Chapter 822

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 After breakfast, we had to go to the paradise. None of the Chao family members and in-laws were holding back. They hurriedly took their seats when the meal was about to begin. The young people even went to serve the dishes.

Chao Erye rented hotel rooms for his relatives to stay in, and also took care of other business in the hotel. The chef in the villa was also the hotel's chef.

Their little grandson went to the Xiao family to marry. Mr. Li and Mrs. Li placed the pink dumplings in the middle and sandwiched the dumplings into a sandwich biscuit.

It was rare to have a meal with the children, so the old couple took on the whole task of picking up the food and fed the little dumplings vigorously. As a result, the little dumplings were full.

The little dumpling that was full after eating, groaned and said that he would never love his grandma and grandpa again, and would ignore them. When the old man handed him tea, he took it with his hands and feet quite honestly and fucked him till he was done.<


Mr. Yang, Zhou, Lao Chao and others were greatly amused by the little guy. Xiaotuanzi not only has excellent medical skills, but also has an ingenious way of acting coquettishly, which is a real pistachio.

Everyone at Chao's house finished breakfast and sat for a while. Seeing that the time was almost half past six, they packed up and set off to the paradise.

The group of people was divided into several groups. The first group was the old man, old lady and Mr. Chao's family. They took a ride on Xiaotuanzi's helicopter to go to the park. The others stayed behind and someone would fly a helicopter to pick them up later.

Classmate Le dragged dozens of people back to his one-third-acre land and landed on the grass not far from the west gate.

The old man and the old lady got off the helicopter and looked at the beautiful garden. They were extremely surprised. They followed the little guy to the south room and stored the spare clothes they brought with them in the room.

Old men and women are old, so in order to prevent accidents, they all carry some daily necessities, as well as a change of clothes and a coat. If the clothes accidentally get wet, you can change them, so you are prepared.

Put the old men's belongings in one room, and the old ladies' clothes and supplies in another room to avoid any embarrassment when changing clothes or looking for things.

The old men and old ladies were excitedly clamoring to see the cranes. Le's father, Zhou Qiufeng, accompanied the old people to visit the garden. The Chao family's Sanjun and his wife first went to see if there was anything wrong with the place where the banquet was being held.

The wedding company rushed to the paradise in the middle of the night and started work at dawn. They placed potted flowers in the Hall of Heroes and on both sides of the road. Flower baskets were placed both inside and outside the west gate.

The lintel of the west gate is also hung with red silk flowers and lanterns with the word "happy", and the stone lions are also tied with red flowers. Although only the west gate is opened, the east gate is also tied with silk flowers, and the stone lions are also covered with big red silk flowers.

There are no flower baskets.

The people from the wedding company left the venue early after decorating the venue. Brother Fu, Brother Qian, and Brother Jie assisted the employees of the wedding company in the morning. Later, they placed many warning signs and signs throughout the park, so the hotel chefs took on the responsibility of making breakfast.


Zongzi was the main food for breakfast. The chefs cooked a pot of chicken stewed with mushroom soup. Breakfast was served at the Wuweijing restaurant, with a total of five tables.

Leyun arranged a place for the old ladies and gentlemen to put their things, went to the kitchen, and saw the young men she had reserved - Yan Foodie and Liu Handsome Guy.

The two handsome guys and Brother Fu, Brother Qian, Mr. Li and Brother Leshan were sitting around the table eating happily. When he saw the little girl coming, Brother Fu stopped his chopsticks and said, "Little beauty, have you eaten?

When the chefs and waiters saw the youngest princess of the Chao family, they all stood up to say hello to the host.

"Masters and handsome guys, please sit down. You have worked hard. It's still early at noon. Don't be in a hurry. Eat slowly." Le Yun greeted the chefs and said to handsome Liu: "Brother Liu, you and Yan

The handsome guy came quite early."

"It's necessary." Young Master Liu looked upright: "You must not hold back the little beauty when you help her. I got up at four o'clock and came here."

