Chapter 783 3 updates

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 The little girl lowered her voice when talking to Ms. Zhang. Except for Yan Xing, no one else heard what they were saying.

Yan Xing, who knew the inside story, tilted his head slightly, and his eyes covered by sunglasses glanced at the children of all sizes in the formation. Even if that group of children were unfortunate enough to be abandoned and abandoned, even if they were suffering from illness or mental illness,

It was painful, but because I was born at the right time and the country took care of me, I was spared the misery of living on the streets.

Nowadays, some lucky people who are suffering from the disease are about to usher in a new life because of the arrival of angels.

Ms. Zhang was so excited and moved that her eyes sparkled and she nodded her head: "If you need anything to prepare for the treatment, little girl, just ask me and I will definitely take care of it!"

"Some children need to contact the blood bank to prepare blood for surgery. There are many details to prepare. We will go to the office to discuss it in detail later. I will make a list and I will thank Sister Zhang and everyone for the preparation."

"Okay, listen to the little girl." Ms. Zhang wiped her eyes and looked at the little girl who was only less than three years older than her daughter. She felt warm in her heart. Her daughter was influenced by the little girl and passed the college entrance examination this year.

I enrolled in an online school and majored in medicine, determined to imitate the little girl and become an angel in white who saves lives and heals the wounded.

Because there were children with disabilities among the children, the formation of the team was delayed. It took about ten minutes, but all the teams were finally neatly organized, moved forward and backward amidst the sound of the announcement, and formed a formation for exercises.

The formation is ready and it’s time to do the broadcast gymnastics.

A teacher led the team to do exercises, and the children did well.

Le Yun observed again, observing how many children had uncoordinated hands and feet, what were the causes, and also studied the reactions of children with cerebral palsy.

After completing a set of broadcasting exercises, the children formed a team again and formed a formation before disbanding.

After finishing the radio exercises, some children went back indoors, while others continued an extracurricular class and rushed to the ball or the entertainment field.

The children dispersed, and Ms. Zhang accompanied the little girl to the building to first visit the children who had not gone out to play.

Of the more than 500 children, 300 went out for activities. Among the remaining 200 or so children, except for those in regular schools, infants and children in orphanages and some special children did not participate in outdoor radio exercises.

There are more than 70 children in regular school, ranging from elementary school to high school. Some of the remaining 100 children are infants and toddlers under three years old. Because they are too young, they do not do recess broadcasts with the older children.


Other special children include children who are paralyzed in bed, children with severe autism, children with depression, children with amputations, and blind children.

There are three vegetative children in the orphanage, 18 blind children, 25 children with varying degrees of autism, and 16 children suffering from depression.

Children who are blind in one eye are classified by the little Loli as children with physical defects. A blind child is a child who is completely blind in both eyes or who has lost his sight due to accidental injury of the eyeball or eyeball.

Some children with autism and depression are abandoned babies or orphans, and some are sent to orphanages by their parents or relatives to receive rehabilitation training or care.

After all, if there is a child with autism or severe depression at home, someone must take care of it. Parents cannot work if they want to take care of the child. If they do not work, they cannot support the family. The best way is to leave it to professionals to take care of them.

The orphanage also takes in children with cerebral palsy and physical disabilities, a vegetative child who was sent to the orphanage at their own expense by their relatives, and five blind children who were also sent to the orphanage at their own expense by their families.

Welfare homes have caregivers who specialize in caring for children with disabilities, and are more professional in caring for children with disabilities. Moreover, welfare homes provide centralized care, collective rehabilitation training and education for children with disabilities, which is better than families of disabled children trying to figure out how to do rehabilitation training on their own.

Ms. Zhang and her colleagues accompanied the little girl into the building. When looking for children who did not go to outdoor activities, they visited some activity rooms and introduced their functions.

The first one to arrive was the infant care center. There were more than a dozen infants and toddlers with physical defects. One little boy was the most special. His mother was pregnant with twins. He devoured his brother in the mother's body and did not absorb it completely.

He has four legs and three hands.

The baby has two right legs, and there is also a growth on the top of his left leg - a foot with only an ankle and sole left. The left and right arms are normal, and the extra hand has a wrist and palm, which grows on

The left side of the belly button.

The extra limbs of young children no longer grow as people grow older, and they exist like sarcomas.

When the welfare home took in a discarded baby with multiple limbs, it sent it to the hospital to ask experts for separation and removal surgery. After a comprehensive examination, it was discovered that the baby's condition was very complicated. The leg that was a supernumerary body was connected to the child's pelvis.

His genitals are parts that belonged to his brother who was absorbed by him and left only stumps.

If you want to remove the extra legs, you must also cut off the genitals. In that case, the boy can only change his gender into a girl.

Moreover, at that time, the baby was relatively young and had other diseases, so it was not suitable for major surgery, so there was no choice. Now the baby is two years old.

