Chapter 522 Self-defeating

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 Young Master Yan and Young Master Liu originally wanted to be little tails and follow the little Lolita to the paradise, but the Little Lolita sternly refused, and she asked them to go back to spend time with their relatives during the holidays.

Yan Shao and Liu Shao, who didn't need to be a follower, also followed the little Loli's advice, packed up and went home to accompany their elders and comfort their glassy hearts.

Student Le Xiao returned to the park with a stack of information and things on the plane. He first unloaded the items in the cabin. There were few small items, most of which were glutinous rice and rice.

It was nearly five o'clock when she returned to the park. The young people of the Zhou family and the Ji family were already busy in the kitchen, while the young people in their twenties from the Hua family and the Xuan family left the park in a rented car at 4:30 pm and went to the reserved place in advance to wait.

Pick up the goods at night.

The young people who were cooking in the Ji family and the Zhou family did not need to help unload the goods. The owner Ayu, the headmaster Li and others did not go to help. They did the carpentry work first, until the young people over there finished unloading the goods, they also stopped work and took a rest, and chatted with the young people.

The little girl drinks tea and chats.

Major General Xuan told Little Loli in detail about Huang Mouchang's visit to his home that day. He also knew that Huang Mouchang suddenly fainted after leaving the teahouse and was sent to the hospital by passers-by, so he did not inquire about other details.
When Mr. Xuan and others discussed the purpose of Huang Zhichang's visit to Beijing, the client was still lying unconscious in the hospital.

Chi Shisi worked with his teammates to hypnotize Huang Zhichang, but they did not do anything dirty. Huang Zhichang's unconsciousness was due to his own physical reasons.

Hemophilia does not kill people immediately, but it is overwhelming when it comes to tormenting. Huang Zhichang was seriously injured when his ancestral grave exploded. In addition, his family and work have plummeted. He has experienced ups and downs. No matter how well he takes care of himself, he is actually a strong person but a capable person.


He was originally a strong man but was hospitalized some time ago due to an outbreak of hemophilia due to excessive emotions. Both physically and mentally, he was at the end of his rope.

For example, Huang Zhichang, who was at the end of the Qiang Dynasty, went to Beijing with the courage to break the boat, hoping to reconcile with the Xuan family and temporarily reconcile with the Le family to buy time for his family to grow and grow, but in the end he suffered another heavy blow.

Xuanjia conveyed his news about Lejia's discovery of the murderer and the person behind the abduction and trafficking of Leya. Even if it did not give Huang Zhichang a fatal blow, it was enough to make him collapse for a period of time.

Huang Zhichang, who was already not in good health, was severely hit physically and mentally. Huang Zhichang was exhausted mentally and physically, reaching the edge of collapse. When he was mentally depressed, he suffered a wave of hypnosis, which undoubtedly made things worse for him. He has been in a coma since he was admitted to the hospital.

After Chi Shishi underwent hypnosis, he and his teammates sent Huang Zhichang to the hospital for "treatment." In order to save unnecessary trouble in the future, they also called the police. The authorities found Huang Zhichang's identity information and contacted his youngest son to be admitted to the hospital for care.
Huang Maocheng, who was ordered by his father not to follow him, went where he wanted to go. After receiving a call from the hospital and the police, he rushed to the hospital to sign and pay the hospitalization deposit. Because he also knew that his father was also a hemophilia patient, he naturally had no doubts about it.

The passers-by and the driver who sent his father to the hospital have nothing but gratitude.

I don’t know what my father was doing in Beijing. Huang Maocheng didn’t tell his old mother and brothers that his father was hospitalized again, and he stayed in the hospital to take care of him.

Classmate Le Xiao knew about Huang Lao Zamao's current situation and did not reveal Yan Handsome's attack on Lao Zamao. He chatted with the monks for a while and cooked a steamed fish.

Boss Ayu, Boss Li and others who were rushing to work had dinner and only sat down for half an hour to do carpentry work. Le Xiaoluoli was tutoring Luke in his homework. The handsome guys from the Ji family and Zhou family watched with interest.<


Little Loli tutored Luke on his homework for two hours, flew a small plane, and took Young Master Xuan and Young Master Hua out to meet the handsome guys from the Xuan and Hua families who had gone to the reservation point in advance.

The handsome guys from the two families drove their cars to a remote area on the outskirts of the capital that few people passed by. More than twenty cars lined up in an orderly manner.

The young people brought dry food and had dry food for dinner.

Le Xiaoluoli parked the plane out of sight of the motorcade, and walked to the motorcade with Xuan Shao and Hua Shao. They checked the safety measures as usual. She took out two boxes of bread and chicken feet with pickled peppers, and shared the bad fish with the handsome guys.

Just go to the fleet and transfer various materials from the storage containers into the truck body.

Food comes first, and Young Master Xuan Shaohua no longer follows the little beauty as a tail, they stick in the crowd and happily grab chicken feet and bad fish.

The handsome guys were just eating bread, eating chicken feet and bad fish that could be eaten as snacks. They were so happy that they wouldn't trade it for the village chief.

There are a total of twenty-five transport vehicles, and the largest trailer can carry a weight of 35 tons. In order not to waste material and manpower, Lexiao students truly make the best use of the material, so that the loading capacity of each vehicle reaches close to the load limit.


After Xuan Shao Hua Shao and the young people finished eating the delicious food, they were all in high spirits. They also went to work, tying the goods on some vehicles and covering them with rain-proof awnings. They were very busy.