"Yeah, yeah, a handsome guy who is willing to stay up until midnight is a handsome guy. In order to thank you for your hard work, I'm going to give you a bunch of rice dumplings as a thank you gift after I finish my work."

"Thank-you gifts are too unusual, but the little girl's rice dumplings are the most fragrant. I like them so much that I have to take them away. Don't worry, bro, I'll go to work after breakfast."

Little Lolita was talking to Mr. Liu, while Yan Xing worked silently. His job was to do odd jobs. His main job was to go to the kitchen to help cut vegetables before serving at noon. There were many dishes that had to be cut and plated before being served.<


After walking to the kitchen, Mr. Le Xiao first took a lucky bag and hung it on the two doors. Then he also hung a lucky bag on the lintel of the main hall of Qunying Hall. Then he went to the room where the fruits are placed in the back room.

Take a plate or basket with fruits.

The old man and the old lady wandered to Yinyue Lake and finally found five cranes.

The red-crowned crane did not treat himself as a guest in the paradise. When he was not playing in the lake, he was just taking a stroll. In just one day, he visited the area from Huanyu Pond to Yinyue Lake, and also took a tour around the canal.

Because there are two lakes, you can go wherever you want, which is very free.

Generally speaking, red-crowned cranes like to be active on the shore in the morning and play in the lake in the afternoon.

Five red-crowned cranes with red crowns on their heads were playing and foraging under the plant corridor on the east bank of Yinyue Lake. When they saw a huge group of people, they spread their wings and leapt into the lake with a cry of "Crane, Crane, Cuckoo!"<


The old man and the old lady watched the red-crowned cranes playing in the water on the shore, and even went to pick a few bunches of grapes, chatting while eating, which was very pleasant.

Young Master Liu finished his breakfast, tidied himself up quickly, and flew a helicopter to pick up people from Mr. Chao's villa. He picked up a group of people and brought them back to the paradise. He went there again and picked up his fellow Chao family members and in-laws twice.

All personnel were taken to the park.

The young people of the same generation of the Chao family also happily walked around the garden when they arrived at the paradise. After walking around for a while, a group of people followed the old man and the old lady to visit the Lehuan Blessed Land and the Lehuan Academy.

Lehuan Blessed Land is a private residence. Only the nave of each building is open for people to visit, and other rooms are not open to the public.

Even so, the magnificent architecture and exquisite carvings are stunning enough, and the crowds come to visit and appreciate it with admiration.

Even if I visited them in a quick tour, it took me almost an hour to visit the two courtyards.

The Chao clan members and their in-laws visited the courtyard. Le's father, Zhou Qiufeng, locked all the gates in the backyard of the east courtyard and the academy, and then left through the passage between the two courtyards. The gates along the passage were also locked.

A notice board was placed outside the gate of the East Courtyard, clearly informing people that the East Courtyard is a private residence. In order to protect the owner's privacy, it is not open to the public and entry is prohibited without the owner's invitation.

After walking around the park, the young people of the Chao family whose curiosity was satisfied went to help and sent some fruit platters and baskets to the pavilions, waterside pavilions, stone boats, pavilions, and even the plant corridors in the park.

A small round table was placed at a distance, with fruits and plates containing peels placed on them.

Classmate Le also led people to add carpets on the front and back of the screen wall facing the west gate. The front of the screen wall is a place for newlyweds to greet guests and receive blessings from relatives and friends. If the guests have any gifts, they will be taken over and stored behind the screen wall.

A table is set up on the west side of the screen wall as a workbench for the clerks who receive gifts or red envelopes. A guzheng and a guqin are placed on the east side of the screen wall.

There is also a small table behind the east side of the screen wall with several musical instruments.

Young Master Liu picked up the people from Master Chao's villa to the paradise, and stayed idle for a while. It was not until Young Master Xiao called him that he flew a helicopter to pick up the people from Xiao's house.

Mr. Xiao lives in a compound assigned by the government, and that compound is inhabited by bosses or their family members who have the same position as Mr. Xiao.

