Chapter 563

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 Lan San, who was responsible for being the pilot of the special plane for Little Loli, sent Little Loli on the international flight to take off. He returned to the base with the secret item that Little Loli gave him, and arranged for a team member to leave Beijing quietly.

Send the items to the captain.

Le Xiaololi took an international flight directly to the Los Angeles Airport in California, Country M. The local time was still night, so she spent a few hours at the airport before taking a flight to Seattle in the northwest of Country M.

Her final destination is to go to the Rocky Mountains, the largest mountain range in North America. In order to hide her true purpose, she used an adventure trip to the North Cascade National Park not far from Seattle as a cover.

After flying to Seattle, the little girl first purchased outdoor tents, hiking clothes and spare food by swiping her credit card in the city. She also bought a foldable mountain bike and stayed there for one night before taking the bus the next day.

National Park.

Entering the national park, you will naturally be like the real travel friends, carrying luggage on your back, riding bicycles to see the scenery and take photos.

Until night, in a remote and uninhabited area, the little loli put away her bicycle, flew with flying swords, entered the most desolate and remote peaks in the Rocky Mountains in the dark, found a river, found a suitable location, and took out

A demon king-level sky-swallowing snail cuts off the river to collect water.

The location she found was perfect. The sky-swallowing conch stood sideways in the river. The mouth of the conch was like a big basin. The water flowing from top to bottom was swallowed up, so she didn't have to spend any energy controlling the conch to absorb water.

After liberating her mental power, the little Loli hid the mobile cave on the river bank, then moved some stones out of the storage container, started learning to be a stonemason, and started carving the stones needed to build the artificial lake in the paradise.

Classmate Le stayed in China for a few days and then went to the Americas to play in a leisurely manner, while the Huang family in Shishi was still gloomy.

Old Mrs. Huang was devastated because she lost four grandchildren all at once. She stayed in the Huang family's old house for a few days before going to the hospital to take care of her husband. She was far less caring than before.

Huang Maogao and Huang Maode each took a week's leave, and sat together with Huang Maocheng in Shishi to urge the police station to find the murderer as soon as possible.

The wives of the three brothers stayed until the end of Qingming Festival for seven days. The school called their parents to ask why their children had not returned to school. They called their husbands and found out that the missing children and their aunt had been killed.

Because Huang Yi's wife only gave birth to a son, she fainted on the spot and was sent to the hospital for rescue. Without a moment's delay, she rushed to the market to pick up the body of her child.

Although Huang Er and Huang Si's wives also collapsed, because they still had a daughter to take care of, they cheered up and invited their parents to take care of their daughter. After making arrangements, they returned to the man's hometown.

Huang Fengyao's husband also wanted to go shopping when he found out something had happened to his wife, but his child was so frightened when he heard that his mother was dead that he suddenly spat and fainted.

Two children were sent to the hospital. One was found to have hemophilia, and it was a severe case. Because he slightly touched his head when he fainted, he suffered severe head bleeding. After the medical staff tried their best to rescue him, his life was saved, but he was a little stupid.
Another child did not have hemophilia. When he woke up from first aid, he had seizures and spitting several times. It was initially determined that he had epilepsy.

His wife died and two children had an accident. Huang San's husband was extremely busy. Until the children's condition stabilized, he left the children to his grandparents to take care of him, and then went to Shishi to deal with his wife's death.

The police station also investigated very diligently, but no matter how they investigated, they even screened the intersections leading to Shishi from neighboring cities and provinces, and still found no trace of the Huang family's aunt and nephew from the provincial capital to Shishi.

The Huang family has installed many cameras in their residence, and no suspicious persons have been found near the Huang family's residence, nor have any suspicious persons approached the Huang family ancestral hall.

The Huang family ancestral hall is also equipped with cameras. There are two cameras in the main hall of the ancestral hall. One was burned by thunder and fire and melted, and the other was also burned by fire and turned into a pile of waste.

The outer courtyard ancestral hall building and the backyard facing the square are also equipped with cameras, and there are records inside, but no suspicious persons have been found.

Why the Huang family's aunt went to pick up her niece and nephew in the middle of the night, why she disappeared, and why she died in a dark well in the Huang family's ancestral hall have all become unsolved mysteries.

From the disappearance of the Huang family's aunt and nephew to the discovery of their bodies, there was no human trace in the whole process. It was so mysterious and strange that it became an unsolved case.

The Huang brothers want to blame the Le family, but the facts are there and they can't find any clues that can connect them to the Le family. Without evidence or evidence, they dare to say that the Le family did it, which will definitely cause public outrage.

