Chapter 590: The Rhythm of Making Big Things 2 Updates

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 The appearance of the yellow scum girl has long been unforgettable. Le Xiao’s classmates no longer need to look at the previous photos of the yellow scum girl. They are confident and can strike like flying swords.

It took more than an hour to straighten the scumbag's face, apply medicine, and wipe away the blood.

The yellow scum girl has suffered three years at the hands of Yin Asan and is still alive. I have to say that her life is still very tough, almost like Xiaoqiang who cannot be beaten to death.

However, she is almost reaching her limit. If no one rescues her, she will die in another six months at most.

Zhazha was so thin that she was only skin and bones, and could not eat after plastic surgery. Therefore, even though she felt sorry for her own pills, Le Xiaoxiao reluctantly gave up a pill to Zhazha.

After observing for a while, I inserted a few needles into the yellow scumbag girl's abdomen. If a certain Asan tries his best, and with her help, he might be able to leave a fetus in the yellow scumbag girl's belly.

She has arranged the future path for the yellow scum girl. If the yellow scum girl can successfully get a fetal embryo in her belly, there may be an unexpected harvest.

In order to prevent Huang Zha Nu from waking up, he tapped a few more acupuncture points on her, and then took out the mobile cave to move Huang Zha Nu into it.

After placing the yellow scumbag girl, the little Loli first observed the outside world to confirm that no one was there, then went out, ran to the roadside and threw the weeds and paper towels stained with the scumbag girl's blood into the weeds, then ran about half a mile and returned to the star again.

Nuclear world.

Returning for the second time, I found clean clothes, untied the scarf on my head, and untied my hair.

After growing long hair, it is more troublesome to change into a disguise, but in India it is not troublesome at all. India is a country with a caste system, and the symbol of a person with a certain surname in their country is Baotou.

A certain surname in Baotou is a nobleman of India and has a very high status.

Basically, Indian Asan will not mess with anyone who has a turban on their head. Even the president of India is polite when meeting someone with the surname Baotou.

In India, classmate Le Xiao's hair is not a big deal. When it is tied up and tied with a turban, he looks just like someone with a noble surname.

Because of this, she dared to go to the small town alone to collect Huang Shishi, not afraid that the family would dare to act arrogant and refuse to acknowledge the debt, and she was not afraid that the family would call the whole village to besiege her.

In order to be able to disguise herself as an authentic Indian turbaned young man, the little loli went to great lengths and put a lot of oil on her hair. Her whole body exuded a unique "Fun Fei" of Indians.


Now that she was successful and retired, the little Loli let her hair loose, quickly washed her hair and took a shower. After washing her hair several times, she put on clean clothes and finally felt like she was living like a human being.

With a new look, she took the aircraft back to the center of the sacred tree in the star core space. She first found the place where the two little beasts were working, helped harvest some medicinal materials, and finished the work at noon.

One person and two animals ate a hearty meal of spiritual food, contentedly rubbing their bellies and basking in the sun.

After lying down for a while, Xiao Le got up, got into the mobile cave, set up a magic circle, took out the tools for drawing talismans, put on gloves, grinded cinnabar, spread talisman paper, and wrote the marriage document.

The little fox squatted on the little girl's shoulder, and when he saw the names of the man and the woman on the marriage contract written by the little girl, his golden eyes stared like bullfrog eyes: "Oh my god, little girl, are you planning to cause something big?"

Do you know who that little girl Huang Shishi is going to marry?

The little girl asked the scumbag to marry an ancestor of the Huang family!

That ancestor of the Huang family is older than the person who is regarded as the originator of the Huang family in the ancestral grave of the Huang family and the Mao family in Shishi today, and is a veritable ancestor.

The little fox knew that the little girl held a grudge and always had to retaliate. The Huang family forcibly tied her girl to a dead member of the Huang family. He also guessed that she might retaliate in kind.

The little girl is indeed prepared to retaliate in kind.

The Huang family married Aunt Lejia to an older ancestor. The little girl was even more powerful. She gave her direct bloodline of the Huang family to be the daughter-in-law of the ancestor of their family.

It is a shameful thing to get married by direct members of the same clan, which violates ancestral laws. The little girl also tied the direct descendants of the Huang family to the oldest ancestors of the Huang family, which completely messed up the rules of human ethics.

If the ancestors of the Huang family were still alive, they would all be scared out of their wits.

The moment the marriage document written by the little girl takes effect, after it reaches heaven and earth, if the rules of heaven are still there, a certain tribe will be punished by heaven.

It's okay if the little girl doesn't take action, but once she does, it's a big move to put people on the ground.

The little fox stares with his golden eyes and trembles. The little girl who holds a grudge is scary, and the little girl who wants revenge is even scarier.

You can’t offend anyone, this little human girl! Even if you offend God by committing a karma, you’ll probably be struck by lightning a few times and offend the little girl, and she might even die without knowing how she died.

Almost instantly, the little fox thought about whether he had offended the little girl and made her hold a grudge. After thinking about it, fortunately, he was a smart fox god. He did not offend her and even served as her little helper.

Xiao Huihui doesn't understand what the little fox is talking about. The little sister must have her own reasons for doing things, so there is nothing to shout about. Others are more strange than others, but the little fox is always strange.

