Chapter 719: Golden Needle Puncture Point

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 The members of the Wood family who participated in the meeting were all at the management level of the family business. They were not stupid. They weighed the pros and cons in the shortest possible time and knew what to do to avoid risks.

Johnson called for bodyguards and help, but the Wood family ignored him. Le Yun was quite satisfied with their attitude, and she smiled and helped Johnson up, making him sit down.

Then he lifted Jenny upright in front of him, and stepped on Jenny's right knee in front of him.

Johnson, who was in severe pain, saw the Oriental girl stepping on Jenny's leg and shouted in horror: "No!"

In his wide-open eyes, the Oriental girl stepped down with her foot, which was as heavy as an elephant's pillar leg. It landed on Jenny's knee, and there was a sound of bones breaking.

Jenny was awakened by the huge pain. She straightened up to see what was wrong. When she raised her body halfway, she saw the Wood family.

In panic, she fell down again after she had just raised her body. She cried bitterly and called "Daddy" and "Uncle". After shouting a few times, she sat up straight again.

Everyone in the Wood family looked at Jenny with disappointment in their eyes. They knew Johnson. He didn’t have much courage. He himself would not kidnap the doctor’s brother and threaten the doctor. If it was Jenny’s idea, Johnson would definitely meet Jenny’s request.<


Johnson is obedient to Jenny and will do anything for his daughter Jenny, but he also has to bear the responsibility for indulging his daughter and causing adverse consequences.

The elders of the family and her father did not speak, and Jenny also realized that something was wrong. She endured the severe pain and slowly moved her head, and then she also saw the oriental girl standing to the side.

Seeing the face of the oriental girl, Jenny trembled with fear, and screamed with fear from time to time. She almost forgot about the pain in her legs, crawled to her father on hands and feet, and tried to ask for his protection.

Le Yun stretched out her foot and kicked the female doggie over in the doggy style. She stepped on her right elbow with one foot without exerting any force, admiring the horrified expression on the female dominatrix's face.

"Daddy, help me, Daddy, help me..." Jenny dragged her broken leg and crawled a few times, then was kicked to the ground with great force. Her tears and nose ran down from the pain, and she cried and begged her father for help.

Johnson's eyes were fixed on the oriental girl stepping on Jenny's arm. He almost didn't dare to breathe loudly and begged in a hoarse voice: "Miss, we did something wrong. We apologize to you and ask you to forgive Jenny. She just gave birth to a baby."

A mother, she has to raise her children and cannot lose her limbs."

"A few hours ago, Johnson, you arrogantly ordered me to treat Jenny, threatening me and saying that if I didn't cooperate, I wouldn't mind making my brother and friends suffer.

And Jenny, didn’t you scold me as a bitch who makes a living by treating rich people? Why don’t you scold me now?

Didn't you threaten me so proudly that if I don't go over and treat you, you'll let my brother be your bed slave? Why don't you say anything now?

When you extended your hands to my relatives and friends, kidnapped my brother and threatened me, your attitude was not like this. Johnson, now tell me what kind of suffering you want to inflict on my brother?

Jenny, also tell me how you plan to force my brother to be your bed slave?"

It is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, and it is never too late for Le Yun to take revenge. New accounts are settled, and even if the Wood father and daughter want to forget things, they cannot forget what they said a few hours ago. If they cannot remember, she can also make them remember.


Johnson's face suddenly turned pale, and his muscles were trembling.

Johnson's face was uglier than his brother's. He spent a few days with old Cassel, Roberto, and Milo, and clearly understood how much Miss Oriental Doctor loved her brother and younger brother. Who touched her brother?

She and her younger brother are just the opposite of her.

The doctor is unwilling to treat AIDS-infected people who have no self-discipline in their private lives. Jenny also wants to get involved with the doctor's brother, which is simply asking for death.

Johnson was so angry that he jumped up, rushed to Jenny, grabbed Jenny's hair, and slapped her twice hard.

The Wood family members were dumbfounded.

Johnson couldn't believe his eyes. Johnson was Jenny's uncle. Instead of saving Jenny, he beat Jenny?

"Jenny, you stupid pig. You have unspoken rules for being a famous model in the company. Acting is not enough. You actually want to force the doctor's brother to be your sexual partner. Who gave you the courage? You don't even look in the mirror to see how you look.

How dare you, with your appearance, think of the doctor’s brother? The young gentleman didn’t call you dirty, but I thought you were dirty..."

