Chapter 571 2 updates

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 The patient made a decision, and Le Xiaoxiao didn’t waste any words. He negotiated a payment method that required the exchange of euros into Chinese currency, that is, to undergo acupuncture treatment.

Professor Murray really wants to know about the ancient and magical acupuncture technique of China. Unfortunately, the patient is a woman. It is said that you cannot wear clothes during acupuncture. For the patient's privacy, men should not be present.

Not allowed to watch, Professor Murray and Dean could only sit and wait with the host.

Compared with surgery, acupuncture treatment is more hygienic and safer. Le Xiao also doesn’t like to take on patients who need surgery. Patients who can be treated with acupuncture can make money and save trouble.

When you take on a business, you naturally have to do your duty.

Classmate Le Xiao and the patient entered the guest room where the patient originally lived. After the patient was asked to strip down to her vagina, he gave her pills, drank the medicinal soup in a thermos cup, and quickly started acupuncture.

The acupuncture treatment lasted for one and forty minutes, and it took almost two hours to pack up the medical tools.

After successfully completing the treatment course, Mr. Le Xiao happily walked out of the quaint guest room carrying his backpack containing his belongings.

Professor Murray, who had been sitting there for two hours, jumped up excitedly when he saw his student appear, and grabbed the girl to ask questions.

Abbott made another cup of black tea for the doctor girl. He listened to Academician Murray talking to the girl and kept glancing at the corridor leading to the guest room out of the corner of his eye.

After the patient finished acupuncture, he went to the bathroom to wash himself and change his clothes before going out to meet people.

When she appeared, Abbott's buttocks bounced up like a spring. He stared at his cousin's daughter and was so shocked that his mouth could be stuffed with a big pear.

Professor Dean and Murray were also shocked.

Abbott's family was also dumbfounded.

After a long while, Abbott closed his chin that almost dropped to the ground, stiffly twisted his neck, looked at Murray, and stammered out a sentence: "She...her lupus erythematosus is gone!"

"It's gone!" Murray nodded heavily, then grabbed his student again: "Sweetheart, her lupus erythematosus has been cured?!"


"That's great!"

"That's great. Of course, if her immunity is destroyed again and the lupus erythematosus bacteria attacks, she may still get sick again."

"Oh, that will happen in the future." Professor Murray stared at the children of Abbott's relatives and friends, and immediately made his request, hoping to collect some of her blood for research samples.

Abbott also calmed down from the shock. He had no objection. The cured patient was excited and willing to donate some blood.

Dean ran downstairs, found a set of utensils from his instructor's car, and ran upstairs again. He quickly disinfected a woman's arm and collected a blood sample.

The instructor collected the samples for research, and Lexiao gave the doctor's instructions. In addition to normal maintenance and some foods that need to be avoided, she also made one point in particular: do not travel to India.

The reason is that India's sanitary conditions are poor. India's Mother River can be called the kingdom of germs. Indians have long had antibodies and can bathe or drink in the Mother River.

Outsiders do not have the same natural antibodies as Indians. Once targeted by bacteria, they may become ill, and those with poor health may even die due to lack of timely treatment due to various diseases.

The patient nodded frequently, and she also guessed the cause of lupus erythematosus. She had traveled to India half a month before the onset of the disease.

The Oriental girl's medical advice emphasized not to travel to India. Abbott asked the reason and heard that the cause of the cousin's child's illness was related to her traveling to a country with poor sanitary conditions. He immediately changed the sign that she was not allowed to travel to India.

Mark above.

After giving some medical instructions, Mr. Le Xiao proposed to leave.

Professor Murray was eager to take the little angel away as soon as possible, but he couldn't help but bid farewell to Abbott.

Abbott wanted to stay with Academician Murray to have lunch with his students, but they were in a hurry to go back, so he had no choice but to follow the guests' instructions and send them downstairs, all the way to the seminary.

Professor Murray said goodbye to Abbott, rushed back to the institute with his two students, and carried the little angel into the laboratory for research.

Le Xiaololi, who was caught as a prostitute, was not feeling well. She had been given acupuncture, and there was a peculiar smell on her body. She wanted to go back and take a shower!

Professor Murray didn't care about that. He used scalpers as horses, dragged the students and refused to leave, and started research mode with great interest.

The professor completely forgets himself when doing research, forgetting to eat and sleep, from morning to afternoon, from afternoon to evening, and continues to work overtime at night.

The little Lolita was forced to risk her life to accompany the gentleman, and stayed with the professor all night long. The next day, she got the chance to leave the laboratory because she had to take an exam.

Little Angel has to take an exam, but Dean doesn’t have to take an exam. He stays in the experiment and continues his research with his tutor.

