Chapter 688 Keep up the good work

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 People who don’t have a collecting habit will never understand the joy of collecting materials.

Classmate Le has no hobby of collecting, nor is she a miser. However, she has space waiting to be used, and she also has to raise a picky little fox. The pressure is not as great as that of the Pacific Ocean, but also as great as Mount Tai.

Therefore, being a treasure hunter has become her biggest hobby, and the menial work of moving gold and silver jewelry is also her favorite technical work.

I moved all the books in one go and collected the boxes containing towels. Most of the currencies were US dollars and euros, with a small amount of RMB and British pounds.

Remove all the paper products and collect the raw jade stones.

The jadeite rough collected by the head of the Jixiang family is less than one-tenth of the semi-clear material. Clear material is the mainstream, and they are all small and medium-sized materials. The largest piece weighs about two tons.

Because they are made of clear or semi-clear materials, you can judge the quality at a glance. Naturally, the materials in the collection are of excellent quality, and the worst ones are also mid-grade.

The total weight of the raw jadeite is similar to that collected by the Du Yue family, about 1,100 tons. However, there are many more jadeite jewelry and carvings that have been cut but not yet made or made into finished products.

The collection of Feitou's house is so rich that the little Lolita transforms into a diligent little bee, running around happily, emptying one place and then changing it to another, implementing a sweep policy and leaving nothing behind.

Although it is wrong to steal people's money from others, it is tantamount to digging up people's ancestral graves. In normal times, Le Yun would not be able to do such things, but she felt no sense of guilt when she looted the Feitoujiang family's wealth.

Her principle is that if you don’t touch me, I won’t touch you, and if you touch me, I will retaliate.

Regardless of whether she is a warlock or a charlatan, if she is not provoked, she will not take the initiative to cause trouble. If the other party provokes her, then don't blame her for being rude.

If Feitou Jiang doesn't mess with her, she won't touch the magician, let alone move their family's wealth. It's Feitou Jiang who colluded with the gangs and harmed the people of the great dynasty. Of course, she can't blame her for revenge.

Le Yun, who was happily moving things, was secretly thinking about what to do with the gold and silver collected from the Feitou Jiang family. Should she donate it directly to the country, or exchange it for money and then donate the money to a welfare institution or support children in remote mountainous areas to go to school.
Piles and piles of things disappeared from where they were, and the underground palace became empty little by little.

Even though she worked very hard, it took Le Yun about fifty minutes to clear out the underground palace, leaving only rows of pillars and stone shelves.

I emptied the Feitoujiang family's hundreds of thousands of savings, patted my butt, and happily floated out of the underground palace.

The villa and manor of the Feitou family is quiet, and the head of the headless body has not returned yet.

After leaving the small darkroom, Leyun restored the secret door. Still ignoring Feitoulu's body, she floated out of the Buddhist hall and went to the various buildings in the villa to look for the magician.

She ran from building to building, gathering all the magicians who had practiced the art of magic and moved them to the Buddhist hall.

There were more than 130 members of the Jixiang family in the villa that day, ranging from rookies to advanced magicians, a total of 94 of them, including 17 senior magicians and 29 intermediate magicians.

With huge financial support, the proportion of people in the head of the Jixiang family who practice the art of surrender is very high.

Classmate Le placed the magicians in a man-made cave, and when he returned to the Buddhist hall, he first gave each of the more than a dozen senior magicians a talisman and a red sandalwood stick to seal them.

The other magicians each received a pill and a bowl of water, and then threw them out of the cave and into the Buddhist hall, where they were arranged in two rows and arranged neatly.

After that, classmate Le put away the Buddha statues and worship vessels in the Buddhist hall and stored them all in a separate storage container. Then he walked around the Buddhist hall to the west and emptied the Buddha statues and items.

After moving the Buddha statues in the two Buddhist halls, he went into the dark room and took away all the small Buddha statues. He took out a few talismans and put them on the headless body, and nailed a few rosewood sticks to him, and then took out

One coffin, put the others in the coffin and seal it.

The coffin is first thrown back to the star core space for storage.

Hiding the shell of a magician, Le Yun used her flying head as a puppet, sprinkled a handful of powder into the temple, and ran out without looking back.

When she arrived at the small square in front of the pagoda, she asked the puppet Feitou to wake up. She returned to the cave and stayed on top of Feitou, controlling Feitou and riding away on a motorcycle.

The little girl patted her butt and left without taking a single cloud with her. Less than ten minutes after she left, a group of flying heads in the Buddhist hall roared in their stomachs.

The magicians were unconscious, and their bodies were spasming and twisting unintentionally. This shows that they must be experiencing severe pain and torture. Many magicians also had bloody foam coming out of their mouths and noses.

