Chapter 532: Wang Qianjin is useless 2 updates

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 Wang Lingzhi and Ma Mengjiao's marriage was in name only after their daughter's accident. The two of them were doing their own thing, and they didn't care about their children.

Wang Yuxuan went out, but neither of the couple paid attention. They didn't take it seriously when he didn't come back that night. They all thought Wang Yuxuan had gone to grandma's house.

It wasn't until half the morning of the next day that Wang Lingzhi received a call from the police station, informing him that his daughter had an accident and was in the hospital, and asked him to go to a certain hospital.

Wang Lingzhi thought it was a scam call at the time, but he didn't believe it until the other party sent a photo and hurried to the hospital.

When I rushed to a certain hospital and saw Police C in uniform, I felt panicked and cooperated with fear, answering all questions.

After being asked a lot of questions, he got a rough idea. In the morning, the garbage disposal personnel found the dying Wang Yuxuan in a garbage dump in the suburbs. Because it looked like her legs had been run over by something, the garbage disposal personnel thought it was a car accident.

, called the police.

The police officers arrived and sent the person to the hospital. They found her ID from a bag she was carrying and checked her household registration information before finding her family members.

Wang Yuxuan was sent to the hospital for examination. It was found that a section of her leg from the middle of the thigh to the calf was crushed by a heavy object, resulting in a comminuted fracture. The muscles almost turned into mud. There was no treatment at all and the only option was amputation.

The hospital tested Mr. Wang's blood and found that the alcohol concentration in his blood was seriously excessive and his liver was also suffering from alcoholic liver disease.

From this, the police concluded that she might have been drunk and was hit by a car while she was in a daze. The car owner was afraid of being responsible, so he abandoned her body on the side of the road and hit and run.

That's just a guess, because Wang Lingzhi's residence is too far away from the place where Wang Yuxuan was found. If it was a traffic accident, then that may not be the origin of the traffic accident.

The specific situation still needs to be investigated. Police C invited the family members to the hospital and asked them to sign a consent form for amputation.

Wang Yuxuan's leg had no other option but to amputate. Wang Lingzhi signed the amputation form and went to the police station to make a written record.

After leaving the police station, Wang Lingzhi called his old mother. The phone couldn't get through, so he called directly to the compound and struggled for three hours before he got there.

Old Mrs. Wang was afraid that people in the compound would know about the scandal Wang Yuxuan had committed in the Gao family and scold her, so she did not dare to go out and hid at home every day to get moldy.

When I saw the second child, I thought that the second child was thinking about me and caring about me, and I was very happy. When I heard the second child said that something happened to Wang Yuxuan, I was shocked: "Something happened, what happened?"

"Yuxuan went out last night and didn't come back. This morning she was found beside a garbage dump in the suburbs. Yuxuan's legs were broken and she had to have them amputated. She also had four broken fingers on her right hand. It seemed that there were blood clots in her head.

Wang Lingzhi is extremely decadent. He only has one daughter, Wang Yuxuan. Originally, Wang Yuxuan could not give birth to a child, which meant that she would never be able to have a child. He still thought that at least Yuxuan would be liked by her, and she would be able to support him in his old age in the future. He did not care about the rest.


But now, Yuxuan's legs cannot be saved, and she will be a disabled person who can only use a wheelchair in the future. Not to mention raising him, she will have to support her for the rest of her life.

"Mom, Yuxuan is finished. She is finished for the rest of her life." Wang Lingzhi put his hands in his hair, and his whole body was filled with exhaust gas.

"How could this happen? How could this happen..." Mrs. Wang heard that Wang Yuxuan had an accident and her legs were broken. She was dumbfounded and turned pale.

"Mom, Yuxuan was found in the northern suburbs two districts away from my home. It's not like a simple car accident, but like... someone's revenge. Mom, Yuxuan has always been by your side.

You know the situation better. Did she offend someone important who cannot be offended?"

Wang Lingzhi rubbed his hair and asked the questions in his heart. When he was in the hospital, he suspected that Wang Yuxuan might have been tricked by someone, but he did not dare to say it for fear of getting into trouble.

"" When Mrs. Wang heard that Wang Yuxuan might have been retaliated by someone, her pupils opened wide and she was trembling in fear.

Wang Lingzhi was startled. Seeing that his old mother's expression was wrong, he asked: "Mom, has Yuxuan really offended someone?"

"I don't know, I don't know..." Old Mrs. Wang shook her head desperately, no way, she and Yuxuan just offended the He family, and the Gao family, they... they are that kind of family, they dare to go behind their backs

Do you want to do something dirty to Yuxuan?

If it is really someone from those two families who did it, they can attack Yuxuan, will it be her turn next?

Mrs. Wang was so frightened that she could hardly sit still.

