Chapter 634 Teaching

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 Mr. Mo appeared frequently in the memories of the Bashi family, and Le Yun also listed him as a key target. When invading the brain of the little boss of the Bashi family, she also specifically searched for memories about Mr. Mo.

The hard work paid off, and some specific information about "Mr. Mo" was found in the little boss's memory.

The little boss came into contact with Mr. Mo once. That time Mr. Mo should have put on makeup, and you can still tell that he has a handsome appearance with a Western face and blue pupils.

The other three people only knew about the existence of 'Mr. Mo', but they didn't know whether he was tall, short, old or young. The little boss' memory of Mr. Mo's face was not particularly clear, but at least he had a concrete outline and was no longer an abstract one.


It is said that Mr. Mo is not a Burmese, nor is he a mixed race. When he traveled in Burma, he fell in love with the primitive lifestyle of Burma and was full of curiosity about Savage Mountain, so he stayed in Burma. The wooden house in the canyon is

Mr. Mo paid a high price to buy it from the previous residents as a residence.

Mr. Mo was friends with Bashi Gang of the Bashi family. Mr. Mo went to Wacheng and it would take some time to return to Myitkyina. The Bashi family borrowed Mr. Mo's wooden house as a transit station for transferring hostages.

The little boss has a certain status in the Bashi family. As the person responsible for the execution of a certain operation, he also knows a little bit about the plan. They kidnapped hostages and planted them on the enemies of the Bashi family. They planned to let the rescue team who rescued the hostages fight with the enemies.

The Bashi family took advantage of the situation and reaped the benefits.

If the effect is not satisfactory, they will adopt the second plan, which is to lay mines around the wooden house and use the hostages as bait to lure the rescue team to the canyon wooden house and kill the rescue team and the hostages in one fell swoop.

The last stop where Feitou Jiangshi and the Bashi Family stayed was actually a temporary warehouse where rough stones were stored at a certain entrance of the Jade Field by the rival family of the Bashi Family.

It was the rainy season, and the entrance to the jadeite mine was shut down. There were only guards guarding the jadeite mine to prevent people from stealing rough stones. There was no one in the warehouses or transfer stations where the rough stones were stored.

Members of the Bashi family took advantage of the loophole and deliberately used the enemy's temporary warehouse as a place to hold hostages. Jin Er Er was also killed there.

The little boss also watched how the head-cutting masters disemboweled Jin Er and removed his liver and heart. Le Yun also re-watched the scene of Jin Er's murder.

That scene was shocking.

That admiration was deeply imprinted in her mind.

Le Yun endured the lingering grief and resentment in her heart and continued to read the little boss's memories, looking for more beneficial information, and once again found an even more amazing secret.

Among the hostages is an insider from the Bashi family!

The wife is a young woman who worships money and is vain. She knows and is dating a young man from the emerald tycoon Bashi family. In order to marry into the Bashi family, she serves as their pawn. She provided information about several of the hostages.<


Yan Shao's team, which originally went to Myanmar for rescue, formed a rescue team. The rescue team also successfully found the place where the hostages were held, and part of them intercepted the kidnappers. Jin Er Er and Zhuo Shi Qi went to rescue the hostages.

Jin Er Er and Zhuo Shi Qi also successfully rescued the hostages. It was the young woman who secretly contacted the Bashi family during the evacuation. She led them to the place where the Bashi family was ambushing, allowing the hostages who had just escaped from their misery and Jin Er

Erzhuo Shiqi fell into the hands of the Bashi Family and the Jiangtou Master Alliance.

The rescue team eliminated some of the manpower of a certain organization and went to find Jin 22 Zhuo Qi and the hostages. They found that they could not be found, and Jin 22 Zhuo Qi also disappeared.

The rescue team spent several days without finding the hostages or teammates. They suspected that they were being hacked because no one came to negotiate. They sent back a request for high-tech technical support to find Jin Er Er and Zhuo Shi Qi's cell phone before he disappeared.

In which area does the signal disappear?

Young Master Yan found out that Jin Twenty-two Zhuo Shiqi had been missing for several days after receiving a request for help from his teammates. He then personally left Beijing and rushed to the border, and also entered Myanmar to look for Jin Twenty-two Zhuo Shiqi.

After catching two members of the rescue team, the Bashi family immediately arranged for transfer, waiting for the opportunity to trick their opponents.

Le Yun checked the memory of the little leader of the Bashi family and found only some clues that Jin Erzhuo Qi was betrayed by the spy and fell into the hands of the Bashi family. Specifically, how did the spy contact a certain young man of the Bashi family? He also

Not sure.

A young man from the Bashi family who was in contact with a certain spy also participated in the operation to capture the gold twenty-two Zhuoqiu. He did not return to Myitkyina until the hostages were transferred to the canyon cabin. He is responsible for the news of the battalion rescue team. There will be new information.

Contact the person guarding the hostage.

If Feitou Jiang’s murder of Jin Twenty-Two and Zhuo Shiqi is hateful, what Le Yun hates the most is a certain internal agent. Such a shameless person is not worthy of being a human being!

From the memory of the little boss, she found the face of a certain jade tycoon's "young master" whom a certain undercover girl knelt down and licked like a dog. That young man had no blood relationship with the Wu Gang family, and should be the other four of the five heads of the Eight Stones family.

A young man from a certain branch.

When searching for souls, she only looked at the memories of three or four months for the other three people. For the little boss, she looked at the memories for nearly a year.

When the Soul Searching Technique was temporarily completed, it was already daybreak.

It's dawn, even if it doesn't rain, the humidity in Yeren Mountain is heavy, and the mountains are filled with clouds and mist.

The sky is gray and there are signs of rain.