Mr. Xiao lived in an old-style three-sided courtyard. The east courtyard collapsed shortly after the founding of the People's Republic of China. After the residence was nationalized, it was renovated into a row of bungalows. The upper room and the west wing are still old-style brick and wood structure houses.

Mr. Xiao's children all went to other places to work. Xiao Junyi's father was Mr. Xiao's youngest son. When Xiao Junyi was young, his father was still working in the capital. When he was ten years old, his parents also went to other places, leaving him to accompany his father in Beijing.


Mrs. Xiao is four years older than Mr. Xiao. She also had a job before and will retire when she reaches the retirement age. She will take care of the children's grandchildren when they need parental help.

Mrs. Xiao, Mrs. Xiao, has actually become a grandpa and grandma. Their eldest daughter and her sons and daughters got married one after another in the past few years and gave birth to babies the year before last and the year before last. They have also been promoted to grandpa and grandma.

Xiao Junyi is not the youngest among the cousins ​​with the same great-grandfather. She is the youngest among the brothers with the same grandfather. She is also the latest to get married. Once, the Xiao family almost thought that he would be single for the rest of his life after seeing through the world of mortals.
Xiao Junyi's parents, uncle and aunt are not in the capital. Mr. Xiao and his wife live in the compound. The place where he lives is very spacious. When Xiao Junyi gets married, the family dinner is also held in the compound. After the marriage, he will live with his grandparents for a while before moving.

Go to their own little home to live a world of two people.

There are three upper rooms in the triple courtyard of Xiao's hometown. There are wing rooms on the left and right, three east and west wing rooms, and a bathroom in the northeast corner. There is also a row of three podium rooms behind the east wing, which were also used as firewood sheds for storing sundries or firewood in the past.


The west wing is used as a study, and the east wing used to be a kitchen. Later, during reconstruction, the east wing was built into a bungalow. The northernmost one of the three bungalows was used as a kitchen, the middle one was used as a dining room, and the other was used as a guest room.

The other grandchildren are not with him, and the younger grandson is getting married. Mr. Xiao will go to the west side of the house to build a new house for his grandson.

The Xiao family decorated the Sanheyuan themselves, with lanterns and colorful decorations in the traditional northern style, and paper-cuts on the windows.

Mr. Xiao's children came back and stayed in the west wing. Mr. Xiao's brothers or cousins ​​stayed in the hotel with Mrs. Xiao's family or her children's in-laws. Some of the young people who were arranged to pick up their relatives arrived at the compound the day before, and others

Get up in the middle of the night and go to the compound where Mr. Xiao lives.

Mr. Xiao led the wedding team to receive his daughter-in-law and hurried back to the compound. Since she set off early, she was only stuck in traffic for a short while and returned to the compound before 6:30.

Before the bride entered the courtyard, the people waiting in Xiao's home had tidied up the central hall and put carpets and tufts on the floor. Mr. and Mrs. Xiao and his younger brother and his wife sat down in front of the hall.

Xiao Chao's family is a high-ranking family, and they abide by the regulations on weddings and weddings. They did not set off firecrackers. They only set off a box of fireworks when the new daughter-in-law arrived in front of the Sanheyuan.

When they arrived outside the courtyard, Major Xiao carried his wife out of the car, stepped into the courtyard door, and put her down on the ground. The two of them stepped over the brazier together, stepped on the tiles, and were surrounded by others to the upper room.

The Xiao family members and in-laws were also amazed when they saw the bride in her beautiful dress. The phoenix crown and harem were exquisite and luxurious, especially the phoenix crown was the most delicate. The gems inlaid on the crown were sparkling, and the headdress was worth millions at least.

An elder of the Xiao family acted as the master of ceremonies. He and Quanfu's mother-in-law led the newlyweds to stand on both sides of the tuanpu, and then pressed the ancient chapel. The master of ceremonies shouted: "Bow down to heaven and earth."

