Chapter 458: Selling at a Low Price

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 After leaving Chen Dalian's house, little Loli was speechless all the way. Yan Xing knew that she was very angry about her aunt, so he didn't bother her.

The rain was heavier than in the morning, and it made a crackling sound on the umbrella. The sound was dense and rhythmic.

The first rain after the beginning of autumn alleviates the heat. The plants are refreshed by the rain after a long drought, and they are very energetic after absorbing the water.

If the reasons for the little Loli's going out and her mood problems are excluded, it is undoubtedly a very pleasant thing to accompany the little Loli for a walk in the rain.

The little Lolita was in a bad mood, so Yan Xing naturally had no thoughts and quietly walked slowly along the dripping cement road.

After walking a section of cement road and then a section of natural dirt road, we returned to the main branch road of the village next to Lejia House.

The two walked back to Lele's house, and the old ladies discovered that Xiao Lele had actually gone out. Seeing that the embroidered shoes worn by the cute little dumpling were soaked, they quickly helped the shoe hunter find shoes and the one who wiped his hair wiped his hair.

The little Lolita was taken care of meticulously. Yan Xing, who was treated like nothing, lowered his head and looked at his shoes that were soaked in water and his clothes that were muddy from holding the Chen family's little baby. He was filled with melancholy. He is also a child.

, no one hurt him, how miserable!

Feeling sorry for himself for a second, Yan Xing silently went upstairs, found his clothes and shoes and took a shower. Feeling refreshed, he went to make a pot of tea.

Old Yan and Old Yan knew whose house the little girl had gone to, but their spiritual consciousness couldn't reach that far, not to mention it was a rainy day, so naturally they didn't know what happened at Chen Dalian's house.

When the two elders saw Yan Xiaozi making a pot of tea and sitting down, they asked what happened.

The affairs of Chen Dalian’s family were not some secret that could not be told. Yan Xing did not hide it and briefly told the affairs of Chen Dalian’s family.

Yi Laoyan always despises a certain old man. People's hearts are biased, and parents will inevitably prefer a certain child. But that man's heart is biased, so it is no wonder that he will be punished by the little girl.

Before they finished speaking, Le Xiao went upstairs. He was not in a hurry to write a diagnosis report and discussed the matter with Yan Chihuo: "Can you find someone to help me keep an eye on that old guy? I want to know how he is connected with the Huang family."


"The eccentric father of your father's brother is a lackey of your enemy Huang family?" Yi Laoyan understood instantly and caught the key point instantly.

"Yes, he has such a close relationship with the Huang family that he has been bribed a long time ago. It was the Huang family who arranged an informant in Meizijing Village to keep an eye on my grandfather and my family, and wrote a letter to my uncle and grandfather saying that my grandma was having a difficult delivery.

He is the one who died.

Moreover, that old guy took the benefits from the Huang family and kidnapped my aunt with another person. That old guy might tip off the Huang family, and the two elders and Senior Brother Li may have to worry about it in the future." Le Yun said.

He didn’t hide anything and told the undoubted facts.

"We will pay attention." Mr. Yan also understood the little girl's worries. The little girl was worried that the Huang family knew something and would find allies to do evil to the Le family.

"Little Lolita, your aunt hasn't been found yet. If his true identity is revealed, he might tip off the enemy. Why are you still trying to alert him?"

Yan Xing was very surprised. Little Loli and her grandma had endured for so long without breaking the window paper. Why did she suddenly poke a bamboo pole?

"Actually, what I said today is half true. Some people did see that old man and that woman taking away my aunt, but no one saw that person selling my aunt to a kidnapper.

Without direct evidence, my father and I can't do anything to him. What's more, the Huang family is always keeping an eye on the Le family. In order to protect my father's seedlings from any mishaps, they can only endure it.

I have always suspected that my aunt's loss was closely related to the Huang family. I deceived him today, and he had a guilty conscience. Once he defrauded me, he exposed the truth and exposed the matter himself."

"You said that your aunt has a clue, but you are also half-truth?" Yan Xing was stunned. When the little Lolita was chatting with someone, her expression and breath were steady. It was clear that she was confident and had solid evidence. Who could?

Do you think she is actually just scamming people?

Mentioning the girl who didn't know whether she was alive or dead, Le Yun lowered her eyelids: "Since the Huang family has done such unscrupulous things, they will definitely not be able to treat my aunt well. My aunt will not survive if she falls into the hands of the Huang family. My grandfather has always been

Not erecting a tomb is just to paralyze the Huang family, making the Huang family think that my father is afraid and never dare to think about him again, and also to prevent the Huang family from attacking my father again."

"Perhaps, it's not certain that the person is still alive." Mr. Yi didn't know how to comfort the little girl, and the reasons he gave couldn't convince even himself.

"Basically I have given up all hope." Le Yun felt a sense of pain in her heart: "If my aunt is still alive, the Huang family will definitely negotiate terms with me based on this. They did not bring my aunt's matter to negotiate with me, which shows that

They were gone long ago, and they didn’t dare to let me know that they were behind the scenes, so they had no choice but to hide it.

Even the things that the Huang family snatched from my grandfather's hands may not be in the hands of Huang Zhichang and Wu. Otherwise, the Huang family could ask some families or sects in the ancient world to mediate.

, as long as the ancestral belongings of my family are returned and an apology is made, even if reconciliation cannot be achieved, at least it will not be a life-and-death situation."