Johnson was so angry that he wanted to strangle Jenny, that scourge, on the spot. Jenny didn’t want to live anymore. She didn’t listen to the doctor’s advice and died when her lupus erythematosus relapsed. Why did she want to die stupidly and drag the entire Wood family into trouble?

He was so angry that he threw Jenny to the ground and kicked her hard. Then he took a few steps away and shamefully apologized to Miss Medical Pen: "Miss Doctor, I'm sorry. I'm ashamed that the Wood family has a child like Jenny."

, Jenny is already an adult, she must be responsible for her own actions, Jenny is at the disposal of the doctor, and the Wood family has no objection."

Everyone in the Wood family looked at Johnson and fell silent.

"Johnson, you...what are you talking about?" Johnson looked at his brother in disbelief, unable to believe that he gave up saving Jenny.

"Johnson's decision is the Wood family's decision." The Wood patriarch, who has been silent, first supported Johnson before other members of the family expressed their opinions.

The rest of the Wood family had no objections. Even if they had objections, they would not be stupid enough to raise them at this time. They also understood that Johnson gave up Jenny for the sake of the entire family.

Johnson turned his gaze to the patriarch and saw the patriarch staring at him with cold eyes. He felt as if he had been thrown into Lake Anzhi in Chicago during the winter. He felt cold from the outside to the inside.

"Uncle, help me, uncle, help. Jenny is wrong. Jenny shouldn't disobey uncle. Jenny will definitely correct herself in the future. Please uncle, because Jenny is the mother of two little babies, please save Jenny. Jenny knows that she did something wrong."

,I will listen to my uncles from now on..."

Jenny heard with her own ears that her uncle and the head of the Wood family had decided to give up on her. She broke down and cried, begging the family elders for help.

Le Yunyi is very bold and does not panic when on other people's territory. After watching a scene, she was quite satisfied with the Wood family's prudent approach to protecting themselves.

A gentleman does not stand in danger, and everyone in the Wood family also knows how to abandon soldiers to protect the commander. They let Jenny bear her responsibilities, so even if she wants to anger the Wood family, she will not go too far.

The Wood family taught the female dominatrix a lesson on the spot. I think a certain woman must also understand what reality is.

She felt a little better, and didn't want to waste time, so she rubbed Jenny's elbow with her feet.

"Ah—" The elbow joint was crushed to pieces, and Jenny spasmed in pain. As soon as her body turned to the right, her left elbow was stepped on again.

Amidst the dense crunching sounds, the bones of Jenny's left elbow joint were crushed and fractured by gravity.

Because it was too painful, Jenny did not faint, but kept whining in pain.

However, this was not over yet. The oriental girl's foot once again landed on her intact left leg, and it rolled over without any pressure.

"No, no, no, you can't treat Jenny like this -" Johnson was so heartbroken by the pain his child had endured that he started to tremble.

"I said, I will not accept any threats. Whoever kidnaps my brother will have to bear the consequences. You will also have to pay the price for kidnapping my brother and his friends." Jenny was in pain so much that Le Yun didn't even open her eyelids, and her feet were

Use slight force.

Jenny's only remaining intact kneecap and leg bone of her left leg were also shattered by bone fractures. She could no longer bear the severe pain and fainted from the pain.

Johnson was already numb with pain. Looking at Jenny who fainted, he shed tears of regret. He was wrong!

He thought that he could hold the oriental girl's brother in his hands, and as long as he did not harm them, he forced the oriental girl to cure Jenny of lupus erythematosus. Even if the oriental girl forcibly kidnapped her brother because of them, she would at most never be angry with the Wood family again.

People see a doctor.

Unexpectedly, the oriental girl was so vicious. Just because they took her brother away by force, not only was she not threatened, but she immediately took revenge.

What method did the oriental girl use to rescue her brother and friend in the first place, and also capture him and Jenny?

Johnson couldn't remember how he fell into the hands of the oriental girl, and his heart felt a little cold. There must be a mysterious power behind the oriental girl. The Russell family probably knew a little about it, so they were afraid of her. In order not to offend her, they did not help.

They seek medical treatment from an oriental girl.

Everyone in the Wood family saw that the elbows of Jenny's hands and the knees of her legs were dented, but there was no broken skin or a drop of blood. This showed how accurately the oriental girl controlled the strength and how fearful she was.