The newlyweds should stand facing the direction of the door, then kneel down and worship.

When the couple bows to heaven and earth, the master of ceremonies first calls "get up", and when the couple stands up and turns to face the high hall, he then shouts: "Second bow to the high hall."

Mother-in-law Quanfu helped the bride lift her skirt, and the couple knelt down and paid their respects.

The master of ceremonies shouted, and when the couple stood up, he shouted: "Husband and wife, bow to each other."

When the couple bows to each other, the newlyweds do not need to kneel, they just bend down and bow to each other.

"The ceremony is completed and she is sent to the bridal chamber!" After three bows, the master of ceremonies shouted, and Quanfu's mother-in-law supported the bride and entered the west room surrounded by relatives and friends.

Mother-in-law Quanfu arranges for the newlyweds to be enthroned.

The wedding bed purchased by the Xiao family is a double-moon-hole carved canopy bed with a hundred-child curtain hanging and a red wedding quilt.

Mother-in-law Quanfu helped the newlyweds sit on the wedding bed, tied a piece of their wedding clothes into a knot, and then handed the scale to the groom to unveil his head.

The bride does not cover her head, but has a bead curtain.

Young Master Xiao used the weighing pole to push open the bead curtain, and when he saw his wife's beautiful face, he giggled: "Ah Fu, my wife!"

Chao Yufu: "..." Could it be that Brother Xiao was transferred?

The groom stared at the bride and couldn't bear to miss her. The relatives and friends who were watching made a fuss.

The onlookers' relatives and friends yelled at the groom to kiss the bride, but Mr. Xiao returned the favor and kissed his wife on the face, causing Chao Yufu to blush.

Quanfu's mother-in-law laughed so hard that she took the scale from the groom's hand and put it aside. Then she asked the groom to help him take off the bead curtain that covered the bride's face. She picked up the tray with the wine glasses and let the newlyweds drink the wine.<


After drinking Hexin wine, the ceremony was completed.

In ancient times, it was necessary to cut a small strand of hair from the heads of men and women and tie it into a central knot. Nowadays, men no longer have long hair, so that ceremony is omitted.

After all the steps were completed, Quanfu's mother-in-law went out to have tea with everyone, while the bride's bridesmaids and the Chao family who were bringing her wedding were well entertained by the Xiao family.

All the onlookers went out. Young Master Xiao quickly untied the knot in his clothes and packed up some dowry. Then the young couple held hands and went out to meet several elders of the Xiao family.

Because I had to go to the paradise in a hurry, I only recognized a few elders of the Xiao family, including my parents, uncles, uncles, aunts, and uncles. I didn’t have time to introduce the other elders one by one. I will wait until the tea ceremony tomorrow morning to get to know each other carefully.

After a brief acknowledgment, the Xiao family also served breakfast.

The Xiao family itself has nine tables, plus the bridegrooms and bridesmaids, there are a total of twelve tables. Banquets are set up in the dining room and the central hall of the upper room. The east wing is also set up for banquets, and a table is also set up in the kitchen.

After breakfast, we still have to eat and tidy up before getting ready to go to the paradise.

Young Master Xiao waited for everyone to tidy up, and then told Brother Bo that they were all ready, and Brother Bo called Young Master Liu and asked him to pick him up.

Mr. Liu drove the helicopter to park outside the triple courtyard of Xiao's hometown in the compound, and waited for the black-hearted little princess of the Chao family, the bride and groom, and the elders of the Xiao family to board the helicopter before driving away.

When the helicopter flew to the park, Major Liu landed the small plane on the sidewalk outside the west gate, allowing everyone to get off the plane and walk into the park.

The invitation from Chao and Xiao's family stated that the park would officially receive guests at nine o'clock. However, it was not yet eight o'clock, and there was already a long queue of cars parked in the reserved parking area outside the park. Those were those who had come to the park early.

Guests, just wait until the park officially opens to welcome guests before entering the park.

This chapter has been completed!
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