Student Le Xiao, who had not changed clothes or showered, felt that he had a stinky body, had breakfast, and then rushed to the exam place. He endured it until the afternoon, finished the last subject, and handed in the paper in advance to avoid the normal speed.


The little girl who slipped away ran back to Mr. Green's house, climbed back to the second floor, and took a quick bath, feeling that her bones were a few ounces lighter.

In the evening, the beautiful boy and the top students returned to the rental house. When they saw the pink and tender little cutie, they caught and ravaged her for a while.

He and his friends pampered the pink little cutie. Taking advantage of their gender, Wushao put his arms around the little Loli's slim waist and asked curiously: "Little Loli, how much did you earn yesterday?"

"Two million euros." Le Yun said in an upbeat tone: "I worked hard to earn a little money during the day, and then I was arrested by the professor and sent to the laboratory to stay up all day and night. Is it easy for me? I feel that there is no one in the world who is less vulnerable than me.

An easy student."

"Two million euros, isn't that 15 million yuan? You money-sucking beast, you are so wronged!" Wu Shao was so jealous that he wanted to strangle a certain little loli to death.

"You only remember the money I earned, but you didn't see the pain I felt when the professor squeezed my labor force." Le Yun didn't want to pay attention to Wu Shao. The professor wanted to squeeze everything out of her mind like a cow, and she couldn't leak the secret.

, and we can’t just do it half-heartedly, it’s too difficult for her.

Wu Shao curled her lips, and was just about to say that she was blessed despite being here, when the beautiful young man from the Chao family reached out and snatched the soft, cute, and fragrant little loli away from her arms. She could only stare.

The little loli was afraid that her tutor would catch her doing experiments and staying up late, so in the following days she would just wipe the soles of her feet with oil after finishing the last subject every day.

Professor Murray really wanted to capture his student for experiments, but he couldn't delay her exams, so he had to let her go. Apart from teaching, Professor Murray and others spent the rest of their time in experiments and research.

After hiding for several days, the professor didn’t come to intercept me until the weekend. Xiao Le was relieved and continued the exam happily.

Day after day passed without realizing it, and the weather in country Y was getting better and better. By the end of May, it finally felt like summer.

In a blink of an eye, the footsteps of the season stepped on the flowers and meadows of May and entered the midsummer of June.

In June, students at the University of Cambridge also ushered in the exam month. Most subjects will take exams in mid-June, and some subjects will start exams starting in early June.

Le Xiaoxiao, her exams are not over yet. She is expected to finish the subjects that were tested in advance, and then there will be the final exam of the semester that she was supposed to take. There is no gap between the two.

June is also the college entrance examination month in China, and college entrance examination students are preparing nervously for the exam.

June 3rd is the Dragon Boat Festival in China. On that day, the Shi City Police Department, which had been preparing for a long time, cooperated with police stations and provincial police departments from various places to launch an arrest operation named "Operation Cheetah".

Operation Cheetah was targeted at a series of relevant people involved in the Huang Family Ancestral Hall case, including not only some members of the Huang family and Huang Zhichang, but also key figures who bribed each other or colluded with Huang Zhichang during Huang Zhichang's official career, as well as privately associated with Huang Zhichang.

The Huang family is a social group with interests.

Officially launched at the dawn of the Dragon Boat Festival, police from all over the country arrested the relevant persons with definite evidence at lightning speed. Basically, no omissions were missed, and the arrest work was very smooth.

The only two remaining members of the Huang family's Qi Sha Zhongzhen generation who once targeted Leya, one is in Province C and the other is in Western Province J. The one in Province C went back to his hometown to sweep graves during the Qingming Festival, and was struck by a broken beam and column that fell from the ancestral hall.

I injured my arm, and later found the body of a young man from the Huang family in a secret well of the ancestral hall. I waited for half a month in my hometown before returning to Province C.

When he was preparing to go out, he was arrested by police C in front of his family.

When Yin Guang's cold handcuffs were put on his hands and Police C explained that he was arrested because a member of the Huang family had reported that he had conspired with his tribe to abduct children and commit rape for decades, he immediately guessed that it was Le Ya who had been with him for decades.

After the incident was exposed, all the strength was drained from the whole figure, and he collapsed suddenly, turning into soft mud.

The police officers took the suspect out, took the elevator downstairs, put him in a police car, and took him back to the station. They struck while the iron was hot and immediately conducted a surprise interrogation.

Because Police C said at the beginning that it was an insider of the Huang family who reported him for committing a crime, his psychological defense was already in jeopardy. The policeman who rushed from the Shi City Police Station to the local police station in Province C also lied to him and said that so-and-so had also been there the day before.