"This is called propriety and reciprocity. Don't the old Zamaos dote on this girl in their family the most? I have done all the good deeds and sent their most beloved junior to his ancestors so that his ancestors can take good care of him. How kind-hearted I am.

It’s so understanding.” Le Yun smiled and scribbled on the marriage document.

If you ask how she got the horoscopes and real names of the ancestors of the Huang family who have been dead for hundreds of years, it is of course because she has the Huang family genealogy in her hand.

Gold, silver, wealth and daily necessities are stored in Huang's underground warehouse, and a large cabinet contains the Huang family's genealogy.

The Huang family kept a copy of the family tree in an underground warehouse, probably because they were afraid that the family tree would be lost or damaged in an accident. With a backup, the family tree would not be broken.

The little Loli emptied the Huang family's underground storage, counted the loot when she had nothing to do, and turned to the Huang family's family tree. She took the time to study the eighteen generations of the Huang family's ancestors thoroughly, and remembered the date of birth recorded in the Huang family's family tree.

Everyone at the time.

Before finding the Huang family genealogy, little Loli decided to pair the Huang scumbag girl with the originator buried in the Huang family's ancestral grave, and asked a certain scumbag girl to be a concubine for an ancestor of the Huang family, and discovered the Huang family genealogy.

Find a deceased person who is older than the old guy who is regarded as the ancestor of a certain family, and also has detailed birth and death dates, so naturally choose the older one as the target.

Classmate Le Xiao felt that she was really a very caring person. Look, even the bones of the ancestors of the Huang family could not be found, and she even sent him a young and beautiful wife. She would definitely be moved to tears.<


The little fox stretched out its paws to cover its eyes. When the Huang family discovers the little girl's handiwork, those people's reactions... Well, the picture is so beautiful that I can't bear to look at it.

Classmate Le Xiao, who thought he was kind and considerate, finished writing the marriage documents, grabbed the yellow scumbag girl's left finger and scratched it, then smeared the scumbag girl's blood on her right thumb, and then took the scumbag girl's bloody hand

Put your thumbprint on the document where your name is written.

The marriage document is made in triplicate, one for the woman, one for the man, and one for the official deposit.

The man is dead, and the official department that does the notarization is of course the underworld. According to ancient regulations, when documents are burned, they will take effect when they arrive in the hands of the underworld judge.

After finishing writing the marriage documents between the yellow scumbag girl and a certain person, the little Loli once again laid out the paper and slowly wrote the marriage documents. She dedicated the grandson of the old Zamao to their ancestor's wife for a noodle ceremony and the granddaughter of the old Zamao.

Be wives for the other male ancestors of his family.

In addition, certain descendants of the Huang family were also given marriages. The men were all married to their female ancestors, and the women were married to their male ancestors for a hundred years.

The little fox watched the little girl write the marriage documents one after another, and was so shocked that cold sweat broke out on her nose. This...the little girl was not only planning for big things, she clearly wanted to break the rules of the sky!

He silently glanced at the back of the little girl's head, shrinking his neck and saying nothing.

If it were in the past, he would definitely advise the little girl to do as little killing as possible. The killing is too serious, and when she reaches a higher level, it will easily affect her inner demon.

But now, looking at the little girl's meritorious deeds that blinded his eyes, he felt that it was better not to be a villain. No matter what cause and effect, it was nothing in front of those meritorious deeds.

What's more, the little girl is still the daughter of the Creator God. As long as she doesn't destroy the earth, God will not punish the little girl.

The little fox decided to become a quiet fox god. Only quiet and well-behaved foxes have spiritual food to eat.

Moreover, he also decided that if it was not necessary, he would not tell the little girl that she had profound merits and was not afraid of cause and effect, lest the little girl lose her scruples and exterminate the whole family at the slightest disagreement. After all, she would cause too much evil.


The little Loli wrote a stack of paperwork, packed it in a cardboard box, then found some wood, imitated the shape of certain people's fingers according to memory, and carved them into fingerprints that were exactly the same as certain people's.

She spent an afternoon making the fingerprints of Huang Laozimao, his grandchildren, and illegitimate children, and then put them on thin fake skin. After that, she took out the blood of the little bastards that she had collected before, and took

Make fingerprints on the marriage contract with a fake finger stained with blood.

Finally, he took the old Zamao's fake finger and dipped it in his own blood, and put his fingerprints on all the names with his name on the marriage certificate.

The marriage documents were all written from the perspective of Huang Laozamao. He was grateful for the contribution of his ancestors to his descendants, so he specially sent filial piety to the ancestors of his family to appease their ancestors' achievements.

If Mr. Huang Zamao sees it one day, will he be so angry that he goes to heaven on the spot? That depends on the endurance of his heart.

After completing the last step, the little loli took a look at the marriage document and felt quite accomplished. She put the document away with a smile and washed her hands.

The little fox and Xiao Huihui watched for a long time, and in a calm mood, they crawled out of the mobile cave and went back to the wooden palace to eat spiritual food, fruits and sleep.

Student Le Xiao waited until ten o'clock in the evening to leave the star core space, went to the wilderness to burn the prosthetic fingers he made, and then took out the aircraft and rushed on.

This chapter has been completed!
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