"That's right." Mr. Yi Laoyan also agreed. If the Le family's aunt is still alive and the things that the Huang family stole are still in their hands, the Huang family will have enough bargaining chips, because the people and things are gone.

There is no way to start peace talks with any bargaining chip.

In the past, the Huang family secretly attacked the children of the Le family, which was unfair. They deserved it if the Huang family was exterminated.

Therefore, the two elders did not ask any more questions. They only needed to protect the Le family couple and Xiao Leshan, and the little girl would handle the other matters.

Leyun did not hide from Mr. Yi Laoyan about her aunt being assassinated by the Huang family, in order to let the two elders know that Mr. Huang Zhichang was a person who would do anything to achieve his goals, so be careful.

After explaining the incident, I no longer worried about the collusion between Chen Wu and the Huang family, and continued to write the medical report.

Brother Zhou was packing things at Grandma Cao's house. He received a call from Liu Lu and found out what happened at Chen Dalian's house. Liu Lu also went home at noon and stopped by to see Tian Shui. He only heard from people near Chen Dalian's house.


Knowing that Chen Dalian was beaten by his eccentric father, Brother Zhou made an appointment with Liu Lu and several buddies to visit Chen Dalian's house after lunch to make sure that the buddies were okay, so they felt relieved.

The buddies also knew that Chen Dalian wanted to invite the quarrelsome family to dinner tomorrow, because Brother Zhou had to help Granny Cao clean up the house. Liu Lu, Cheng Youde, and Zhang Poluo helped Chen Dalian prepare some things for the treat.

Cheng Youliang went to his brother's house for something, and Cheng Youde went to Chen Dalian's house on time in the morning at No. 18 Zhang Poluo Liu Road to help kill chickens and ducks, make stewed elbows and other dishes.

Classmate Le Xiao also went to Uncle Big Face's house on time to give Chen Xiaozhu acupuncture. It was almost eleven o'clock when he finished the acupuncture. By the way, he also gave Chen Dalu acupuncture, which solved the old man's foot pain and left him a meal at noon.

The rain was not heavy in the morning of the 18th. In the afternoon, the light rain turned to heavy rain or heavy rain. It continued all night and lasted until midnight on the 19th, that is, it finally stopped slowly in the early morning of the 20th.<


It has been raining for several days, and the river water has surged. The river flowing through Jiudao has also turned into a yellow dragon, and the turbid river water is rolling down with an astonishing momentum.

It has been raining for many days. Even if it clears up, the school construction site cannot start work for the time being. We have to wait for the moisture to subside before work can be done. Therefore, there is still no work on the morning of the 20th.

Brother Zhou took the opportunity to help Granny Cao carry things and transported some of the luggage to the Zhou family. However, the livestock were not taken to the Zhou family and were still kept in place. A member of the Cao family asked Granny Cao to set up a temporary stove at her house to cook pig food.


While Brother Zhou was helping Granny Cao pull things, Mrs. Meng and Granny Li took Li Xiaoyan up from the village at midnight, rushed to Xiang Street, and went straight to the junior high school to find Principal Yin.

Starting from the bustling wedding day in the Zhou family, Mrs. Meng took her children to the market, and based on the targets she selected, she went to the school to talk to the leaders about transferring to another school.

The leaders of the first school first heard that a parent wanted to transfer their children to another school. They heard that their children had good grades, so they were quite patient. When they asked where the children had studied before and knew the names of the students, they unanimously concluded that the students' grades did not meet the school's requirements.

We will politely refuse the request due to the specified transfer requirements.

It doesn’t matter if you hit a wall at the first place, aren’t there alternatives?

Mrs. Meng went to the second school and the third school. The attitudes and reasons for rejection of the latter two schools were similar to the first school. They didn't say no at first. It wasn't until she knew who the person who wanted to transfer was that she no longer understood the situation.

Give no.

After running through the three schools she selected, she got the same answer. No matter how slow Mrs. Meng was, she still figured out the secret. She was afraid that some schools had heard about it and would not accept Xiaoyan.

I visited three schools in different areas in one day. Each school did not have direct access to the decision-making leaders, which took a lot of time. Therefore, I visited three places and the day passed.

Sister Meng had no choice but to take her children back to Fang County to rent a house. It rained the next day and there was no work at the construction site, which made it convenient for her to continue looking for a school in the city.

On the way, she received a call from Li Xiaoyan's class teacher, asking her to take Li Xiaoyan back to school to negotiate a solution. She delayed the child's mood because she wanted to wait a few days before sending her back to school.

Taking her children to Shishi again, Mrs. Meng went to two schools that were not among her alternatives, and the results she got were still the same as those she got yesterday.

Unwilling to give up, she went to a school that didn't have a particularly good reputation, but was rejected in the same way. She went to a school with the highest rankings, and was rejected even more simply.

When she was rejected by the school for the fourth time, Li Xiaoyan burst into tears when she walked out of the school office.

After two days of tossing and running around, Mrs. Meng was exhausted and had no extra energy to coax the child, so she silently took the child by car back to Fang County.

After being rejected by many schools in a row, Mrs. Meng's heart was as gloomy as the weather, but she still did not give up. She went to the best No. 1 Middle School in the city to find the leader. On the way to Changshi No. 1 Middle School, she received a call from the teacher of the No. 2 Middle School.

, she still used dragging words to blur the past.

Li Xiaoyan's performance in Shishi No. 1 Middle School can only be found in the middle and upper reaches of the downstream. The leaders of Shishi No. 1 Middle School took a look and said in one sentence - they did not meet the conditions.

This chapter has been completed!
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