human thing?

After three years of training, she formed a habit of running every morning when she was in college. She persisted and persisted until now, but there are benefits. Others often catch colds every autumn and winter, but she didn't even sneeze all year round.
"I feel that if your deskmate were a boy, you would have promised me long ago." Xue Yunlang joked.

"Well, this is probably not possible. I like boys who are older than me. Boys younger than me are immature and don't engage in sibling relationships, so if the girl at the same table is a boy, she is most likely to take advantage of her."<


Classmate Du answered without hesitation. Xue Yunlang's eyes lit up and he was full of energy and asked calmly: "How many years older than you is your ideal boyfriend?"

"Three to five years older. There is a generation gap of three years, and the age gap of one and a half generations is the most suitable." Du Miaoshu thought for a while and honestly stated the age of her ideal partner.

Xue Yunlang pretended to be casual and asked: "Can I be older? I'm six or seven years older than you."

Manager Xue's question was a bit strange, but Du Miaoshu didn't think much about it and said bluntly: "It's hard to say, it depends on the person. Sometimes you like people, and you may not worry about whether they are four or five years older or five or six years older.<


Manager Xue, when you ask this, are you trying to introduce me to my boyfriend?"

Xiao Du finally had the slightest reaction. Xue Yunlang moved away seriously and faced the straight girl: "I really want to introduce you to a boyfriend, and you also know that person."

Du Miaoshu was originally joking, but she didn't expect that Manager Xue really wanted to introduce her boyfriend to her. She was shocked and embarrassed: "Director Xue, this, I... don't think it's suitable for me-"

The girl was at a loss, so Xue Yunlang chased after her and asked, "You haven't asked who the other person is, how do you know she's not suitable?"

Du Miaoshu was so embarrassed that she had no choice but to ask: "Director Xue, who is the person in the company you introduced?"

"I'm introducing Xue Yunlang." Xue Yunlang took over the conversation very quickly and introduced seriously: "Xue Yunlang, a native of Hnan Province, is twenty-nine years old, 1.86 meters tall, smokes occasionally, and also

I know how to drink, have no addiction to cigarettes or alcohol, and have no bad habits.

The man's father divorced his mother when he was fifteen due to an affair with his old love. In the same year, his mother committed suicide and died because of the truth about the divorce. The man and his father have severed the relationship between father and son.

After the man turned fifteen, he was raised by his uncle. His grandmother and grandfather are still alive, and the old people are supported by his uncles. The man’s family is simple, one person has enough to eat and the whole family is not hungry. There is no other financial pressure. He has a deposit of 310,000.

The above is my family situation."

This chapter has been completed!
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