Chapter 863: A headache for human relations

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 Classmate Le Xiao and the beauty brother chatted for an hour, took a sun umbrella and left the park, walking around the outer wall of the park, euphemistically saying "check whether the paint on the wall is aging."

Young Master Liu Shaoyan and his four veteran buddies were in Jiahe Zhai. They didn't even know that the little Lolita had gone out. The handsome boy was ordered not to run around with his sister because she thought the sun was too bright.

Without the little tail following her, Le Xiaololi held a parasol by herself and took a leisurely "walk".

In order to observe the paint on the surrounding walls, it is natural to also check the conditions of the walls of the two rented out paved houses, and also walk around the paved buildings.

The tenants who rented the shophouses signed the contract and decorated and purchased the furniture as quickly as possible, and then opened the business. The fastest one has been open for five months, and the latest one has been open for more than three months.

The store is in a good location, and the businesses that the renters are doing are not particularly unpopular. The business is quite good, especially the two breakfast shops, fast food restaurants and cake and beverage shops. Since there are many parking spaces outside the park, if you want to eat

There are often parking spaces for drinking cold drinks, and business is booming.

When the little Loli checked the wall of the shop building in the southwest corner, the shopkeepers noticed her and ran to say hello. The cold drink shop was run by a husband and wife couple. The hostess pulled the young landlord into the shop to cool down and have a drink.

I went to the pastry shop and fruit shop next to me and took the pastries and fruits to the beverage shop, where I sat and chatted with the landlord.

The business of the fruit store is also very good. Sometimes Brother Fu and the others don’t have time to go to the big market to buy vegetables, so they will go to the store to buy vegetables for emergencies.

Classmate Le Xiao sat and chatted with several shopkeepers for half an hour, then continued to check the fence, went around to the shophouse in the north, and chatted with the tenants for a while.

From the north, he went around to the east, then to the south, and then entered the paradise through the west gate.

After returning to the paradise, Classmate Le closed the gate smoothly before going to Jiahe Zhai.

Hearing the heavy and dull sound of the door closing, Brother Fu and others ran to take a look and found out that the little Loli had gone out. They all looked surprised.

"Little beauty, it's not dark yet, why did you close the door so early?" The three blue monsters were surprised.

"It's going to be turned off sooner or later, so I turned it off easily." Le Yun answered the question with a smile, walked slowly towards Jiahe Zhai on her short legs.

Lan San didn’t believe little Loli’s explanation and couldn’t think of the reason.

Liu Shaoyan was sitting in the hall, each holding a computer and typing on the keyboard. He was quite surprised to see the little Loli suddenly arriving in the outer courtyard.

Mr. Liu is a clever guy. He stood up while holding the guy he was eating: "Little beauty, if you have nothing to do, go to the Eight Treasures Hall. You must have something to do here. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Something happened." Le Yun walked over to Luke who was doing homework, took a piece of paper and pen, wrote two license plate numbers, and added three small characters.

After writing, put the pencil back into the pencil case.

Liu saw little Loli writing something, so he quickly rushed over, stretched his head and took a look, and took a breath: "Steal..."

He was not slow to respond, and immediately swallowed back the words he was about to blurt out. When he saw the little Loli handing over the paper, he took it and handed it to Yan.

Yan Xing didn't know what "qie" in Liu's mouth was, so he took a look at the paper and saw the license plate number and the small print of the note - bugging device

He was not stupid, and he immediately understood that the two cars parked at the front and back of the park were equipped with sound monitoring equipment.

Is the monitoring equipment on the car aimed at the park or the car owner?

"Don't try to scare the snake." Le Yun said calmly, turned around and left.

When she just came back and got off the helicopter, she glanced at the cars in the parking area in front of the park and noticed the light of an unusual item, so she went to check it out in the afternoon.

As expected, I did not return empty-handed, there was indeed something. There was a car equipped with a listening device in the parking spaces on the south and north sides of the park.

Yan Xing nodded "Yeah" and handed the paper to Liu: "This is your job."

"I understand, I understand. As expected, brother is becoming more and more important. He is indispensable everywhere." Liu Shao quickly took the paper in his hand and accepted the great task.

Le Yun didn't care who was responsible for checking vehicles with bugging devices, Yan or Liu. She felt very at ease and acted as the shopkeeper. The superiors sent Yan and Liu to her as bodyguards. If they discovered anything, they would of course leave it to the bodyguards.


The little Lolita, who had no ordinary burden, wandered back to the east courtyard, returned to the study, took out the painting tools, spread out the drawings, and worked conscientiously again.

The handsome boy was helping to copy the books. His little cutie came back from a trip and got busy again. He washed the fruit, chilled it, put it on one end of the bookcase where the cutie could easily eat, and started writing furiously.

When there was a new task, Mr. Liu put aside the work at hand and immediately started to find out who the owner of the vehicle was and the relationship network with the owner's family.

Lan San, Brother Fu and others knew that there was something unexplainable about the reactions of Loli and Captain Liu since they were young, and they didn’t ask a hundred thousand reasons why.

Brother Fu, Brother Qian, Brother Jie, Brother Chai and Handsome Lan went into the kitchen of the east courtyard to cook again in the evening. Young Shao Liu took the computer and went to Jiude Hall to talk to Little Lolita about the car owner.

The owners of the two cars, one is a management employee of a company, and the other is a neighbor in the east area of ​​the park. It is currently difficult to determine whether the bugs were installed by the two car owners or by someone else.