After getting rid of Jenny, Le Yun calmly took two steps back, sat on a high-backed chair cushioned with thick wolf fur, and elegantly played with the small gold revolver in her hand.

Seeing the Oriental girl finally sitting down, Chief Wood gave Johnson a wink.

Johnson also understood what the family owner meant, and he bit the bullet and negotiated on behalf of the Wood family: "Ms. Doctor, let's sit down and talk, okay?"

"What are we talking about?" Le Yun raised her eyelids with a nonchalant look on her face: "Are you talking about how many people your Wood family has? Or are you talking about how many properties and valuable castles your Wood family has?

Or talk about how you want to cover up the fact that your family kidnapped my brother quietly, so as not to have a bad impact on your business in Europe?

Gentlemen of the Wood family, while you were talking about how to minimize the impact of vicious incidents so as not to affect your family's business, I also visited the castle.

I calculated it and found that using normal blasting methods, it would take about two hundred tons of black powder to blast this castle. I blasted it myself and only needed thirty tons of black powder to level this castle.<


Do you think there is any problem with the results I calculated?"

Everyone in the Wood family suddenly took a breath, and their expressions suddenly changed. The oriental girl... she was going to blow up their castle?!

Johnson took a step back in horror, his voice unsteady: "Miss Doctor, Miss Doctor, let's... let's talk about how to solve the mistake Johnson made. The lady's brother was frightened, and we will urge Johnson and Jenny to

Are you satisfied with your brother's apology and appropriate compensation?"

"Mr. Johnson, do you think you can satisfy me by just apologizing and giving me some small compensation? Do you think I am a poor person from the slums? Or do you think that the experiments I do are like the basics that students in grade 8 or 9 do in school experiments?"


Le Yun glanced at the Wood family members with a half-smile: "You think, if this castle is blown up, how much impact will it have on your family's social status in country M?

If it explodes now, how many of you can survive?"

"Miss, we...we will definitely make an assessment of the incident where Johnson and Jenny hurt Miss's brother and friend, and give Miss a satisfactory explanation." Johnson's legs are almost weak, the oriental girl is an angel...

Also a devil!

"I have repeatedly asked you to supervise Jenny on your own, and I have told you again and again that Jenny should not come to me if she gets sick again, and I will not treat her if she comes to me. You and your brother did not take my words at heart."

Le Yun smiled coolly: "Johnson, why did Jenny dare to kidnap my brother and friends and threaten me? The reason is that they have the Wood family to rely on. You said, I will make you all disappear, and the Wood family will lose you.

It will soon be cannibalized and divided by other families. If the Wood family were not a wealthy family, would Johnson and Jenny still dare to do whatever they want?"

"Ms. Doctor, the Wood family has refused from the beginning for Johnson to seek medical treatment from the doctor in the name of the family. Johnson's trip to Cambridge was also his personal action as a father to seek medical treatment for his daughter. The doctor is not clear about the matter. Please don't misunderstand Wood.

Family, the Wood family’s failure to restrain Johnson was the family’s fault, and we will bear the corresponding responsibility.”

Johnson's back was wet. If someone else had said that they were going to blow up the Wood family's castle, he might have suspected him of bluffing. If the doctor said it, he believed it!

This is also true. Just because she was able to come to Chicago from country Y in just a few hours, and just because she appeared in the lobby of their house without being discovered by outside surveillance cameras and bodyguards, it shows that her abilities far exceed theirs.


Therefore, when she said she wanted to blow up the castle, it must not be a joke.

"Last year, old Mr. Cassel acted as a middleman, and together with Milo and his godfather, he took you to me for medical treatment. Old Mr. Cassel was a friend of Milo's godfather, and you were Mr. Cassel's business partner.

, this time, for the sake of old Mr. Cassel and Mr. Beachian, I will temporarily keep this castle for you.

I am doing major experimental research and have reached the most important stage. Johansen's behavior ruined my experiment. I have to redo it when I return to Cambridge. The economic value of the experiment is about 300 million euros. This loss must be borne by Johansen.

Jenny compensation.

You evaluate for yourselves the damage caused by Johnson-Jenny’s kidnapping of my brother and friends. I give you 72 hours. If the Wood family cannot take actions that satisfy me, they will bear the consequences.”

Le Yun feels that she is easy to talk to. It seems that she did not do anything wrong and left room for them to discuss. She is really a kind little angel.

This chapter has been completed!
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