Ms. Zhang accompanied the little girl to visit the infant care floor. The multi-limbed baby wore loose clothes and played with children of the same age. Because his extra legs were relatively large, it was difficult to cover them with loose clothes.

The nurse took the child with multiple limbs to a separate activity room and asked the little girl to check his body. After the examination, he took the child to play.

"Little girl, can this child's extra right leg be divided and removed without harming other limbs?" Ms. Zhang was very nervous.

"It is possible, but the operation is very troublesome. This operation is not an ordinary segmentation operation. It should be classified as a nerve transfer or transplantation operation. The price to pay is also very huge, and the cost is at least 300 million.

Besides, I can only guarantee that the nerves belonging to the excrescence will be transplanted to the baby. I cannot guarantee that his reproductive function will be the same as that of ordinary people, nor will I guarantee the integrity of the reproductive function."

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Le Yun told her estimated cost and gave her advice: "The risks after a nerve transplant surgery like this are unknown. It is better to perform an excision surgery. There is nothing wrong with making him a girl. Moreover, while now,

He has no concept of gender yet, so early surgery would be better for his growth."

Ms. Zhang also understood. The little girl said that the integrity of the reproductive function cannot be guaranteed, that is, it cannot guarantee that it has normal male functions. It is possible that it is just a part and has no real function, and it does not have the ability to reproduce offspring.

In addition to the children with extra limbs, there is another child with special characteristics. He suffers from "zombie disease". His limbs are stiff, he is afraid of bright light, he likes to drink blood, and likes to eat raw food. He also has symptoms of autism and likes to stay in the house.

In dark places, there are also signs of mania. People often have violent outbursts, yell and smash things.

After examination, it was found that the child did not have rabies, nor was it stone bone disease. It was a difficult and complicated disease of unknown cause.

When Ms. Zhang arrived with the little girl, the nurse was afraid that the sick child would suddenly have other extreme reactions and hurt others, and was worried that the little girl would be hurt when seeing the child, so two tall nurses accompanied the little girl to the room to see the child.<


The child is nine years old. Because he does not like to eat regular nutritious meals, he is lanky and lanky. He is also afraid of light and does not like outdoor activities. He likes to stay in dark rooms all year round. His skin is sickly white, and his pupils and iris are red.
When the orphanage confirmed that the child was not hydrophobic, it tried various methods to bring him back to the world of a normal child, where he could run in the sun with the children, but unfortunately, they all failed.

The place where the child stays is a room without bulky furniture or sharp objects. There is only a bed, a small table for studying and eating, and a few plastic boxes for clothes, toys and other items.

In the past, there were all kinds of furniture in the room. When the child lost his temper, he would smash whatever he could get. He broke a lot of things and almost knocked over the wardrobe and hit himself. Later, the nursing staff of the orphanage had to remove all the more dangerous furniture.

Move it away and use lightweight plastic boxes to store his clothes and supplies.

The curtains in the room are also very thick. When they are drawn up, the light is relatively dark.

When the nurse opened the door, the child had no reaction. When Ms. Zhang and others entered the room, the child smelled the fresh smell and his eyes lit up, just like a hungry wolf smelling fresh flesh and blood. He jumped up with excitement and pounced on


As soon as the experienced caregiver saw the child's appearance, he knew that he had an instinctive reaction to fresh life, and immediately ran to stop the child, holding the child to the left and right.

Ms. Zhang and others also knew that too many people would arouse the children's emotions, so they quickly left.

Le Yun circled around the kid who was being held up. She opened the kid's eyelids unusually calmly and looked at the pupils. She opened the kid's mouth and looked at the teeth, tongue, and throat.

When the little Loli opened the child's mouth, Yan Xing was afraid that she would be bitten by the child, and his heart skipped a beat.

The child wanted to bite, but unfortunately, the hand holding his mouth was too firm and he couldn't move.

After checking the child's teeth and tongue coating, Le Yun calmly let go of her hand and walked out of the room calmly.

Ms. Zhang and others, who were waiting nervously, breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the little girl was fine. They left the room and walked a few meters away before carefully asking the little girl what the child's disease was and whether it could be cured.

"The child was infected. He was supposed to live in the countryside and was exposed to many small creatures. He was bitten by a poisonous spider. During this period, he was bitten by fleas that had bitten a rabid dog and sucked blood.

Infected with two fungal viruses, his hematopoietic function has been damaged, and his upper and lower neurons have also been damaged to varying degrees."

Le Yun paused and added: "His sensory system, smell and taste system are also abnormal. He has some animal instincts and is sensitive to blood. He will be instinctively excited when he smells fresh breath.

In another year or so, his albinism will become apparent, and soon his whole body will turn white, his eyes will turn green, and his limbs and muscles will gradually lose elasticity and vitality, becoming close to a real zombie."

The staff of the welfare home all know about children with zombie syndrome, not to mention that they have just witnessed the expressions and reactions of the children, and they are convinced of the little girl's diagnosis.

This chapter has been completed!
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