Chapter 542 Special Gift

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 The little Lolita took the aircraft, regardless of the cold, and traveled under the stars and the moon, over the mountains and plains, across the canyons and rivers, crossed the national border and entered the neighboring country Nepal, then passed through Nepal and entered India.

After arriving in India, the flight speed slowed down. We first went to a town far away from the town where the family who took Huang Shishi in lived. We stayed in the star core space until dawn, tied up our hair and wrapped it with a turban.

Wear a bun before going out.

A little Lolita disguised herself as a chubby young man, went to a small town and bought a brand new motorcycle, and then rode the motorcycle to a certain Indian-Asian family who took in Huang Shishi.

Three years have passed, and a certain town has not changed. It is still dirty and poor.

The little Loli has a good memory. After entering the town, she made many twists and turns and found the Asan's house where Huang Shishi was taken in. The owner was quite nice and actually built a one-and-a-half-story building.

The building has not yet been topped off, but the walls have been painted on the first floor. Even if it is not finished, it looks quite impressive. At least compared to the adjacent low-rise houses made of wood and adobe, it is a tall building.<


There is a woman squatting in front of a tall building. The woman's clothes are relatively clean.

When the fat young man riding a motorcycle braked in front of the door, the woman thought it was a prostitute. She stood up and was about to greet him. When she saw the face of the fat young man with a bun on his head, she suddenly froze and shouted into the house.<


After she shouted, a short black man ran out of the house with the same disbelief on his face: "Sir, are here."

The young gentleman said that after three years, although it was still some time before the three years were completed, when the young man came, they naturally did not dare not to return a certain young woman to him.

"Well, the lawsuit between my family and that family is over. My family agreed to return the person to her family. I will take her away." The fat young man with a fleshy face got off the motorcycle and took out a hand from his clothes.

Stacking US dollars and Indian rupees: "I keep my word. If the person is alive, I will give you five thousand US dollars and bring him out to show me."

"Can you please wait a few more minutes?" When they saw the dollar bills, the men and women looked excited and breathed quickly. When they heard that they were asked to take people out, they rubbed their hands because of the difficulty.

"Okay, wait ten minutes, here's a tip for you." The fat young man was very talkative and handed over the rupee.

The short black man took the money and counted them one by one with his mouth and fingers. There were five thousand rupees in total.

The man danced excitedly with his hands and feet, handed the money to the woman, turned around and moved home to move a bench for the fat man to sit on, and also went to get hand-pulled biscuits for the guests to eat.

Classmate Le Xiao declined and sat on the motorcycle to wait.

The man ran into the house and went to a separate room at the back. He chatted a few words inside and stood waiting at the door. After a while, an older man came out.

The short black man gave the elderly man a few rupees, said a few words, sent him away, and then asked his woman to come into the house and take the young woman out.

The woman went inside the house, took the young girl to bathe, put on a clean sari, and then took her to the front of the building.

When the owner of the house sent the person out, Ms. Le took a look and couldn't help but take a breath. When she sent Huang Shishi, the person could be said to be young and lively. In less than three years, he had been tortured to the point of breaking apart.

Standing upright, the skin is dark and dry, like an old tree that has been drained of water.

It can be seen that a certain couple did not show mercy and made a lot of money by using Huang Shishi.

Anyway, sending Huang Shishi to India was revenge, so she wouldn't blame her, as long as he didn't die.

Although she hated the smell of Huang Shishi, Le Yun could only endure the nausea, picked her up and put her on the motorcycle.

Huang Shishi was sent to a strange place and tortured, and only then did she know what the short-lived ghost Le Xiao wanted to do by throwing her to a place where she didn't understand the language.

She tried to escape, but failed every time. The most successful one was when she almost escaped from the village, but someone caught her and sent her back to the hands of a short black man.

If she was caught after escaping, she would be severely beaten and starved, and then tortured day and night. She was forced to endure the endless ravages of smelly men in front of her sister.

Day after day, she became desperate.

When Huang Shishi was brought into the sunlight by the man and woman, Huang Shishi, who was already numb, saw the fat and swollen young man's face, as if he had been stabbed by electricity, and his dim eyes burst out with hatred.

Happy little short life!

The person she had thought about countless times finally appeared again.

She wished she could chop her alive, drink the blood of the little short-lived ghost, and eat her flesh!

Huang Shishi wanted to jump up, but she couldn't even muster any strength. She looked at Leyun, who had become completely different from her original appearance, stretched out her hand, lifted herself up and threw her into the car, but she was still unable to resist.

The short black man and the woman watched as the fat young man placed a certain woman in front of the car and rode her. They also got on the car, staring at him closely, for fear that he would not pay.

The fat young man did not leave immediately after getting in the car. He took out the dollar bills and gave them to them, then started the motorcycle and drove away in a "fog", with a burst of dust rising from the back of the car.

The short black man and woman, whose faces were covered with dust, counted the money. They didn't even care about the motorcycle exhaust and dust they had eaten. They held a handful of U.S. dollars and counted them. After counting a few, they thought it was inappropriate to expose their money and ran in.

I closed the door and counted again, several times, shouting and laughing excitedly.

Le Yun heard the excited shouts of a certain couple and did not despise them. When her family was in embarrassment, she also cherished money and regarded every penny as a treasure.

People, only when you have experienced hardship can you know how precious peace and contentment are, and only when you have experienced poverty can you cherish blessings even more.

Nowadays, she lacks everything. To outsiders, she often looks like she spends a lot of money and treats money like dirt. In fact, she does not waste money uncontrollably and without principles. She spends money when she should and knows how to make money.

, knowing how to spend money is the way to live in the world.

Because of her extraordinary hearing, the motorcycle was far away, and Le Yun could still hear the excited laughter of a certain Asan couple. The sound did not stop until the car left the town.

Huang Shishi was placed on the motorcycle, her face was sprayed with dust, and she had to close her eyes and mouth. She tried to struggle several times to get off the motorcycle, but she couldn't fall off, and kept swinging her legs.

The yellow scumbag girl kept swaying, and Little Le's classmate got tired of it, so he simply gave her a hand knife and knocked her unconscious. He drove his motorcycle on a natural road for about half an hour, and arrived at an uninhabited place.

The motorcycle and Huang Shishi were thrown back to the wilderness where the star core space had not yet been revitalized.

After getting rid of the burdensome things, she returned to the star core world, took out a tarpaulin to spread the ground, and spread a layer of wild hay, then threw Huang Shishi on the haystack and laid it down for her.

Plastic surgery.

In order to prevent the Huang family from finding the yellow scum girl, they had plastic surgery on the yellow scum girl before sending her to India. Now they are going to send the yellow scum girl back to the Huang family, and they have to restore the scum girl's original face.

This chapter has been completed!
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