"Mom, have you really offended someone?" Wang Lingzhi could also see his mother's panic and nervousness.

"No, I didn't offend anyone," Mrs. Wang was so flustered that she denied it flatly: "I only took Yuxuan to some banquets, and I didn't offend anyone. I just had some conflicts with the He family and the Gao family. Those were

Little things."

"The He family you are talking about is the He family of Yanxing's great-grandmother's family? Who is the Gao family? What have you done?" Wang Lingzhi felt a bad feeling in his heart.

"It's the He family. We just had a little quarrel with the He family. It's not a big deal."

"Where's the Gao family?"

"The Gao family is a department-level cadre in the department where your brother works. When the Gao family married a wife, Yuxuan got drunk and accidentally poured a glass of wine on the bride. She pulled the groom and said some nonsense..."<


Mrs. Wang also felt guilty, and the more she spoke, the quieter she became.

"Is the Gao family you are talking about the cadre named Gao who is in charge of the land and housing management department?" Wang Lingzhi's heart was pounding, and there was always a feeling that something big was going to happen.

"Well, that's it. What's wrong? Isn't he just a small cadre at the department level? How capable can he be?"

The old mother spoke so lightly that Wang Lingzhi's heart almost stopped, and he felt frightened: "Mom, that Gao family is much more powerful than ours, and the uncle of the little leader you mentioned is bigger than the official of Yanxing

, that leader’s wife is the niece of Mr. Liu, the big boss of the National Academy of Sciences!

You have not only offended Yan Xing and the He family, but also the Gao family. Mom, what are you and Yuxuan thinking in their minds to step on the most powerful landmine?"

"Ah? Gao... the Gao family... are they so big?" Mrs. Wang's open mouth can fit a big duck egg in. Aren't the Gao family just local aborigines? Do they have such a strong backing?

"What's not allowed? In the past, an in-law of the Gao family was in the same department as me. I wanted to build a good relationship and follow the Gao family's path. But then something happened and it didn't work out. Why did you and Yuxuan offend Gao?

The Gao family... just like the He family, they are also ruthless people who are not easy to mess with.

Forget it, forget it, just pretend that I haven't asked what happened to Yuxuan. The police station will investigate. If anyone comes to ask about the situation, Mom, you must insist that you have never offended anyone. Don't

Random suspicion..."

Wang Lingzhi was so flustered that he wished Yuxuan could have been sentenced to two more years. If he had been sentenced to two more years, he would not have been released from prison, so he would naturally have no chance to offend the Gao family.

He didn't dare to stay any longer, so he gave a few instructions and left quickly. He was really afraid, afraid of hearing more terrible things from his mother's mouth. What his mother and Yuxuan had done, the less he knew, the better, what?

He didn't know anything about it, and he didn't participate in it. He is considered an innocent person. If anyone wants revenge or something, they shouldn't be angry with him.

Wang Lingzhi left. He came in a hurry and left in a hurry. He came and went in a hurry. Those who didn't know the inside story thought he was some big shot. He was so busy that he didn't even have time to breathe.

Mrs. Wang sat alone, trembling as she thought about her youngest son's words. If Yuxuan was really retaliated against, it was probably the Gao family who did it.

What Yuxuan did at the wedding banquet was indeed very...excessive. Even if she were the elder of the couple, she would have wanted to cut the person who caused the sabotage into pieces to relieve her anger.

She was scared, very scared, what if they had finished their revenge on Yuxuan and took revenge on her again?

The panicked old Mrs. Wang never dared to go out again. She was afraid that someone would hit her with a car, be hit with a suffocating stick, be thrown acid on her, be put in a sack or be pushed into a lake or river by accident...

In short, she feels that once she goes out, others will have thousands of ways to harm her.

Wang Lingzhi originally wanted to meet his mother before going to his eldest brother. Although Yuxuan had failed to live up to expectations and had done something to embarrass the Wang family, she was still a member of the Wang family. If someone deliberately bullied Yuxuan, they would be beating Yuxuan's uncle.

His eldest brother probably wouldn’t just watch his niece being bullied.

He knew from his old mother that Yuxuan had offended the Gao family, so how could he have the courage to go to his eldest brother? He just hoped that his eldest brother would not cause trouble for him and that would be a blessing.

Therefore, Wang Lingzhi visited his old mother and went to the hospital.

Wang Yuxuan's leg was seriously injured, and because she was dumped next to a garbage dump, she was already infected when she was sent to the hospital. In order to save her life, the hospital arranged for an operation after her family members signed their consent for the operation, and she went into surgery in the middle of the afternoon.


The amputation operation was relatively long. Wang Yuxuan did not leave the operating room and transfer to the ward until about ten o'clock in the evening. She was also in a coma and did not wake up until half the afternoon of the next day.