When he was arrested, the man had already tricked him and said something. His psychological defense collapsed and he revealed everything about how his family had plotted against Leya.

In fact, another person of Zhenzi's generation among the Seven Evils was arrested an hour after him. The Shi City Police Department also sent a police officer to the local police station in Jxi Province to work with the local police officers. When the Huang in Province C

If someone confesses, please contact them immediately.

Later, the police officers from Province J arrested a certain Huang and brought him to justice. During the sudden interrogation, they also told him about the arrest and confession of a certain Huang from Province C. The police officer who originally wanted to kill the duck but was too stubborn ended up being

I couldn't stand it anymore, so I tremblingly confessed what happened in the past.

The confessions made by members of the Huang family's two generations are basically consistent with the reports received from Mr. Yan, who are said to be insiders of the Huang family.

After the sudden interrogation, there will be some handover procedures, and the two persons surnamed Huang will be escorted back to Shi City, Province E.

Huang Zhichang was also arrested. He was taken away from his home by police officers who came to the door at about 10 o'clock in the morning.

When the police officers arrested Huang Zhichang, Mrs. Huang was completely stunned. She had no idea what crime the old man had committed. It was not until he was taken away that she woke up and called her younger son in a panic.

However, when she called, her daughter-in-law answered the phone, and what she heard was a cry. The answer was also the bad news that her son had been taken away by the police.

Old Mrs. Huang was about to have a heart attack. She called the second child again and the second child was also arrested. She called the boss again and the boss was also arrested.

Her husband was arrested and all three sons were also arrested. No matter how stupid Mrs. Huang is, she can imagine the reason. It must be that the old man and his sons did something illegal, corrupt and perverting the law in private before he retired.

, now that the incident has happened, everyone has fallen into it.

Old Mrs. Huang fell to the ground, muttering "It's over, it's over". After muttering for a long time, she got up in a hurry, found the old man's key, opened the study door, and checked whether there was anything illegal or disciplinary in the study.

If there was any evidence, she decided to hand it over in an effort to reduce the charges for her sons.

The Huang family's father and son were all on the arrest list, and their respective Xiaomi was not spared either. They were all invited to the police station for tea.

Police C did not allow the young ladies of the Huang family and his son to meet with them and interrogated them separately. Even if a group of young ladies wanted to deny it, the source of their money was unknown and they themselves could not prove their innocence. However, in the hands of Police C

There is evidence that some huge sums of money come from the Huang family and his sons.

Under the attack of waves of facts, a group of Xiaomi's psychological defense collapsed, and they confessed that they had an improper male-female relationship with a certain XX, and what they had done to help. When some people wanted to take away the relationship between the Huang family and his son,

What role did you play and how much benefit did you get from it?

The Huang family's mistresses confessed quickly, but the three Huang brothers were tough-talking. Initially they firmly denied that they had committed any crime, but they only persisted for two days.

On the third day, some of the other parties who had an interest in them also confessed. In addition, they had Xiaomi who was holding them back, and there were confessions from other members of the Huang family. The three brothers could not do more.

Pressured, one after another confessed.

Huang Zhichang suffered a stroke, his mouth and eyes were crooked, and he could not speak. He was not interrogated and was taken to Shishi together with other arrested persons.

Huang Zhichang suffered a stroke and lost the ability to move, but his brain was awake. He couldn't help but want to find a pen to write and ask his son to secretly send one or two illegitimate children abroad. However, because he couldn't move and his mother-in-law didn't understand what he meant, he couldn't achieve his goal.

What he had done, he was "a blind man eating glutinous rice balls - he knew it well". When he was caught, he knew that something he had done before had been exposed, either Leya's thing or some violation of law and discipline he had done before.

’s matter.

Although he was a little panicked, he still felt that it would not be too serious. Decades had passed since Leya's incident. Even if the bones were found in the Huang family ancestral hall, no one could be sure that it was the Huang family who did it. After all, the Huang family's children also

Died in a dark well.

Unless the causes and consequences of the Huang family's children being thrown into the dark well are first discovered, as long as the Huang family themselves do not admit it, responsibility for Le Ya's death can be evaded.

As for violations of laws and disciplines, if they are exposed, they will plead guilty and be sentenced to three to five years in prison at most. If they do not reveal the persons with interests, those people will secretly take care of him for their own sake.

However, when he was being escorted to Shishi, he was brought in a wheelchair to a group of people related to the case. Among the hooded team, he recognized his three sons and a person who had conspired together.

Before he could catch his breath, he fainted.

He knows that he is finished and the Huang family is finished!

This chapter has been completed!
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