No matter what, they will continue to pay attention.

The beautiful boy knew that there was a car-mounted monitoring device outside the park. It was not surprising at all. Xiao Lele had revealed some secrets to him when expanding the park. The park is a pure land and also a bait.

Paradise is a holy land for cultivation and a touchstone for testing monks with evil intentions.

The park is magnificent, and its wealth value cannot be described in terms of money. The origin of the owner's wealth is a mystery, because the wealth donated by the owner far exceeds the value of the park. There are big bosses at the top of the pyramid and the public sector to protect her.

People dare to take advantage of her openly.

However, just because no one has made any plans does not mean that all possibilities are eliminated.

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This huge piece of cake in paradise is too tempting, and people with ulterior motives will try their best to pry into its secrets.

Xiao Lele is also brave and talented, and is not afraid of prying eyes. She even specially designated a parking area to provide convenience for those who want to pry into the secrets of the park.

If the vehicle equipped with bugs is targeting the park, it also means that the free parking space is also functioning as a decoy.

As for someone trying to eavesdrop, Mr. Le Xiao is not anxious. Why should he be anxious?

No matter how many eavesdroppers are outside the door, because the park has a protective array that can isolate sounds within a certain range, the range of eavesdroppers will be extremely limited because of this. Even if some conversations in the park can be eavesdropped, they will still be heard.

There was no sound from the east courtyard.

She had already secretly told the Chao family and Brother Fu that if it was a matter of confidentiality, she would have to close all the gates in the park even if there were no guests, and then go to the academy to discuss it.

If it is a particularly important secret, go into the east courtyard and talk about it, but don’t talk about it in the paradise, in case the walls have ears.

Brother Fu, Brother Qian, Brother Jie, and Brother Chai are all people who have received special training. Naturally, they have nothing to worry about when it comes to confidentiality, so even if someone listens, they will only hear some normal conversations.

Liu Shaoyan briefly talked about the information they could find so far, and did not continue to research in depth.

Little Loli told me at noon that she would go to the East Courtyard for dinner in the evening, and Ren Shaoyushao also went to the East Courtyard to report in the evening.

After the meal, Ren Shaowu Shao went to the large bathroom in the southwest corner of the paradise to take a shower and wash his clothes. Ren Shao Wu Shao's clothes were hung together with those of Brother Fu. Wu Shao Wu Shao was a girl and she hung the clothes to dry next to the Wuwei Tower.

The two young masters did not occupy the guest room resources. They meditated in the upper room of the academy at night, and went out to have breakfast by themselves the next morning.

Yan Shao, Liu Shao Lan and Brother Fu made breakfast together in the morning. Luke went to the east courtyard to have dinner with the hostess.

Le Xiao’s classmates still drew paper in the morning, and the beautiful boy helped copy the books.

Brother Fu and Brother Chai had been harvesting rice for several mornings, and they could have waited for a day or two. They took advantage of Team Yan, Team Liu, and Lan San to be in the paradise, and captured three people as helpers to go to the fields to harvest rice.

Paradise grows regeneration rice, which is sown a few days earlier than early rice in the south. The rice is a cold-resistant and frost-resistant variety, and the seedlings have not been frostbitten due to the low temperature in early spring in the north.

The rice is growing very well, and it has reached the harvest period. It is a clear yellow field. When the wind blows, the rice turns into golden waves, rising and falling one after another, and the ears of rice sway and make a rustling sound, which is really charming.

Water was put into the rice fields the day before yesterday and they were still wet.

The cut rice seedlings cannot be placed in the field. Cut a bunch and tie them up and put them in a bamboo basket with rice seedlings. After the basket is filled, they are hung on a bamboo pole in front of the workshop building to dry.

The rice ears were dried in the sun and then threshed manually. The little Loli said that the rice planted in the first year should not be touched by machines to avoid loss. She wanted to select the fullest and strongest seeds and continue planting them for experiments.

Brother Fu is the steward designated by Little Lolita. He caught the captain and Captain Liu as cattle envoys. When he saw who stepped on the rice roots of the seedlings when harvesting rice, he immediately lectured him rudely and never let go.<


Young Master Yan was lectured three times, Young Master Liu was lectured four times, and handsome guy Lan San was lectured only once.

Yan Xing was dissatisfied and didn't dare to protest. He had no choice. At first, Brother Fu didn't explain the reason why he couldn't step on the grass roots. He had long feet and wide palms, so he didn't pay special attention to it, so he got beaten several times.

Later, he learned that after cutting the rice seedlings, He Nai would continue to grow a second crop of seedlings, which would also produce ears of rice, so he could not step on them. He never made the mistake again.

Luke also went to work in the fields. The hostess said that he should learn to do farm work. Sometimes knowing one more kind of work may be a life-saving skill.

A group of handsome guys and a half-year-old child are working enthusiastically.

When they finished harvesting the first rice field and cut off four-fifths of the rice seedlings in the second rice field, a taxi turned onto the road to the west gate of the paradise.

The taxi did not arrive in front of the west gate of the park and stopped at the intersection.

A young man carrying a backpack got out of the car. The young man paid the fare, put on his backpack, straightened his baseball cap, and walked towards the gate.

The two gates of the paradise are closed.

The young man with a backpack walked outside the west gate, hesitated for a moment, and then rang the doorbell.

This chapter has been completed!
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