The magician's convulsive state lasted for more than ten minutes and finally subsided. However, everyone's faces were also changing rapidly. They originally looked like middle-aged and elderly people in their forties or fifties, but they were aging at an unstoppable speed.

Young people age slower, but they are also getting older.

Soon, a group of magicians showed what they should look like at that age. Their bodies were stooped and thin, their skin was relaxed, and their wrinkled appearance was as rough as an old pine tree.

A group of magicians were unknowingly destroyed and turned into ordinary people. They also entered aging in one step and their lives were not long.

While they were suffering from pain, a human head that was originally playing in the distant country of monsters was flying like crazy towards Yangon City.

A flying human head is like a cannonball soaring through the air. No afterimage can be seen, leaving only bursts of strong wind.

Heads were flying towards Yangon like crazy, but Le Xiao’s classmate had already left Yangon and rushed to Naypyitaw, the new capital of Myanmar.

The new capital of Myanmar is about 400 kilometers away from the old capital. It was originally named Pyinmana. It is the third largest city in Myanmar and its strategic position is important.

Pyinmana was originally a trading town between Yangon and Wa. Myanmar designated it as the new capital and made a plan. The new capital is nine times larger than the old capital, which can fully meet the development needs of all aspects.

Because the new capital was only completed more than ten years ago, it is gradually developing and improving, and the urban buildings are not so crowded.

It didn’t take much time for Mr. Le to go to Yangon, and it didn’t take much time to move someone’s warehouse. Instead, he needed to go from building to building and find people from room to room when looking for the flyers, so he raided various places.

It took more than three hours to find the items in the building.

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When she was busy, it was already past midnight when she left Yangon.

The distance between the new capital and the old capital of Myanmar is about 400 kilometers, which is not that far. Student Le took an aircraft and flew for a few dozen minutes to reach his destination.

Pyinmana is located in a long valley between mountains and has a high forest coverage rate.

In the early morning in Naypyitaw, all the residents were asleep. Only some temples, government buildings or hotel buildings still had lights on, making it appear extraordinarily peaceful and peaceful.

Because the urban buildings are relatively sparse, Mr. Le Xiao flew to the west of Naypyitaw, found a suitable landing place and landed. Then he followed the same method and slipped out a flying head as a puppet and asked him to take him to his family.

The puppet master rode his motorcycle for about two miles before returning to his family's manor.

A branch of the auspicious family living in Naypyitaw. Among the ancestors who returned to Myanmar from the country of demons, they are also direct descendants. They are the youngest son and the eighteenth.

The members of the 18th house of the Jixiang family settled in Pyinmana, now called Naypyidaw, very early. At that time, there were few residents in Pyinmana, and they were rich. They purchased a large area of ​​land, and the manor they lived in was larger than the one in Yangon.

The manor of the Subjugation Master family has nearly tripled in width.

The auspicious eighteenth house is relatively low-key. The manor is divided into three parts. One part is for ordinary people who are not qualified to practice the art of surrender. One part is the residence of the core personnel. The other part is for the families of novices who are new to the art of surrender and the families of the junior magicians.

The three parts are independent of each other and look like three unrelated manors to outsiders.

The magician who was sent to assist the Bashi family is an intermediate magician among the auspicious eighteen room magicians. He lives in the core area. Because he is returning to his own home, even if he is a puppet, his body and consciousness are natural conditioned reflexes.

It's easy to get used to it.

Returning to the vicinity of the family residence, the puppet flying magician subconsciously slowed down. When he arrived at the gate of the manor area, he also parked slowly and opened the gate again.

He pushed the cart into the gate by himself, closed the door, and then rode the cart slowly.

I made five turns on the way, changed two roads in total, and rode for about 2,000 meters before stopping in front of a third-floor house.

In terms of location, the place where Puppet Feitou lives is northwest of the rear area of ​​the manor where the core members of the family live. There are more than twenty buildings in that area, all of which are traditional two- or three-story buildings.

The controlled Feitou parked the car, opened the door and entered his home. There were more than 20 people in his home, and they were all asleep or meditating. No one came out to ask for help.

When I returned to the manor, I saw no one poking around, and I didn't see any of his family members caring about him when I got home. This shows that for them, coming back in the middle of the night is normal and they are used to it.

No one paid attention to him, and Little Le was the happiest. He sprinkled a few handfuls of medicinal powder in the room, let Feitou go out, lit some incense for him, and asked him to put it in the flower pot in front of the door, and then asked him to return to his room.

Room to sleep.

Feitou followed the instructions. When he returned to the room, he first took off the millet grains on his head and placed them on the floor. He immediately fell into a deep sleep. At first he really fell asleep, but soon fell into an unconscious deep sleep because of the intoxicating fragrance.

Ten minutes later, people in a building fell asleep one after another.