The light outside the wooden house is not bright, and the light inside the house is even darker.

After searching the souls of four members of the Bashi family, Le Yun also stuck a golden needle into each of the other three people, threw them into the man-made cave, and lined up the piles in a corner.

The hostages have been smelling the poison for several hours. No antidote is needed. The effect of the medicine will last until tomorrow at least before it will naturally wear off.

The hostages would not wake up for the time being, so Le Yun ran non-stop to Feitou's surrender, picking out the one with the most authority to search for his soul.

The little leader of the Bashi family spent some time with the Jiangtou masters. From various signs, he guessed which of the four Jiangtou masters had the highest status and who was second.

Two of the four Feitou Jiang are very old and are brothers of the same generation as Du Yue, and the other two are the same generation as Miaomiao Dan.

One of the oldest flying head descents is the advanced flying head descent. It has been practiced to the point where it can lift the head off the neck with only the heart when descending, but it looks very young, like an ordinary middle-aged and elderly person of fifty-six years old.<


There are five surrender masters who are allied with the Bashi family, and the one who is not present... is also the executioner who murdered Jin Er Er.

The flying head did not come to the canyon when they were transferred from the Myitkyina Emerald Field, and returned to their family residence in Yangon, the former capital of Myanmar.

The most powerful one among the four flying heads remaining in the canyon was also the murderer who cut off Zhuo Shiqi's leg meat and liver lobes.

Le Yun didn't have the slightest fondness for Feitou Jiang, and she didn't pull out the sandalwood stick. She simply invaded Feitou Jiang's brain and searched for the main body of his mental power.

Feitou's spiritual consciousness is stronger than Wu Changfeng's mental strength. His spiritual consciousness is nourished in the Ajna Palace. Even if he is unconscious, his spiritual consciousness has a certain degree of autonomy and resists outside prying eyes.

That kind of resistance is just like when a person resists in order to escape when he has a nightmare. No matter how fierce the resistance of Fei Touxiang's consciousness is, for Le Xiaololi, her little struggle is just like an ant shaking a big tree.

Her way of dealing with Feitou Jiang's mental power is simple and crude. She directly wraps Feitou Jiang's consciousness with her own consciousness, and then "fuses" it with force to view his memories in an empathic way.

She also thought about directly extracting Feitou's consciousness, but after repeated consideration, she decided to use empathy. The method of extracting consciousness consumes mental energy. She still has actions at night and must keep her mental energy full.

Use an empathic approach to first search for useful information from Feitou's memory. Once the waste has become useless, it will not be too late to extract his consciousness when you are free.

For the first four people, in order to save time and mental energy, Little Loli temporarily looked at their memories of the past few months, looking for purposes or clues related to their hostage-taking.

She had old and new grudges with the Feitoujiang family. In order to know herself and the enemy, and to have a more detailed understanding of the Feitoujiang family, she dug out all the memories of Feitoujiang's life and posted them.

In the past, Le Xiaololi did not search the souls of the flying-headed descendants of the Du Yue family. She only analyzed whether they were from the same family based on the analysis collected through the plug-in eyes. It was not clear whether the flying-headed descendants of Myanmar were all from the same origin or had different origins.


After such a soul search, I gained a lot, and I also know the general origin of Feitoujiang in Myanmar.

There are three branches of Feitoujiang in Myanmar. One branch originated from the pre-Qin period of China and belongs to the most primitive Jiangtou master family;

One group is the ancestors of the human-monster country who learned the art of subjugation from the Huaxia Kingdom. After it flourished in the human-monster country, it was introduced to the Burmese country. It can also be regarded as an imported teaching;

The other branch was introduced from the country of the demons to the three countries of India and Afghanistan, and then to Myanmar via the three countries of India and Afghanistan. It is also an imported product.

The ancestors of Du Yue's family were originally Burmese. Her ancestors went to live in the country of demons and became magicians by chance. About five hundred years ago, the main branch of her family in Burma had no descendants. Her family's

The ancestors moved back to Myanmar and inherited their wealth.

The magicians who returned to Myanmar from the country of demons inherited a large amount of wealth, and their family became the most powerful among the magician families, surpassing the local and imported magician families.<


Du Yue's family of magicians has a nice name - the Jixiang family.

A group of head-dropping masters from Du Yue's family disappeared, and the other two heads-downing master families initially remained on the sidelines. Since the Jixiang family had not heard from Du Yue's group of head-dropping masters for several years, the other two families of head-downing masters were ready to take action, intending to overwhelm the Jixiang family.
In order to maintain their family's status, the Feitou descendants of the Jixiang family cooperated with the Bashi family. They helped the Bashi family grab the territory, and the Bashi family got a share of the profits.

The road to mastering Feitou Jiang is relatively long and requires huge financial support. With support, you don’t have to worry about life in order to concentrate on practicing the skill of Jiang.

If a person does not have financial support and spends a lot of time and energy every day to make a living, he will not be able to concentrate on learning the art of surrender, and it will naturally be difficult to succeed.

The Jixiang family has strong financial resources, and every branch of the Jiantou division does not have to worry about life, so talents emerge in large numbers.

Du Yue and her brothers from various clans have a lot of wealth in their hands. Du Yue's disappearance will have an impact on the overall combat power of the family, but will have no impact on the wealth.

The Jixiang family is not short of money, and the reason why they cooperate with the Bashi family is for long-term considerations. By cooperating with both parties, they can not only gain huge benefits, but also use the armed power of their allies, the Bashi family, to intimidate other descendant families.

The master does not trouble ordinary people in his family, and the qualified young people in his family can also devote themselves to learning the art of surrender.

This chapter has been completed!
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