It was tiring to use mental power to transfer items from the storage container. Le Xiaoxiao loaded the cargo, rested first, and then transferred another piece of cargo. Then he drove the helicopter to the scene and tied the cargo to the outside of the helicopter.

Hook it up.

After finishing the tail work, the handsome guys tried the car again, and were not in a hurry to return. They held a communication meeting in the helicopter cabin to exchange cultivation experiences and talk about the mountains.

The little loli contributed a jar of bad duck feet, gnawing snacks and gossiping with the handsome guys.

We stayed in the suburbs until three o'clock in the morning, and then everyone broke up the party. The handsome guys climbed into the cab and drove back to the park.

Mr. Xuan Shaohua also followed the convoy to escort the car. Little Loli drove the helicopter with the cargo one step ahead. It only took her ten minutes to return to the paradise.

After parking the helicopter, Le Xiaoxiao just pushed open the door of the cab and smelled the smell of gas. It should be said that it was the smell of natural gas.

The main chemical components of natural gas and coal gas are different, and some people do not distinguish them so carefully. Whether it is coal gas or natural gas, they are both called coal gas, or just gas.

There are gas pipelines in cities, and natural gas is used for heating and household gas pipelines.

Whether it is natural gas or coal gas, it is safe when used normally. A leak will cause death by suffocation, or carbon monoxide poisoning.

There is a smell of natural gas in the air, which should not be underestimated.

Le Yun jumped to the ground, closed the door of the helicopter cockpit, and sniffed the air again. She quickly determined the direction. The smell of natural gas came from the east direction of the paradise.

It was quiet all around, and most of the residents were in deep sleep. Even if you listened carefully, you could only hear the heartbeat and breathing of people, which were relatively steady.

After Duowen sniffed, Le Yun's face changed drastically, and she ran to the guard room where Brother Fu lived, and slammed the door: "Brother Fu, Brother Fu, get up quickly, it's urgent!"

Brother Fu knew that the outgoing convoy would not return until midnight, so he slept as usual at night. When the helicopter came back, he woke up due to the vigilance he had developed over the years. He analyzed that the little girl was back, so he lay down and didn't move.

When the little Lolita knocked on the door, he sat up in a flash, touched the light switch and turned on the light, and responded: "Little beauty, what's wrong?"

"Brother Fu, there is a natural gas leak in a residential house in the east. You can smell it in the park. It is very likely that people will be poisoned. Please call the police quickly. I will go back and get the medicine box to save people." Le Yun heard Brother Fu respond and explain the reason.

, turned around and rushed towards the west courtyard.

Hearing that there was a natural gas leak, Brother Fu didn't even have time to put on his clothes. He picked up the mobile phone on his pillow and called the police station closest to the park. When the line was connected to the police station, he explained the whole story in the most concise tone.

The police station was shocked when they received the call, and an emergency police team was dispatched quickly.

The disciples of Guanyin Hall, Master Ayu and others worked overtime until they finished work before eleven o'clock and returned to the big study to meditate. When the little girl came back, the monks also recovered from their trance.

Their sense of smell was not as sensitive as the little girl's, but the smell of the air was not as fresh and good as before. When they heard the little girl say that there was a gas leak in a resident's house in the east, they suddenly understood and stood up one after another, and took some from the box in the corner.

They grabbed their own flashlights and ran to the front porch, waiting to follow the little girl to help.

Student Le Xiao rushed back to the west courtyard as fast as possible. When he saw the monks under the eaves, he had no time to say hello. He rushed back to the bedroom, took out a medium-sized medicine box and a flashlight, and ran out of the bedroom again.

Master Ayu, Master Li and the young and old also ran after the little girl.

Acting urgently, Leyun did not follow the rules and went out through the gate of the park. After exiting the small courtyard, she ran eastward to a position near the southeast corner of the garden, and then flew over the safety fence of the construction site.<


There is a small cobblestone alley on the other side of the fence. Go north first, and then go to the residential area to the east.

Leyun jumped out of the fence. After landing, she ran south along the alley, passed through the residential area to the road facing the street, and then ran east. She first passed the door of the old lady Higashino's house, then passed three houses, and then got inside.

A small alley.

She was followed by a group of young and old men with flashlights. The light of the flashlight followed into the alley, moving flickeringly in the alley. A group of people ran past, but there was no sound of footsteps.

Le Yun walked along the alley and passed a row of inhabited houses. When she reached a place, she turned westward, passed by two houses, and rushed to a yard.

It was also a courtyard house with an old-style blue brick door wall. There were two- and three-story buildings in the courtyard.

Because the wind was blowing from the north, there were relatively tall buildings between the paradise and the residential area to the east, which were wind-proof. The monks did not smell the gas smell in the paradise, but when they ran to the street, they also smelled the gas, and then,

As you run into residential areas, the smell gets stronger.

The little girl ran to a building and stopped. Master Ayubo and others also rushed over. The smell around her was very pungent. The monks took out their handkerchiefs and covered their mouths and noses.

Le Yun stopped in front of the door and looked at the door wall. There was something anti-theft on the wall, so it was not suitable to climb over the wall. She took a step back, ran again, ran to the door, and kicked the door open with a flying kick.<


She calculated her strength and foothold, and the door was not damaged by the kick, but the wooden bolt behind the door broke.

The door bolt broke, and the thick wooden door was knocked sideways. There was another loud bang, and the door was kicked and hit the door wall. There were several loud noises in succession, which was particularly ear-piercing at night.

This chapter has been completed!
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