Little Le was not in a hurry to go out. He waited quietly for about an hour and checked with his spiritual consciousness to confirm that all the people in the three residential areas of the Jixiang family were asleep before crawling out of the man-made cave.

The Jixiang family's residence was very spacious, so she didn't look far away. Starting from the house where she stayed, she gathered all the magicians from several generations who lived in the same building and threw them into the man-made cave. She also took away the valuable things in the house.

Take it away.

After searching one building, I went to the neighboring buildings to look for people. I searched one building after another, visiting the buildings in the northwest corner, and then south to east along the west side, looking for people one by one in a clockwise direction.

Visit all the peripheral houses in the core area, then climb over the wall, go to the next door residential area, and find all the rookie and junior magicians.

Search the next area, then return to the core area and go straight to the central area.

There are twenty-six buildings in the central area of ​​the Jixiang family's eighteen-room residential area. The middle building combines a variety of elements and is a composite-style building with two floors and various roofs above. Overall,

It is three floors.

The doors to the building are closed, and the windows are not equipped with anti-theft frames.

The Jixiang family are all "Buddhists", and the architecture also incorporates Buddhist styles. The west-facing side of the central building is a Buddhist hall, and the door is also in Buddhist style.

Student Le Xiao first went around the buildings around the main building, and then went around the main building to study. The treasure house of the magician in the 18th room of the Jixiang family is in the main building, located in the middle area.

After going around a circle, we reached the side of the main door, opened a window and climbed in.

Inside is a large living room, which is very wide, with doors on both sides and the rear. There are stairs in the hall leading to the second floor.

Le Yun first picked out the people in each room on the first floor, and then went to the second floor.

The stairs lead directly to the living room on the second floor. Going out to the back of the living room is a corridor. There are rooms on both sides of the corridor. The rooms are not door-to-door and are staggered.

After walking around the living room and collecting ten antiques and more than a dozen jade carvings, Mr. Le swung his short legs and went to each room to look for someone.

There were so many rooms that it took her more than half an hour to browse through them, and she caught more than thirty magicians in total.

After capturing the magicians in each room on the second floor, enter the room opposite the living room.

That room is a study room, filled with bookshelves.

Le Yun pushed open a bookshelf against the wall. Behind it was an invisible secret door. After opening the secret door, there was a small secret room with a set of tables and chairs and a carpet on the floor. It looked like a confinement room.
There is no light in the darkroom, so the light is dim.

Le Xiaotong took out the luminous pearl as a lighting lamp, lifted up the carpet, revealed a wooden board, picked up the wooden board, and revealed the stairway.

Walking down the stairs, the stairs are long and narrow, with several turns, you will find a small disguised secret room with more than a dozen boxes containing gold. After passing through a secret door, you reach the real secret room.
The secret room is rectangular in shape, and there are boxes everywhere.

Most of the boxes are made of teak, rosewood, and ebony. The largest box is more than two meters high, and the small box is also three feet high.

In the center of the secret room are load-bearing pillars, and wooden walls are installed between the rows of load-bearing pillars. The boxes are stacked against the walls of the secret room or against the wooden walls between the pillars, forming square arrays.

Most of the boxes are stacked almost to the ceiling.

In front of the piles of boxes, there are large and small wooden signs written in Burmese, indicating the names of the items contained in the boxes.

Stepping into the secret room, Le Yun glanced over casually and saw several cards with "Blue Jade Level 1", "Blue Jade Jewelry", "Persian Style Goldware" and "Persian Style Silverware" written on them.

Taking a glance, her mouth opened into an O, and she almost couldn't close it. It's so cute, the Jixiang family is unreasonably rich!

Du Yue's family is as rich as any country, and Jixiang Changfang is richer than Du Yue. However, the wealth of the Jixiang eighteenth family is not as good as that of Jixiang Changfang, and is no less generous than Du Yue's family.

Probably because of Binmana's location, the underground is close to the surface, and the basement is prone to moisture. Jixiang Shibafang ingeniously created a secret room above the ground to store wealth. Due to the limited space in the secret room, it had to pack things.
Various items collected in boxes take up less space than scattered on the ground. At most, it is a little troublesome to find them when you need them because you can't see the actual items at a glance.

The brilliance of gold and silver jewelry scanned by the plug-in eye can blind people's eyes. Le Yun was almost blinded by the light. She believed in the history of the Jixiang family.

It is said that the ancestors of the Jixiang family were members of the royal family of a certain dynasty. Later, they intermarried with the royal families of the past dynasties. Whenever the dynasty declined, the Jixiang family fell into silence. Whenever a new dynasty rose, it became a new noble.

In a word, the ancestors of the Jixiang family are human beings who always become winners in the era of dynasty like waves and waves, thus accumulating countless wealth.

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