When I woke up, I found that my legs were gone and I collapsed.

Wang Lingzhi stayed with his daughter in the hospital until she woke up, and asked her what happened that night. He found that her daughter had no idea what to ask and was very confused. Yuxuan's brain was not damaged, so why didn't she have any impression of what she had done?

The people at the police station knew that Wang Yuxuan was awake and went to the hospital to ask about the person's condition as a routine, but they found nothing. They also told the preliminary investigation. The preliminary investigation showed that a hit-and-run accident was the most likely case.

Because they checked the camera, the camera recorded that Ms. Wang went to a certain bar, left at midnight, took a taxi, and there was a camera where she got off the bus.

However, the place she went to was not the place where her parents lived. She was probably so drunk that she was so drunk that she couldn't even tell her home address. The pronunciation of the name of the place she went to was somewhat similar to the place where her parents lived.

, the taxi took her there.

They also found a taxi, and the taxi driver cooperated with the investigation. The taxi driver had been driving the car after he dropped Wang off at the place. The route and time were consistent, ruling out the possibility that he was a suspect.

They retrieved the cameras of the places where Ms. Wang went and initially captured her, but then she went to a place where there were no cameras and then disappeared.

I wanted to ask her what she was doing there, but she herself can’t remember anything because she was drunk. She can’t provide any clues, which makes the investigation extremely difficult.

Wang Lingzhi was also confused. It was really Yuxuan who got drunk and went to the wrong place and the accident happened by accident. Wasn't it someone who took revenge on her?

He did not dare to make random guesses, and only asked the police to investigate the truth about his daughter's accident as soon as possible. If it was really a traffic accident, he hoped to catch the escaped murderer.

Wang Lingyun was still in the hospital for observation and did not know that Wang Yuxuan had an accident. Wang Yuhui also found out about Wang Yuxuan's accident on the afternoon of the 4th after Wang Yuxuan woke up from surgery.

It wasn't that Wang Yuxuan was concerned about his cousin trying to find out about her, but that the police station came to him and wanted to know more about his cousin. He found out about it from Police C.

When Wang Yuhui first heard that something had happened to Wang Yuxuan, she was quite surprised. The first thing that came to her mind was whether the He family or the Gao family would take revenge on her?

Thinking again, I excluded the He family, because if the He family or Yan Xing really wanted to retaliate against Wang Yuxuan, they would not choose to be in such a limelight. The He family has Mr. He San in charge, and they will not let the family lose big because of small things.

In the eyes of the He family, Wang Yuxuan is just a little ant, insignificant. It is not worth it for the He family's children to take the risk of being caught in order to punish her.

What's more, Yan Shao and Liu Shao went to southern Xinjiang to perform some mission after the Mid-Autumn Festival. They haven't returned to Beijing yet, and they are beyond their reach.

The Gao family also ruled it out because Wang Yuxuan offended the Gao family on the first day and disappeared the next night. In such a short period of time, the Gao family couldn't take revenge without leaving any traces.

If she is being retaliated against, it can only be because Wang Yuxuan has offended too many people in the past. Others have grudged her and have long wanted to deal with her. They took advantage of the fact that she is now like a mouse crossing the street and took action.

Wang Yuhui cooperated with Police C's investigation, and said officially that the staff had worked hard to solve the case as soon as possible, and then immediately put the matter behind him. Wang Yuxuan had his limb amputated and could only use a wheelchair for the rest of his life. Naturally, he could no longer follow his grandma everywhere to make her look embarrassed.

, their results are pretty good!

To be honest, he doesn't know who did it. If he knew, he would give it a thumbs up. If it was found to be an accident, he might even be willing to sign a letter of understanding on behalf of the family to thank the person for unintentionally helping his family solve the problem.

A troublemaker.

On the third day when Wang Lingyun was hospitalized, almost everyone in your circle knew about it, and almost guessed that he was angry. After all, what happened at the Gao family's wedding banquet spread in your circle that day, and people who had never been to the Gao family also heard the gossip.


And before the National Day holiday is over, the news about Wang Qianjin accidentally losing her legs has also been heard in the circle. Many people in the circle are excited. What a coincidence. Could it be that the boss of the Wang family hired someone to do it?

Don't blame them for thinking too much, it is true that Wang Qianjin and Mrs. Wang are very good at causing trouble. If they let it go, they will do something even more outrageous.

It is also very possible to deal with the people who are holding you back.

Of course, everyone just thinks about it and won’t show any thoughts.

There were also speculations that Mr. Yan or the He family had done something dirty. In the end, he wiped out the speculation. In the eyes of the He family, Wang's daughter had about the same weight as a little ant. If he had done something dirty to such an insignificant thing, he would not be dirty.

own hands.

This chapter has been completed!
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