, in case it was not the fault of the short-lived ghost Le Xiao, she was so angry that she was wronged and secretly retaliated against their illegitimate children. In the end, they were the unlucky ones.

Unable to find the murderer, the three Huang brothers had no choice but to swallow the pain of losing their son, and went through the formalities on the 16th to collect the bodies of the six aunts and nephews from the hospital and send them for cremation.

Huang Fengyao's ashes were brought back to her husband's family for burial by her husband. The five children of the Huang family were buried on the tomb where the ancestors of the Huang family were buried.

Just after the five children of the Huang family were buried, something happened to the Huang family again that night - the two young men of the Huang family who had gone down into the well ran into the ancestral hall in the middle of the night and removed the bluestone covering the hidden well in the southwest corner pavilion, and then jumped themselves

Go in.

The two young men who fainted from the shock of going down the well were a little confused when they woke up. They talked nonsense about so and so coming, and they always said that there was someone in the house. Sometimes they would get up in the middle of the night to sing and dance, or get up in the middle of the night to cook.

Say who is hungry and hasn’t eaten yet.

The families of the two young men were also disturbed by their children's suspicious behavior all day long. After struggling for a while, everyone was exhausted, and then fell asleep at night. When they woke up the next day, they found that the children were not at home and hurriedly searched everywhere.

The Huang family also searched together, and finally found the ancestral hall. They found that the bluestone slab in the hidden well in the southwest corner of the courtyard had been removed, and called the police again.

The criminal police officers arrived, went down to the well to search, and found the bodies of two young men from the Huang family.

The Huang family checked the camera themselves, and the record showed that the two young men entered the ancestral hall by themselves. They worked together to remove the bluestone covering the entrance of the dark well and jumped in one after another.

When moving the bluestone to cover the wellhead, the two young men seemed to move it aside without any effort. After that, they each tilted their heads and looked to the side, then stretched out their hands to hold hands in the air, and then walked to the well with a smile.

Next to them, they jumped down one after another.

That picture is extremely weird.

Seeing with their own eyes the strange movements and expressions of the young man in his family jumping into the well, the Huang family members were devastated.

Mrs. Huang and her three sons were also present. The mothers and sons couldn't help but gasped after watching the camera records. They only had one thought in their minds: Is there a ghost?

They originally did not believe that the death of their child was a non-scientific and non-man-made event, but when they saw with their own eyes how the young man in the family jumped into the well, their views were subverted.

The young man from the Huang family committed suicide. The criminal police asked the family members to sign the document and then closed the team.

The young man's relatives packed up the body of their child and sent it for cremation. The Huang clan immediately re-covered the underground well, bought cement and sealed it.

Huang Maogao and his brothers were frightened and immediately went to the hospital to complete the discharge procedures. They and their old mother took their old father back to the provincial capital to take care of him.

Less than three days after the mother and son returned to the provincial capital, the Huang family once again received bad news one after another. The first was the bad news from other provinces. Two households with the surname Huang in a neighboring province had hemophilia patients who died suddenly.

Then, a middle-aged man suffering from hemophilia from a family named Huang who worked in Chang City suddenly died suddenly, and a young woman from another family jumped off a building and committed suicide inexplicably.

Later, there were three young women from the Huang family in Shishi. One of them committed suicide by hanging from a beam, one of them died after swallowing a large amount of sleeping pills, and one of them climbed a mountain and jumped off a cliff.

In a short period of time, four young women committed suicide. The Huang family members were going crazy. They all felt that the family was going to lose and the old house could no longer be lived in. Those who had a little money immediately went to buy a house elsewhere, and those who had no money to buy a house quickly rented out a house.

, fled from the old house one after another.

The neighbors next to the Huang family were restless. Fortunately, every household in the neighborhood was safe.

Things happened one after another in the Huang family, and the fire could not be contained. It spread quickly, and even remote villages like Jiudao heard the news.

Whether in urban areas or in the countryside, people on the streets will inevitably gossip about the once-prominent Huang family, and they will finally spit out: They must have done too many bad things, so they suffered retribution.

When Chen Wu heard the news about Huang's misfortune from the street, he was so frightened that he didn't even dare to go out, let alone wander around the village.

Yi Laoyan had received inside information a long time ago, and on the surface everything was business as usual, except that no matter what the Le family couple did, one of them would definitely go for a "walk" with them.

Ms. Le didn't know the situation in her hometown. She stayed in the Rocky Mountains between Country M and Canada to collect water. During the day, she intercepted rivers in remote places far away from human settlements. At night, she often ran to intercept water from large rivers.

She was leisurely collecting water in the Rocky Mountains, and handsome boy Milo was once again woken up by a phone call in the middle of the night - his godfather was looking for him in the middle of the night again.

Milo, a handsome boy who was disturbed by his sweet dreams and was not in a good mood, answered the call from his godfather. He heard that a business partner of the Cassel family had a disease that could not be cured by existing medical technology. He called old Cassel.

I asked for help in contacting Miss Oriental Doctor, but old Cassel came to see him again, so he had no choice but to find Milo's child.

"..." Milo rolled his eyes, because asking for a doctor is equivalent to giving money to a child. He was still very good-tempered. He asked the godfather what the disease was and whether it was serious. After asking for it, he could talk to him again.

The godfather said that he would contact the children first, whether he could be contacted or not, and then he would call back tomorrow.

The person who sought medical treatment was a little special - she was nearly eight months pregnant and suffered from systemic lupus erythematosus.

Systemic lupus erythematosus is a chronic, recurring autoimmune disease that currently cannot be cured. Clinical remission or certain controllability can be achieved through standardized treatment.

Theoretically, systemic lupus erythematosus is also one of the difficult and terminal diseases that cannot be cured.

Milo checked the information and roughly understood what the disease was. He secretly calculated the time and found out that the child went to Seattle in country M.

In total, Yi is more than six hours ahead of Seattle. It's just half an hour here in the morning, while in Washington state, where Seattle is located, it was still about six o'clock in the evening the day before.

The kid must be studying plants when he travels to Country M. I wonder if his cell phone is turned on.

Miro calculated the time difference and tried to call the child's phone number. The answer he got was "power off". He was not surprised at all and calmly fell down and continued to sleep on his beauty sleep.

After a good night's sleep, the rich young man with the golden age was in good spirits and enjoyed a rich breakfast. He slowly tried to call the child's phone again, and got the reply that the phone was turned off. He then called the godfather and told the godfather that his child was

I went to the northern part of country M, maybe studying some plants in the mountains, but I can’t contact anyone at the moment.

Roberto got the answer from his godson and called back Cassel Sr., who naturally called back his partners.

Little classmate Le Xiao didn’t know that someone was waiting to give her money, so she happily collected water in the Rocky Mountains and worked happily as a mason.

Working non-stop during the day, the results are gratifying. Not only do we collect clean and pollution-free fresh water, but we also dig out a lot of stones.

The little Loli stayed in the mountains and ignored what was going on outside. The climate in China changed day by day, the temperature became warmer day by day, and the trees in the north also blossomed and sprouted.

The plant seeds sown in the three courtyards of Langhuan Palace in Paradise have also sprouted, and some places also have the appearance of "the color of grass looks distant but is not there up close".

In fact, the temperature in the Rocky Mountains has also changed. The temperature is slowly rising. Because of the high altitude of the mountains, many peaks are also permanent glaciers, so the temperature changes in the mountains, narrow valleys and forests are not so obvious.

The little Loli was not dizzy. She was counting the days on her fingers. She stayed in the forest in the peaks of the Rocky Mountains until the penultimate day of April and was ready to leave.

Before leaving, she drained two-thirds of the water from several small lakes hidden in the forest of peaks overnight, and then ran to the largest river in the steep forest section to intercept the water to collect water.

I intercepted the river to collect water for half a night, then slipped into a small river to collect water during the day. At night, I crossed the mountains again, ran hundreds of miles away, sucked up the water from several small lakes, and then intercepted the river to collect water.

I was busy for another half night, and before dawn on the 30th, I sneaked to a route that is favorite among cyclists, and then left on my bicycle after dawn.

Little Lolita left the national park as a cyclist, then changed transportation to Seattle, transferred to a plane to New York City, the busiest city in country M, and then took a night international flight to country Y.

Because it was a night flight, and after excluding the time difference, the night flight from New York in country M to the capital of country Y arrived at the capital airport of country Y at nearly noon local time.

Le Xiaololi didn't check in her luggage. She didn't have to wait for her luggage after getting off the plane. She went straight out of the airport, took the train back to Cambridge, and walked back to the rental house just after three o'clock in the afternoon.

The landlord and his wife were at home. When they saw that the little angel who had not seen each other for more than a month was finally back, they were surprised to take the little sweetheart home and have afternoon tea together.

Knowing that the little sweetheart had just returned from observing plants in Country M and must be very tired, Mr. and Mrs. Green had afternoon tea and drove her back to the second floor to rest.

The couple was also quite unkind. They refused to tell Mr. Dongfang that their little sweetheart was back. Even when they saw Mr. Dongfang coming back in the evening, they did not give any hint.

Then, the couple heard the young gentlemen's excited shouts when they returned to the second floor to see their little sweetheart, and they happily danced a waltz in the living room.

This chapter has been completed!
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